Archive for the ‘Hormone Clinic’ Category
Benefits of hormone replacement therapy – Augusta Free Press
Published Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019, 12:25 pm
Front Page Business Benefits of hormone replacement therapy
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Photo Credit: Peshkova/iStock Photo
When women start getting closer to menopause, their ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone. These are the two hormones that control the monthly cycle. They can also affect the health of the bones, heart, and even vagina. As such, hormone replacement therapy provides an excellent solution to women. It is a medication that contains female hormones to replace those that the body fails to make after menopause. This form of therapy can also be used in the treatment of some common symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. However, in as much as hormone replacement therapy is beneficial for most women, it comes along with some risks. Everything has to be done right, and a reputable hormone clinic is a must. Be sure to click for more information on hormone replacement therapy.
For purposes of obtaining the perfect results, hormone therapy must be tailored to each person and re-evaluated from time to time to ensure its benefits are more than the risks. Some of the benefits of HRT include
When taking hormone replacement therapy, systemic estrogen that is present in pills, skin patches, creams, sprays, and gels remains quite useful. It is responsible for relieving troublesome menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. After menopause, most women dont produce enough levels of estrogen, and if thats not kept in check, it can be quite troublesome. Hot flashes and night sweats can be quite uncomfortable, and thats why hormone therapy works for most women.
Menopause comes along with many symptoms, including dryness and itching. Taking the recommended levels of estrogen helps in relieving these vaginal symptoms. It can be uncomfortable for women as they get older to encounter dryness and itching, and thats why most doctors recommend HRT. It has some risks, but when done right, it can be quite helpful.
During menopause, the womans body goes through a lot of changes, especially in making some essential hormones. That can irritate and in most cases, deprive one of their good nights sleep. Taking hormone replacement therapy helps keep the levels of estrogen and progesterone balanced. As a result, it enables one to sleep better at night. Its also worth noting that reduced night sweats play a significant role in having peaceful nights.
When women get older and start approaching menopause, many symptoms begin to manifest themselves. Dryness and itching are quite common, and can sometimes lead to burning and discomfort when having sexual intercourse. It can be quite frustrating for couples, and thats why most doctors advise women to seek help from reputable hormone clinics. This is because, in as much as hormone therapy is helpful, it has to be done right. Every woman is different from the other, and treatment has to be tailored for them only. Complacency can cause some adverse risks that can be life-changing.
Combining estrogen and progesterone therapy well can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Most women under menopause experience fluctuations in their estrogen and progesterone levels. When its not kept in check, it can cause colon cancer. However, with treatment, the risk of colon cancer can be reduced significantly.
The bone-thinning disease, also called osteoporosis is common when estrogen levels in the body start declining. Taking therapy from a hormone clinic helps women get access to systemic estrogen that protects one from their bones getting thinner. However, in as much as these process works, most doctors recommend other medications called bisphosphonates. These drugs are active and have minimal risks as compared to taking therapy.
According to research, estrogen can be used to reduce the risk of getting heart diseases. However, for that to work, treatment has to taken early in the postmenopausal years.
HRT is quite helpful for women approaching menopause. However, before deciding to take the treatment, women should carefully discuss the benefits and risks involved. There is a lot to take into account, including age, medical history, personal preferences, and risk factors, among others. The doctor has to make sure the treatment is the right option.
The majority of women that resolve to hormone replacement therapy for the short-term treatment of symptoms of the menopause, the benefits tend to outweigh the risks. However, women taking the medication should get re-assessed annually by their doctor. Always ensure you get help from a reputable hormone clinic to avoid getting exposed to other unwanted risks.
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Benefits of hormone replacement therapy - Augusta Free Press
The 2010s were the decade of trans – The Spectator USA
Transgender ideology wasnt invented in the 2010s, but this was the decade when it gripped our culture in its venomous maw and refused to let go. Heres how trans grew from fringe oddity to a massive force affecting schools, parenting, prisons, policy, academia, sports, law enforcement, language and the arts.
In 2009, Susie Green, who will become Chair of UK gender clinic Mermaids, takes her son to Thailand for vaginoplasty. Jackie Green becomes the youngest person in the world to undergo a sex change operation, at age 16. Meanwhile, trans woman and trans humanist Martine Rothblatt foresees the end of our species as we know it, andclaimsthat transhumanism builds on transgenderism, broadening the driving mindset from a gender ideal to a human development ideal.
Trans began the decadeas an outlier. It became something tolerated out of compassion. It has become a medical-legal monster, with activists claiming to redefine woman as a feeling, with self-identification trumping the basic facts of biological sex.And if you disagree, youre transphobic. Welcome to the 2020s!
At 10 years old,Jazz Jenningsis already out as trans.
Children become the subject ofmedical experimentation. Britains National Health Service approves medical experiments which will chemically castrate gay children in attempt to correct gender-nonconformity.
We now being told that affirmation of trans individuals is all about compassion. We need to knowwhat trans gender meansand how important surgery is.New York magazinesays that it takes a powerful act of imagination to understand what a transgender child, in his perfect little body on the changing table, might be feeling, or why he might become terrified as adolescence approaches.
The American Psychiatric Associationupdates its manual, to replace gender identity disorder with gender dysphoria.
Now 13 years old and wearing dental braces as well as female dress, Jazz Jennings isparadedon ABC News.
In Britain, the gender clinic at theTavistock Clinic gives 12 year-olds hormone blockers to prepare for transition. The treatment halts the onset of puberty preventing children from developing the sexual characteristics of the gender they were born.
Trans woman Parker Molloy writes amissive:I am a woman, but on such a frequent basis, Im told this is not true. Im told that Im genetically or biologically male. Im told that Im not a real woman. I have to ask: What constitutes a real woman? How am I not one? Is it because of my chromosomes? I dont think thats fair
The splendidly surnamed trans actress Laverne Cox, the first trans person to grace the cover ofTIMEmagazine, explains that most of us are insecure about our gender.
IntheNew Yorker, Michelle Goldberg sits on the fence: Trans women say that they are women because they feel femalethey have womens brains in mens bodies. Radical feministsbelieve that if women think and act differently from men its because society forces them to.
Facebook offers56 gender optionsfor users to choose from.
Susie Greens trans daughter Jackie is now 21, and Green speaks out against those who call her parentingabusive. She claims that even before she could speak my daughter had made her preferences clear.
Bruce Jenner becomes Caitlyn, and graces the cover ofVanity Fair. Trans MMA fighterFallon Foxdefeated her opponent, Tamikka Brents, by TKO at 2:17 of the first round of their match. Brents eye injury resulted in a damaged orbital bone that required seven staples. Now thats equality.
Michelle Goldberg is back. InSlate, she reminds us that, Most progressives now take it for granted that gender is a matter of identity, not biology, and that refusing to recognize a persons gender identity is an outrageous offense.
In the UK, theParliamentary Women and Equalities Committee Reportremoves sex-based protections.My Transgender Kidappears on the BBC. Itsreported that the Tavistock and Portman gender clinic has seen referrals increase by 50 percent every year since 2009.
Rachel Dolezal claims to betransracial.Trans abledturns out to be a thing.
Teen girls protest trans girls use of girlslocker room.
The year of the bathroom. A North Carolina law ispasseddisallowing trans people from using the bathroom of their choice. The State issuedby Obamas Department of Justice, whichtellsevery public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.
The director of the ACLU in Georgialeaves her postrather than fight for trans bathroom rights.
Male bodied trans studentscompeteagainst girls in high school sports. Female bodied transpregnant personsare lauded as the first male mothers.
The National Institute of Healthlaunchesthe largest-ever study of transgender youth, but also only the second to track the psychological effects of delaying puberty. Its notable that theres no control group.
Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy speaks out against the lack of debate. Because representation matters, a call goes outnot to castcis women as trans.
Jill SollowaysTransparentcomes underfirefor not being woke enough.
A male to female detransitionerspeaks. TheNew York Timesadmitsthat scientists have no conclusive explanation for what causes some people to feel dissonance between their gender identity and aspects of their anatomy.
Philosopher Slavoj iek gets called out for his claimthat the vision of social relations that sustains transgenderism is the so-called postgenderism: a social, political and cultural movement whose adherents advocate a voluntary abolition of gender, rendered possible by recent scientific progress in biotechnology and reproductive technologies.
The Womens March takes to the streets in Washington, DC, wearingtransphobic, pink pussy hats. Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos misgender Jenner and are slammedby Dan Savage.Neuterbecomes a thing, so does drilling down into biology to determine that sex is not binary in otherspecies. Which it is, really.
Stonewall UKs Rachel Steinconfirmsthat being trans is about an innate sense of self. To imply anything other than this is reductive and hurtful to many trans people who are only trying to live life as their authentic selves.
Thegender spectrumemerges.
Trans advocatessuggestthatprevious restrictions on transing kids be eased so that children under 16 years old can begin hormone therapy in order to physically transform their bodies.
Teachers socially trans kidswithout parents consent. Jazz Jenningss book I Am Jazzis acontroversialpick for kindergarten story time.
Radical feministsspeak outagainst transing kids. One lady istrans species.And trans affirmation is noweveryones job.Topshopopensfitting rooms to trans women. Theres money in them there trans.
The Department of Justice reverses the Obama era directives andsaysthat sex means only biologically male or female.
Katie Herzogwritesabout detransitioners, and gets intense heat for it. Debra Sohsaysthat the entire gender conversation has brain science wrong.
We will change our bodies however we want, theTrans Health Manifestoinsists. We will have universally accessible and freely available hormones & blockers, surgical procedures, and any other relevant treatments and therapies.
The real question is: how does a female bodied gay mannavigate Grindr?
Who could have guessed, even a decade ago, that in 2018 the word woman would be treated as an expletive? asks Joanna Williams in Britains PC-bible theNew Statesman.
The Gender Recognition Act allows for self-ID in the UK. The NHSmust offerfertility services to those looking to remove their genitals.Britain;s Labour party alienates gender-critical feminists by stating that self-ID is all thats required to be on Laboursshort listof women candidates. Women try to meet and talk about this mess, but their events arecanceleddue to trans protests.
UK Schools policy comes underfirefor insisting that all kids have a gender identity. Girl Guides inclusion policycalled outas anti-girl. Amother of fouris interrogated by the police for referring to male to female trans surgery as castration on Twitter. The mere concept ofdebating trans becomes transphobic.
Jess Bradley, the first elected Trans Officer in the UK National Union of Student, says I self-identify as a non-binary woman, I dont believe there is such a thing as a real woman. Male bodied trans person Rachel McKinnonwinsa womens cycling race.
Bill B-16 isadoptedin Canada. This effectively redefines what it means to be a woman from something biological to something defined by external appearance. A Toronto womens shelter admits a male bodied trans person, and an abused womansues.
In academia, Camille Paglia says sex change is impossible. Jordan Peterson is almost fired from the University of Toronto for refusing to go along with compelled speech for pronouns. There are callsfor colleges to let trans athletes play on their chosen gender.
Heather Brunskell-Evans and Michele Moores bookTransgender Children and Young People: Born In Your Own Bodyisrejectedby trans activists. Oxfordbansgender critical voices. Lisa Littmans academic paper on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria is pulled from Plos One for being transphobic. Jesse Singal writes about gender confused youth inthe Atlantic, and takes masses of abuse for it. Reports emerge on the danger in the drugs used tocastratechildren, and concerns thattransing is homophobia.
TheParis Reviewadvocates for atrans literary canon. No one buys theParis Review.
Trans surgeries dont always have an amazingresult.YettheAmerican Academy of Pediatriciansasserts thattransgender kids know their genderas clearly and consistently as their developmentally equivalent peers and that theres no need for watchful waiting.Trans toyscome to market.
TheNew York Timessayssex doesnt have anything to do with reproductive organs. Researchclaimsthat gender dysphoric kids show functional brain characteristics that are typical of their desired gender.
US prisonsopposetrans inmates in womens prisons. Canadian prisonsallowprisoners to be housed according to gender identity.
How much longer must transgender people continue to participate in public conversations about whether or not we know our own souls? Jennifer Finney Boylanasksin theNew York Times equating gender to a religious belief. Quillettemakes a splash by publishing opposition to the trans agenda, even fromtrans persons.
The question of how tofuck trans lesbiansis a thing. So isgirldick,how to eat out a non-op trans woman, andrewriting gay historyto be trans. Andrea Long Chu says shewont be happywith her new coochie, but she should get one anyway. Andtrans lesbiansreally have trouble dating.
Cis women areasked to do more for trans women, becauseit costs you zero dollars to be nice. Cis peoplewont date trans people, and lesbians decide to get the L outof LGBT.
Twitterprohibitsmisgendering and deadnaming to curtail anti-trans abuse. Meghan Murphy isbanned from Twitter for misgendering Jessica Yaniv, a male-bodied trans woman a transvestite, in traditional terms who wants to force immigrant women to wax her balls.
Trans English arrives, withtonsof new words for gender.Trans kidsknowwho they are, and its eitheraffirmationor death if you disagree.
Self-IDcomes to New Hampshire. Trans model Munroe Bergdorf ischosento speak by the London chapter of the globalWomens March. New York goesall-inon bathrooms and the abolition of women only spaces. South Dakotasayslet trans kids compete in sports
The Vancouver Rape Relief and Womens Shelterloses municipal funding after refusing to accept trans women. Morgane Oger wins a Human Rights Tribunal againstChristian activist Bill Whatcott after he distributedflyers disparaging herfor being a trans woman. A woman isarrestedfor referring to a transgender woman as a man online.
Liberal womenspeak on trans issues atthe Heritage Foundation, because they have beenabandonedby the left.
Butfacial recognitiondoesnt get trans. Neither dostraight men. Tennis legend Marina Navratilovaopposesmen in womens sports.
Even though thequick transingof kids is obviously a terrible idea, itsnot OKto talk about detransitioning. But girls start pushingbackon the locker room thing. So dograndmothers.
Students in the English town of Brighton are issued with stickers on which they write their preferredpronouns. Transtoolkitsarrive. Experts say that there has been aglobal surgein young people presenting to gender clinics. This mirrors the huge rise in referrals to the Gids, up from 94 to 2,519 since 2010.
Cosmopublishes a detailed account ofbottom surgery.
Trans advocatesdecrymental health screening prior to accessing cross-sex hormones. Trans offendersseek rightto remove crimes committed under previous gender. Hayden Patterson, held in womens prison in Canada, doesnt think she should have toact femaleto stay.Womb transplantsso men can bear children might be a thing. Elizabeth Warrenstatesher pronouns.
The firsttrans prison unitopens in the UK. In the US, a trans sex offender ismovedto womens prison. The World Health Organizationreclassestrans as not actually a mental health condition. Jessica Yaniv brings acasein Human Rights Tribunal against independent aestheticians who wouldnt wax her balls. She loses.
The winners of womens high school track and fieldcompetitionsin Connecticut are male bodied. In Australia, newguidelines encourage sporting organizationsto permit transgender and non-binary athletes to compete against members of the opposite sex. Laurel Hubbard wins gold in womens weightlifting in the Pacific Games, to the dismayof the president of Samoa.
The International Olympic Commissionconsidersrule changes to allow men to compete as women, but hits asnag. Womens rugby is toodangerousfor women once men get involved. A male runner is the female NCAAathlete of the week. But girlsspeak out: Female athletes around the globe feel that womens sports is no longersustainable.
Trans employment case goes to theSupreme Court. Trans guides come out for kids inQuebecandNew York City, as well as thegender unicorn. As domedical riskson chest binding, and thepushbackagainst that. Parental rights are chucked byAustralia, and courts in the US fromArizonatoTexastoVermont.
Puberty blockers arenota panacea. But kids are still beingfast trackedin the UK. Gender cliniciansrevealthey have tried to raise the alarm. Detransitioners start to make somenoise. Parents areaskedto resist the doctors.
It turns out the rhetoric about the trans murder epidemic isnot exactly true. Trans is apony tail. Not onlywomenget periods. Theresno such thingas biological sex. And not dating trans people isdiscriminatory.
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The 2010s were the decade of trans - The Spectator USA
3 Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol – Men’s Health
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The sober curious movement, or taking a break from alcohol, has become one of the year's biggest trends. And while you know that beer isn't exactly green juice, you may not be sure of why you should even give up alcohol.
In a new video, Facts Verse explains possible benefits of giving up alcohol for a single month. One major factor that you may not even consider are the costs associated with drinking. Facts Verse estimates that you could save up to $400, depending on the type of alcohol you prefer and frequency of bar visits. What's more, skipping the club could help you discover new hobbies and passions, according to the video.
In addition to saving you money, taking a break from booze can also save your skin. That's because alcohol is a diuretic meaning it lowers the amount of fluids in your body. The substance also decreases a specific hormone that helps you to retain water, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Taken together, this leaves your entire body dehydrated, which in turn, can make your skin lookand feeldry.
And some people who give up booze experience a very noticeable benefit: weight loss. Alcohol contains calories but offers little nutritional value, meaning it's entirely possible to drink upwards of 2,000 calories a day just in cocktails or beer, according to the video. Plus, happy hour is often accompanied by bar food, which increases the likelihood of consuming more calories than your body requires to maintain its weight.
Watch the entire video to learn about more reasons you may want to join the sober curious movement.
How to Manage Stress with Laughter – Thrive Global
They say that laughter is the best medicine and while many medical professionals would surely believe they have at least a few remedies that can top laughter, it turns out that in many ways, laughter really does help your mental (and physical) health.
When you look at the many benefits that laughter can bring to your emotional life, you might want to consider seeking out ways that you can laugh more on the daily.
Everywhere from the renowned Mayo Clinic to Dr. Hunter Doherty Patch Adams and his Gesundheit! Institute have studied ways in which laughing can be linked to stress relief. This concept has created a whole branch of study known as Gelotology where researchers look for answers as to how laughter affects different people. Those who have embarked on this kind of research have discovered reasons as to why the phenomenon of laughing is so helpful for physical and mental health.
Laughing stimulates endorphins: The brain stimulants that fill the happiness center arent just excited when you find something funny. According to evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar, in an article for the New York Times, the actual physical action of laughing triggers endorphins as well as a connection between people. This effect, Dr. Dunbar found, leads to improved pain resistance as well as creating a great stress relief system for you. This means that just the act of smiling triggers a positive stress-reducing response.
Laughing reduces stress hormones: The stress hormone known as cortisol is decreased by laughter, because the action of laughing improves circulation and adds oxygen to the system, in effect, flushing out your stress. In a study by Lee Burk at Loma Linda University in California, they discovered that 30 minutes after watching humorous videos, participants of a study demonstrated 39% lessened cortisol levels.
Laughter fights depression: Beyond just the rush of endorphins, laughing creates a cocktail of chemical reactions in your brain including adrenaline and serotonin that has been shown to help with depression in general. Because these are chemicals that those that suffer from depression tend to have in lessened degrees, laughter has actually been used in treatment. For those of us who just get blue every once in a while, the same kind of therapy can do a world of good.
What makes you laugh? Biting satire, slapstick comedy, romantic misadventures? If you know what you like, its a great idea for your mental state to seek out your favorite comedy when trying to relieve stress. Whether youre a grad student getting their Master of Science in Nursing or a manager feeling stressed at work, just small doses of humor during the day can revive your spirit and give you physical benefits as well.
Get your comedy on social: following funny Instagram profiles, or people that aggregate humorous memes can give you bite-sized comedy moments that will allow you to get through your day with less stress. Give yourself a chance to check in with these periodically, particularly after a stressful activity.
Listen to comedy in your free time: Millions of people quote that stress bookends their workdays because of a crazy commute. Combat this stress specifically with comedy podcasts that allow you to be distracted from the crush of humanity that makes commuting so anxiety-inducing.
Get funny with exercise: The gym is a place where you could also use improved circulation and more oxygenated blood. Adding a laugh to your gym routine can potentially garner better results. In fact, there is a laughter based yoga practice that trains the body to be more open to this phenomenon, thus creating improved health.
Join a comedy class: comedy practitioners often quote their work as what gives them a stress-relieving boost. You can learn to be funny too! The action of taking an improv or stand-up comedy class will give you a chance to blow off steam and allow you the space to work on focusing on your own brand of humor.
Seek out comedy after stressful situations: When you are stressed, you may not feel like a laugh, but actively looking for the comedy section on your favorite streaming service will be a great way to relieve your stress.
Meet/talk with old friends: Often your old friends have the best ways to connect with you about the funny things that happened in your life. Theres nothing like shared humorous experiences and inside jokes to bring on a flood of positive emotions that can destress and help your mental health.
Theres nothing funny about stress. It can cause serious mental and physical harm including cardiac illness. Seeking out ways to relieve stress with humor, however, can have physically and emotionally positive effects. So dont forget to go and have a laugh, its good for you!
Go here to see the original:
How to Manage Stress with Laughter - Thrive Global
We’re Memphis Feminists and We’re Taking Birth Back – Ms. Magazine
Next year, CHOICES Memphis Center for Reproductive Health will open the first non-profit clinic in the U.S. providing both birth and abortion services under the same roof.
The road to a truly comprehensive reproductive health practice has been long, winding and full of potholes. I could not be more proud that in April, well finally get there.
I joined CHOICES as Executive Director in 2009 after a 15-year career in arts administration.Although I was an experienced non-profit executive, I was clearly entering a different world.Where was the mailing list?What was the marketing plan?
Although the clinic was providing safe medical care by a compassionate team, it had a precarious business model and was isolated from the rest of the healthcare community.That isolation combined with the political climate in the south kept the organization stuck in what felt like a vulnerable and dangerous place.
As I began to ask about the clinics history and operations and to attend conferences with other abortion providers, I understood that this isolation was primarily the result of anti-choice strategy. The care was so stigmatized that many physicians refused to perform the procedure out of fear of repercussions, both professional and physical.As a result, most abortion providers tended to work in stand-alone, abortion-only clinics with little to no interaction between them and other healthcare providers, hospitals or community groups.
At the same time, I was so impressed by the patient-centered and respectful care CHOICES provided to our patients. I remember thinking that everyone deserved this type of care. We soon started asking ourselves what else we could provide, and who else we could serve.
The private fertility practices in Memphis at this time would not take patients who were not married, leaving single people and same sex couples with no options for fertility helpsour nurse midwife began offering basic fertility assistance services.We added family planning for persons living with HIV, another population whose reproductive needs and preferences had been ignored or dismissed.We saw a need for hormone replacement services and wellness checkups for persons of transgender experience, so we added those services too. With these additions, we began expanding the scope and definition of reproductive health care beyond abortion and contraception.
As CHOICES grew, we consciously increased our involvement in the larger Memphis healthcare community.I started attending any local meeting that had health in its titleconferences on diabetes, hypertension and discussions of payment changes in the insurance industry.I introduced myself in these groups and spoke with pride about CHOICES work.
One day, when I was searching for stock photos for our website, and was mostly seeing many pictures of happy mothers and babies, I had another thought: Wait a minute. Why do they get all the happy pictures?Birth is part of feminist health care. We should take that back.
A few months later, the CHOICES Board of Directors approved adding prenatal care and birth services to the organizations strategic plan.
We understood that the people who have abortions and the people who give birth are the same people, because the majority of our abortion patients were mothers.And as we began to learn more about the maternity system in the U.S., we found that, unlike many other developed countries, U.S. caesarean rates were skyrocketing. Other medical interventions were also on the rise but the outcomes for moms and babies were getting worseespecially for people of color. We learned that black women were three to four times more likely to die in childbirth than white women. It was clear that birthing women of color were either not being seen or heard, or else their stated intentions and desires were being discounted.
We learned that midwifery provided another modelone that was more personal and more relationship-based, much like the abortion care that we were already providing. While Memphis had some outstanding home-birth midwives, it did not have a birthing center, and soon, bringing this choice to birthing people, especially to people of color, became a critical part of our mission.Off we went, on a $5 million dollar capital campaign.
Our inclusion of birth services also diversifies our revenue stream.With the current make-up of the United States Supreme Court, the ability of practices like CHOICES to provide abortion care hangs on a thread.We watched powerless just a few years ago while dozens of abortion-providing clinics closed in Texas while awaiting an ultimately positive judgement from the Supreme Court. We understood then that you have to be able to stay open in order to fight bad laws.By diversifying our services, we plan to be able to stay and fight, should providing abortion become illegal or impossible.
CHOICES mission is to provide patient-centered medical care and champion sexual and reproductive rights.Our vision is a world where sexual and reproductive healthcare is recognized as an essential human right.
Our new center hasnt opened yet, but we have already changed perceptions in our community.Organizations that once would have hesitated to work with an abortion provider are building professional partnerships with our midwifery program. Patients here for an abortion have asked to speak to a midwife and ultimately decided to continue their pregnancies.At least one midwifery patient, after having access to truly unbiased counseling, decided to terminate her pregnancy.
People are making their own CHOICESand we are here to support them.
Click here to support CHOICES.
Go here to see the original:
We're Memphis Feminists and We're Taking Birth Back - Ms. Magazine
Hair Loss Treatment Through Cupping Therapy (Hijama) At Health and Hijama Clinic Bangalore! – The Hear UP
Acne vulgaris is a common, usually self-limiting, multifactorial disease that involving inflammation of the sebaceous follicles of the skin in the face and upper trunk.
Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that results in spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.
The following are the most common types of acne;
During puberty, the sebaceous gland is activated so there are more chances of developing acne in that stage, but it can occur at any age. It is not dangerous, but it can cause;
Acne usually occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Bacteria worsen the condition by causing infection and inflammation.
During puberty increased androgen activity triggers the growth of sebaceous glands which results in enhanced sebum production.
The four primary factors involved in the formation of acne are;
The most common Risk factors for acne are as follows;
During puberty, there are more levels of testosterone in the body. Testosterone enhances the production of sebum from a sebaceous gland that results in acne.
Acne in females
Hormonal changes in female occur during;
Diagnosis of Acne
Diagnose of acne can be done by careful examination of the skin. It involves examination of face, chest or back for the different types of spots, such as blackheads or sore, red nodules.
Treatment of acne involves the use of Topical and Oral preparations. The goal of treatment is to prevent the formation of new acne lesions, heal existing lesions, and prevent or minimize scarring.
Topical preparations for acne include;
These preparations are used for Mild to moderate acne, comedones, and inflamed lesions.
Benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide (Benzac AC, Acnestar ) is effective against;
Treatment is usually started with low strength; if acne does not respond to the treatment after 2 months then topical antibacterial is recommended.
Azelaic Acid
Azelaic Acid (Aziderm) is effective against;
It has antimicrobial and anticomedonal properties. It causes less local skin irritation as compared to benzoyl peroxide.
Topical Antibacterial
Topical erythromycin and clindamycin are used against;
These are usually recommended to avoid the oral use of antibacterial.
To avoid antibacterial resistance;
Topical Retinoid
Topical retinoid is effective against;
Retinoid (TRETINOIN) and Adapalene (ADACLENE) are used as a topical retinoid.
Treatment with topical retinoid should be continued for several months until no new lesions are formed.
Oral preparations for acne include;
Systemic antibacterial treatment
Systemic antibacterial used for the treatment of acne are as follows;
Oral Hormone Treatment
Co-cyprindiol (an Oral Hormone), is used for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. It has anti-androgen properties. Sebum secretion and hair growth depend on androgen. Co-cyprindiol decreases sebum secretion and it is also used for hirsutism.
Oral hormone treatment is recommended to treat moderate to severe acne in the female.
It is recommended when topical and oral antibacterial therapy does not produce the desired outcome.
Co-cyprindiol also has contraceptive properties.
Oral Retinoid
Oral Retinoid used for the treatment of acne is isotretinoin. It reduces sebum secretion. Isotretinoin is used for the systemic treatment of;
Isotretinoin is useful in women who develop acne in the third or fourth decades of life. Since acne in this age is usually not responsive to antibacterial. Isotretinoin is given for at least 4 months (16 weeks).
Side-effects of isotretinoin include;
Isotretinoin is teratogenic and must not be given to pregnant women. Treatment with Isotretinoin should be stopped if psychiatric changes occur during treatment.
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Home Remedies
Below mentioned are some home remedies for acne;
Tea tree oil Tea tree extract has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Teat tree oil can be added in creams, gels, or essential oil.
Jojoba oil Waxy substances in jojoba oil helps to repair skin. Jojoba oil can be added in creams, gels, essential oils, and clay face masks. It can also be applied directly to acne sore with the help of a cotton pad.
Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe Vera can be added to creams or gels.
Honey Honey has anti-oxidant properties that help to clear clogged pores from debris. Honey can be directly applied to pimples using a cotton pad or a clean finger.
Green Tea Green tea contains antioxidants. Green tea extract can be applied to the skin or it can be used as a drink.
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Dermatological Disorders In Current Medical and Diagnosis Treatment. Mc Graw-Hill Education, 55th Edition, 2016. (page: 127-129)
Acne Vulgaris In Pharmacotherapy Handbook. The McGraw-Hill companies, 7th edition, 2009. (page: 179-185)
Melnik, B. C. (2015, July 15). Linking diet to acne metabolomics, inflammation, and cosmogenesis: An update. Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology, 8,
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Femtech in 2019: 13 Trends And Highlights In Womens Health Technology – Forbes
There is an ongoing debate about what is included in the definition of Femtech, and the need to think beyond reproductive health and make the field more inclusive. However, there is power in using terminology that creates visibility for concepts or issues that have long been widely overlooked. Femtech has and continues to serve the purpose of creating a catchy reference to a business sector that primarily addresses the health and wellness needs of women -and people who experience similar health issues- through software, diagnostics, products and tech-enabled health services.
As this category continues to grow and be fueled by unwavering founders, investors and leaders, its impact is expanding beyond healthcare and into other domains, from workplace regulations, to advocacy against gender biases in advertising, from financial equity to state legislation.
2019 was an inflection point for this space which is on the path to becoming a consolidated $50 billion dollar industry (estimated for 2025 by F&S), while improving the lives of millions of women and their communities. To celebrate the accomplishments of leaders and visionaries who persisted, even after hearing for the hundredth time that the problems they were solving were too niche, heres a selection of the trends and highlights in Femtech in 2019.
Graphic by Vanessa Larco, Partner at NEA. $310M represents mid-year; $730M represents investment at ... [+] publishing date.
1. The Fertility Space Is Ready To Harvest What It Sow
Data Bridge, a research firm, predicts that by 2026 the booming global fertility industry could reach $41bn in sales, from approximately $25bn this year. No wonder investors are writing checks.
Manhattan based Extend Fertility brought in new talent into their leadership team, announced a $15 million Series A and total rebrand. Competitor egg-freezing and fertility clinic Kindbody also raised $15 million earlier this year, plus another $10 million from GV last week, totalling $31.3 million in capital raised. The company plans to support employers in offering better fertility benefits to their employees.
Nextgen Jane, a data-driven health company for women and people who menstruate, raised $9 million Series A. Its smart tampon platform allows users to collect menstrual and cervicovaginal samples and ship them off to a lab for in-depth analysis and disease detection.
2. At-home Testing Grows As Modern Consumers Demand Convenience And Affordability
Modern Fertility announced a $15 million funding round led by Forerunner Ventures to expand its affordable at-home hormone testing service and continue to collect anonymous data to contribute to womens health research and product development
Consumer lab testing platform Everlywell, which also provides womens health testing, raised $50 million this spring. The Texas-based company serves hundreds of thousands of customers, simplifying the often cumbersome and confusing diagnostic lab testing process.
3 . Female Founders Took A Stance Against Reproductive Health Bans, Unlocking Support From 200 CEOs
The initial 7 signing CEOs included Cora, Dame, Thinx, Sustain, Clary Collection, Fur and Loom. In their NYTs open letter they demanded that the CEOs of companies that use feminism and womens empowerment as marketing arsenal take a stance for womens rights, following the passing of bills restricting access to reproductive health services in several states. Weeks later, almost 200 CEOs and executives supported the movement under: Dont Ban Equality. The participating organizations and executives included big household names like H&M, tech entrepreneurs including MakeLoveNotPorns Cindy Gallop and Unbounds Polly Rodriguez, wellness founders Emily Weiss from Glossier and OUAIs Jen Atkins, and prominent investors such as Anu Duggal from Female Founders Fund and Wests Joanna Rees.
4. The Power of Community Support And Science In The Preconception Period
When it comes to maternal health, the conversation mostly revolves around (successful) pregnancy and motherhood. However, the ups and downs of the preconception journey are often left out of the conversation, causing many to feel lost and isolated.
Peanut, the social network for mothers, announced a $5 million funding round and the launch of TTC, a new site within Peanut specifically designed for the needs of women who are trying to conceive. Additionally, former CEO of RockHealth Halle Tecco launched Natalist and raised $5 million to address the gap in the market for better designed products and a more intelligent platform that supports the preconception journey.
5. Finance Meets Femtech To Increase Access To Family Planning
Cost is still the main barrier to access to fertility treatment, as explained in this white paper of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 80% of people who undergo fertility treatment have little to no coverage and accrue an average of $30k in debt.
Fertility benefits company Carrot Fertility launched its Visa Carrot Card early this fall, the first fertility debit card for employees who have access to Carrot at work that makes it easy for employees to pay for treatment like egg freezing, IVF, and adoption, among other services.
Future Family aims to tackle the problem offering personalized financing plans for IVF and egg freezing, under a subscription payment model. Future Family recently announced that it will be offering free fertility testing for all members.
6. Menstrual Wellness Management Keeps Growing And Celebrates Two Exits
This is L. and competitor Sustain were both acquired this year by P&G and Grove Collaborative, respectively. This is L.s deal is said to be around the $100 million.
San Francisco-based Cora, which sells organic personal care items closed a $7.5 million Series A led by Harbinger Ventures. Additionally, femcare meets CBD, the darling wellness category of the year, in Daye, a startup that has developed a new type of tampon to help tackle dysmenorrhea. It raised $5.5 million this year, led by Khosla Ventures.
There is in fact a growing interest in the intersection of menstrual health and pain management that startups like FLO Vitamins and Elix are also tackling.
7. Digital Health Attracting Consumers Who Want A Better Experience
Navigating healthcare is a burdensome process that Millennials and Gen Z mostly dread and that can put people at risk due to health concerns that arent properly addressed.
Tia Clinic started as a digital womens health solution and has now gone brick and mortar. The startup opened its first location in NYC this year and memberships sold out in the first few weeks. Allbodies launched with the mission of covering the reproductive and sexual health questions and needs of all people, particularly addressing those areas that are still highly stigmatized.
Going back to the subject of inclusivity, Queerly Health, a digital health startup democratizing access to LGBTQ+ health and wellness, has had its first launch in NYC. Queerly Health will be linking LGBTQ+ inclusive providers with gay women, queer women, trans women, and gender variant folks (who may be assigned female at birth), among others. As explained by CEO Derrick Reyes, Queerly Health recently started enrolling providers in NYC and will be available to the public in 2020.
8. Progyny became the first fertility benefits company to ever IPO
Family benefits company Progyny (PGNY) went public on October 25. At the offering price, Progyny raised $130 million, and reached a fully diluted market value of $1.3 billion.
Fertility benefits coverage is consolidating as a must-have as more studies reflect that this is a key element in talent retention and employee satisfaction -62% of employees who had their IVF sponsored by their employer expressed that they were more likely to stay longer with the company.
9. One Billion in Funding: Investors Are Watching
Frost & Sullivans report stating that Femtech would reach $50 billion value in the next 5 years, paired up with the recent wins by leading companies and the awareness generated by the female entrepreneur community, has helped the space get on the radar of prominent investors. Just to name another example, Mahmee, a startup tackling the maternal health crisis, announced a $3 million round that included Serena Williams, Arlan Hamilton and Mark Cuban as investors.
This year the space surpassed $1 Billion in total funding since 2014. According to data provided by venture capitalist Vanessa Larco, Partner at NEA, this years total funding in the Femtech category falls just short of $750 million. Larco, who sits on the board of Cleo, a fertility to parenting employee support system, is a firm supporter of the space and hopes to see more exits in the near future: We need the investment community to see that you can make money while making a positive impact on womens health. The bigger the exits, the more money gets invested in the space, and the more companies we will see that should drive better outcomes. Its really the boost we need to get the flywheel going. Thats how you get a venture-funded industry going. And Im eager to see this happen as a woman and investor.
A celebrated funding round this year Elvies $42 million Series B led by IPGL, which was labeled as the largest in Femtech. In all fairness, this is strictly the largest funding round by a female founded Femtech company. However, if we look at the total market, we see that out of the 4 biggest funding rounds in Femtech, 3 were raised by companies founded and built by men (Nurx, Hims/Hers, Ro/Rory). In fact, two of these four were initially mens health companies, primarily selling on-demand pharma products, that then launched women-centered verticals (Hims/Hers, Ro/Rory).
10. Audioerotica Is Bringing Sexy Back
Think inclusive erotica and porn meet sexual wellness. Four companies aim to revolutionize the way people, and specially women, perceive and consume erotic content: Quinn, Dipsea ($ 5.5 million raised), Ferly, and Emjoy all have created digital platforms where audio is the main format, and science and a deep understanding of womens psychology are key elements.
This is part of a larger trend led by rising intimate and sexual wellness startups made by women for women that are creating safe spaces for sexual health education and conversation, while also transforming the way society views womens sexuality at every different stage in life.
Another female-founded startup addressing womens sexual health is Rosy, a digital health solution that supports women experiencing low libido.
11. Maternity And The Workplace: Transforming Culture Through Innovation
The struggle of juggling being a parent and thriving in the workforce is real, especially for women. The work/house role division is no longer set in stone, and employers need to think about supporting womens return after pregnancy and offering fathers the right to extended parental leave.
This creates an opportunity for technology to help reduce existing frictions. Companies innovating in the working mother space include wearable, silent breast pump makers like Elvie or Willow, lactation digital health solutions and communities like Pumpspotting, postpartum telemedicine and parenting benefits like Maven and Cleo, and milk shipping services like Milk Stork for lactating employees that need to travel for work.
12. Destigmatizing Menopause
Out of all of the life stages a woman goes through, menopause is probably the most overlooked by society. Ageism has made women practically invisible in the media after 45, and it transpires into the way we think about healthcare in perimenopause and menopause.
Gennev is an online clinic dedicated exclusively to this stage of life. Founder and CEO Jill Angelo raised $4 million this year and is excited to be launching an annual Zeitgeist study on menopause based on a survey of 6,000, the largest of its kind. Angelo adds that as women live longer and have more wealth than ever, they demand more information about their bodies and they want more care options whether that be traditional hormone therapy or lifestyle-based options for relief.
Elektra Health is another platform for women navigating perimenopause & menopause. Over 80% of women suffer debilitating symptoms (anxiety/depression, brain fog, hot flashes...) as a result of hormonal menopausal shifts, yet 75% of those who seek care dont receive it. Elektra is organizing monthly salon events with leading experts and, starting in 2020, will provide a virtual clinic for New York-based patients.
13. CPG Giants, Pharma, Insurers and Accelerators Make Moves Into The Space
P&G Ventures partnered with Vinetta project earlier this year to source its next billion dollar brand from the community of entrepreneurs, and has expressed a strong interest in the menopause space as well as aging.
Johnson and Johnson has been co-sponsoring innovation summits with a focus on womens health. Additionally, J&J has partnered with accelerator Founders Factory, which is launching a health hub in NYC. The project will be headed by former Techstars Managing Director Maya Baratz Jordan, and is said to focus initially on womens health.
Finally, Pharma companies are paying attention as DTC birth control startups like PillClub, Nurx and Simple Health gain traction among consumers. Insurer Axa, on the other hand, recently announced it will be selecting a group of women entrepreneurs for its first Femtech acceleration program.
Growing amounts of funding, acquisitions, Series A and B, growing consumer demand, and the attention of the biggest healthcare players... It all points out to an exciting 2020. Any bets? Ill be sharing some investor takes on whats to come in the next article.
Femtech in 2019: 13 Trends And Highlights In Womens Health Technology - Forbes
How to Lose Belly Fat: 6 Things That Really Work – LIVESTRONG.COM
If there's one part of the body that most people would like to be free of excess fat, it's the belly. And it's not just for appearance's sake: The specific type of fat that accumulates around your midsection has been linked to a higher risk of disease, including some cancers, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Core exercises can reduce the appearance of belly fat, but there are better ways to get rid of it altogether.
Credit: andresr/E+/GettyImages
Spot reduction, or the idea that you can target fat loss from specific areas of the body, is a myth, so there's no exercise or food that will magically melt away belly fat. But if you're looking to lose belly fat for the long haul, there are a number of research- and expert-backed things you can do.
The first step to getting rid of your belly fat is understanding how it's different from other types of body fat and how that factors in when it comes to weight loss.
There are two types of belly fat:
"As we get older and our hormones change, we tend to deposit more visceral fat, which is very pro-inflammatory and much more dangerous to health than subcutaneous fat," Luiza Petre, MD, a cardiologist and weight-management expert, tells
Generally, a waist size over 35 inches for women and over 40 inches for men indicates excess visceral fat, according to the National Institutes of Health.
First things first: Weight loss is a systemic process, which means that energy (read: fat) is burned at an equal rate throughout the body, Dr. Petre says. In other words, your body doesn't tap any one particular area before any other.
"What may seem to be focal weight loss is actually a product of how our fat tissue is distributed," she explains. Women tend to store more fat around the thighs and hips, while men carry more around the waist. Therefore, when weight loss occurs, it's more visible in those areas.
However, there is a difference when it comes to which type of fat goes first. Visceral fat is more readily metabolized into fatty acids, per Harvard Health Publishing, so it responds to diet and exercise more efficiently than soft fat on, say, the hips and thighs.
Once you create a healthy calorie deficit and implement the tips below, you can expect to see a difference in your belly in about two weeks.
Credit: Chaloemphon Wanitcharoentham / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages
How quickly can you expect to watch your belly disappear? Well, that all depends on your calorie deficit.
If you want to lose belly fat, you need to lose weight, which means you need to consume less calories than you burn. Most people can safely cut between 500 and 1,000 calories per day, which typically leads to between 1 and 2 pounds of weight loss per week, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!
If you stick to that schedule, you should start to notice a difference in your abdominal area in about two weeks, says Holly Roser, a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist.
Don't fall for fads promising lightning-fast weight loss or six-pack abs in just a few days. Here's what really works when it comes to trimming your tummy and keeping visceral fat at bay.
Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
When you think about exercise for a flatter belly, your mind may immediately go to crunches and other core-targeting moves. But while abdominal exercises can tighten the muscles and make the abdomen look better, Dr. Petre says these moves won't actually trim down the fat around your waist. "Not all exercises are created equal when it comes to belly fat," she stresses.
Research, including a September 2019 study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, has found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective in reducing abdominal fat compared to other types of training. Researchers noted that people who practiced HIIT not only shaved more inches off their waists but also lost more body fat and gained more lean muscle mass than those who performed other moderate-intensity exercise, including brisk walking and cycling.
Compared to low-fat diets, Dr. Petre maintains that lower-carb diets are better when it comes to blasting visceral fat. One important study, published August 2019 in the Journal of Hepatology, found that a lower-carbohydrate Mediterranean diet was more effective at reducing belly fat than a diet lower in fat.
Everyone needs fat in his or her diet. But the type of fat you're eating is important, too. Those following a Mediterranean diet are encouraged to avoid or limit saturated fats found in such foods as butter, lard, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, fried foods and commercial baked goods and instead stick to unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocado and nuts.
The Mediterranean diet also puts the focus on whole grains over refined carbs, which can help put the kibosh on belly fat. According to Harvard Health Publishing, these refined foods (think: white bread and rice, chips, sweets and sugary drinks) cause sharp spikes in blood sugar and elevate your triglyceride levels, which cause your body to store more fat around the waist.
Avocados are a smart choice when you're trying to lose belly fat.
Credit: Milan_Jovic/E+/GettyImages
Ilana Muhlstein, RD, dietitian and co-creator of Beachbody's 2B Mindset, is a fan of cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, arugula, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts as great belly fat-blasting fuel. "They are low in calories but high in fiber," she explains.
Eating more fiber can help you feel full on less food, which helps with weight loss in general. And eating more soluble fiber such as the kind found in many veggies but also flax seeds, oranges, beans and oats in particular may be key in reducing abdominal fat. One oft-cited study published in the February 2012 issue of Obesity followed more than 1,000 people for five years and found that each 10-gram increase in soluble fiber intake decreased belly fat accumulation by 3.7 percent.
Before you get too caught up in exactly how much and which kind of fiber you should be getting, keep in mind that there's no perfect amount to aim for instead, simply fill your plate with a variety of veggies as often as possible.
"A combined program of a low-carbohydrate and high-fiber diet with regular exercise and a de-stress plan will allow you to see a waistline again."
Research has established a link between sleep and visceral fat, Dr. Petre says. Indeed, a May 2014 study published in Obesity found that those who sleep a healthy amount of time defined by researchers as seven to eight hours a day gained significantly less visceral fat than those who slept too little or too much.
One of the culprits here is cortisol, aka the stress hormone, which your body tends to release when you're short on shut-eye. Cortisol signals your body to store more fat in your belly while also increasing your hunger and negatively affecting your metabolism.
Speaking of cortisol, research has also connected higher stress levels to more belly fat. "High cortisol levels can actually increase your visceral fat, as the hormone is known to increase the amount of fat that clings to your body and magnifies the growth of your fat cells," Dr. Petre says.
Stressful situations are nearly unavoidable in everyday life, but you do have control over your response to them, which can help mitigate the effects of cortisol on your body: Check out eight ways to beat stress-induced belly fat.
Because there are so many components involved in blasting belly fat, Dr. Petre says that motivation and commitment are key even when you don't see results right away. "A combined program of a low-carbohydrate and high-fiber diet with regular exercise and a de-stress plan will allow you to see a waistline again," she says. "You can push past your genetics and bad habits to get rid of that elastic waistband forever."
Read the original post:
How to Lose Belly Fat: 6 Things That Really Work - LIVESTRONG.COM
Mayo Clinic say menopausal women need the pill for longer – Stock Daily Dish
When should menopausal women stop taking the pill? Experts warn they may need it longer than they think
Many middle age women experiencing symptoms of the menopause wonder when they can safely stop birth control.
Now experts at the Mayo Clinic have provided clear guidance on the matter.
They warn women to heed their advice as they say birth control is often something women, perhaps in their forties or early fifties, stop worrying about a little too soon.
Indeed, research that shows 75 per cent of pregnancies in women over 40 are unplanned.
Furthermore, some pregnancy complications and risk of miscarriage go up with age.
Here, gynecologist Dr Petra Casey from the clinic addresses some of thecommon questions older women ask of their gynecologists.
What age does the menopause start?
The menopause is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to get pregnant naturally.
Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly.
The menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a womans oestrogen levels decline. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51.
When is it safe to stop birth control?
Signs of menopause can occur up to several years before a womans final period, a transition time known as perimenopause.Once you have missed your period for a year, you are considered menopausal and may safely stop birth control.
But be warned, if you reach 11-and-a-half months of no periods, then have a period, the clock starts all over again and youre still not in menopause.
Sometimes lab tests are also performed to confirm menopause, but most women dont need them.
About 90 to 95 per cent of women will be menopausal by 55 and may stop birth control then. But if you dont want to become pregnant, using effective birth control until you are truly menopausal is very important.
What birth control is best for women over age 35 or 40?
IUDs are recommended as the most protective form of birth control
If you are at a healthy weight, dont smoke, dont have high blood pressure or history of blood clots, you can probably continue the oral contraceptive pill, patch or ring well into your 50s.
Hormonal oral contraceptives can provide a number of benefits for perimenopausal women beyond preventing pregnancy.
These include reduced hot flashes, reduced menstrual bleeding and decreased risk of ovarian and uterine cancer.
What if I want to avoid hormones?
Perimenopausal women should not use estrogen-containing contraceptives if they smoke or have a history of estrogen-dependent cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or blood clots.
If you would like to avoid hormones as you transition into menopause, you can use the copper IUD, barrier methods like condoms, cervical cap, diaphragm or sponge, or have a minor surgical procedure to tie or block your fallopian tubes.
Other great options which dont contain the hormone estrogen include IUDs, implants, shots and minipills.
Some IUDs contain the hormone levonorgestrel, a kind of progestin, which helps decrease or even eliminate heavy menstrual bleeding, a common problem for women in their 40s.These types of IUDs last three to five years.
Another kind of IUD is made of copper, does not contain hormones and can last up to 10 years.They are more effective than pills in preventing pregnancy.
What if Ive had unprotected sex?
Just in case you had unprotected sex and you dont wish to become pregnant, there are also several kinds of emergency contraception.
There are morning after pills thatcontain the hormone levonorgestrel, such as Levonelle, which work by delaying ovulation or release of an egg. They do not interfere with an established pregnancy or cause a miscarriage.
It is most effective when taken within 12 hours of unprotected sex, although it can be effective for up to 72 hours after sex.
Most women will experience menopausal symptoms.
Some of these can be quite severe and have a significant impact on your everyday activities.
Common symptoms include:
Menopausal symptoms can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around four years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer.
Source: NHS Choices
Another option which is more effective, especially if you are heavier, is ellaOne. Ella is effective in decreasing the risk of pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex.
A copper IUD inserted within five days of unprotected sex is the most effective option for emergency contraception but requires an appointment with a health care provider. You can keep it for birth control for up to 10 years.
Can I combine hormone replacement therapy and contraception?
You can start on menopausal hormone therapy using an estrogen patch to help manage symptoms and use one of the progestin-only birth control options for contraception and to protect the uterine lining from growing too much with the estrogen.
The progestin-containing IUD, implant, shot or minipill all work well for this. If you have had a hysterectomy, you can take estrogen alone.
Your GP can help guide you in choosing the best birth control option for you during the menopausal transition.
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Mayo Clinic say menopausal women need the pill for longer - Stock Daily Dish
What’s really in those ‘sugar’ birth control pills – SBS News
True story: when I was in high school, friends of mine would avoid taking the sugar pills included in the combination birth control pill for fear of gaining weight.
While on reflection this sounds pretty ridiculous, a Google search of the sugar content in these placebo or inactive pills (as their medically known) reveals not much.
The actual ingredients in the pills sugar tablets varies slightly depending on the manufacturer.
Essentially, each placebo pill is made up of whats known as excipients: fillers and binders that fill out the size of a tablet, provide colour, and hold the ingredients together so its convenient to consume.
According to Head of the Department of General Practice at Monash University, Professor Danielle Mazza, these usually include sucrose (sugar), calcium carbonate, magnesium stearate, glycerol, iron oxide yellow, and povidone.
There is also lactose in most tablets, but not enough lactose to bother someone who is lactose intolerant says Dr Terri Foran, sexual health physician and lecturer with the UNSW School of Women's & Children's Health, and director of Master Womens Health Medicine.
As the inactive pills contain no hormones or active ingredients, they provide no medical benefit.
The exact quantity of sugar (or any ingredient) in the placebo pills is not usually revealed by manufacturers. However, doctors say the possibility of this causing weight gain is unlikely or a complete myth.
The amount of sugar is tiny. There is not enough to cause any weight gain and skipping them will not prevent weight gain, says Dr Foran.
No, is the short answer.
People on the pill are able to manipulate their cycle in a number of ways, such as by running pill packets of the same type back-to-back so they are consistently taking the active pills only.
Those who choose to have the hormone-free break in their cycle, can choose to not take any tablet at all on these days. They may alternatively decide to take the inactive tablets for a shorter period than their packet suggests.
In Australia, women have been running pill packs together forever and it is perfectly safe to do so, says Dr Foran. In the US they have a pill with no placebo pills at all.
The UKs Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare recently updated its official guidance to say there is no health benefit from the seven-day hormone-free interval. In Australia, Family Planning NSW associate medical director Dr Clare Boerma says this remains an off-packet but widely accepted practice.
No. Dr Boerma says it is medically unnecessary to have the withdrawal bleed brought on by a break in active pills.
I hear in my clinic lots of myths that women have about the need to have this monthly break from hormones, or some women get the idea that you're going to have a buildup of lots of blood and clots on the inside if you don't let it out, Dr Boerma says.
Actually, the pill works just in the lining of your womb really well, so there's not something actually building up to be released, so to speak.
It's not actually a period people think of it as periods but the pill is stopping you ovulating so it's a withdrawal bleed from the drop of hormone as opposed to relating to a natural cycle of hormones in your body. So it's a fake period.
The pill could be more effective when the placebo pills are skipped altogether, as this allows less room for user error.
Good question. Theres a few reasons:
1. To avoid breakthrough bleeding, which is more likely to occur when the active tablets are consistently taken with no break.
2. To assure users they arent pregnant.
3. To keep users in the routine of taking a tablet a day, should they choose to have a withdrawal bleed.
4. To mimic the natural cycle.
5. To appease the Catholic Church.
Whats the Catholic Church got to do with it?
It was recently claimed that one of the pills Catholic co-founders invented the withdrawal bleed in an attempt to persuade the Vatican to accept the new form of contraception, as an extension of the natural menstrual cycle
While this attempt was unsuccessful, both Dr Foran and Dr Boerma say this was a likely reason for the withdrawal bleeds inclusion, combined with the other reasons for the hormone-free break such as to mimic the natural menstrual cycle.
Disclaimer: This article contains general information only. It is not intended to replace the advice provided by your own doctor or medical or health professional.
See more here:
What's really in those 'sugar' birth control pills - SBS News
What unifies Huntington’s, spinocerebellar ataxia and myotonic dystrophy? Ness Bermingham’s new startup looks to drug that – Endpoints News
Ness Berminghams latest venture brings throwbacks to some of his earliest work in biopharma. Part of his PhD work at Imperial College London revolved around triplet repeat disorders, a group of 40 or so genetic diseases characterized by the repetition and expansion of specific trinucleotide sequences. During his early years at Atlas Venture way before he became known as a co-founder of pioneering CRISPR player Intellia he helped create a biotech, Prestwick Pharmaceuticals, that created a Huntingtons drug dubbed tetrabenazine.
Back then and until very recently even though Huntingtons and other diseases such as spinocerebellar ataxia and myotonic dystrophy fell under the same umbrella, they were construed as separate afflictions. A potentially unifying theory, as it turned out, lay in one question: Why dont patients born with the same repeats always begin to see symptoms at the same age?
For quite some time people had known that there are these genetic modifiers that really seem to profoundly impact these diseases and the onset and progression of these diseases, Bermingham told Endpoints News.
Triplet Therapeutics, which is doing the rounds today with $59 million in launch cash from Atlas, MPM Capital and Pfizer Ventures, believes the key to that mechanism is the DNA damage response pathway.
The DNA damage response pathway, or DDR, is a crucial way for cells to repair genetic material. But in patients with repeat expansion disorders, when their DDR machine goes in to fix the kinks during DNA replication, they also insert multiple repeating sequences in turn blowing up the size of the DNA so much that its more prone to damage, creating a snowball effect, according to Bermingham.
Out of about 100 genes involved in the DDR pathway, Triplet has identified a couple key drivers that they can target to stop the insertion of repeats, thereby holding the disease at bay.
That has allowed to shift their thinking from a disease standpoint to a tissue standpoint, Bermingham said, and the first tissue they will go after is the brain: Huntingtons, multiple subtypes of spinocerebellar ataxia, dentatorubralpallidoluysian atrophy, myotonic dystrophy, and so on.
As you move from tissue to tissue, it opens up different drugs of different formulations that hit the same target, he said.
Unlike at Korro Bio, the RNA editing outfit Bermingham has recently unveiled as executive chairman, Triplet is not looking to new tools. Rather, the goal is to home in on a fundamental driver of disease upstream of what rivals like Roche/Ionis and Wave are knocking out in Huntingtons.
The candidates they are now testing in non-human primates for CNS disorders are antisense oligonucleotides, but for other tissues such as muscles, the eye or even the kidney, they also plan to use small interfering RNA. These tools were chosen as they provide more specific targeting and less safety issues than, say, small molecules, Bermingham said.
The CEO added that using ASO and siRNA has allowed his team of 29 to move quickly, ready to enter the clinic within two years the runway that the Series A (also featuring Invus, Partners Innovation Fund and Alexandria Venture Investments) is providing. In the process hes looking to grow the company to somewhere between 45 to 60.
Currently helping Bermingham run the operations are some seasoned execs in the space: Irina Antonijevic, SVP of development, previously led translational medicine and early development at Wave; Brian Bettencourt, SVP of computational biology & statistics, specialized in modeling and design of oligonucleotide and mRNA at Translate Bio; David Morrissey, SVP of technology, and Peter Blalek, head of translational sciences, are both old colleagues from Intellia; Head of pharmacology Pei Ge led the Huntingtons program at Alnylam before moving to Ironwood; Eric Sullivan, CFO, was formerly of Gemini Therapeutics and bluebird bio; and Jeffrey Cerio, general counsel, has served at Moderna.
Shinichiro Fuse of MPM and Laszlo Kiss of Pfizer Ventures are joining the board, chaired by Atlas partner Jean-Franois Formela, alongside Douglas Kerr, chief development officer at Generation Bio. Then theres the scientific advisory board comprising three academic experts, including Vanessa Wheeler at Massachusetts General Hospital, who happened to be a PhD mate of Berminghams.
Ramping up would mean spending the majority of his time with Triplet at the new Kendall Square offices they are moving into in January, slightly detached from Atlas which he rejoined as venture partner less than two years ago in the wake of his exit from the helm of Intellia.
Its my intent to stay here and see this company through, he said. Im trained as a human geneticist originally, and then further specialized down to molecular biology. So this is absolutely in my sweet spot.
Read more from the original source:
What unifies Huntington's, spinocerebellar ataxia and myotonic dystrophy? Ness Bermingham's new startup looks to drug that - Endpoints News
Southern trans adults struggle to find health care. Heres why – Daily Advertiser
When Dr. Izzy Lowell moved from Boston to start her new job at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta in 2013, she quickly realized something was missing.
The family medicine clinic she worked with didnt seem to be serving transgender patients, which seemed unusual to Lowell.
Working with the LGBTQ community had always been something she had been interested in doing, even though her medical school training did not really cover how to treat people on hormone replacementtherapy (HRT).
More: Coming out: Stories of taking off the 'straight face'
She realized that to serve this population she would have to educate herself and learneverything she could about hormone replacement therapy. Soon she put in place a one-day gender clinic at Emory reserved for those patients.
Pretty soon patients started driving in from out of state, she said.
Even in one of the largest cities in the South, Lowell discovered, that medical care focused on this population and on transgender people in particular, was severely limited.
She watched patients crossing state lines every week to visit the clinic.
Dr. Izzy Powell, founder of QueerMed, which operates in part as a pop-up clinic providing hormone replacement therapy for transgender and non-binary people.(Photo: Contributed by QueerMed)
I thought, there has to be a better way to treat underserved transgender people from out of state, she said recently.
Fast forward five years and Lowell found a solution.
Her health organization QueerMed, which she founded in 2017, is an evolution of the one-day clinic she ran at Emory. In part, it operates as a pop-up clinic providing hormone replacement therapy for transgender and non-binary people. Lowell and her team of two nurse practitioners will go to towns in states across the South where she is licensed to do consults and start patients on HRT. Follow-up visits are mainly done via teleconferencing. The clinic recently added some PrEP care, which is the use anti-HIV medication to keep people who are HIV negative from getting infected.
More: 'Long way to go': LGBTQ police liaisons provide link between the department and community
Word of mouth has kept the doctor and her team busy with pop-up clinics scheduled once or twice a month in cities like Chattanooga, Tenn.,and Montgomery, Ala., where gender affirming care can be difficult if not impossible to find.
Even in Georgia, a state with the fourth highest population of people who identify as transgender, gender affirming health providers arent the norm.
Its a huge issue. I had a patient last week call 10 other offices in Atlanta to start hormone therapy. They all said, Im not going to do that, said Lowell. If someone has to call 11 different offices in Atlanta for care, imagine what its like in small towns?
While access to gender affirming health providers is a problem across the U.S., its a significant problem in the South, which is home to the largest population of people identifying as transgender in the U.S. New data released in early November by the Movement Advancement Project, showed that the southern states are home to about 567,000 transgender residents. Thats about 41 percent of all U.S. adults who identify as transgender.
More: Montgomery ranks low on advocacy group's annual LGBTQ protection score
Health care discrimination is unlawful under existing federal law and the Affordable Care Act, which took effect in 2014, also prohibits discrimination. Still, the transgender population is historically underserved and face significant barriers in the healthcare system including access to providers and medical staff who are culturally competent. Other transgender people face financial barriers and prejudice. These issues are often worsefor transgender people of color, in particular black transgender women who face higher incidentsof violence.
Its estimated that about 23 percent of transgender people avoid seeking medical care for fear of being discriminated against and about 33 percent say they cant afford healthcare, according to the 2016U.S. Trans Survey from the National Center for Transgender Equality.
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The LGBTQ advocacy group, Campaign for Southern Equality, led a focus group recently to better understand the healthcare needs of transgender and non-binary people in the South. They spoke with 48 participants from North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee who reported barriers to finding and accessing affordable care. For instance, finding providers who are available and willing to offer care.
This includes the staff in the waiting room, says Ivy Hill, the community health director for the Campaign for Southern Equality.
I cant emphasize the importance of a knowledgeable front office staff, Hill said. Sitting in the waiting room and having the person out you as trans, in a rural small town where everyone knows you? Suddenly you are outed to everyone in that community. It cannot be overly emphasized how dangerous that can be.
Kayla Gore, a resident of south Memphis, transitioned from male to female when she was 23. Without insurance at the time, she started the process on her own without medical help buying hormones off the street. This resulted in her developing serious blood clots in her legs, a potentially fatal complication that can result from taking hormones without medical supervision.
When she landed a job that offered health benefits she was able to start HRT under the guidance of a doctor.
The process was challenging, Gore said, requiring a lot of extra testing because of her history with blood clots. She was also required to speak with a mental health counselor once a month to be assessed for gender dysphoria the medical term used to describe a person whose gender identity does not match up with the biological sex they were assigned at birth.
No one explained to me why I was seeing this person, Gore said describing the doctors tone and demeanor as condescending. She eventually switched to a younger doctor who had a better understanding of how to work with transgender patients, Gore explained.
We have thought about these decisions for weeks, months, a lifetime, Gore said. I always had gender dysphoria. Its hard to go to the doctor and feel questioned about something you have always known about yourself.
Gore, who is now 34 and working for the Transgender Law Center and as an organizer for the advocacy group Southerners on New Ground, says that finding a job with health benefits was a turning point in her story.
Without insurance she estimates that HRT in the Memphis area averages between $150 to $175 per treatment, not including the cost of lab tests and additional fees.
For some people, thats nothing. For many, its impossible, she said.
Even if the cost isnt prohibitive, Gore estimates there are only about five doctors in the Memphis-area that offer hormone treatment. The wait to see them is enormous, Gore said. This forces a lot of people to use the black market or go online to start it on their own.
Louisiana resident, Jules Morales, 26, said he had tremendous support from his friends and family which made it easier for him when he started the gender transition process from female to male three years ago.
A friend directed him to Dr. Brandy Panunti, an endocrinologist, who over the last three years, has led efforts at the Ochsner Health System in New Orleans to offer HRT and health services aimed at transgender people.
Portrait of Jules Morales for story of the difficulty of trans people finding medical care in the South. Photographed on Tuesday, December 10, 2019.(Photo: Michael Democker, Michael DeMocker)
Morales was on HRT for a year before he decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Unable to find a doctor who could perform the surgery in Louisiana, Morales flew to California after a nearly 8-month waiting period. He remained there in recovery for nearly a month after the surgery.
Im lucky. I had tremendous support from my friends and family and it made all of this a lot easier, Morales said.
The team at Louisiana Trans Advocates receives about two to three emails a day from transgender people looking for help identifying food assistance or other resources in Louisiana.
About 90 percent are looking for a doctor, said Dylan Waguespack, the president of the board of directors for the organization.
Most are looking for providers able to offer hormone replace therapy so that they can get a documentation change. As a result, the group keeps a close track on what providers offer these services in Louisiana.
While cultural competency can be a barrier, with providers not necessarily knowing how to work and address transgender people, the bigger issue is access.
There arent enough providers offering transition related care, Waguespack said.
There are a handful of health providers in Louisiana that have made strides to improve care for transgender people. CrescentCare in New Orleans opened a gender clinic providing primary care and hormone replacement therapy in 2017. The Planned Parenthood clinic started offering these services in June.
The reception area in the Planned Parenthood in New Orleans where a new gender clinic opened in October to serve LGBTQ patients.(Photo: Planned Parenthood)
Ochsner Health System, the largest hospital network in Louisiana, has made cultural changes to educate staff and health providers. This includes training employees on how to address the health needs of transgender people.
One of the most significant changes they made was to create an alert in their electronic medical record system that notifies providers when the person identifies with a gender they werent assigned with at birth. Using preferred names was an easy practice for staff to incorporate, Panunti said.
They also updated their medical coding to make sure there werent any errors and a patient could receive coverage for gender specific exams.
Since making these changes, Panunti said that several primary care physicians in the Ochsner system have reached out to start offering HRT. Transgender patients have traditionally gone to endocrinologists for HRT, but in recent years more internal medicine and family physicians have started providing this care in their practices.
When you talk about caring for the gender patient its not complex, Panunti said. But really being an advocate for this population and helping them not feel alone from the walk-in through the parking lot, to the waiting room and minimizing their vulnerability. (That) needs to be at the forefront.
Click link formore information on QueerMed.
For more information and resources on trans-friendly and trans-competent health providers visit Trans in the South Guide 2019
For more information and resources the transgender community visit GLAAD.
In a previous version of this story,we stated that QueerMed offers primary care services. While the original gender clinic at Emory University offered primary care, QueerMed focuses on hormone replacement therapy and other medical services.
Read more here:
Southern trans adults struggle to find health care. Heres why - Daily Advertiser
Heat up your love life this winter with this new treatment for E.D. – KSTU FOX 13 Salt Lake City
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Is your intimacy feeling a bit chilly these days? If erectile dysfunction is the cause of that, then you'll be glad to know there's new technology to get that fire started again!
Andrew Rinehart, a Medical Technician with Wasatch Medical Clinic, says there is a breakthrough solution that's a permanent fix to ED.
For years, ED has been treated with medicine and surgery, but Acoustic Wave Therapy is different.
"Acoustic Wave Therapy treats the root cause of the problem, which is blood flow," Rinehart said. "It widens blood vessels, increasing the amount of blood released into the penis during arousal."
It does this, he says, without the harmful side effects that medication and hormone therapy can have. It targets the problem without throwing your whole body off balance.
Andrew said that if viewers call now, a free doctor exam and ultrasound (worth $300+) will be done with a medical doctor. So there really isn't anything to lose! Even if you don't go through with the treatment, you will know the cause of your E.D. But with the results patients are seeing - such as a total rebound in the bedroom in 3-4 weeks, who wouldn't want to give this a try?
For your free consultation, call 801-901-8000 or
The rest is here:
Heat up your love life this winter with this new treatment for E.D. - KSTU FOX 13 Salt Lake City
Thinning Hair? Here are 8 Ways to Make It Fuller and Shinier – Self
Once you know what youre up against, there are some easy ways to help manage thinning hair at home or with the help of an expert. Here are the top tips we learned from dermatologists and hair stylists on how to protect your hair and restore some of its fullness and shine.
1. Wash and condition regularly, but not too frequently.
You likely dont need to wash your hair every day. In fact, Samantha DelaFuente, a stylist at Marie Robinson Salons in New York and Miami, tells SELF that she recommends washing only two or three times a week. Dont be afraid of dirty hair, she says.
And dermatologists agree: Washing too often strips your hair of necessary oils, and washing infrequently can leave hair dull and limp, especially if you overuse dry shampoo, Dr. Bridges says. If you have natural hair, which tends to be drier and more prone to breakage, clean it even less frequently, Dr. Khetarpal says.
Moisturizing shampoos formulated without sulfateschemicals in shampoos that help clean but can also be drying on sensitive or dry scalpsare a safe bet for everyone. In particular, celebrity stylist Tym Wallace tells SELF he recommends Oribe Gold Lust Repair & Restore Shampoo ($154, Bloomingdales or Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo ($24, Nordstrom).
2. Always follow shampoo with conditioner.
Conditioner gives your hair shine and reduces static electricity, the AAD explains, which is why it improves the look and feel of dull or damaged hair. Apply to the ends of the hair and work your way up, DelaFuente says. A little goes a long way; the more conditioner you use, the flatter your hair will be.
Remove tangles with a wide-tooth comb and rinse with cool water, which closes the cuticle and makes the hair shiny, Dr. Bridges explains.
If youre looking for conditioners that can specifically help dull or thinning hair, Eric Leonardos, stylist at Ted Gibson, tells SELF he recommends Klorane Gel Conditioner with Peony ($20, Ulta), which contains soothing and hydrating ingredients, or Shu Uemura Muroto Volume Conditioner ($58, Shu Uemura), which has a lightweight formula that wont weigh down hair.
3. Finish with a leave-in conditioner or detangler.
After shampooing and conditioning, try using a leave-in product, like a conditioner or detangler, which will boost moisture and provide heat protection before styling.
Wallace recommends the moisturizing and protecting Its a Ten Miracle Leave-In Conditioner Spray Product ($38, Ulta) as well as the truly multitasking Form Multitask 3-in-1 Leave-in Lotion ($32, Form Beauty).
4. Use a conditioning mask to boost your hairs shine.
Once a week, apply a deep conditioning mask for extra moisturizing powers, and leave on for 1520 minutes, Dr. Bridges says. Finish by rinsing with cool water.
Leonardos recommends LOreal Elvive Total Repair 5 Damage-Erasing Balm, which he says lends shine and smooths the hair cuticle ($8, Amazon), and Shu Uemura Ultimate Reset Hair Mask, which he explains imparts a smooth texture and smells divine ($68, Sephora).
DelaFuente swears by Milbon Plarmia Hairserum Treatment ($35, Amazon), which comes in formulas for fine-to-medium and coarse hair, and Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask With Prickly Pear Seed Oil ($71, Sephora), a product thats made without parabens and sulfates, which may be irritating to some sensitive scalps.
On his clients, Wallace uses Moroccanoil Restorative Hair Mask ($43, Amazon), made with moisturizing argan oil and shea butter, or Its a Ten Miracle Hair Mask ($32, Ulta), which is designed to nourish color-treated, heat-styled hair.
5. Air-dry your hair or style it gently.
Rub a small amount of serum through your wet hair before styling or air-drying. In addition to adding shine and combating fly-aways, these products help to prevent frizz.
See the original post here:
Thinning Hair? Here are 8 Ways to Make It Fuller and Shinier - Self
Global Thyroid Hormone Disorder Drug Market Complete and Exclusive Report 2014-2025 Size, Share, Price, Trend and Forecast By Types, Applicatiopns and…
Global Thyroid Hormone Disorder Drug market report is a complete and exclusive study about the landscape structure of Thyroid Hormone Disorder Drug. Initially, it offers us an overview of plenty of topics including global market size and forecast, regional market size, production data, and export & import
Global Thyroid Hormone Disorder Drug market value growth rate from 2018-2025 is portrayed in this well-crafted report. To offer a complete market view and a detailed explanation of the topics, this study is a fragmented explanation of Thyroid Hormone Disorder Drug systems.
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Teenager’s mood swings and ‘toddler tantrums’ turned out to be cancer in her liver – Infosurhoy
A 19-year-old was shocked to discover her temper tantrums and mood swings were a sign of cancer.
Beth Worley, from Bedworth in Warwickshire, started noticing the bizarre symptoms when she was 17.
Adrenaline surges would leave her feeling hot and breathless, make her heart start pounding and make it seem like she was about to faint.
She would become angry or tearful at the drop of a hat and her mother told her she was having toddler tantrums.
It wasnt until doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of nerve cancer in her liver that the reason for the strange events became clear.
She was told she had paraganglioma, which is known to disrupt the hormones and cause spikes in adrenaline, and needed surgery to remove the tumours.
I couldnt control my emotions, Miss Worley said. I would be almost manic one moment, then feeling weepy and irritable the next.
Mum said I was like a toddler having tantrums. It was as if all the normal ups and downs that everyone experiences were magnified 10 times over.
As well as the emotional rollercoaster, Miss Worley also had pain in her abdomen and had been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.
But when she was unable to get rid of the symptoms she went back to the doctor and further tests revealed a year later in 2018, when she was 18 that she had cancer.
Paraganglioma is a cancer made of tumours which grow in nerve cells which are found around the body.
It can develop in various places and most often affects people aged between 30 and 50.
The tumours are usually slow-growing and benign, but they can be dangerous and spread, as Miss Worleys was threatening to do.
Surgeons at Birminghams Queen Elizabeth Hospital decided to operate in March 2019 to remove the tumour from her liver and growths in some nearby glands.
Luckily the cysts in the lymph nodes had contained the malignant tumour and stopped it spreading further, Miss Worley added.
I was in intensive care for six days and it took me a few months to recover as it was such a big operation.
I had been cut open from my chest to my belly but I was determined to get back on my feet again and get back to university.
In around half of patients, paraganglioma tumours produce adrenaline or similar hormones and leak them into the body, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Adrenaline is the hormone which controls the bodys fight or flight response and its main functions are increasing the heart rate and blood pressure.
It also tenses muscles to make them faster to react, dilates the pupils to improve vision and expands the lungs to pull in more air.
These effects can make people feel distressed or on edge and make them sweat, get headaches or have flushed skin.
The best treatment option for paraganglioma is usually surgery to remove the tumour and stop it spreading or causing damage by growing.
Miss Worleys mother, Claire Ingram, said her daughter had been strong throughout the treatment, refusing to give up university and carrying on with her life.
She said: Seeing your child in intensive care with all these tubes coming out of her is so awful, the worst thing for a parent.
But Beth has been absolutely amazing through all of this we are in awe of her.
The doctors wanted Beth to leave university in order to deal with her treatment but she simply refused. She even managed to pass her driving test too.
Grateful for her care, Miss Worley is now backing Cancer Research UKs Right Now campaign, which encourages people to donate, volunteer, fundraise or share their story.
Miss Worley, whose friends and family raised nearly 4,000 at Worcester Race for Life in her honour, said: Now, I want to do everything I can to help raise money and awareness.
Progress in the fight against this devastating disease relies on everyone who raises vital funds.
Jane Redman, a Cancer Research UK spokesperson said: We are so grateful to Beth for showing both the realities of cancer and the positive impact research and improved treatments can have on peoples lives.
We hope our Right Now campaign will inspire people to take action and play their part in beating cancer.
Every action makes a difference and money raised helps to support Cancer Research UKs vital work. Together, we will beat cancer.
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Teenager's mood swings and 'toddler tantrums' turned out to be cancer in her liver - Infosurhoy
Actress Lakshmipriya’s love for food and the tale of a burned biryani – Onmanorama
Lakshmipriya has charmed both the silver screen and the mini screen audiences with her incredible acting talent and mesmerizing personality. She has recently published a memoir in which the actress speaks about some of the most painful experiences in her life. A self confessed foodie, Lakshmipriya likes trying out different dishes and cuisines and is passionate about cooking as well. Lakshmipriya is thrilled to talk about her genuine love for food and cooking and reveals her favourite dishes.
Unforgettable flavours
For Lakshmipriya, the taste of the humble theeyal, with roasted coconut paste, made by her beloved grandmother is something that she would never forget. The special palada that her aunt in Alappuzha sends for her is another favourite dish. Lakshmipriya says that this is not the regular palada payasam but a delicious snack made with eggs, all purpose flour, milk, sugar, cardamom powder and ghee. This soft snack that melts in the mouth is something that instantly takes Lakshmipriya back to her childhood.
I really love cooking and enjoy it very much. It was only after my marriage that I began experimenting more in the kitchen. Now, I could say that I have become an expert in cooking. I prefer cooking in fresh coconut oil. As I am allergic to wheat, I dont eat foods cooked using it. So, I eat dishes made with rice for most of my meals. I mostly prefer the local dishes and preparations like the traditional matta rice, boiled tapioca with spicy fish curry and some puliserry, says Lakshmipriya.
Flopped biryani
Lakshmipriya recalls her hilarious first attempt at cooking biryani. She had even bought a brand new uruli (brass vessel) to prepare her special biryani. She followed the recipe to a tee and even prepared a dum using the all purpose flour mix and hot coals. The recipe book said that the biryani should be cooked on dum for at least 40 minutes. However, she didnt realize the fact that each variety of rice requires different cooking time. After 40 minutes, to the utter disappointment of the actress, her biryani was all burned up with the rice and the chicken pieces reduced to charred bits. She says with a smile that no one could taste her special and extravagant biryani which she had prepared by adding even the exquisite saffron. However, Laskmipriya was determined to try cooking biryani until it became a grand success. After trying for quite a few times, she understood the nuances of dishing up a perfect plate of biryani. Now, Lakshmipriya is an expert in cooking amazing biryani and her family and friends vouch for that. Lakshmipriyas tasty biryani has now become a must for all the special occasions and functions in the family.
I can easily put on or lose weight. But, my weight exceeded all limits when I was pregnant with my daughter. From sixty kilos I jumped to a whopping eighty kilos. I was undergoing hormone treatments too at that time. So, that added to my weight woes and it was very difficult for me to shed all those kilos. I started losing weight after I began attending the sessions at the Smart Exarco Wellness Clinic in Kochi. More than work outs, I reduced weight by following a healthy and balanced diet, reveals Lakshmipriya.
At the wellness clinic, they advised the actress to eat food in smaller portions every two and half hours. Except sweet, she was allowed to eat everything including rice, ghee, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, yoghurt, buttermilk, fish and chicken. Lakshmipriya says that this healthy diet had reduced hair fall and added a youthful glow to her skin as well. Earlier, I was crazy about work outs and exercises, but now, I am not that interested. Besides, I am not as huge as you see me on screen, laughs Lakshmipriya.
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Actress Lakshmipriya's love for food and the tale of a burned biryani - Onmanorama
The Big IVF Add-On Racket – The New York Times
Then there are intralipids, an emulsion of soybean oil, egg phospholipids and glycerin administered intravenously and described as a way to decrease natural killer cell activation in the immune system and ostensibly aid in embryo implantation. This emulsion is priced around $400 per infusion; typically several are recommended. Side effects include headache, dizziness, flushing, nausea and the possibility of clotting or infection. A meta-analysis last year found that intralipids and other forms of immunotherapy should not be used in routine clinical practice.
Such procedures are often presented to patients in the form of a stack of papers, written in legalese or medical jargon. Resourceful patients might take to the internet to learn more, where searches might deliver densely written scientific articles, and ads might direct them to companies or clinics eager to promote their own brands of add-ons.
Why is all this happening? Its because IVF remains an under-regulated arena, and entrepreneurial doctors and pharmaceutical and life science companies are eager to find new ways to cash in on a growing global market that is projected to be as large as $40 billion by 2024.
It has been 41 years since the first successful birth through IVF, and for the past three decades or so, the multistage IVF procedure and core drug protocols have remained fundamentally unchanged (though, to be sure, the laboratory equipment involved has become more sophisticated).
But clinics know competition for patients is fierce. Before they found add-ons as a way to differentiate themselves, clinics frequently marketed themselves by emphasizing their superior performance (not always with veracity) and by offering to make peoples dreams come true, as we wrote in our paper. Now they boast expanded menus advanced treatments, cutting-edge labs, custom service packages and special financing options.
Under-regulation of IVF dates to before the procedure first became commercially available. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the government has done its best to avoid funding anything associated with embryo research, including IVF. As a result, its a field that since its earliest days was shaped by commercial considerations, with early practitioners lobbying for self-policing. The Food and Drug Administration requires a rigorous assessment of safety and efficacy of procedures that manipulate human cells more than minimally, yet no fertility procedure has been deemed to do so.
We are not alone here in the United States. In 2016, the BBC looked at common add-on procedures sold in Britain and uncovered many unsubstantiated claims. Australian media have done similar reporting. Only one Australian state, Victoria, requires IVF clinics to provide their patients with the evidence, or lack of it, behind add-on treatments.
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The Big IVF Add-On Racket - The New York Times
How To Deal With Stress Incontinence Because It’s More Common Than You Might Think – British Vogue
Lets face it, my days of trampolining are well and truly over. Elspeth, (my best friend) is on the phone to me, close to tears. It seems that since turning 50, she cannot so much as cough, laugh, or jump on a trampoline, without how can I put this delicately? Peeing her pants or stress incontinence as it's more formally known. I had no idea trampolining was so important to you, I say, in a feeble attempt to console her, while simultaneously going on-line to book a check-up with a specialist pelvic physiotherapist, Kate Walsh. This is not going to happen to me. And who knows, if Walshs advice rings true, perhaps she can prevent it happening to Elspeth. Prevention is better than cure and all that.
A few days later, legs akimbo on the couch in the clinic, Walsh, a friendly Liverpudlian whose work for the NHS and in private practice has led her to treat tens of thousands of women over the years with mild incontinence brought on by the peri-menopause, examines my pelvic wall, with what I quickly come to understand is typical candour. I wish I had a Go-Pro on my fingers sometimes, she says, people would be fascinated by what you can tell from inside the pelvis! Hmm. But would they want to see it? I wonder, squeamishly.
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Walsh has no such qualms. People stop me in shops in the Wirral where I live and theyll whisper, My mum needs to see you, she has a prolapse! And Ill think, Why are you whispering?! Her concern is that our silence around the subject means that so many women are unaware that you can treat stress incontinence and go for years suffering from shame and embarrassment, when often there are simple solutions to hand. I once had an 80 year old woman tell me she keeps pads under her pillow; waits until her husband falls asleep, and then puts them in her underwear. She doesnt want him to know that this is what she has to do now. I find this story terribly sad, and also slightly scary is this the future? until Walsh continues, But we can do things for women who are 80! We can do things whatever your age - we just need to talk about it more.
The reason its more common around our mid forties onwards is because our hormone levels are changing. Oestrogen in particular is very important for the integrity of the soft tissues, and the support it gives, so once your oestrogen levels drop, the tissue of the vagina becomes more papery, she explains. Thats when vaginal atrophy sets in, the thinness sets in, and problems take hold.
Sounds like hell, I say. What can we do to make sure This Does Not Happen? Firstly the front wall of the vagina, which doesnt support the bladder as well as it should because of the change of hormones, needs to be strengthened. We should all be doing pelvic floor exercises, either with the help of a device like Elvie or without - theyre easily mastered but require regular practice if youre going to see improvements. When we laugh, cough or sneeze, we generate pressure in the abdomen, says Walsh, And this squeezes the bladder. Normally the vaginal wall supports the fascia and the muscles come up, suppress the urethra and keep you continent, without you even knowing it. But with stress incontinence, in the case of your friend, you lack the ability to tighten up.
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To strengthen the fascia, a treatment like ThermiVas, which Walsh performs regularly, via the insertion of a warm wand which emits radio frequency technology to tighten the internal walls of the vagina, is great, as theres no down time and most see an instant improvement.
There are now so many options, says Walsh, from injecting a filler into the urethral sphincter, to meche, where a tape is added to the neck of the bladder so it has additional support. At the first hint of a problem, you should see a doctor. And be prepared to be told to put the work in yourself. Recently I attended a conference in Scotland where they debated the complications surrounding meche, says Walsh. And what it boils down to is, we all need to try the more sustainable solutions first treatments like radiofrequency, and exercising at home.
Get ready to start squeezing.
Try: If youre worried about losing control of your bladder and find yourself going more often to the loo as a precautionary measure, try not to. Walsh says youre just creating a sense of panic, and making the situation worse by creating an overactive bladder. Never go just in case and never leave it until youre bursting - aim for something in between. You need to show your bladder whos boss and for most of us that means six to eight times within 24 hours.
Buy: My Pelviva is a new pelvic floor muscle trainer that you insert like a tampon into your vagina. It then sends electric pulses to stimulate and strengthen the muscles. 84% of women reported improved bladder control after 12 months of use.
Do: If you get the chance to book in with Kate Walsh, do! You can find her in clinics across Merseyside and in London at Mallucci London.
More from British Vogue:
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How To Deal With Stress Incontinence Because It's More Common Than You Might Think - British Vogue
Fertility enhancement and menopausal relief with acupuncture and herbs – Galway Advertiser
Have you been dreaming of getting pregnant, without success? Have you gone through several hormone injections or in vitro fertilization cycles? Or do you have any period problems? Do you complain of night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings, pain during intercourse, increased anxiety or irritability, or other menopause-related symptoms? Are you feeling stressed or anxious during the onset of menopause?
If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, you may consider fertility enhancement or relief of menopause-related symptoms with traditional Chinese medicine treatments, including acupuncture and herbs, which can improve your potential for pregnancy or alleviate your distress when menopausal symptoms occur.
Based on the Western and traditional Chinese medical principles of female health and the family medicinal traditions of Dr Xian-Yang Lai, the Chinese Medical Clinic can precisely tailor personal Chinese medication that is specific to your individual circumstances. The treatment will optimise your fertility potential or rebalance your body, mind, and energy from your imbalanced conditions caused by menopause and/or other external factors.
The Chinese Medical Clinic has successfully treated fertility problems by enhancing the growth and development of ovarian follicles, and improving ovulation or menopausal conditions by rebalancing hormone levels. For more information contact the Chinese Medical Clinic, 1 Nile Lodge, Lower Salthill, Galway, phone 087 799 7866 or visit
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Fertility enhancement and menopausal relief with acupuncture and herbs - Galway Advertiser
12-year-old transgender preteen has started transitioning –
Twelve-year-old Ash Lammin, who was born a boy, is one of Britains youngest transgender children (Picture: KMG /SWNS.COM)
Ash Lammin says she felt that she was a girl as soon as she could speak.
The 12-year-old, from Kent, says that it has been difficult growing up as a transgender girl but feels that she is firmly on the right path.
Now Ash is beginning to transition her gender from male to female at an NHS-run clinic and is one of the youngest children in the country to do so.
Ash who changed her name by deed poll to Ashley when she was eight will start by taking hormone blockers to halt the onset of puberty.
She eventually wants a womb transplant so she can be a mother when she is older.
She said: The journey is long and its still going, but I feel like the sense of victory is there through it all. I do feel accepted sometimes, but other times not.
Not everyone is going to understand and people have to have their own opinions and I understand that. Some people might not like the idea of trans.
I hope I inspire others but I just hope that love and acceptance comes through everything.
Mum Terri has said that Ash will take the blockers until she is 18. At that point, she herself will decide whether to go ahead with gender reassignment surgery.
If she decides not to go ahead with it, Ash will come off the blocker, and her puberty will kick in just a few years later than her peers.
She said: I never thought it was a phase, Ash was just Ash. When she was three she said to me, Im a boy because you gave me a boys name its your fault.
I remember feeling horrible, because she blamed me.
Id never come across it before and I just went along with it. I just thought at the time if hes happy, well thats the main thing.
When Ash turned 11 and went to secondary school, she became a target for bullies who would throw things at her on the bus and shout abuse at her, forcing Terri to take her out of the school after just one term.
Ash is now being home-schooled and Terri is calling for better education within schools to teach children about transgender people.
She said: Id like to see the subject of transgender people included in some lessons, like there are about same-sex families.
There needs to be more about liking people for who they are, not what they are.
MORE: Transgender teen has penis farewell party before gender reassignment surgery
MORE: Transgender man is asked to go as a bridesmaid to mothers wedding despite identifying as a guy
MORE: Transgender teen has penis farewell party before gender reassignment surgery
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12-year-old transgender preteen has started transitioning -
Reviews of female viagra – Fox news female viagra – Is there a female viagra yet – Laughlin Entertainer
December 10, 2019 Cover
Off-road racing has always been a big part of the Laughlin event scene. Drivers of heavy duty racing trucks and buggies like the challenge of negotiating hairpin turns and switch-backs over a rugged desert course, daring them to take their skills to the next level which is why the 2019 McKenzies Rage at the Rivers season finale is a popular event.
When it comes to portraying Johnny Cash, tribute artists dont get much closer than Shawn Barker.Cash commanded and earned the kind of serious respect that continues long after his passing, and Barker has kept that respect at the very core of everything he does from the very beginning. Sure, an artist might include the kind of fun Cash used to have, because they know full-well his fans expect nothing less.
If anyone knows about the healing power of laughter, its Will C, a.k.a. William Clifton, because hes seen it happen.The veteran of both comedy and American armed forces, Will C lives by his message that laughter is truly the best medicine.On a dare he took the stage at the World Famous Comedy Store in La Jolla, California, in the spring of 1995. He caught the comedy bug and never looked back.
A sip of Cella wine is all it takes to taste the heart and soul that goes into crafting each blend at the Kingman winery and vineyard.For Carlos Cella, owner of Cella Wines, the craft is his passion, and it is evident in the high-quality flavor and aroma that bursts from every bottle.Cella has been making wines since childhood with his Italian upbringing.
See the article here:
Reviews of female viagra - Fox news female viagra - Is there a female viagra yet - Laughlin Entertainer
The first health care clinic run "by sex workers for sex workers" is 20 years old – The Hill
Founded in 1999, St. James Infirmary is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco that provides free and confidential health care for sex workers. Recognizing the need for more compassionate care for sex workers, two associations, Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE) and the Exotic Dancers Alliance (EDA), founded the clinic in collaboration with the San Francisco Department of Public Health STD Control and Prevention Section. Its billed as an Occupational Health and Safety Clinic run by and for Sex Workers, past or present.
According to its website, St. James Infirmary provides upwards of 1,000 health care services to 300 unique patients, a syringe distribution and collection program, as well as education and training workshops that hundreds of sex workers attend, all in addition to basic primary care. The intention behind these classes is to dispense information about sexual health to take a more preventativemeasurewhen it comes public health and safety, rather than a punitive approach that results in jail time.
Named after the prolific sex-positive advocate Margo St. James, she, along with Carol Stuart and Jefferey Klausner, spearheaded activist collaboration, as profiled by a Jezebel interview. The clinic was immediately flooded with patientsdue to its welcoming and nonjudgmental atmosphere.
Speaking to Jezebel, Scarlett Paradise, a transgender woman, was given fundamental shelter and clothing at St. James. She said without the emotional support and sense of community St. James Infirmary offers, she wouldnt have survived.
The clinic is still running strong in San Francisco today, with a reported annual budget of $1 million dollars and moved its location to the Tenderloin District in San Francisco.It is expanding its services to counseling and mental health programs, hormone therapy, as well as partnering with OBGYN student residents from the University of California, San Francisco. St. James welcomes people of all sexual orientations, races, genders and backgrounds.
See original here:
The first health care clinic run "by sex workers for sex workers" is 20 years old - The Hill
Ash Lammin, 12, to take hormone blockers | News – The Times
Ash Lammin: Not everyone is going to understandSWNS
A 12-year-old who identifies as a girl is about to become one of the youngest children in Britain to take hormone blockers in her bid to change gender.
Ash Lammin, who was born a boy, changed her name from Ashton by deed poll aged eight. Her mother Terri, 43, who has seven other children, said: Although she was born male, from the moment she could speak Ash insisted she was a girl.
Ash, from Ramsgate, Kent, is about to start the transition from male to female at an NHS-run clinic by taking beta blockers that stop puberty.
She will decide whether she wants gender reassignment surgery when she is 18. If not she will come off the blockers and go through puberty a few years
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Ash Lammin, 12, to take hormone blockers | News - The Times
Xeris Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Topline Results From the In-clinic Stage of the Phase 2 Study of Its Developmental Ready-to-use (RTU)…
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xeris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: XERS), a specialty pharmaceutical company leveraging its novel technology platforms to develop and commercialize ready-to-use injectable and infusible drug formulations, today announced positive topline results from the in-clinic stage of a Phase 2 study of its developmental ready-to-use (RTU) glucagon in patients who experience postprandial hypoglycemic episodes following bariatric surgery.
This is a Phase 2 prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study that comprises an in-clinic stage followed by a 12-week outpatient stage. Subjects are randomly assigned to receive RTU glucagon or placebo during two separate meal challenges in an in-clinic stage crossover design, and then enter a parallel design outpatient stage where they are assigned to an investigational product for 12 weeks. In this study, subjects self-administer a mini dose (300 g) of RTU glucagon or placebo when they experience hypoglycemia symptoms (e.g., anxiety, nausea, sweating, tremors, palpitations), and blood glucose response is measured after the study drug is self-administered. In situations where hypoglycemia (blood glucose 70 mg/dl) is present at mini-dosing or continues after treatment, oral glucose tabs are used in addition to the study drug. The in-clinic stage is now complete, and this study is currently ongoing in the outpatient stage, where both subjects and investigators remain blinded. For more information, visit Identifier: NCT03770637
Results from the in-clinic stage of this Phase 2 study demonstrate that most subjects experienced postprandial hypoglycemia within 90-120 minutes after finishing the meal. Of patients with a successful meal challenge, all subjects were also able to self-administer a mini dose of study drug, as directed, during the setting of declining blood glucose. A mini dose of RTU glucagon was adequate to restore or maintain normal blood glucose levels within 15 minutes of administration. This effect was maintained at 30 minutes, and hyperglycemia was not observed. The incidence of a follow-on episode of hypoglycemia (rebound hypoglycemia) requiring oral glucose for rescue was less with RTU glucagon compared to placebo. Treatment emergent adverse events with a mini dose of RTU glucagon were comparable to placebo, including negligible injection site reactions. Mini doses of RTU glucagon appear safe and well tolerated, and no serious adverse events occurred.
We are encouraged by the results of the in-clinic stage of our PBH study. The first half of this study is an important first step in demonstrating the utility of liquid, stable, ready-to-use glucagon in conditions beyond rescue for severe hypoglycemia and demonstrating safety and effectiveness in situations that require self-administration by the patient, said Paul R. Edick, Xeris Chairman and CEO. We believe the second half of the study, which is outside of the controlled in-clinic environment, will go further in establishing the safety profile of mini dosing RTU glucagon. That additional data will be available in the first half of 2020.
About Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia (PBH)
Approximately 200,000 weight loss (bariatric) surgeries are performed annually in the United States. Hypoglycemia that occurs after bariatric and other forms of upper gastrointestinal surgery is a condition called post-bariatric hypoglycemia (PBH). It usually occurs >6 months to 8 years after surgery and is an uncommon and rarely reported metabolic complication that can be severe and disabling for some patients. Hypoglycemia episodes from PBH occur 1-3 hours after meals (postprandial hypoglycemia), often at a frequency of >10 times per month. Persistent or unrecognized hypoglycemia from PBH can progress to severe hypoglycemia (blood glucose <54 mg/dL) with symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, coma, and even death. When postprandial hypoglycemia episodes in PBH occur, they can be difficult to acutely treat with oral carbohydrates alone, because an overcompensation with oral carbohydrates can frequently trigger a subsequent hypoglycemia episode (rebound hypoglycemia).
About Glucagon
Glucagon is a metabolic hormone secreted by the pancreas that raises blood glucose levels by causing the liver to rapidly convert glycogen (the stored form of glucose) into glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream. Glucagon and insulin are two critical hormones in a glycemic control system that keep blood glucose at the right level in healthy individuals. In people with diabetes who are dependent on insulin, this control system is disrupted, and insulin must be injected to avoid high levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia). The opposite effect, or low blood glucose (hypoglycemia), is also prevalent in this population due to dysregulated glucagon secretion. Severe hypoglycemia is a serious condition and can lead to seizures, coma, potential brain injury and, if untreated, death.
Glucagon is the standard of care for treating severe hypoglycemia. According to the American Diabetes Association, glucagon should be prescribed for all individuals at increased risk of clinically significant hypoglycemia, defined as blood glucose <54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L). Leveraging XeriSol, one of Xeris two proprietary formulation technology platforms, Xeris has the potential to provide the first ready-to-use, room-temperature stable liquid glucagon for use by people with diabetes and other conditions to prevent or manage various forms of hypoglycemia and improve glucose control.
About Xeris Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Xeris (Nasdaq: XERS) is a specialty pharmaceutical company delivering innovative solutions to simplify the experience of administering important therapies that people rely on every day around the world. With a novel technology platform that enables ready-to-use, room-temperature stable formulations of injectable and infusible therapies, the company is advancing a portfolio of solutions in various therapeutic categories, including its first commercial product, Gvoke. Its proprietary XeriSol and XeriJect formulation technologies have the potential to offer distinct advantages over conventional product formulations, including eliminating the need for reconstitution, enabling long-term, room-temperature stability, significantly reducing injection volume, and eliminating the requirement for intravenous (IV) infusion. With Xeris technology, new product formulations are designed to be easier to use by patients, caregivers, and health practitioners and help reduce costs for payers and the healthcare system.
Xeris is headquartered in Chicago, IL. For more information, visit, or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.
Forward-Looking Statements
Any statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects for Xeris Pharmaceuticals, Inc., including statements regarding the acceptance of Gvoke in the marketplace, the market and therapeutic potential of its product candidates, expectations regarding clinical data, the timing or likelihood of regulatory approval and commercialization of its product candidates, the timing or likelihood of expansion into additional markets, expectations regarding the timing of the commercial launch of Gvoke HypoPen, the potential utility of its formulation platforms and other statements containing the words "will," "would," "continue," and similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation, the regulatory approval of its product candidates, its ability to market and sell its products, if approved, its reliance on a single source supplier for Gvoke HypoPen and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Xeris subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Xeris expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
The Company intends to use the investor relations portion of its website as a means of disclosing material non-public information and for complying with disclosure obligations under Regulation FD.
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Xeris Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Topline Results From the In-clinic Stage of the Phase 2 Study of Its Developmental Ready-to-use (RTU)...