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Archive for the ‘Genetic Testing’ Category

Care before carrying: The significant role of Preimplantation Genetic Testing during IVF – Times of India

India welcomed its first In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) child Kanupriya Agarwal in the year 1978. Since then, IVF treatment has given hope to millions of childless Indian couples. It is a treatment that aids in the conception of a child and a method to treat infertility or genetic abnormalities. Even though IVF is the most effective method of assisted reproductive technology, the chances of having children are still dependent on many factors. A single IVF cycle lasts about two to three weeks and involves several steps. In addition to that, the treatment requires multiple cycles, and is both time-consuming and expensive.

Even though IVF is a very effective procedure, there is a chance that it will fail due to chromosomal defects in the embryos, such as missing, extra or irregular portion of chromosomal DNA. According to various studies, IVF tests have a success rate of 20-35 percent per cycle. At the same time, with each IVF subsequent cycle, the chances of conceiving decrease. Genetic tests can assist you in having a best chance of success.

Genetic tests examine your DNA, the chemical database that contains instructions for your bodys functioning, to see if there are any modifications or abnormalities in your genes that could lead to an illness or a disease.Preimplantation Genetic Testing-Aneuploidy (PGT-A)is one genetic test that can help reduce the number of IVF cycles and increase the pregnancy rate to 73%.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Testing- Aneuploidy (PGT-A)?

PGT-A is an advanced technique for detecting chromosomal defects in IVF embryos (IVF). The test examines embryos before transfer. It involves removing one or more cells from an embryo to test for numerical chromosomal abnormalities. This screening method facilitates the selective transfer of embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes. This test reduces the likelihood of a future child having certain chromosomal disorders, reduces the chances of miscarriage and assists in a healthy pregnancy.

Here are a few conditions that PGT-A can detect:

Clinical experts use this method to select embryos that do not carry chromosomal abnormalities and have a higher chance of successful IVF implantation and pregnancy. Sonam and Kunals case can be a study in its success. During their first pregnancy which was a normal conception, their child was diagnosed with Turners syndrome, which was detected on PGT testing, but in their second pregnancy, the child turned out to be normal. For another couple, PGT testing revealed that out of 15 embryos only two were normal. Therefore, with the advanced technology of PGT testing in IVF, they were able to avoid multiple embryo transfer failures. In addition, they achieved a healthy and happy pregnancy in their first attempt of embryo transfer.

Why do experts recommend PGT-A?

Who needs PGT-A testing?

Most individuals are still unaware of the significance and relevance of PGT-A. It is therefore imperative to raise awareness regarding the importance of PGT-A during IVF and educate people about how this test can help have a healthy pregnancy.


Genes play a critical role in our bodies and in how they function. Every gene occupies a specific location on the chromosome and directs the production of proteins, which determine the structure and function of the body. It implies that your genes are responsible for all the characteristics we inherit. These instructions can sometimes shift, resulting in a variation or gene change. It can also have a negative impact on the persons health and cause diseases in future generations. Genetic tests like PGT-M help in detecting such disorders. Genetic testing is conducted in families where a child is affected by a specific disorder. In IVF, PGT-M can be recommended to select embryos without diseases caused by genetic variations.

The following points describe the kind of people who should get tested:

Mrs Sushma & Mr Pradeep had a child with delayed milestones. Their genetic test revealed a specific gene variant where both the parents were found to be carriers of it. However, However, the couple successfully conceived through IVF & PGT M & A testing. Two normal embryos without genetic variations were recommended for transfer. One of the two embryos was transferred they are now blessed with a two-year-old healthy son with normal development.

PGT technology has brought happiness into many lives and is a new ray of hope ensuring healthy outcomes for patients undergoing IVF treatment and helping to identify genetic abnormalities.

Views expressed above are the author's own.


Here is the original post:
Care before carrying: The significant role of Preimplantation Genetic Testing during IVF - Times of India

More on Professor Sarnoff’s Perspective on Tillis Patent Eligibility Bill – JD Supra

[author: Joshua Sarnoff]

As promised in our earlier post (see "Professor Sarnoff Provides His Perspective on Tillis Bill"), here we turn to Professor Joshua Sarnoff's thoughts on the portions of Senator Thom Tillis' (R-NC) bill regarding diagnostic method patents. Those thoughts were presented in abbreviated form in the earlier post because we did not have the space the discussion deserved. Here they are in full, followed by Kevin Noonan's response.

Professor Sarnoff: Kevin posits that Mayo (and implicitly Myriad) have adversely affected innovation in diagnostic methods. Perhaps Kevin is right in regard to venture and other capital investments in developing such methods (but see below that such investment has not been diminished in regard to diagnostics). But the data shown below tell a different story in regard to whether the restrictions on eligibility have been bad for innovation, at least in the diagnostics space.

To make the point, I quote from the submission of the Association for Molecular Pathology (a trade association for diagnostics developers) on the 2021 PTO Jurisprudence Study request for comments, explaining why innovation and access have expanded, not contracted, for diagnostic tests post-Myriad and Mayo. This is the only natural experiment that has been conducted in recent memory, so simply stating that investment has declined is not a meaningful response to the argument that innovation has nevertheless increased. Hopefully, Kevin can respond with actual data to show that the AMP is wrong; if not, hopefully he will revise his views and accept that Myriad and Mayo should be preserved (at least for diagnostics).

AMP strongly supports the Supreme Court decisions in Mayo Collaborative Services Inc. v. Prometheus Laboratories Inc. (Mayo), Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics (Myriad), Inc., and Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International (Alice). As professionals developing, validating, and performing laboratory tests, we see no evidence that these court decisions have had a "dramatic negative impact on investment, research, and innovation" as it relates to molecular laboratory testing. We present the following information to demonstrate that due to the protection afforded by these cases, the field of molecular diagnostics is innovating, growing, and thriving.

In 2001, a survey of 122 clinical laboratory professionals performing genetic testing demonstrated that most felt the patent environment was negatively impacting the cost, access, and development of genetic tests. Ninety-one respondents said that their laboratories needed to obtain a license to use a patented method, device, or reagent. A quarter of the respondents had stopped performing a test altogether because of a patent or license. Moreover, fifty-three percent (53%) of respondents decided not to develop a new clinical genetic test because of a patent or license. In a thorough assessment by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS) in 2010, the Committee recognized the burden associated with negotiating numerous licenses and how the cost of these endeavors may render a clinically valuable test unworthy of financial investment. As scientific understanding of genetics and genomics has increased over time, so has an appreciation of the polygenic (involving more than one gene) nature of disease. In 2021, the prospect of negotiating numerous licenses for multiple genes threatens standard medical practices that have evolved since Mayo, Myriad, and Alice.

Today, in a post-Mayo, Myriad, and Alice world, we are fortunate to have an environment where molecular professionals are not restricted by the existence of gene patents when developing and employing clinical laboratory tests in their practice. We implore you consider these experiences and case studies . . . .

CGP, WES, and WGS are made possible because information about thousands of genes and the role of various segments of genetic sequences in human health and disease can be incorporated into a single test. Prior to Mayo, Myriad, and Alice, this was not possible as it would have required a laboratory to obtain a license for every gene patent that existed or to exclude potentially clinically relevant genes from the analysis. Instead of promoting an environment for growth and innovation, patents on genetic information would have siloed testing and inhibited patient access to more comprehensive testing options. In fact, since these court decisions, there has been increasing support by researchers and genetic testing laboratories to share and provide open access to information on genetic variants . . . .

The necessity for molecular professionals to operate, innovate, and developed testing for patients in an environment free of considerations related to the patent-status of SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 disease are crystalized when considering the necessity of frequent shifts in testing strategy due to external challenges experienced repeatedly since February 2020. AMP members have been on the frontlines of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing and providing molecular-based diagnostics for patients across the United States. We surveyed our membership multiple times over the course of 2020 and collected over 250 responses from molecular laboratory professionals to understand their successes and hurdles when developing and providing the crucial and timely diagnostic services that patients needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In August and April of 2020, respondents reported that supply chain interruptions were having a significant impact on their work -- in August, over 90% reported that interruptions delayed and/or decreased testing. Similar responses across all laboratory types indicated that additional resources were needed to implement and/or maintain testing, with commercially-available testing kits and platform-specific laboratory consumables identified as the most needed items. To overcome testing supply shortages and maintain their testing capacity, molecular professionals deployed multiple testing methodologies, i.e. they built redundancy in test protocols within their laboratories in order to switch to a different testing platform when a shortage compromised use of another one. Many used more than three methods, which were often a combination of both commercially available testing kits and laboratory developed testing procedures that they designed and validated in their own laboratories. Our findings indicated that testing diversity continues to play an important role in the public health emergency to meet the clinical need. If laboratories and manufacturers needed to navigate multiple patent and licensing arrangements related to SARS-CoV-2 RNA sequence with each assay adjustment or introduction, the observed testing response would not have been possible.

Kevin Noonan's response: Before turning to the contrary data, a few points are important. Everyone's opinion is necessarily informed by their experience, and it is not surprising that doctors believe that their mission to save lives is paramount. Fortunately, this does not extend to burglarizing pharmacies to get drugs for patients that cannot afford them, but there comes from many doctors a whiff of "white coat immunity" when making their arguments, particularly where patents are concerned.

Also, there are the considerations that companies like Myriad can do a more consistent job in providing reliable diagnostic information than "home brew" testing done by physicians, who after all are trained and thus much better at making differential diagnoses and giving appropriate treatments than they are at performing controlled diagnostic assays. Which is why most diagnostic tests are performed by big companies like LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics rather than in university hospitals and clinics (and even in the latter case the tests are typically performed using test kits produced and sold by such companies).

Finally in this regard, the effect of the Mayo/Myriad/Alice trio of Supreme Court opinions has been that these companies now have the type of free rein all companies used to have regarding university-based research (including associated teaching hospitals) prior to enactment of the Bayh-Dole Act. As a consequence, companies who licensed university technologies became easy prey to the biotechnology equivalent of "efficient infringers" and were subject to the expected consequences. The poster child for these consequences is of course Sequenom, which lost so much of its value after its foundational patents for detecting cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood were invalidated that it was acquired by LabCorp.

And I think it more productive to leave the COVID experience to another time, it being a black unicorn, once-in-a-century event that makes it less productive for understanding events in more normal times.

The countervailing evidence to the arguments made by AMP quoted by Professor Sarnoff is enumerated below.

Appropriately we begin with a law review article by David O. Taylor, Associate Professor of Law at the SMU Dedman School of Law (D.O. Taylor, Patent Eligibility and Investment, Cardozo Law Review 41: 2022-104 (2020). In his article, Professor Taylor reviews recent Supreme Court case law on subject matter eligibility and its negative effects in cases like Ariosa v. Sequenom. The Professor presents three principal findings regarding the effects of these cases on investment:

First, "the investors who responded to the survey overwhelmingly believe patent eligibility is an important consideration when their firms decide whether to invest in companies developing technology. Indeed, overall, 74% of the investors agreed that patent eligibility is an important consideration in firm decisions whether to invest in companies developing technology; only 14% disagreed. Likewise, investors reported that reduced patent eligibility for a technology makes it less likely that their firm will invest in companies developing that technology. For example, overall 62% of the investors agreed that their firms were less likely to invest in a company developing technology if patent eligibility makes patents unavailable, while only 20% disagreed."

Second, "reduced patent eligibility correlates with particular investment behaviors in particular industries. Investors overwhelmingly indicated, for example, that the elimination of patents would either not impact their firms' decisions whether to invest in companies or only slightly decrease investments in companies developing technology in the construction (89%), software and Internet (80%), transportation (84%), energy (79%), and computer and electronic hardware (72%) industries. But investors, by contrast, overwhelmingly indicated that the elimination of patents would either somewhat decrease or strongly decrease their firms' investments in the biotechnology (77%), medical device (79%), and pharmaceutical industries (73%). Thus, according to these investors, on average each industry would see reduced investment, but the impact on particular industries would be different. And the life sciences industries are the ones most negatively affected."

Third, "[a]lmost 40% of the investors who knew about at least one of the Court's eligibility cases indicated that the Court's decisions had somewhat negative or very negative effects on their firms' existing investments, while only about 15% of these investors reported somewhat positive or very positive effects. On a going-forward basis, moreover, almost 33% of the investors who knew about at least one of the Court's eligibility cases indicated that these cases affected their firms' decisions whether to invest in companies developing technology. These investors reported primarily decreased investments, but also shifting of investments between industries. In particular they identified shifting of investments out of the biotechnology, medical device, pharmaceutical, and software and Internet industries."

Fourth, "investors familiar with the Supreme Court's eligibility cases indicated different changes in firm investment behavior as compared to investors without this familiarity [albeit these data were garnered with regard to software and the Internet and are presented here for completeness]."

The article provides copious amounts of evidence for these conclusions that are of course outside the limits of this post. But the Professor's conclusion is as succinct as it is depressing:

In the meantime, the major takeaway is clear: The Supreme Court's "drastic and far-reaching experiment in patent eligibility standards" has likely resulted in lost investment in the life sciences that has delayed or altogether prevented the development of medicines and medical procedures.

A law student Note, having perhaps a little less gravitas, is in agreement. In "The Impact of Uncertainty Regarding Patent Eligible Subject Matter for Investment in U.S. Medical Diagnostic Technologies Matter for Investment in U.S. Medical Diagnostic Technologies," Washington and Lee Law Review 79: 397-451, A. Sasha Lee focuses on the uncertainty the Supreme Court's Mayo/Myriad/Alice quarto (including Bilski for good measure) has engendered and the harm it has and will cause. Ms. Lee characterizes her Note as "an empirical study of venture capital investment in disease diagnostic technologies before and after Bilski and Mayo." The Abstract sets forth her conclusions:

This Note presents five key implications related to its central finding. First, the data supports the recent calls to Congress for reform of 101. Second, it complements other key research regarding investment behavior following Mayo and Alice. Third, the data raises the question whether remaining innovation in the diagnostics space will be enough to support the precision medicine movement. Fourth, underinvestment in diagnostics and the discovery of disease biomarkers may lead to underinvestment in treatments. Lastly, this Note's findings suggest that at least some venture capital firms employ greater caution when determining whether to invest in a company developing (or aiming to develop) diagnostics, which may spur hesitancy to form such companies in the first place.

The focus of these scholars is investment, which the AMP says is not important for developing diagnostic methods. Perhaps, but perhaps only for well-established large diagnostics companies encouraged and enabled by academic research no longer protectable by patent and precluded by culture and ethics from being kept as trade secrets. But it is good to remember that:

For better or worse, we live in a world that Myriad made. In 1997, genetic diagnosis of cancer risk was in its infancy; traditional genetic linkage analysis had been successfully performed for diseases like Huntington's disease and other rare genetic diseases. While some academic researchers had identified genes involved in cancer, these were typically loss-of-function mutations in several (~5-6) genes. BRCA gene analysis was different, because it predicted with ~90% certainty that an affected woman would develop breast or ovarian cancer. These biological consequences suggested radical prophylactic methods for prevention, each of which involved medical and personal costs.

Myriad was thus in the position of having to convince doctors that their test was beneficial and was sufficiently predictive to justify both the diagnosis and the treatment. It also required that Myriad establish a network of genetic counselors capable of interpreting the genetic information and counseling affected women (and in the context of there being the "variations on unknown significance" that occurred at much higher frequency then than it does 16 years later). And it required Myriad to lobby governments and private payers that the cost of Myriad's test was justified by the lower medical costs of prevention (which were not inconsiderable) than treatment of breast or ovarian cancer (because the personal costs were not the payers' problem and the alleviation of which not their perceived responsibility).

Myriad asserts that it spent about half a billion dollars to establish its business including all these ancillary costs on top of the scientific and technology costs. Myriad did not spend this money due to altruism; like it or not, basing a society on the principle of "from each according to her abilities, to each according to her needs" was tried, famously, in the Twentieth Century with disastrous results. But if we turn the clock back and let major medical centers in New York, and Boston, and San Francisco, and New Haven, and Bethesda develop BRCA testing, is there any hope or realistic expectation that women in Appalachia, or Oklahoma, or rural communities throughput the country would have had better, or even equivalent access to such testing?

See "Why Does Myriad Think It Can Win BRCA Gene Lawsuits?"

Turning to innovation instead of investment, and some of the arguments made in favor of the status quo of diminished eligibility thereupon, it would be good to consider these data:

A 2002 study undertaken by the German government, to determine whether patents on DNA molecules impeded entry into particular fields of research in which isolated DNAs had been patented found that DNA patents created no such barriers to entry. The great majority of those interviewed across the entire surveyed group clearly favored the so-called "absolute product patent protection" of genes. Strauss et al., "Genetic Inventions and Patent Law: An Empirical Survey of Selected German R & D Institutions," Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law (2002). Similarly, in 2002, the OECD Working Party on Biotechnology Report (OECD Report), despite documenting a number of specific concerns held by researchers, failed to substantiate fears that growth in the number and complexity of biotechnology patents is preventing access to inventions for research purposes. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Genetic Inventions, Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing Practices: Evidence and Policies (2002), 1215.

A 2005 survey of academic researchers conducted by Walsh, Cho, and Cohen concluded that "patenting does not seem to limit research activity significantly, particularly among those doing basic research," with only 1% of their random sample of 398 academic respondents reporting a project delay of more than a month due to patents on knowledge inputs necessary for their research, and none reporting abandoning of a research project due to the existence of patents. John P. Walsh et al., Final Report to the National Academy of Sciences' Committee Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and Protein-Related Inventions: Patents, Material Transfers and Access to Research Inputs in Biomedical Research (Sept. 20, 2005).

In 2006, David Adelman and Kathryn DeAngelis published a detailed study of over 52,000 biotechnology patents granted in the U.S. between January 1990 and December 2004. In the words of the two authors, their study described "the general trends in biotechnology patenting including patent counts, patent-ownership patterns, and the distribution of biotechnology patents across distinct areas of research and development." They concluded: "This analysis finds few tangible signs of patent thickets that define the anticommons" (Adelman and DeAngelis, Patent Metrics: The Mismeasure of Innovation in the Biotech Patent Debate).

A 2006 report by the National Research Council found the "number of projects abandoned or delayed as a result of difficulties in technology access is reported to be small, as is the number of occasions in which investigators revise their protocols to avoid intellectual property issues or in which they pay high costs to obtain intellectual property." Reaping the Benefits of Genomic and Proteomic Research: Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Public Health at 134 (2006).

Another 2006 study (Caulfield, Cook-Deegan, Kieff and Walsh, Evidence and Anecdotes: An Analysis of Human Gene Patenting Controversies, Nat. Biotechnol. 2006 Sep; 24(9): 1091, surveyed the current scholarship and concluded based upon existing conditions that policy recommendations for patent reform surrounding genetic patents have largely been driven by a small number of high-profile incidents and controversies and that these anecdotes do not accurately reflect the larger realities surrounding patenting in biotechnology. Regarding the oft-stated fears of a developing anticommons logjam, Caulfield et al. concluded that the effects predicted by the anticommons problem are not borne out by the available data.

A 2009 Canadian report on researcher perspectives on commercialization and patenting of genomic research similarly found that there is little evidence that the progress of research itself is in fact being seriously hindered or that gene patents are being aggressively enforced. CJ Murdoch et al., "Commercialization, Patenting and Genomics: Researcher Perspectives," Genome Medicine 1:22 (2009).

The FTC subsequently concluded that concerns that patenting upstream technology, or "research tools," would actually obstruct commercialization of new products and hinder follow-on innovation in biotechnology "has yet to materialize." Emerging Health Care Issues: Follow-on Federal Trade Commission report on follow-on biologics, June 2009, at 32.

Of some 40,000 DNA-related patents, only six have been litigated in the diagnostic testing area. "Property rights: The granting of patents on human genes has so far not been the disaster it was predicted to be." 458 Nature 386 (2009).

In a 2010 series of case studies on the impact of DNA patents on genetic research, diagnostic test development, and patient access to genetic testing services published as a special supplement in Genetics in Medicine (vol. 12 (4), April 2010), the authors, despite identifying several particularized concerns about licensing practices relating to some individual gene patents, found little systemic negative impact of gene patents on genetic research, test development, patient utilization, and pricing of testing services.

An exhaustive 2019 study by Sampat and Williams concludes that human DNA patents do not appear to have hindered follow-on innovation, while on the other hand trade secrecy protection of human genetic sequences induced measurable declines in follow-on scientific research and product development. The authors write that "this pattern of evidence suggests that changes to patent policy must carefully consider what strategies that firms will use to protect their discoveries in the absence of patents, and that an understanding of the relative costs and benefits of patent protection compared to [the alternative option of trade secrecy] is needed in order to evaluate the welfare effects of patent policy changes." B. Sampat and H. Williams, "How Do Patents Affect Follow-On Innovation? Evidence from the Human Genome," American Economic Review 2019, 109(1): 20336.

The facts seem to bear out that while some (particularly doctors) have raised possibilities that potential negative effects on innovation might arise due to patenting, these seem not to exist when scrutinized outside the biases carried by those discerning these possible negative outcomes.

It is clear this debate will be on-going, as this bill advances (although it is likely not to get to the House floor in the time remaining in this Congress). But the effort to bring some clarity and certainty to subject matter eligibility is one that is both worthwhile and necessary and can be expected to continue.

Hat tip to everyone who provided some of the evidence set forth in this post, and thanks to Professor Sarnoff.

Read this article:
More on Professor Sarnoff's Perspective on Tillis Patent Eligibility Bill - JD Supra

The Silver Lining Of Innovation in Genetic Medicine – Pharmaceutical Executive

Failed efforts do not overshadow fields progress, resolve.

The recent news of Biogen and Ionis Pharmaceuticals ending a clinical trial for their amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drug candidate and Roches failed Phase III study in Huntingtons disease (HD) are hard to bear for many families holding on to hope in the face of devastating diseases with limited options. Their drug development journeys underscore the highly challenging nature of tackling rare diseases. As a geneticist, Ive seen firsthand the difficulties these patients endure. But even in the face of what might seem like failure, there is great progress. New thinking, research, and discoveries are only made possible by those who bravely forge new paths to gain a better understanding of the human body, even when that risk entails failure. Success will come.

The silver lining? Our strategy is sound. There is no doubt that genetic medicines work at addressing root causality in monogenic rare diseases like HD.

Back in the mid-1980s, a group of scientists came together at Alta Ski Resort to investigate whether it was possible to detect increased mutations in the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. The conclusion was that current methods were insufficient, yet the meeting spurred an energized response around genetic sequencing that resulted in the federal government funding the multibillion-dollar, multinational, and multiyear project to sequence all six billion letters of the diploid human genome, which resulted in the publication of the draft sequence of the human genome in 2001, years earlier than expected.

In less than four decades since, we have unraveled the blueprint of human life, cataloged the vast majority of mutations in the genetic code, implemented global infrastructure to provide rapid and inexpensive genetic testing to patients and physicians, and have a first wave of genetic medicines saving human lives. This is breathtaking progress.

However, there is still much work to do, with numerous challenges centered on improving the delivery, selectivity, and tolerability of these genetic medicines. We know the medicines work; it is just a matter of getting the therapy to the tissue where the disease manifests, dialing in the selectivity for the gene of interest, and engineering out toxicities.

With HD, patients receive an injection into the spinal cord, but in order for enough of a relatively large genetic medicine to penetrate into the deep brain structures to be effective, the high concentrations of the drug injected at the surface of the brain may result in neurotoxicity.

Rapid advancements in the areas of delivery, selectivity, and tolerability are happening. For delivery, innovations are allowing us to deliver genetic medicines across the blood-brain barrier to allow uniform exposures across all brain regions and not setting up toxic gradientswhich has been difficult for large molecules. This method avoids the brain surface toxicity. Since HD is a disease that involves the whole body, delivering a solution systemically via the bloodstream may address the whole-body manifestations of the disease. These new delivery devices are also noninvasive, using either ultrasound or emerging tech, and allow effective administration in a previously impossible manner.

For selectivity, emerging technologies can identify and engage with only the targeted mutated gene. Weve essentially reverse engineered nature so that the genetic-medicine-to-gene-target interface wont tolerate any mismatches. The treatment is viewed by the body as a complementary sequence to the mutant gene, yet one that contains a biologically inert chemistry that ensures no off-target engagement. The end result will be clean, highly effective, and well-tolerated medicines.

Because many of these therapies are delivered systemically, they can trigger an immune reaction that renders the medicine intolerable, yet even on this front, we are seeing advancements. By using the bodys own intelligent design, scientists have copied the existing framework and then improved upon it using synthetic strategies that allow for greater tolerance, thereby preventing the normally useful immune response from derailing healing.

We are in the most exciting time in the history of medicine, bar none. The science is dazzling. Patients should feel very optimistic. Cures are coming not in decades, but in a matter of years. The innovation thats happening today will be the breakthrough therapies of tomorrow. If you are looking for a silver lining, here it is.

Dietrich Stephan, CEO, Chairman, and Founder, NeuBase Therapeutics

The Silver Lining Of Innovation in Genetic Medicine - Pharmaceutical Executive

High susceptibility of animal-borne disease transmission to humans has pushed the animal genetics market to surpass ~ US$ 8 Billion by 2026 – BioSpace

Embryos, on account of their high efficiency & lower cost, are expected to witness a CAGR of ~6% over the forecast period.

Fact.MR A Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Provider: The global animal genetics market is expected to witness a CAGR of x% to reach ~US $ 8 Billion by the year 2026. The development of progressive genetic modification is leading to high production of animals with modified breeds, thereby attracting significant investments from end users.

Moreover, Livestock farmers are getting meat production by leveraging animal genetic technology. Through strategic breeding, livestock farmers are able to achieve higher profits, which is anticipated to boost the end-user base of the animal genetics market.

In addition to this, the high prevalence of animal-borne disease transmission to humans has been a growth driver for the animal health industry from central authorities to formulate effective therapeutics for animals. Following the influence, the rapid rise of animal genetics is expected to boost the growth of animal testing.

Besides this, financial aid offered by government authorities to support the development of advanced healthcare technologies, is further anticipated to boost the reliance of livestock farmers on animal genetics. Moreover, rapid rise in the demand for poultry products, given the influence of drivers such as urbanization and growing population density is expected to push the growth of the market further

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Also, the animal healthcare ecosystem has been progressing, which is offering lucrative opportunities for key players in the animal genetics market.

In addition to this, various genetic methods such as embryos are preferred over semen. This technique eliminates the possible transmission of diseases during the mating of animals, thereby further pushing the growth of the market.

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View original post here:
High susceptibility of animal-borne disease transmission to humans has pushed the animal genetics market to surpass ~ US$ 8 Billion by 2026 - BioSpace

Fulgent Genetics Announces Launch of PCR Based Test to Detect Monkeypox – Business Wire

TEMPLE CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLGT) (Fulgent Genetics, Fulgent, or the Company), a technology-based genetic testing company focused on transforming patient care in oncology, infectious and rare diseases, and reproductive health, today announced it has launched a test for monkeypox that leverages the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) orthopoxvirus test, which detects non-smallpox related orthopoxviruses, including monkeypox. Fulgent will begin accepting specimens for testing next week from healthcare providers, clinics and state laboratories.

We are pleased to be able to offer PCR-based testing for monkeypox to help increase testing capacity for the virus, making it more convenient and accessible for patients and health care providers in the United States, said Brandon Perthuis, Chief Commercial Officer of Fulgent Genetics. While treatment and care for monkeypox is well established and understood, it is crucial that the public has access to proper testing resources to limit transmission and help manage the current outbreak of the virus in the U.S. While demand for the test will be hard to predict, the efficiency of our technology platform and lab operations has enabled us to rapidly develop the test with minimal investment. We expect to be able to scale testing capacity for monkeypox rapidly and efficiently, as we did with testing for COVID-19 in early 2020.

For more information about monkeypox testing options from Fulgent Genetics, please visit or email the Fulgent team directly at

Providers should refer to the most current CDC guidelines for further information on appropriate testing of patients, available here

About Fulgent Genetics

Fulgent Genetics is a technology-based genetic testing company focused on transforming patient care in oncology, infectious and rare diseases, and reproductive health. Fulgent Genetics proprietary technology platform has created a broad, flexible test menu and the ability to continually expand and improve its proprietary genetic reference library while maintaining accessible pricing, high accuracy, and competitive turnaround times. Combining next generation sequencing with its technology platform, the company performs full-gene sequencing with deletion/duplication analysis in an array of panels that can be tailored to meet specific customer needs. A cornerstone of the companys business is its ability to provide expansive options and flexibility for all clients unique testing needs through a comprehensive technology offering including cloud computing, pipeline services, record management, web portal services, clinical workflow, sequencing as a service and automated laboratory services.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Examples of forward-looking statements in this press release include statements about, among other things judgments and evaluations about: the Companys ability to grow and expand its business, demand for its tests and testing services and its ability to scale its orthopoxvirus testing services. Forward-looking statements are statements other than historical facts and relate to future events or circumstances or the Companys future performance, and they are based on managements current assumptions, expectations, and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effect on the Companys business. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, which may cause the forward-looking events and circumstances described in this press release to not occur, and actual results to differ materially and adversely from those described in or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the preventive public health measures that may continue to impact demand for its tests and the pandemics effects on the global supply chain; the market potential for, and the rate and degree of market adoption of, the Companys tests, including its COVID-19 and genetic testing generally; the Companys ability to capture a sizable share of the developing market for genetic and COVID-19 testing and to compete successfully in these markets, including its ability to continue to develop new tests that are attractive to its various customer markets, its ability to maintain turnaround times and otherwise keep pace with rapidly changing technology; the Companys ability to maintain the low internal costs of its business model, particularly as the Company makes investments across its business; the Companys ability to maintain an acceptable margin on sales of its tests, particularly in light of increasing competitive pressures and other factors that may continue to reduce the Companys sale prices for and margins on its tests; risks related to volatility in the Companys results, which can fluctuate significantly from period to period; risks associated with the composition of the Companys customer base, which can fluctuate from period to period and can be comprised of a small number of customers that account for a significant portion of the Companys revenue; the Companys ability to grow and diversify its customer base and increase demand from existing and new customers; the Companys investments in its infrastructure, including its sales organization and operational capabilities, and the extent to which these investments impact the Companys business and performance and enable it to manage any growth it may experience in future periods; the Companys level of success in obtaining coverage and adequate reimbursement and collectability levels from third-party payors for its tests; the Companys level of success in establishing and obtaining the intended benefits from partnerships, strategic investments, joint ventures, acquisitions, or other relationships; the Companys compliance with the various evolving and complex laws and regulations applicable to its business and its industry; risks associated with the Companys international operations; the Companys ability to protect its proprietary technology platform; and general industry, economic, political and market conditions. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, forward-looking statements should not be relied on or viewed as predictions of future events.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update publicly any such forward-looking statements to reflect actual results or to changes in expectations, except as otherwise required by law.

The Companys reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, including its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 filed with the SEC on February 28, 2022 and the other reports it files from time to time, including subsequently filed annual, quarterly and current reports, are made available on the Companys website upon their filing with the SEC. These reports contain more information about the Company, its business and the risks affecting its business, as well as its results of operations for the periods covered by the financial results included in this press release.

Read the original post:
Fulgent Genetics Announces Launch of PCR Based Test to Detect Monkeypox - Business Wire

INVITAE CORP 10-Q Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Insurance News Net

The following discussion of our financial condition and results of operationsshould be read in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financialstatements and the related notes and other financial information included inPart I, Item 1. of this Form 10-Q, and together with our audited consolidatedfinancial statements and the related notes and other information included in ourAnnual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021. Historicresults are not necessarily indicative of future results.This report contains forwardlooking statements within the meaning of thePrivate Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements in this reportother than statements of historical fact, including statements identified bywords such as "believe," "may," "will," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate,""intend," "expect" and similar expressions, are forwardlooking statements.Forwardlooking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about:

our views regarding the future of genetic testing and its role in mainstreammedical practice;

the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and the actions we havetaken or may take in response thereto;

our mission and strategy for our business, products and technology;

the implementation of our business model and our success entering new markets;

the expected costs and benefits of our recently announced strategicrealignment;

the expected benefits from and our ability to integrate our acquisitions;

our ability to obtain regulatory approvals for our tests;

the rate and degree of market acceptance of our tests and genetic testinggenerally;

our ability to scale our infrastructure and operations in a costeffectivemanner;

our expectations regarding our platform and future offerings;

the timing and results of studies with respect to our tests;

developments and expectations relating to our competitors and our industry;

our competitive strengths;

the degree to which individuals will share genetic information generally, aswell as share any related potential economic opportunities with us;

our commercial plans;

our ability to obtain and maintain adequate reimbursement for our tests;

regulatory, political and other developments in the United States and foreigncountries;

our ability to attract and retain key scientific, sales, engineering ormanagement personnel;

our expectations regarding our ability to obtain and maintain intellectualproperty protection and not infringe on the rights of others;

the effects of litigation or investigations on our business;

our ability to obtain funding for our operations and the growth of ourbusiness;

our future financial performance;

our beliefs regarding our future growth and the drivers of such growth;

our expectations regarding environmental, social and governance matters;

the impact of accounting pronouncements and our critical accounting policies,judgments, estimates and assumptions on our financial results;

our expectations regarding our future revenue, cost of revenue, operatingexpenses and capital expenditures, and our future capital requirements; and

the impact of tax laws on our business.

In this report, all references to "Invitae," "we," "us," "our," or "the Company"mean Invitae Corporation.

Summary of risk factors

We expect to continue incurring significant losses, and we may not successfullyexecute our plan to achieve or sustain profitability.

Our inability to raise additional capital on acceptable terms in the future maylimit our ability to develop and commercialize new tests and expand ouroperations.

The market for patient data software is competitive, and our business will beadversely affected if we are unable to successfully compete.

If we are not able to continue to generate substantial demand of our tests, ourcommercial success will be negatively affected.

Impairment in the value of our goodwill or other intangible assets has and mayin the future have a material adverse effect on our operating results andfinancial condition.

If the FDA regulates the tests we currently offer as LDTs as medical devices,we could incur substantial costs and our business, financial condition andresults of operations could be adversely affected.

Mission and strategy

We were founded on four core principles:

Patients should own and control their own genetic information;

Healthcare professionals are fundamental in ordering and interpreting geneticinformation;

Driving down the price of genetic information will increase its clinical andpersonal utility; and

Genetic information is more valuable when shared.

Our strategy for long-term growth centers on five key drivers of our business,

Business overview

We expect to incur operating losses for the near term as we initiate thestrategic realignment of our operations. If we are unable to achieve theseobjectives and successfully manage our costs, we may not be able to achievepositive operating cash flow in the near term or at all.

Russia and Ukraine Conflict

We expect the COVID-19 pandemic may continue to impact our business. We havereviewed and adjusted, when necessary, for the impact of COVID-19 on ourestimates related to revenue recognition and expected credit losses.

which expands access to remote interaction between patients and clinicians aswell as direct ordering of genetic tests.

Factors affecting our performance

Number of billable units

Number and size of research and commercial partnerships

Success obtaining and maintaining reimbursement

Ability to lower the costs associated with performing our tests

Ability to expand our genetic content and create new pathways to test

Realignment of our business and timing of expenses

Financial overview


Cost of revenue

Operating expenses

Research and development

Selling and marketing

General and administrative

Asset impairment

Change in fair value of contingent consideration

Other income, net

Interest expense

Income tax benefit

Critical accounting policies and estimates

Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangibles

Based on this analysis, we recognized a goodwill impairment charge of $2.3billion during the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, which was includedin asset impairments in the condensed consolidated statements

Impairment assessment of long-lived assets

Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 and 2021


Cost of revenue

Research and development

Selling and marketing

General and administrative

Asset impairment

Change in fair value of contingent consideration

selection IVD. The prior year adjustments to decrease our contingentconsideration were due to our determination that this milestone will not beachieved in the timeframe prescribed in the acquisition agreement.

Other income, net

The increase in interest expense of $0.6 million for the three months endedJune 30, 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 was due to increased debtoutstanding as compared to the prior year period.

Income tax benefit

Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 and 2021

Cost of revenue

Research and development

Selling and marketing

General and administrative

Asset impairment

Change in fair value of contingent consideration

Other income, net

The increase in interest expense of $6.2 million for the six months endedJune 30, 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 was due to increased debtoutstanding as compared to the prior year period.

Income tax benefit

Liquidity and capital resources

Liquidity and capital expenditures

Since inception, our operations have been financed primarily by fees collectedfrom our customers, net proceeds from sales of our capital stock as well asborrowing from debt facilities and the issuance of convertible senior notes.

At June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, we had $736.8 million and $1.1 billion,respectively, of cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and marketablesecurities.

The following table summarizes our cash flows (in thousands):

Six Months Ended June 30,

Net (decrease) increase in cash, cash equivalents and restrictedcash

INVITAE CORP 10-Q Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Insurance News Net

U.P. man found guilty of poaching multiple 8-point deer ordered to pay $18K in restitution –

An Upper Peninsula suspect was recently found guilty of poaching three eight-point bucks and ordered to pay $18,000 in restitution, officials said.

Conservation officers with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources recently testified at a jury trial related to the 2020 case, according to a news release from the DNR.

In 2020, DNR officers found that a person had poached many white-tailed deer. The individual hadnt held a hunting license since 1995, the release said. A search warrant was executed at the suspects residence. About 45 sets of deer antler skull caps were discovered; many belonged to large, mature bucks. Other evidence was collected that confirmed the suspects claims that they had shot many deer without licenses.

The investigation included several interviews and genetic testing of evidence, which all indicated that the deer had been taken in and out of season without licenses, the release said.

The case eventually came before a jury in Delta Countys 94th District Court, the release said. Conservation officers Steve Butzin, Chris Lynch and Andrea Dani, and First Lt. Jason Wicklund testified at the trial. The jury found the defendant guilty on three counts of unlawfully taking/possessing a white-tailed deer. Restitution was set at $18,000.

Michigan law states that the unlawful taking of a white-tailed deer is subject to restitution of $1,000 per deer plus $500 for each point of an eight- to 10-point deer and $750 for each point of a deer 11 or more points.


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U.P. man found guilty of poaching multiple 8-point deer ordered to pay $18K in restitution -

Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market Worth $491.3 Billion by 2030: Grand View Research, Inc. – PR Newswire

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global testing, inspection, and certification market size is expected to reach USD 491.3 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2022 to 2030. The incremental deployment rates of testing, inspection, and certification systems and solutions can be accredited to the rise in manufacturing activities worldwide. Furthermore, the onset of Industry 5.0 and the rise in connected systems further augment the need to deploy TIC-based technologies in tandem with manufacturing activities. Thus, the manufacturing application segment is expected to expand at a significant growth rate over the forecast period due to the need to optimize manufacturing processes and end products. For instance, in January 2022, SGS, a Swiss international business that provides inspection, verification, testing, and certification services, launched a new Vehicle Over the Air (OTA) performance testing laboratory in Suzhou, China.

The lab will assist automotive manufacturers in helping them test, validate, and comply with evolving wireless standards and regulations. It fully integrates beneficial resources in automobile, communication, electronics, and reliability testing to provide commercial customers with technical verification, quality improvement product certification, and technology development services.

Key Industry Insights & Findings from the report:

Read 153-page full market research report, "Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Service Type (Testing, Inspection, Certification), By Sourcing Type, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030", published by Grand View Research.

Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market Growth & Trends

The integration of cloud technology with the Testing, Inspection, And Certification (TIC) market is one of the significant market drivers. The need to access data instantly, automate certification and issue reports on a real-time basis highlights the importance of storing essential TIC-related data in the cloud. Moreover, cybersecurity concerns such as increasing instances of cyberattacks and data privacy threats further highlight the importance of a safe cloud architecture to safeguard data from people with malicious intent. This is expected to help in general data regulation, security certifications, and software testing. For instance, in February 2022, Intertek Group plc, one of the prominent providers in connectivity testing and cybersecurity, established its Acucert, the first ISO/IEC certified cybersecurity testing lab in Mumbai, India. Acucert has significant expertise in IT system and software testing while meeting stringent quality control standards. Further, opening a new testing lab would help them promote internationally and nationally.

The gradual acceptance of big data analytics with the TIC-based technology model is also expected to offer an impetus to the TIC market. The adoption of big data analytics technology by service providers is expected to diversify their service offerings, such as data-based services and predictive maintenance data, and enable service providers to offer better solutions to their customers. For instance, in September 2021, TV SD, a safety, security, and sustainability solutions provider, offered wind turbine certification for areas affected by tropical storms. Within the scope of type certification, the company has designed a computer framework to analyze the data of the areas and check compatibility for these regions based on the worldwide IEC 61400 standard. The computer model allows for the simulation of even the most extreme wind conditions in tropical cyclone-prone areas and the use of this simulation to determine if a wind turbine is suited for such places.

The Asia Pacific region is expected to register the highest growth rate over the forecast period. Rapid industrialization and rising infrastructure development in Australia, South Korea, and India facilitate deploying proficient TIC solutions. Furthermore, the emerging technology ecosystem in countries such as Japan and China has resulted in several companies outsourcing their software and product development tasks. The ability to gain high-performance products at affordable rates from these countries promotes companies to access TIC solutions and services related to specific needs and requirements, thereby offering an impetus to market growth. For instance, in December 2021, Eurofins Scientific, a global scientific leader in bioanalytical testing and a clinical diagnostic testing leader with Transgenic Inc., announced the acquisition of GeneticLab Co., Ltd., a molecular biology-based testing vendor. This acquisition will assist the company in strengthening its position in the Japanese market. It would further expand the company's global presence in Asia, specializing in advanced genetic testing.

Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market Segmentation

Grand View Research has segmented the global testing, inspection, and certification market based on service type, sourcing type, application, and region:

Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) Service Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)

Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) Sourcing Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)

Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)

Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)

List of Key Players in Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) Market

Check out more related studies published by Grand View Research:

Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.

About Grand View Research

Grand View Research, U.S.-based market research and consulting company, provides syndicated as well as customized research reports and consulting services. Registered in California and headquartered in San Francisco, the company comprises over 425 analysts and consultants, adding more than 1200 market research reports to its vast database each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis on 46 industries across 25 major countries worldwide. With the help of an interactive market intelligence platform, Grand View Research Helps Fortune 500 companies and renowned academic institutes understand the global and regional business environment and gauge the opportunities that lie ahead.


Sherry JamesCorporate Sales Specialist, USAGrand View Research, Inc.Phone: 1-415-349-0058Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519Email: [emailprotected]Web: https://www.grandviewresearch.comGrand View Compass| Astra ESG SolutionsFollow Us: LinkedIn | Twitter


SOURCE Grand View Research, Inc.

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Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market Worth $491.3 Billion by 2030: Grand View Research, Inc. - PR Newswire

BRCA Gene Mutation Can Be Passed Down From Father’s Side – SurvivorNet

Psychologist Nova Cobban, 43, was surprised to find out she had a higher risk for developing cancer after undergoing genetic testing. The wife and mother was having stomach issues last year and decided to see what could be causing her discomfort. Initially worried about food allergies, she then discovered she had the BRCA2 gene mutation, which can be an early indicator of developing breast or ovarian cancer.

The process was simple I sent off a mouth swab and three months later, in July 2021, the results arrived. But when I opened the app, I noticed the cancer section had a warning flag, Nova said in an interview. I wasnt especially worried it could have been anything so I flicked through.

Even though Nova is well-equipped to handle such information considering what she does for a living, she still said it was hard to take in.

I was aware of Angelina Jolie s story but I didnt immediately equate this finding to needing preventative surgery like her, she said. Initially, I felt nonplussed not anxious.

Related: Angelina Jolie On Her Mastectomy Decision Im More Likely To Meet My Grandchildren And The Scars Are Positive Reminders

In 2013, Jolie bravely shared that she had had a preventative mastectomy and hysterectomy after finding out she carried the BRCA1 gene mutation, which put the mom-of-six at a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Jolies decision was also largely due to losing her own mother Marcheline to ovarian cancer at age 56.

The famous previvor raised awareness about genetic testing and paved the way for women around the world to follow suit to protect their health.

Related: Actress Angelina Jolie Lost Her Mom to Ovarian Cancer 14 Years Ago; How Jolie Becoming a Previvor Helped Others

While Jolie inherited her cancer risk from her mother, Nova determined that her risk was likely passed down from her fathers side.

I knew Dads mum had died quite young and was vaguely aware shed had breast cancer, she explained of her familys health history. However, Id had no idea the BRCA2 gene could be passed down the paternal line.

What is a BRCA Mutation?

Nova began her research, and found that she could remove her breasts, ovaries and fallopian tubes. She had a talk with her husband, Mark, about how these surgeries could potentially affect their relationship, physically and emotionally. Although the choice was hers alone, she valued his thoughts on the decision, and luckily had his full support.

Related: Sandra Lee Celebrates 56th In Italy With Fianc Ben Youcef, 43, On Sunset Boat Ride: Shes Thriving After Hysterectomy, Double Mastectomy

He said, Look, were married, weve got kids, the last thing we want is to lose you because you havent done this. Of course I wont hate you. Im not saying its not going to be tricky but the alternative is that you could die.

What Are the Options if You Have a High Risk of Developing Breast Cancer?

Nova aims to remove her breasts by the end of this year, but is more concerned of her ovarian cancer risk and getting the ball rolling in that direction as well. Overall, she is handling her health situation with grace under pressure.

Being a psychotherapist means I have the toolkit to cope with stress like this, and am used to dealing with patients going through similar situations, but I also want to show him this can be dealt with pragmatically.

More and more women are learning about the BRCA genes and preventative surgeries, but Nova especially wants people to know that this risk can also be inherited from their fathers side, which many are often surprised to find.

What is aBRCA mutation? BRCA (a breast cancer gene mutation) is actually two genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2), each proteins that work as tumor suppressors. They help repair damaged DNA, and are important for ensuring the stability of each cells genetic material.

When either of these genes is altered, that mutation can mean that its protein product does not function properly, or that damaged DNA may not be repaired correctly. Theseinherited mutationsin BRCA1 and BRCA2 can increase the risk of female breast and ovarian cancers, and have also been associated with increased risks for several other cancers.

Related: Arizona Womens Cancer Doctor Decides To Have Double Mastectomy Due to Family History, Even Though She DOESNT Have The BRCA Gene

Dr. Rebecca Arend, Associate Scientist at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, explains the mutation in terms of its ability to repair damaged DNA.

What a BRCA mutation is, is a defect in your ability to repair a double-strand break (in your DNA), Dr. Arend tells SurvivorNet. The BRCA mutation, which is passed on from a father or a mother, can cause a variety of cancers, including fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer, which are ovarian cancers.

Related: The New Information About Beyonces Dads Breast Cancer The SurvivorNet Guide to BRCA and Inherited Breast Cancer Risk

Dr. Arend says that while roughly 1.3 percent of women in the general population will develop ovarian cancer sometime during their lives, it is estimated that about 44 percent of women who inherit a harmful BRCA1 mutation, and about 17 percent of women who inherit a harmful BRCA2 mutation, will develop ovarian cancer.

Genetic Testing and Ovarian Cancer

Specific mutations inBRCA geneslead to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. People who have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer may want to consider being tested for mutations, particularly if the relative was diagnosed with cancer before age 50. If youve been diagnosed with a BRCA mutation, there are still steps you can take to lower your risk of developing a cancer.

Related: Major Advance: PARP Inhibitor Pill Extends Life For Women With High Risk Breast Cancer & BRCA Mutations

When I meet with women who are at an increased risk for breast cancer because of BRCA mutations, I like to talk about the three options that they have for managing their risk, says Dr. Freya Schnabel, Director of Breast Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center. Those options are:

Learn more about SurvivorNet's rigorous medical review process.

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BRCA Gene Mutation Can Be Passed Down From Father's Side - SurvivorNet

The Worldwide Genetic Testing Industry is Expected to Reach $26 Billion by 2027 – – Galveston County Daily News


United States of AmericaUS Virgin IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsCanadaMexico, United Mexican StatesBahamas, Commonwealth of theCuba, Republic ofDominican RepublicHaiti, Republic ofJamaicaAfghanistanAlbania, People's Socialist Republic ofAlgeria, People's Democratic Republic ofAmerican SamoaAndorra, Principality ofAngola, Republic ofAnguillaAntarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)Antigua and BarbudaArgentina, Argentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustralia, Commonwealth ofAustria, Republic ofAzerbaijan, Republic ofBahrain, Kingdom ofBangladesh, People's Republic ofBarbadosBelarusBelgium, Kingdom ofBelizeBenin, People's Republic ofBermudaBhutan, Kingdom ofBolivia, Republic ofBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswana, Republic ofBouvet Island (Bouvetoya)Brazil, Federative Republic ofBritish Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)British Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgaria, People's Republic ofBurkina FasoBurundi, Republic ofCambodia, Kingdom ofCameroon, United Republic ofCape Verde, Republic ofCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChad, Republic ofChile, Republic ofChina, People's Republic ofChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombia, Republic ofComoros, Union of theCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, People's Republic ofCook IslandsCosta Rica, Republic ofCote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of theCyprus, Republic ofCzech RepublicDenmark, Kingdom ofDjibouti, Republic ofDominica, Commonwealth ofEcuador, Republic ofEgypt, Arab Republic ofEl Salvador, Republic ofEquatorial Guinea, Republic ofEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFaeroe IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fiji, Republic of the Fiji IslandsFinland, Republic ofFrance, French RepublicFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabon, Gabonese RepublicGambia, Republic of theGeorgiaGermanyGhana, Republic ofGibraltarGreece, Hellenic RepublicGreenlandGrenadaGuadaloupeGuamGuatemala, Republic ofGuinea, RevolutionaryPeople's Rep'c ofGuinea-Bissau, Republic ofGuyana, Republic ofHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City State)Honduras, Republic ofHong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ChinaHrvatska (Croatia)Hungary, Hungarian People's RepublicIceland, Republic ofIndia, Republic ofIndonesia, Republic ofIran, Islamic Republic ofIraq, Republic ofIrelandIsrael, State ofItaly, Italian RepublicJapanJordan, Hashemite Kingdom ofKazakhstan, Republic ofKenya, Republic ofKiribati, Republic ofKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwait, State ofKyrgyz RepublicLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanon, Lebanese RepublicLesotho, Kingdom ofLiberia, Republic ofLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtenstein, Principality ofLithuaniaLuxembourg, Grand Duchy ofMacao, Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMadagascar, Republic ofMalawi, Republic ofMalaysiaMaldives, Republic ofMali, Republic ofMalta, Republic ofMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritania, Islamic Republic ofMauritiusMayotteMicronesia, Federated States ofMoldova, Republic ofMonaco, Principality ofMongolia, Mongolian People's RepublicMontserratMorocco, Kingdom ofMozambique, People's Republic ofMyanmarNamibiaNauru, Republic ofNepal, Kingdom ofNetherlands AntillesNetherlands, Kingdom of theNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaragua, Republic ofNiger, Republic of theNigeria, Federal Republic ofNiue, Republic ofNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorway, Kingdom ofOman, Sultanate ofPakistan, Islamic Republic ofPalauPalestinian Territory, OccupiedPanama, Republic ofPapua New GuineaParaguay, Republic ofPeru, Republic ofPhilippines, Republic of thePitcairn IslandPoland, Polish People's RepublicPortugal, Portuguese RepublicPuerto RicoQatar, State ofReunionRomania, Socialist Republic ofRussian FederationRwanda, Rwandese RepublicSamoa, Independent State ofSan Marino, Republic ofSao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic ofSaudi Arabia, Kingdom ofSenegal, Republic ofSerbia and MontenegroSeychelles, Republic ofSierra Leone, Republic ofSingapore, Republic ofSlovakia (Slovak Republic)SloveniaSolomon IslandsSomalia, Somali RepublicSouth Africa, Republic ofSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSpain, Spanish StateSri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic ofSt. HelenaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. LuciaSt. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent and the GrenadinesSudan, Democratic Republic of theSuriname, Republic ofSvalbard & Jan Mayen IslandsSwaziland, Kingdom ofSweden, Kingdom ofSwitzerland, Swiss ConfederationSyrian Arab RepublicTaiwan, Province of ChinaTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofThailand, Kingdom ofTimor-Leste, Democratic Republic ofTogo, Togolese RepublicTokelau (Tokelau Islands)Tonga, Kingdom ofTrinidad and Tobago, Republic ofTunisia, Republic ofTurkey, Republic ofTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUganda, Republic ofUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain & N. IrelandUruguay, Eastern Republic ofUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofViet Nam, Socialist Republic ofWallis and Futuna IslandsWestern SaharaYemenZambia, Republic ofZimbabwe

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The Worldwide Genetic Testing Industry is Expected to Reach $26 Billion by 2027 - - Galveston County Daily News

Genetic testing may benefit patients with depression – VAntage Point – VAntage Point Blog

Pharmacogenomic or genetic testing can help providers avoid prescribing antidepressant medications that may have undesirable outcomes, found a VA study. Pharmacogenomics is the study of how genes affect the bodys response to drugs.

Patients who underwent genetic testing had more positive outcomes, compared with patients in usual care. Over 24 weeks of treatment, the group with genetic testing had in a drop in depression symptomswith a peak effect at 12 weeks. Each patient in the study had major depressive disorder. Symptoms of that health condition include insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of sadness and depression, and thoughts of dying by suicide.

Dr. David Oslin, director of the VA VISN 4 Mental Illness, Research, Education, and Clinical Center, located in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, led the study. He thinks the results will encourage providers to consider using pharmacogenomic testing, with patient consent, to help drive treatment decisions.

From a VA policy perspective, I dont think that we would say the study is robust enough that we recommend testing everybody, says Oslin. But I think the results favoring a positive effect on treatment, although small, will encourage providers to test patients and get this genetic information. Future research should explore if there are subgroups of patients who would benefit more from testing.

Focus on metabolizing drugs

In recent years, pharmacogenomic testing has received greater attention as a tool to personalize medication selection and is often used to treat patients with health conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Many in the medical community hope the testing can also be helpful in treating people with major depressive disorder. Research has been limited, however, on demonstrating improved clinical outcomes.

The genes we tested dont actually relate to depression, Oslin says. They relate to how a person metabolizes the drugs once theyre in the body. Some of these genes will cause the medications to metabolize much faster than normal. Others will cause the drugs to metabolize much slower than normal, which means youll end up with a lot of medication in your body.

The patients enrolled in the study were initiating or switching treatment with an antidepressant drug. The study included nearly 2,000 patients from 22 VA medical centers who were randomized evenly, with half receiving pharmacogenomic testing and the other half getting usual care. Oslin and his colleagues aimed to learn if genetic testing helped patients receive fewer medications with predicted drug-gene interactions and if that produced better outcomes.

A drug-gene interaction isan association between a medication and a genetic variant that may affect a patients response to drug treatment. Having that information helps the provider select the appropriate dosage for a specific patient.

The crux of the study

The study found a marked shift in prescribing away from medications with significant drug-gene interactions or moderate drug-gene interactions. Overall, 59% of the patients in the genetic testing group received a medication with no predicted drug-gene interaction, compared with 26% in the control group. The researchers defined that difference as statistically significant and clinically meaningful.

Oslin says he went into the study thinking the research team would not see such a dramatic effect in predicted drug-gene interactions. He was somewhat surprised by the result. There was essentially a major shift in avoiding medicines that had a predicted drug-gene interaction, he says.

Its important to realize that the test is not telling you whether the patient is going to respond to the treatment or not, he adds. Its telling you something about how the patient metabolizes the medication. So, its not telling me that this is a good medicine for the patient. Its telling me not to prescribe this medicine, or perhaps to adjust the dosing, because the patient doesnt metabolize it well.

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Genetic testing may benefit patients with depression - VAntage Point - VAntage Point Blog

What Does it Mean to be High Risk for Breast Cancer? – Integris

Each year, more than a quarter million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, making it the second most common type of cancer in women behind only skin cancer. In fact, breast cancer diagnosesannually account for about 30 percent of new female cancers, according to the American Cancer Society.

Based on gender alone, women have a one in eight (13 percent) chance of developing breast cancer during their life. Due to various controllable factors, such as weight, activity level, diet, alcohol consumption and lack of screening, mammograms these percentages increase.

In certain cases, some women are categorized as being at high risk of developing breast cancer due to uncontrollable risk factors. To learn more about what high risk breast cancer means, we sought out information from Nicole Sharp Cottrell, M.D., a board-certified and fellowship-trained breast surgical oncologist at INTEGRIS Breast Surgery.

Genetics and family historyare the two main factors that place a woman in the high risk breast cancer category. These women have at least a 20 percent chance of developing breast cancer compared to 13 percent of all other women in the average risk category.

In addition to these factors, Dr. Sharp also noted how gender and age can increase your risk of breast cancer. There are additional factors that can also increase your risk of breast cancer, such as obesity, exposure to hormones and activity level.

Certain genetic mutations can increase your breast cancer risk by more than 80 percent.

Everyone has BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that help with cellular repair and inhibit tumor growth. In some people, BRCA 1/2 genes, which encode tumor suppression proteins, have mutations resulting in increased risk of cancer. Only about 5-10% of breast cancers are from a known genetic mutation, with BRCA1/2 mutations being the most common mutation associated with breast and ovarian cancer syndromes. In addition, men with BRCA mutations are at increased risk for prostate cancer. Additional risks include pancreatic cancer, melanoma and potentially serious uterine cancers.

While BRCA genes are the most common genetic risk factor for breast cancer, other genes can also lead to a diagnosis. These genes currently include:

Its important to know the gene mutations you are being tested for, because there may be limited genetics testing done for just BRCA1/2 versus a broader genetics panel testing done, Dr. Sharp says. Genetics research is continuously evolving to identify additional mutations and their associated cancers. People with a known family history of a gene mutation or those with family histories suspicious of mutations, should seek evaluation for genetic testing for themselves.

As with other types of cancers, your risk of developing breast cancer increases if an immediate family member, also called first-degree relative (mother, sister or daughter), previously had breast cancer. The risk is even higher if multiple family members had breast cancer, especially those who develop cancerous cells before menopause or if both breasts were affected.

Although family history is a strong indicator of potential future breast cancer, it is by no means a guarantee youll end up having breast cancer. For example, nearly 90 percent of breast cancer cases have no family history.

Aside from genetics and family history, the following factors may also put you at high risk:

Previous breast cancer diagnosis: Women who had a previous bout with breast cancer are three to four times more likely to have a recurrent diagnosis. This includes ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which is a type of cancer that affects the milk ducts but has not spread outside of the ducts. DCIS is a stage 0 breast cancer.

History of breast lesions: Women can develop a condition called lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), which describes abnormal tissue growth in the lobules (the sacs responsible for producing breast milk). Although LCIS isnt breast cancer, women with these lesions are seven to 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer.

Radiation exposure: Radiation therapy can treat many conditions, from cancer to tuberculosis. Women who are exposed to certain types of radiation are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Younger women with a history of radiation exposure are more at risk than older women.

For some women, a family or personal history of having breast cancer makes it easy to determine future risk. For others, it isnt as obvious.

To help estimate risk, there are several tools you can use to determine the likelihood of developing breast cancer in the future.

The most common breast cancer risk assessment tool uses the Gail Model, a statistical analysis model created in 1989 by Mitchell Gail, MD, pHd. The Gail Model calculates the likelihood of developing breast cancer within the next five years.

The tool uses the following factors to determine risk:

Once calculated, women are considered high risk if their five-year risk is greater than 1.67 percent. Its important to note the model is made for women who have no history of breast cancer, LCIS or known genetic mutation.

This calculator uses the Tyrer-Cuzick model to project the risk of breast cancer within the next 10 years.

The tool uses the following factors to determine risk:

The results fall under one of three categories: average risk (less than 15 percent), immediate risk (15 to 19 percent) and high risk (more than 20 percent).

The BOADICEA model, which was developed in 2002, is used primarily to assess future breast cancer risk in women who have a genetic mutation. While BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the most common mutations, the tool can also predict other genes such as PALB2, ATM, CHEK2, BARD1, RAD51C and RAD51D.

The tool uses the following factors to determine risk:

People identified as being high-risk for breast cancer, typically defined as a greater than 20 percent lifetime risk of breast cancer, should be offered counseling on risk-reducing options and offered high-risk breast cancer screening, Dr. Sharp says. While this may be done through a primary care provider or gynecologist, INTEGRIS offers high-risk breast counseling and surveillance through our INTEGRIS Breast Surgery Clinic.

Breast self-awareness is encouraged, including monthly self-exams, Dr. Sharp says. Any concerns should prompt a patient to reach out to their provider immediately even if they arent due for an exam or imaging for clinical evaluation.

Depending on your specific risk factors, your doctor may recommend the following:

As Dr. Sharp points out, there is no such thing as preventative treatment.

Instead, we discuss options for risk-reduction treatment as there is always the chance that breast cancer can occur or even recur, she says. In addition to high-risk surveillance, we offer patients options for risk-reduction for breast cancer through lifestyle changes, medications, and consideration of surgery.

For women who have a family history of breast cancer or are at a high risk based on results from the assessment tool, your doctor may recommend meeting with a genetic counselor or a geneticist to determine if you have a mutation to the BRCA gene or another genetic mutation.

Genetic testing for breast cancer is done by analyzing saliva or blood samples for any genetic mutations. In general, you will either test positive or negative for a genetic mutation, although you may have a gene change that isnt covered by the genetic test. In some cases, you may receive an inconclusive test or the test may discover a gene variant of uncertain significance, also known medically as a VUS. A VUS means there is a change in your genetic makeup, but its unclear what effect it will have.

Two medications, tamoxifen and raloxifene, can help lower breast cancer risk by blocking estrogen in breast tissue. Raloxifene is typically only used for older women who have experienced menopause. Studies have shown raloxifene can lower your risk of future breast cancer by nearly 50 percent.

There are also drugs called aromatase inhibitors to reduce the risk of breast cancer. These drugs, sold as generic anastrozole or exemestane dont stop estrogen production, rather they lower levels by inhibiting the production of aromatase, an enzyme found in fat tissue. As a result, aromatase cant change other hormones, such as androgen, into estrogen.

While these medications are sometimes called chemoprevention, they are not considered chemotherapy and do not have traditional chemotherapy-associated side effects, Dr. Sharp says. The patients menopausal status and the side effect profile of each drug impact recommendations for which drug is best for specific patients. These medications are a single oral pill that are taken for 5 years for risk-reduction.

In those patients with dense breasts, we often have improved breast exams and breast imaging studies while they take risk-reducing medications, as the density of the breasts is often decreased. There can be significant side effects associated with these medications, so they are only prescribed to patients at substantial increased risk of breast cancer where the benefits outweigh the risks.

Some women may be interested in risk-reducing surgery with removal of both breasts (bilateral mastectomy). Dr. Sharp says there is evidence to support this in patients at the very highest risk of breast cancer, like those with BRCA 1/2 mutations. However, for most patients, there is no improvement in overall survival after bilateral mastectomy.

Bilateral mastectomy is considered risk-reducing and not risk-eliminating, as breast cancer can still reoccur on the chest wall, in the lymph nodes or distantly, she notes.

Patients may be interested in breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction may be considered in a delayed fashion at a later operation or in an immediate fashion at the time of their mastectomy, if they are an appropriate candidate after meeting with a plastics and reconstruction team.

Its important to note that even after bilateral mastectomy, ongoing screening with clinical exams is recommended but surveillance breast imaging is no longer indicated. If women are at increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer syndromes, like BRCA 1/2, then a referral to gynecology for surveillance and discussion of risk-reduction with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is recommended.

Because medications and surgery come with side effects, a less invasive option includes an annual mammograms consideration of the addition of supplemental breast screening with breast MRI.

Women who fall in the high-risk category should receive a comprehensive clinical breast exam, including both breasts and lymph node basins, every six to 12 months, according to Dr. Sharp. The exact age of when to begin screenings may be determined by the presence of a gene mutation or considered as early as 10 years before the earliest affected family member. For instance, patients with a known high-risk BRCA 1/2 mutation typically begin annual MRI as early as age 25, followed by alternating mammogram with tomosynthesis and MRI every 6 months at age 30.

Annual mammograms should be performed with tomosynthesis (3D mammography), she says. Patients should also be offered options for supplemental breast screening imaging like breast MRIs annually. We typically space out our annual mammograms and MRIs so that you receive an imaging study every six months.

Breast cancer screening doesnt prevent breast cancer, but it allows doctors to find and treat the cancer at an early stage earlier treatment leads to more effective results.

To schedule your mammogram, call 1-855-MY-MAMMO (1-855-696-2666) or talk with your doctor about how often you should receive a mammogram.

Dr. Sharp encourages cancer genetic testing in patients with a family history suspicious for breast and ovarian cancer syndromes. Any patients with a family history of ovarian cancer should be considered for genetic testing. Patients with multiple generations of breast cancer, early onset breast cancer or triple negative breast cancer should also be considered for genetic testing. Additionally, patients with family history of pancreatic cancer or metastatic or advanced stage prostate cancer are also often offered genetic testing.

The American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS) recommends consideration of genetics testing in all breast cancer patients, she says. We work with insurance to obtain coverage whenever possible. If genetics testing is desired and not covered by insurance, we do have options for significantly discounted testing.

For women who are at a high risk for breast cancer, INTEGRIS Breast Health Serviceshas a High Risk and Genetics Clinicto determine the best course of treatment to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer in the future.

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What Does it Mean to be High Risk for Breast Cancer? - Integris

Boy has rare genetic disease, life expectancy is five to 10 years – Insider

When Deborah Vauclare cares for her 6-year-old son, Lo who has a rare genetic disease that a doctor has told the family could be described as "Parkinson's mixed with Alzheimer's, affecting kids," according to Vauclare she often has a helper in the form of his little sister, Eva.

"She'll kiss him and help me if his head falls," Vauclare said, adding, "She doesn't understand because she's only 3, but she likes to be with him."

Watching Eva's tenderness toward Lo gives the family some comfort, Vauclare said, as they face an uncertain future. Medical experts have told them to brace themselves for the worst. The 41-year-old mom said they told her that the maximum time that Lo has left is about four years.

"We try not to say 'poor boy' in front of Eva," Vauclare said. "But it's something we often say because the life that he lives is unimaginable."

When he was 2 years old, Lo received a diagnosis of infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, or INAD, a neurodegenerative condition. Its symptoms of dementia are similar to those in diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in adults. About 150 children worldwide are known to have it, Vauclare said.

One of the causes of INAD is a missing enzyme in people's bodies as well as a dangerous accumulation of iron. It often results in blindness, poor motor function, seizures, hearing loss, and problems with swallowing and breathing.

Vauclare, who learned of Lo's condition when she was five months pregnant with Eva, was told that a recessive gene caused it, and that her unborn baby had a 25% chance of developing it, too.

"I was a complete wreck," said Vauclare, a New Yorker who lives in France with her 46-year-old husband, Antoine Vauclare. "I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat and felt nauseous all the time from nerves."

Thankfully, Vauclare said, when Eva was at seven months' gestation, tests showed that she was free of the disease and would be born healthy. But, she added, the results couldn't take away their fears for Lo.

"We thought, 'How can this be?'" Vauclare said, adding, "We thought, 'How could our child or any child be given this life, which is really not much of a life?'"

Lo began to show symptoms of the condition when he was 14 months old. He failed to meet the usual developmental milestones. In addition to issues such as speech delay, his balance "was off," and he "kept falling down," Vauclare said. He was assessed by therapists before having routine tests, such as an MRI and EEG. But "the disease didn't show up yet," Vauclare said.

The family underwent genetic testing in June 2018 and learned that Lo had INAD. Vauclare said that, to their frustration, the doctors in Paris "seemed more concerned" about the baby she was carrying than about Lo.

"I remember being furious," she said. "They were saying, 'What about your daughter?' and insinuating, "Are you going to terminate your pregnancy?' and I was like, 'What are you going to do about our son?'"

Vauclare said they were handed a leaflet about INAD and left to research it themselves on the internet. She then came across the INADcure Foundation, which supports the families of the small number of children with the condition, and fought to find a cure for them and Lo.

In a race against time, the Vauclares joined forces with the charity to launch an initial $500,000 campaign called Bisous for Loto fund scientific research.

Lo was enrolled in an drug trial in Morristown, New Jersey, six months after his diagnosis. The research continued until 2021, when, Vauclare said, the company behind it went bankrupt. He was denied the chance to take part in a subsequent trial because his disease had become "too advanced," and "it would not only not help him but probably make it even worse," Vauclare said.

The Vauclares said they've watched Lo go from a smiling toddler to a child who's barely conscious of his surroundings. He has a feeding tube and a molded seat that supports his head and body.

Still, he goes every day to a special center that caters to children with disabilities. Vauclare said he receives aqua and light therapy to "help with his sensory needs." She believed that a highlight of his week was a "dog therapy" session where he and other kids got to "pet, feed, and train" the animals.

Meanwhile, the family clings to the hope that a scientific miracle could save Lo before it's too late. The INADcure Foundation needs to raise $7 million to pay for the development of a new gene-therapy treatment for the disease in the US.

"They say it's going to be ready in 18 to 24 months," Vauclare said, adding, "Will he be eligible for the trial? Does he have another 18 to 24 months to live?"

As they continue to wait, Vauclare said, Lo will always know that he is loved. His mom, dad, and little sister will protect him forever, she added: "The only thing I can really do now is to hold him for as long as I can."

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Boy has rare genetic disease, life expectancy is five to 10 years - Insider

Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market Research | Industry Growing with Major Key Player Illumina, Inc (U.S.), SciGene Corporation (U.S.), Thermo…

Las Vegas, United States: Straits Researchs latest report on, Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market Global Industry Overview and Forecast 2022-2030, highlights potential, risk factor analyses, and enhanced with strategic and tactical decision-making assistance. The growth and regulatory factors impacting information consumption, the availability of highly dependable items in the market, and the improvement in operating efficiency of Preimplantation Genetic Testing industry players. The Global Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market is expected to reach USD 465.1 million by 2026 at a CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period of 20192026. Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market Share report covers market trends and development, drivers, capacities, technologies, and the changing dynamics of the Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market.

Competitive Landscape

Some of the prominent players operating in the Preimplantation Genetic Testing market are Illumina, Inc (U.S.), SciGene Corporation (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Yikon Genomics (U.S.), Oxford Gene Technology (UK), Rubicon Genomics, Inc. (U.S.), Natera, Inc. (U.S.), Abbott (U.S.), CooperSurgical, Inc (U.S.), and PerkinElmer Inc (U.S.).

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Studies explore the effects of COVID-19 on the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the industry. In addition, this analysis provides extensive market estimations by putting an emphasis on data covering numerous factors that encompass market dynamics such as market drivers, market barriers, market opportunities, market risks, and industry news and trends.

This research also provides a dashboard view of prominent Organization, highlighting their effective marketing tactics, market share and most recent advances in both historical and current settings.

Global Preimplantation Genetic Testing Market: Segmentation

As a result of the Preimplantation Genetic Testing market segmentation, the market is divided into sub-segments based on product type, application, as well as regional and country-level forecasts.

By Procedure Type: Preimplantation Genetic Screening , Preimplantation Genetic DiagnosisBy Technology: Next-Generation Sequencing , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization , Comparative Genomic Hybridization , Single-Nucleotide PolymorphismBy Product and Service: Reagents and Consumables , Instruments , Software and ServicesBy Application: Aneuploidy Screening , Structural Chromosomal Abnormalities , Translocations , Deletions , Duplications , Inversions , X-Linked Disorders , HLA Typing , Single Gene Disorder Screening , Gender Identification

The report forecasts revenue growth at all the geographic levels and provides an in-depth analysis of the latest industry trends and development patterns from 2022 to 2030 in each of the segments and sub-segments. Some of the major geographies included in the market are given below:

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Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee – This…

New Jersey, United States TheDirect-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic TestingMarket research guides new entrants to obtain precise market data and communicates with customers to know their requirements and preferences. It spots outright business opportunities and helps to bring new products into the market. It identifies opportunities in the marketplace. It aims at doing modifications in the business to make business procedures smooth and make business forward. It helps business players to make sound decision making. Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market report helps to reduce business risks and provides ways to deal with upcoming challenges. Market information provided here helps new entrants to take informed decisions making. It emphasizes on major regions of the globe such as Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America along with their market size.

Such unique Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market research report offers some extensive strategic plans that help the players to deal with the current market situation and make your position. It helps in strengthening your business position. It offers better understanding of the market and keep perspective to aid one remain ahead in this competitive market. Organizations can gauze and compare their presentation with others in the market on the basis of this prompt market report. This market report offers a clarified picture of the varying market tactics and thereby helps the business organizations gain bigger profits. You get a clear idea about the product launches, trade regulations and expansion of the market place through this market report.

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Key Players Mentioned in the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Research Report:

23andMe, Ancestry, Karmagenes, Color, Genesis HealthCare, Family Tree DNA, Full Genomes, EasyDNA, Helix, Identigene.

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic TestingMarket report consists of important data about the entire market environment of products or services offered by different industry players. It enables industries to know the market scenario of a particular product or service including demand, supply, market structure, pricing structure, and trend analysis. It is of great assistance in the product market development. It further depicts essential data regarding customers, products, competition, and market growth factors. Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market research benefits greatly to make the proper decision. Future trends are also revealed for particular products or services to help business players in making the right investment and launching products into the market.

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic TestingMarket Segmentation:

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Test Type

Predictive Testing Carrier Testing Nutrigenomics Testing Others

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Technology

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Chips Whole Genome Sequencing Targeted Analysis

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For Prepare TOC Our Analyst deep Researched the Following Things:

Report Overview:It includes major players of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market covered in the research study, research scope, market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.

Global Growth Trends:This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market are discussed.

Market Share by Manufacturers:Here, the report provides details about revenue by manufacturers, production and capacity by manufacturers, price by manufacturers, expansion plans, mergers and acquisitions, and products, market entry dates, distribution, and market areas of key manufacturers.

Market Size by Type:This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.

Market Size by Application:Besides an overview of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market by application, it gives a study on the consumption in the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market by application.

Production by Region:Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.

Consumption by Region:This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.

Company Profiles:Almost all leading players of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market are profiled in this section. The analysts have provided information about their recent developments in the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market, products, revenue, production, business, and company.

Market Forecast by Production:The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market as well as for key regional markets.

Market Forecast by Consumption:The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market as well as for key regional markets.

Value Chain and Sales Analysis:It deeply analyzes customers, distributors, sales channels, and value chain of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market.

Key Findings:This section gives a quick look at the important findings of the research study.

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Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2029 This Is Ardee - This...

World IVF Day: 4 benefits of IVF treatment at the right age – Health shots

Infertility means the inability to conceive even after one year (or longer) of unprotected sexual intercourse. If you are struggling to get pregnant, youre not alone. A large number of people are battling infertility. Various factors such as stress, uterine fibroids, impaired sperm production, blocked fallopian tubes, low ovarian reserve, endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), and premature ovarian failure, can lead to infertility. But, In Vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment at the right age can be helpful for couples.

Age for IVF treatment matters. Couples who opt for the treatment in their early 30s have high chances of successful conception compared to couples in their later 30s because as they get older, the chances will reduce with time.

This revolutionary treatment is helping couples deal with infertility.

Genetic abnormalities are one of the more frequent causes of miscarriage. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) can be done in conjunction with IVF to determine in advance whether an embryo is genetically viable, assisting a woman in having a healthy pregnancy. What are you still holding out for? If you have been instructed to begin your IVF treatment immediately, do so.

The preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) on the embryo before it is transferred to the womans uterus will help one to deliver a healthy baby. There are two different kinds, such as PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy) and PGT-M (preimplantation genetic testing for monogenetic defects). PGT-A looks for an abnormal number of chromosomes in the embryo. PGT-M is done to know the risk for a specific inherited genetic condition like cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs Disease.

Also, read: World IVF Day: 9 things to know if you are opting for IVF treatment

IVF is a highly controlled process wherein only selected good quality eggs are used. And women in their 30s produce a good number of eggs. So, this treatment at an advanced age can raise ones chances of becoming pregnant.

Those who wish to focus on their careers can use IVF techniques if they want a baby in the later stages of life. Eggs or embryos can be cryopreserved for future use too. Also, you can choose a window of time when you want to be pregnant. Thus, it can be easy for you to become pregnant.

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World IVF Day: 4 benefits of IVF treatment at the right age - Health shots

Global Metabolic Panel Testing Market to Grow with a CAGR of ~7% During 2022-2031; Market Growth to be Propelled by Increasing Prevalence of Chronic…

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Key Companies Covered in the Global Metabolic Panel Testing Market Research Report by Research Nester Are SYNLAB International GmbH, Abbott Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, Inc., Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, Sonic Healthcare Limited, Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc., Nova Biomedical Corporation, WerfenLife, S.A., Scion Lab Services, LLC, and other key market players.

New York, July 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It was noticed that around 2 million people globally pass away from the liver disease each year, with 1 million of those fatalities coming from cirrhosis complications, 1 million from viral hepatitis, and 1 million from hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver cancer is currently the 16th most prevalent cause of death worldwide, while cirrhosis is currently the 11th most common; together, they account for 3.5% of all fatalities worldwide and with a global burden of 1.6 and 2.1%, cirrhosis is one of the top 20 causes of disability-adjusted life years and years of life lost.

Research Nester has published a detailed market report on Global Metabolic Panel Testing Market for the forecast period i.e. 2022 2031 which includes the ongoing industry innovations and recent trends being adopted by the major industry players to achieve their business targets. Apart from that, the inclusive data on market size, growth rate, market revenue share, growth opportunities and challenges for the market players along with worldwide analysis on five major regions North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa has been provided in the report.

As per the World Health Organization, in 2019, there were 38.2 million children under the age of 5 who were overweight or obese. Since 1975, there has been a more than 3-fold increase in global obesity. The global metabolic panel testing market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of ~7% over the forecast period on the back of rising global chronic disease prevalence namely kidney diseases, diabetes, and liver diseases. It was observed that the bulk of the approximately 422 million individuals with diabetes globally reside in low- and middle-income nations, and diabetes is directly responsible for 1.5 million fatalities annually. Along with these, rising rates of lifestyle-related illnesses, namely, obesity, along with the widespread adoption of unhealthy behaviors including smoking, alcohol consumption, and inactivity are also anticipated to propel significant market expansion during the forecast period.

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Furthermore, with the need for more advanced drugs and medical equipment to combat chronic diseases, the majority of the regions across the globe are predicted to significantly invest in research and development activities, which is further estimated to drive the market growth over the ensuing years. For instance, global research and development spending has more than tripled in real terms since 2000, rising from USD 677 billion to USD 2.2 trillion in 2019. In addition to this, the rising expenditure on healthcare across the globe on account of growing public awareness for the importance of early disease detection and treatment is estimated to boost the market growth over the forecast period. As per one of the health expenditure research reports, global health spending has increased overall during the previous 20 years, doubling in real terms, reaching USD 8.5 trillion in 2019 and 9.8% of GDP (up from 8.5% in 2000).

On the basis of geographical analysis, the global metabolic panel testing market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa region. Out of these, Asia Pacific region is estimated to hold the noteworthy market share over the forecast period on the back of the growing burden of chronic metabolic diseases, and a rising geriatric population in the area who is more prone to acquire chronic metabolic disorders. It is believed that by 2050, one in four people in the Asia Pacific region is estimated to be older than 60, and between 2000 and 2035, type 2 diabetes is predicted to climb by more than 150% in South Asia, aging and accompanying lifestyle changes are the main causes of the rapid increase. In addition to this, the rising healthcare infrastructure and increasing disposable income in the region are estimated to provide lucrative opportunities for market growth over the forecast period.

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On the other hand, the market in the North America region is estimated to hold the largest market share over the forecast period owing to the rising number of people opting for regular medical check-ups and increasing expenditure on the healthcare sector on account of the large patient pool in the hospital for on-time diagnostic and treatment of the diseases. As per the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, hospital spending rose 6.4% to USD 1,270.1 billion in 2020, a little faster rate of growth than the 6.3% growth in 2019. Additionally, the increasing consumption of fast food and calorie-dense food, which is leading the region to a higher obesity rate, and increasing medical costs to treat obesity are predicted to drive the market growth over the forecast period. It was observed that, in the years 2015 to 2018, 36.3% of young people between the ages of 2 and 19 ate fast food at least once a day, and in 2019, the estimated yearly medical cost of obesity in the United States was close to USD 173 billion.

The study further incorporates Y-O-Y growth, demand & supply and forecast future opportunity in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa).

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The global metabolic panel testing market is segmented by disease into kidney diseases, diabetes, liver diseases, and others. Out of these, the kidney diseases segment is predicted to hold the largest market share over the forecast period owing to the rising incidence of kidney ailments and the quick change in people's lifestyles around the world. It was noticed that, adults in the US are thought to have chronic kidney diseases (CKD) in about 37 million cases, most of which go untreated and around 360 people start receiving dialysis for kidney failure every 24 hours. In addition to this, the patient-friendly healthcare policies in developed and developing regions to treat CKD and end-stage renal diseases (ESRD) are estimated to drive the segment growth over the forecast period. For instance, in the USA, patients with CKD required USD 87.2 billion in treatment in 2019, while those with ESRD required an extra USD 37.3 billion.

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Further, the global metabolic panel testing market is segmented by end user into point-of-care centers and laboratories. Out of these, the laboratories segment is estimated to gain significant market share over the forecast period owing to the high spending by patients to receive test results from reputable laboratories and their association with blood banks, hospitals, and specialist diagnostic centers. It is believed that by 2024, the medical and diagnostic laboratories in the United States are estimated to generate around USD 54 billion in revenue. In addition to this, the release of precise and cutting-edge devices including companion diagnostics, biochips, microarrays, and other technological advancements in the laboratories segment are estimated to drive the segment growth over the forecast period.

The global metabolic panel testing market is also segmented on the basis of test type.

Global Metabolic Panel Testing Market, Segmentation by Test Type



Kidney Tests


Liver Functional Tests


Some of the prominent key players and their company profiling mentioned in the global metabolic panel testing market research report include SYNLAB International GmbH, Abbott Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, Inc., Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, Sonic Healthcare Limited, Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc., Nova Biomedical Corporation, WerfenLife, S.A., Scion Lab Services, LLC, and other key market players. The profiling enfolds growth opportunities, challenges, and market trends prevalent for the growth of the market.

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Global Metabolic Panel Testing Market to Grow with a CAGR of ~7% During 2022-2031; Market Growth to be Propelled by Increasing Prevalence of Chronic...

3 Reasons to Buy This Sizzling Growth Stock – The Motley Fool

Buying companies with proven products or services that are operating in thriving industries is a must for growth investors. Genetic testing is one such industry. There has been an increase awareness and interest in testing for genetic disorders and cancers. That's why Allied Market Research predicts that the genetic testing industry will grow at a 10.1% annual rate, reaching $21.3 billion by 2027.

With a $1.9 billion market capitalization, Veracyte (VCYT 0.53%) is a lesser-known name in the industry. The company leverages genomic technology to help physicians more confidently diagnose and treat chronic conditions. The thought is that this will lead to better treatment outcomes for patients. The company's tests are used to diagnose and guide treatment decisions for conditions like lung cancer, prostate and bladder cancers, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer.

Here are three reasons why growth investors may want to familiarize themselves with the medical diagnostic company and consider buying its shares.

Veracyte reported $67.8 million in revenue for the first quarter ended March 31, up 84.7% from the year-ago period. This was much higher than the $62 million that analysts were expecting in the quarter. So how did the genetic test maker exceed analysts' predictions for the 10th quarter out of the last 10 quarters?

Testing revenue of $56 million in the first quarter accounted for the vast majority of Veracyte's total, and it was up 69.2% year over year. The deferral of diagnostic tests in past quarters acted as a coiled spring for the company in the first quarter. This explains how its test volumes soared 61% higher over the year-ago period to 23,245 during the quarter.

Veracyte's biopharmaceutical and other revenue surged to $8.8 million in the first quarter. This was much higher than the $0.6 million in revenue recognized for the first quarter of the prior year, which was due to contributions from the acquisition of the immuno-oncology company HalioDx last August. Meanwhile, product volume for Veracyte's ProSigna breast cancer tests dropped 2.6% year-over-year to $3 million for the first quarter. Minimal test volume growth was more than neutralized by a 5% currency headwind during the quarter.

As pent-up demand for its products wanes, Veracyte expects that revenue growth will significantly moderate in the remaining three quarters of the year. The pent-up demand stems from less diagnostic tests being performed in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that deferred diagnostic tests are finally being completed, there will be less of a demand going forward.

Even so, the company is forecasting $270 million in midpoint revenue for the year. This equates to a 23% growth rate over 2021. And analysts believe that growth will remain just as strong in 2023 at 19%.

Image source: Getty Images.

Another important reason why analysts are optimistic about Veracyte's future prospects has to do with the company's rock-solid balance sheet. Veracyte boasts a $163.6 million cash balance against $1.1 million long-term debt. Thus, the company is sitting on a net cash balance of $162.5 million, which is equivalent to over 8% of its market capitalization. This should give Veracyte the funds necessary to execute bolt-on acquisitions and future product launches.

Since Veracyte is more focused on revenue growth than profitability, the price-to-earnings ratio would be of no use in valuing the stock. That's why I would argue that the price-to-sales (P/S) ratio is more appropriate for Veracyte -- and currently it is trading at a multiple of seven. Considering that Veracyte is growing at a rate of around 20% annually, this is arguably a solid entry point for growth investors.

Kody Kester has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Veracyte. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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3 Reasons to Buy This Sizzling Growth Stock - The Motley Fool

Monkeypox, yet another health emergency for world to cope with – China Daily

A person arrives to receive a monkeypox vaccination at the Northwell Health Immediate Care Center at Fire Island-Cherry Grove, in New York, US, July 15, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

The World Health Organization has declared that the monkeypox outbreak in multiple countries is now a public health emergency of international concern, the highest level of alert it can sound.

At a time when a similar alert issued against the COVID-19 pandemic remains in place, identifying monkeypox as another public health emergency of international concern increase the global health challenge.

That WHO upgraded the outbreak from a pandemic to a public health emergency of international concern in just a month goes to show how fast the situation has changed. Altogether 16,000 monkeypox cases have been reported in 75 countries and regions around the world, with the number of confirmed infections increasing by 77 percent from late June to early July. Monkeypox used to be endemic to Africa, but now outbreaks have been reported from many countries and regions, including in Europe, the Americas and Asia.

The WHO has announced public health emergencies of international concern seven times in history. Aside from monkeypox, it has done so for influenza A(H1N1) virus in 2009, the wild poliovirus in 2014, the Ebola virus in West Africa in 2014, the Zika virus in Brazil in 2016, the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2018-20 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The world is thus saddled with a new challenge even as it grapples with COVID-19.

Considering that no monkeypox cases have been reported on the Chinese mainland, China's current efforts should focus on preventing imported cases from abroad. In fact, the General Administration of Customs issued a notice as early as May 30, requiring all ports across the country to continue with measures to prevent the import of "multiple diseases".

China has established a variety of genetic testing techniques for the early diagnosis of monkeypox.

The National Health Commission has also issued a technical guide on monkeypox prevention and control, explicitly requiring its early detection, reporting, diagnosis, investigation and treatment. It has also raised specific requirements for the standardization of monkeypox epidemiological investigation, contact determination and management, laboratory testing and other work.

There is no need for the public to panic at this stage. The risk of infection can be effectively lowered by reducing gatherings, wearing masks, washing hands frequently and avoiding contact with wild animals.


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Monkeypox, yet another health emergency for world to cope with - China Daily

Rhinostics Launches the VERIstic to Redefine Small Volume Blood Collection – BioSpace

Novel Automated Design Enables Comfortable Home and Clinic Based Blood Collection with Robotic High-Throughput Processing

WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rhinostics introduces another breakthrough in automated sample collection technologies with the launch of the patent-pending VERIstic Collection Device focused on small volume blood collection. The VERIstic is ideal for use in at-home and clinician-assisted collection methods and is a highly efficient, high-throughput replacement for antibody, hormone and protein detection, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), dried blood spot (DBS) cards, genetic testing, clinical trials, and other applications enabled by a simple finger prick collection.

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The VERIstic is the first of its kind collection device combining tried-and-true capillary blood collection with an integrated, automation-ready cap to save time, money, and hassles in a hands-free workflow when the sample reaches the laboratory. For patients and clinicians, the collection is rapid, simple, and comfortable. Once the finger is pricked with a lancet, 50 L of blood is instantly wicked up the unique and patent-pending 3-sided capillary tube. The tube is screwed into its matching transport tube for shipment to the laboratory. When it reaches the laboratory, 96 samples can be accessioned in seconds through 2D barcodes located on the transport tube bottom followed by robotic decapping of the samples, rapid elution of the sample, and automated liquid handling technologies. With gentle agitation, blood elutes from the capillary tube and is immediately ready for processing while lab technicians are free to focus their attention elsewhere. (Photo: Business Wire)

Were very excited to bring this truly unique and simple innovation to the blood collection market, said Cheri Walker, PhD, President and CEO of Rhinostics. Finally, patients and clinicians can be assured of comfortable metered blood collection, where the clear capillary allows the collector to monitor collection and laboratories gain consistent blood collection combined with cost and time-saving efficiencies during processing through automated decapping and robotic sample processing.

This first of its kind collection device combines tried-and-true capillary blood collection with an integrated, automation-ready cap to save time, money, and hassles in a hands-free workflow when the sample reaches the laboratory. For patients and clinicians, the collection is rapid, simple, and comfortable. Once the finger is pricked with a lancet, 50 L of blood is instantly wicked up the unique and patent-pending 3-sided capillary tube. The tube is screwed into its matching transport tube for shipment to the laboratory. When it reaches the laboratory, 96 samples can be accessioned in seconds through 2D barcodes located on the transport tube bottom followed by robotic decapping of the samples, rapid elution of the sample, and automated liquid handling technologies. With gentle agitation, blood elutes from the capillary tube and is immediately ready for processing while lab technicians are free to focus their attention elsewhere. The VERIstic enables efficient, hands-free and low labor workflows.

VERIstic is suited for a range of applications including other small volume body fluids, blood monitoring, wound care, clinical trials, and a number of home- or clinic-based sample collection needs. Rhinostics will mark the global debut of this device at the 2022 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo to be held July 26-28 in Chicago, IL.

About Rhinostics

Rhinostics is at the forefront of revolutionizing sample collection. As a spin-out company from Harvard University and Wyss Institute, we are taking a radical new approach to sample collection device design and function. We recognize that many automated microplate-based workflows are encumbered by manual steps at the workflows beginning, and aim to develop and commercialize elegant, automated collection devices to break through these bottlenecks. Using our advanced collection device technologies such as the RHINOstic Automated Swab, test kit manufacturers can empower comfortable yet high-end patient experiences with abundant and clean sample yields for tests from lateral flow to microfluidics; all while boosting profits and differentiating their brand. Test processing laboratories conducting sensitive assays from traditional PCR to LAMP or antigen testing and more gain 10x sample throughput compared to manual workflows for cost-effective and robust assay performance even when working with difficult samples; with labor reductions of 80+%, even during times of surging demand. Rhinostics aids testing workflows during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond in areas like respiratory disease, genomics, STDs, forensic and much more. Rhinostics continues to innovate, launching the novel VERIstic Collection Device and with a development pipeline of improved sample collection devices that are purpose-built for their application combined with automation enablement. Rhinostics products are registered as Class I exempt medical devices with the U.S. FDA and may be used for clinical collection upon CLIA validation. In 2022, Rhinostics received a Bronze Edison Award in the COVID-19 Innovations, Testing Solutions category for the RHINOstic Automated Swab. To learn more, visit

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Rhinostics Launches the VERIstic to Redefine Small Volume Blood Collection - BioSpace

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Size, Forecast And Trend Analysis To 2028 This Is Ardee – This Is Ardee

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New Jersey, USA,-The Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market study provides a comprehensive examination of the market throughout the projection period. The study covers a variety of sections as well as an analysis of the events and factors that are likely to play a significant role in the future. These elements, known as market dynamics, include the drivers, restrictions, options, and difficulties that shape the overall image of those components. The markets intrinsic components are the drivers and restraints, while the extrinsic components are the alternatives and difficulties. Throughout the forecast period, the Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market report provides an insight on the markets performance in terms of revenue.

This research provides an all-encompassing assessment of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market. The market estimations presented in the report are based on extensive secondary research, primary interviews, and in-house expert evaluations. These market estimations were developed by examining the impact of various social, political, and financial factors, as well as current market dynamics, on the Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market.

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To ensure that the specific detailing of the Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing markets footprint and sales demographics are captured with precision, an in-depth analysis of several regions is carried out, allowing the user to make the most of the data.

Market Segmentation:

Key Players:

Segment by Types:

Segment by Applications:

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Regions Are covered By Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Report 2022 To 2028

For a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market is analyzed across key geographies namely: North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa). Each of these regions is analyzed on the basis of market findings across major countries in these regions for a macro-level understanding of the market.

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Report Scope:

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Industry Overview:The first section of the research study covers an overview of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market,market status and prospects,and product range. In addition,it provides highlights of the major segments of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market,i.e. region, type and application segments.

Competitive Analysis:This report illuminates important mergers and acquisitions,business expansion,product or service differences,market concentration,competitive status of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, and market size by player.

Company Profiles and Key Data:This section covers companies profiling the major players in the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market based on the aforementioned revenue,products,business and other factors.

Market size by type and application:In addition to providing in-depth analysis of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market size by type and application,this section provides research on top end users or consumers and potential applications.

Market Dynamics:This report covers the drivers, trends and opportunities of the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market. This section also includes Porters analysis of five forces.

Findings and Conclusions:It provides strong recommendations for new as well as established players for securing a position of strength in the global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market.

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Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Size, Forecast And Trend Analysis To 2028 This Is Ardee - This Is Ardee

PSS: Providing quick and effective solutions – The Worldfolio

Japan is a leader in developing drugs and medical devices that are used worldwide. What contributions has Precision System Science (PSS) made to the medical field?

I learned the business from a domestic perspective, but I have a close relationship with an international partner who worked in Abbott before and since then, I have established connections with Roche and Thermo Fisher. As an SME, we have learned that big companies lack the inspiration to produce compact and easy-to-use products. PSS has received praise from larger companies for providing compact technology quickly and efficiently with highly accurate and precise diagnostic results. We will continue looking into what we can do as an SME and doing what major companies dont have the inclination to do themselves.

We have developed automated technologies that allow sample-to-result: nucleic acid extraction (DNA or RNA etc) to amplification and detection, and these can be used to conduct PCR testing quickly in just two hours. The equipment is small yet high-tech and we believe it is one of a kind. Our design concept is to develop devices that are small, compact, efficient, easy to use, and highly accurate and precise diagnostic results, therefore with features that large companies usually dont provide.

Magnetic filtration technology, or Magtration, is the core of our business. It uses magnetic beads and the system we have developed, and we realised that Magtration technology is very efficient in terms of sample preparation (nucleic acid extraction) of open systems in the field of molecular diagnostic and that is how the technology was developed. This is the very first automated sample preparation system that succeeded and thanks to this, we have received OEM orders from Roche and QIAGEN and have produced about 40,000 units so far.

Healthcare systems in many countries have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As you mentioned, you have developed a fully automated PCR testing system that reduces testing time from six to two hours and removes the possibility of human error. How can such devices help mitigate the impact of future epidemics or pandemics, especially in countries with weak healthcare systems, such as developing and low-income nations?

PCR testing offers a high possibility of detection right after infection compared to protein-based antigen testing. If middle and low-income countries were to introduce a system to detect future infectious diseases, then PCR testing would be advantageous, and we would promote its adoption. About twenty years ago, we collaborated with the Japanese Red Cross Society to reduce serum hepatitis incidence after transfusions, and in addition to working with Roche, we were involved in preventing not only serum hepatitis, but also the spread of HIV and other diseases transmitted by blood, including through transfusions, by developing a device of sample preparation that could confirm contaminated blood combining a sample pooling method for multiple detection. Thanks to that, we have been able to significantly decrease the spread of hepatitis and HIV transmissible by blood.

In addition to our Magtration technology, we are developing a print-made cartridge. The systems used by major companies are becoming very complex and by providing this cartridge pre-filled with reagent and allowing any country in the world to use it new contaminants can be detected. We have also developed a soak stick kit: a saliva sample is taken, and the vial doesnt need to be filled with reagent by the testing machinery if used in combination with the cartridge. The saliva kit is combined with an inactive virus infection like COVID-19 solution, meaning the person conducting the test wont be infected.

8 years ago, we established a partnership with French company ELITech, who wanted to sell their PCR reagent with their machinery. The OEM product is sold as ELITe InGenius, but now we are developing a version called BeGenius which we have announced publicly. We have high expectations for providing our products to ELITech, in addition to evolving with them and gaining a stronger market presence.

At the same time, there are many challenges. One of them is that it takes two hours for us to get the fully automated results of the PCR test with highly accurate and precise diagnostic results, however we want to reduce this to less than an hour with the same quality of diagnostic results. To reach this goal, we will increase the speed of hardware movement, while also upgrading the software to be more efficient. We are doing our best to evolve this as a business, as well as contribute to society, by providing an automated PCR testing device that takes less time, and which would be particularly convenient for locations such as airports. It is also very compact, so placing it in these locations wouldnt be difficult.

The machine itself scans barcodes placed on the samples, however, to ensure that there are no mistakes, handwritten labels that the machine can recognise are also used. Since the process is automated, the samples arent at risk of being contaminated during testing. The testing kit is also packaged with the machine. It is still a medical device, so a person must be trained to operate it, but it is easy to use, therefore making mistakes less commonplace. Originally, our machines were used for organ transplant testing, but with the rise of infectious diseases, we decided to incorporate this type of testing too.

We recently completed our work with Kyoto University, with whom we collaborated on the development of a high-precision pool-based mass screening system for SARS-CoV-2 (the COVID-19) detection using a fully automated genetic testing device. In the validation study, a total of 2,448 saliva and swab samples were tested, and the results showed a sensitivity of 97.1% and a specificity of 99.9%, demonstrating the high accuracy of this system.

For example, in a context where multiple people are tested at the same time, such as an airport, and in which a small minority of people test positive, while the majority are negative, eight samples are tested simultaneously, allowing for immediate detection of the positive samples.

PSS Matsudo Head Office


PSS Shinjuku Laboratory

NPS & Odate Reagent Center

You have a highly diversified product line-up. What product or products are you currently focusing on?

Our business model has changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We didnt produce reagents for PCR before, until we partnered with a European company providing them with the pre-packaged reagents. We have always been a machinery developer and have constantly asked ourselves what reagents should be used with our machinery for testing.

Your platform Bio System is an open system to provide solutions in a variety of fields, including oncology and stem cell research. Can you tell us more about it?

The Bio System is planned to extract very fine particles within the body: by extracting them using Magtration technology or the cartridge reagent, we can apply the procedure in many fields, including disease detection. Our strengths are in sample preparation and conducting the diagnosis. To take advantage of our this strengths by establishing a mass production supply chain of our Prefilled Reagent Cartridge for Magnetic Bead Based Nucleic Acid Extractions, we are constructing the second plant of the Odate Reagent Center (targeted to start operation in the first half of 2022).

The reagent manufacturing capacity will be significantly increased from approximately 6 million tests/year to approximately 36 million tests/year to meet various genetic testing needs including PCR testing.

You have an in-house R&D department in Ichikawa, in Chiba prefecture, where you are tirelessly developing new products. What is the centres focus?

Recently, our development has moved in the direction of finding applications for the research and technology that we have accumulated over time. Unlike other companies, which use 96 microplates as a standard, we adopt a unique approach where we focus on each specific sample. Combined with our technologies, this approach allows us to create new approaches, such as detecting diseases that were previously difficult to diagnose.

How will you achieve clinical diagnosis using genes? Are you looking for partners to create new products for this specific market?

We now work with academic institutions, both internationally and domestically, whereas beforehand we were only working with other medical companies. We usually do as much as we can by ourselves, as we want to establish our one-of-a-kind technologies and devices.

Recently, you opened an Inspection center in Shinjuku, Tokyo. What is a purpose of the Establishment of "PSS Shinjuku Laboratory" which have opened last October as a Sanitary Inspection Center?

Ons and academia. In order to achieve corporate citizenship, we will also conduct PCR testing for COVID-19 infections from corporate entities and plan to establish a business cooperation group with the aim of "establishing a system where anyone can receive fast & accurate PCR tests anytime, anywhere" by deploying such facilities not only in Japan but also on a global scale.

On account of its ageing population, Japan is facing the need to focus more on healthcare prevention, rather than treatment. How are you catering to this trend?

Alzheimers, for example, is very difficult to treat, more so than cancer, and many pharmaceutical companies have invested trillions of yen to develop a drug to treat it, but to no avail. What is important is that if you can detect Alzheimers 10 or 20 years before its onset, then you are in a better position to treat it and potentially avoid suffering being caused by the disease. The same applies to cancer. Early detection is very important, and we are trying to utilise our technologies to create ways to detect these diseases.

You are present in Germany and the United States. Could you tell us why you chose these locations?

The reason we have businesses there is that we have partners in those countries. Japan is behind when it comes to understanding the need for PCR technology. Instead, there is a higher demand in the American and European markets, and we are working as an OEM provider with our partners in those locations.

What is your strategy to further expand internationally?

We have received many offers to be purchased by larger companies, but we have declined them because we want the freedom to develop what we like. Currently, we have distribution partners in the United States, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, and Sweden, among others. In our work with overseas companies, we have been providing OEM products, but we are aiming to develop a PSS brand and sell our products directly. For now, we believe our best option is to have partnerships with agents who understand our products well and develop good distribution networks.

Imagine we come back in four years time for PSSs 40th anniversary. What goals would you like to have achieved by then?

We want to enter niche fields that havent been entered yet. For example, the area of disease detection that we discussed earlier hasnt been dealt with successfully. We want to provide technology that caters to and provides solutions for such frontier areas.

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PSS: Providing quick and effective solutions - The Worldfolio

Prevencio Announces Agreement with Alivio Health Expanding Access to AI-Driven Cardiac HART Tests Offered by Atlas Genomics – Business Wire

KIRKLAND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Prevencio, Inc. today announces that Atlas Genomics, Prevencios performing laboratory for its Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven cardiac HART blood tests, has entered into a preferred provider agreement with Alivio Health to provide expanded access for Prevencios HART tests. The coverage includes HART CVE, the only blood test available for assessing a patients one-year risk for a heart attack, stroke, or cardiac death, and HART CADhs for assessing a patients risk for significant blockage of a heart artery.

In conjunction with researchers and clinicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, HART test data has been presented at leading cardiology scientific sessions and has been published in peer-review journals. The HART tests are significantly more accurate than single protein blood tests, standard-of-care stress tests, clinical risk scores, and genetic tests. The HART tests are also accurate in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, conditions that often confound other blood-based tests or have contraindications for dye-based imaging, including Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiograms (CCTA).

Prevencio is grateful for our laboratory partnership with Atlas Genomics and is excited to collaborate with Alivio Health to provide 125,000 Americans with increased access to our precision care HART tests, said Rhonda Rhyne, Prevencios Chief Executive Officer. Through Alivio Health, we intend to expand awareness, access, reimbursement, and utilization of HART cardiac tests for the benefit of patients. Our mission is preventing the preventable by providing patients, clinicians, and employers with personalized tests that are more accurate, safer, and more affordable for preventing, identifying, treating, and monitoring the tens of millions of patients with cardiac issues.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and globally. According to the American Heart Association, the U.S. spends approximately $316 billion annually on cardiovascular disease and stroke, or approximately 10% of the $3.2 trillion spent on total healthcare. By 2030, more than 40% of the U.S. adult population is projected to have cardiovascular disease. For additional information, visit Prevencio, Inc.

About Prevencio, Inc.: Powered by AI, Prevencio is revolutionizing blood tests for cardiovascular disease and custom diagnostics. Prevencio utilizes Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) + Multiple Proteomic Biomarkers + Proprietary Algorithms to deliver cardiovascular diagnostic & prognostic tests that are significantly more accurate than standard-of-care stress tests, genetic tests, and clinical risk scores. Employing this novel approach, the company has developed seven blood tests that significantly improve diagnoses for a variety of heart and blood vessel-related complications. The company is headquartered in Kirkland, Washington. For additional information, visit Prevencio, Inc.

About Atlas Genomics: Atlas Genomics is a high-complexity, CLIA- and CAP-accredited molecular diagnostic laboratory headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Atlas has specialized in molecular and genetic testing since its inception in 2014, offering womens health, COVID 19, cardiovascular testing (via novel Prevencio HART tests), stem cell analysis, cytogenetics, and research testing in support of biotechnology companies nationwide. Atlas primary technologies include next generation sequencing (NGS), RT-PCR, and proteomics.

About Alivio Health: Alivio Health is a national genetic benefit solutions company committed to providing access to a comprehensive suite of molecular and advanced diagnostics enabling actionable insights for patients and their physicians. The constant and rapid expansion of genetic services has left laboratories and payers of healthcare incessantly navigating challenges around medical policy, coverage, and reimbursement. Alivio Health, through its comprehensive nationwide network of molecular and advanced testing laboratories, is facilitating access to the right test at the right time for employers and their employees. For additional information, visit Alivio Health.

Forward-Looking (Safe Harbor) Statement:

Prevencio cautions you that statements in this press release that are not a description of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the Company's current beliefs and expectations. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the expected benefits of the partnership with Alivio Health, including the availability and expected use of Prevencios tests through the Alivio Healths network, and any potential for increased use of HART tests. The Companies do not undertake to update disclosures contained in this press release.

See the original post:
Prevencio Announces Agreement with Alivio Health Expanding Access to AI-Driven Cardiac HART Tests Offered by Atlas Genomics - Business Wire

Myriad Genetics Teams Up with Epic to Make Genetic Testing Accessible to More Patients with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration – GlobeNewswire

SALT LAKE CITY, June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc., (NASDAQ: MYGN), a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, today announced a partnership with Epic, the industry leading healthcare software company, to integrate Myriads full line of genetic tests with Epics expansive network of 600,000 physicians and more than 250 million patients.

The integration creates a seamless, end-to-end workflow solution for healthcare providers to order Myriad tests and review results directly within their everyday Epic platform without additional steps or manual ordering processes. Epic enables a secure exchange of information between healthcare institutions that care for patients.

With the ability to review pertinent health information, order tests, and receive results natively in Epic, providers will have the critical genetic insights and related information they need to drive better health outcomes and improve the patient experience. Patients will also be able to easily access their Myriad test results and other health information directly within their EHR portal.

Simplifying the process of genetic testing by making it more accessible and interoperable with electronic health records is a key component of our mission to advance health and well-being for all, said Paul J. Diaz, president and CEO, Myriad Genetics. Our collaboration with Epic reflects our strategy to partner with other healthcare industry leaders so we can advance precision medicine together. Increasing access to genetic insights and integrating our tests into Epics vast network of healthcare systems represents a significant step forward to better serve patients and healthcare providers.

As part of its transformation and growth plan, Myriad is focusing on new customer-centric, tech-enabled tools to make the genetic testing process easier for patients and clinicians. With the recent launch of Myriads Precise Oncology Solutions, providers can now place a single order for multiple Myriad tests and receive timely results through a unified online portal. Now, through the partnership with Epic, Myriad is expanding efforts to help physicians and health systems gain access to genetic testing faster and conveniently within the platform they use every day.

Genetic testing and precision medicine save lives, said Alan Hutchison, vice president of Population Health at Epic. Through this relationship, were bringing genetic insights to the point of care at scale, giving providers and patients the information they need to make more timely, informed decisions.

Myriads integration with Epic is expected to go live later this year.

About Myriad Genetics Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing and precision medicine company dedicated to advancing health and well-being for all. Myriad develops and commercializes genetic tests that help assess the risk of developing disease or disease progression and guide treatment decisions across medical specialties where genetic insights can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. Fast Company named Myriad among the Worlds Most Innovative Companies for 2022. For more information, visit

Myriad, the Myriad logo, BRACAnalysis, BRACAnalysis CDx, Colaris, Colaris AP, MyRisk, Myriad MyRisk, MyRisk Hereditary Cancer, MyChoice CDx, Prequel, Prequel with Amplify, Amplify, Foresight, Precise, FirstGene, Health.Illuminated., RiskScore, Prolaris, GeneSight, and EndoPredict are trademarks or registered trademarks of Myriad Genetics, Inc. 2022 Myriad Genetics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Safe Harbor StatementThis press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements relating to the integration of the companys genetic tests with Epics network of physicians and patients and the expected timing of the integration; the companys growth plan to scale customer-centric, tech-enabled commercial capabilities with 600+ EHR integrations this year; the anticipated benefits of the integration, including that the integration will create an end-to-end workflow solution for healthcare providers to order Myriad tests and review results directly with their everyday Epic workflows, provide providers with critical genetic insights and related information they need to drive better health outcomes and improve the patient experience, and allow patients to easily access their Myriad test results directly from their EHR portal; and the companys strategic imperatives under the caption About Myriad Genetics. These forward-looking statements are managements present expectations of future events and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those described in the forward-looking statements. These risks include, but are not limited to: uncertainties associated with COVID-19, including its possible effects on the companys operations and the demand for its products and services and the companys ability to efficiently and flexibly manage its business; the risk that sales and profit margins of the companys existing molecular diagnostic tests may decline or that the company may not be able to operate its business on a profitable basis; risks related to the companys ability to generate sufficient revenue from its existing product portfolio or in launching and commercializing new tests; risks related to changes in governmental or private insurers coverage and reimbursement levels for the companys tests or the companys ability to obtain reimbursement for its new tests at comparable levels to its existing tests; risks related to increased competition and the development of new competing tests and services; the risk that the company may be unable to develop or achieve commercial success for additional molecular diagnostic tests in a timely manner, or at all; the risk that the company may not successfully develop new markets for its molecular diagnostic tests, including the companys ability to successfully generate revenue outside the United States; the risk that licenses to the technology underlying the companys molecular diagnostic tests and any future tests are terminated or cannot be maintained on satisfactory terms; risks related to delays or other problems with operating and constructing the companys laboratory testing facilities; risks related to public concern over genetic testing in general or the companys tests in particular; risks related to regulatory requirements or enforcement in the United States and foreign countries and changes in the structure of the healthcare system or healthcare payment systems; risks related to the companys ability to obtain new corporate collaborations or licenses and acquire or develop new technologies or businesses on satisfactory terms, if at all; risks related to the companys ability to successfully integrate and derive benefits from any technologies or businesses that it licenses, acquires or develops; risks related to the companys projections about the potential market opportunity for the companys current and future products; the risk that the company or its licensors may be unable to protect or that third parties will infringe the proprietary technologies underlying the companys tests; the risk of patent-infringement claims or challenges to the validity of the companys patents; risks related to changes in intellectual property laws covering the companys molecular diagnostic tests, or patents or enforcement, in the United States and foreign countries; risks related to security breaches, loss of data and other disruptions, including from cyberattacks; risks of new, changing and competitive technologies and regulations in the United States and internationally; the risk that the company may be unable to comply with financial operating covenants under the companys credit or lending agreements; risks related to the material weakness related to general information technology controls, including the impact thereof and the companys remediation plan, and its ability to achieve and maintain effective disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting; risks related to current and future lawsuits, including product or professional liability claims; and other factors discussed under the heading Risk Factors contained in Item 1A of the companys Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 25, 2022, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in the companys Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K. The reported number of physicians and patients in Epics network were provided by Epic.

See the article here:
Myriad Genetics Teams Up with Epic to Make Genetic Testing Accessible to More Patients with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration - GlobeNewswire

Global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Emerging Scope Of The 2022 | Illumina, BGI, Genesis Genetics, Myriad Genetics …

The detailed analysis of the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market delivers key insights on the changing industry dynamics, value chain analysis, leading investment pockets, competitive scenarios, regional landscape, and crucial segments. It also offers an extensive inspection related to the driving and restraining ingredients for the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. Additionally, explains the superior data about the working strategies and growth prospects of the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. This will help industry players, policymakers, stakeholders, investors, and new aspirants to grab innovative opportunities, uncover important strategies, and also accomplish a competitive edge in the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Industry.

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The report delivers a comprehensive evaluation of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market globally for the forecasted period through 2022-2029. The global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report comprises different marketing components and the future trends that are performing a substantial role in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics industry. The factors such as the drivers, opportunities, challenges, and restraints will impact the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market growth across the world. Moreover, the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report gives a deep outlook on the implementation of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market in terms of revenue throughout the projected period.

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The research also offers deep segmentation of the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market 2022 based on the specific region, well-established players, applications, and product types. The global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report also offers a comprehensive analysis of each segment of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. The insights on the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report are valuable in evaluating distinct components such as analyzing expansion strategies, finding growth potential, and focusing on opportunities that are available in new regions/countries.

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Vital Players covered in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market report:

IlluminaBGIGenesis GeneticsMyriad Genetics23andMe, IncColor Genomics IncPathway GenomicsARUP Laboratories

Product Types of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market are as follows:

Predictive TestingConsumer GenomicsWellness Genomics

Key Applications included in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market:

Breast & Ovarian CancerCardiovascular screeningDiabetic Screening & MonitoringColon CancerOther

Regional analysis of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market:

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Prominent Highlights of the Global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Report:

It demonstrates the overall competitive landscape of the global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. Revenue produced by each segment of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market by 2029. It covers different industrial factors that are anticipated to drive and generate newer opportunities in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. The report on the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market also illustrates several strategies to climb sustainable growth of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics industry. It displays the tactics used by the leading players and product offerings. Exhibits geographical regions that would develop excellent business opportunities during the predicted timeframe from 2022 to 2029. The global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report covers, revenue shares, sale assessment, gross margin, historical growth analysis, and upcoming perspectives in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market.

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Global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Emerging Scope Of The 2022 | Illumina, BGI, Genesis Genetics, Myriad Genetics ...
