Wayland Baptist hosting bone marrow drive

Posted: February 9, 2014 at 8:43 am

Provided by: Wayland Baptist University

PLAINVIEW In honor of Lana Watson, Wayland Baptist University is hosting a bone marrow drive on Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. in Pete's Place, the student lounge in the basement of the McClung University Center, in conjunction with Covenant Health Plainview.

Other screening locations are the hospital lab at 2601 Dimmitt Road from 7 to 9 a.m., the South Plains College nursing lab at 1920 W. 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the First Baptist Church parlor at 205 W. 8th from 1 to 3 p.m.

Lana is the wife of Rodney Watson, Director of the Llano Estacado Museum and a deacon at First Baptist Church. Lana is currently in Dallas undergoing a transplant procedure of her own stem cells and waiting while the search for a bone marrow donor continues.

According to Laurie Hall, Coordinator of Health Services at Wayland, donors should be between the ages of 18-44. People over the age of 44 can be screened, but there is a $100 registration fee. Contact Be the Match at http://www.bethematch.orgfor more information.

No needles are involved in the screening process as donor information is collected through a mouth swab and registration process.

Through a similar drive last year, former Wayland student Scott Langford was identified as a match for a transplant patient. Langford donated his bone marrow to save a life.

Everyone interested in donating bone marrow is encouraged to undergo the screening process.

See the article here:
Wayland Baptist hosting bone marrow drive

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