UPDATE: Sign up for the National Bone Marrow Registry now

Posted: February 13, 2012 at 1:04 am

Bone marrow drive at Guam Premier Outlets: Bone marrow drive at Guam Premier Outlets Written by Pacific Daily News

Myths and facts about bone marrow donation:
? Myth: All bone marrow donations involve surgery.
? Fact: The majority of donations do not involve surgery. Today, the patient's doctor most often requests a peripheral blood stem cell donation, which is non-surgical. The second way of donating is marrow donation, which is a surgical procedure. In each case, donors typically go home the same day they donate.

?Myth: Donating is painful and involves a long recovery.
?Fact: There can be uncomfortable but short-lived side effects of peripheral blood stem cell donation. Due to taking a drug called filgrastim for five days leading up to donation, peripheral blood stem cell donors may have headaches, joint or muscle aches, or fatigue. Donors are typically back to their normal routine in one to two days. Those donating marrow receive general or regional anesthesia, so they feel no pain during donation. Marrow donors can expect to feel some soreness in their lower back for one to two weeks afterward. Most marrow donors are back to their normal activities in two to seven days.

?Myth: Donating is dangerous and weakens the donor.
?Fact: Though no medical procedure is without risk, there are rarely any long-term side effects. Be The Match carefully prescreens all donors to ensure they are healthy and the procedure is safe for them. We also provide support and information every step of the way.

Because only 5 percent or less of a donor's marrow is needed to save the patient's life, the donor's immune system stays strong and the cells replace themselves within four to six weeks.

?For more myths and facts, and more information about bone marrow donation, visit http://www.bethematch.org. Be The Match Registry is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program.

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UPDATE: Sign up for the National Bone Marrow Registry now

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