Archive for the ‘Male Genetics’ Category
Scientists arming new weapon against dengue, malaria mosquitoes – The Indian Express
Written by Kavitha Iyer | Jalna | Updated: July 3, 2017 9:17 am GBIT got around 12,000 male OX513A mosquitoes in 2011, several generations have evolved in its Jalna lab.
EVEN as urban local bodies gear up for annual monsoon outbreaks of dengue and malaria, inside a nondescript mesh cage at Jalna in central Maharashtra, trials are underway on several generations of a friendly mosquito that a handful of countries are already experimenting with for vector control programmes.
In the cage are hundreds of Aedes Aegypti vector mosquitoes, responsible for spreading dengue and chikungunya among other diseases, but engineered through advanced biotechnology to be self-limiting in other words, genetically modified to cause offspring to die.
While GM Mustard continues to await a final nod from the Union government, Gangabishan Bhikulal Investment and Trading Limited (GBIT), which is testing the transgenic mosquitoes along with Oxitec Limited, an Oxford University spin-out biotech company, is pinning its hopes on the urgency around finding effective vector management technologies.
The Aedes Aegypti mosquito, the vector responsible for dengue and chikungunya outbreaks, has survived traditional fumigating and there is no immediate mass-scale programme to control these outbreaks. From a public health perspective, this is a crucial area where intervention can be made, says Shirish Barwale, director of GBIT, one of the Barwale Group companies that include hybrid seed major Mahyco.
Already, Oxitec is partnering with agencies in Brazil, Panama, the US and the Cayman Islands for trials and pilot projects. In India, GBIT expects to approach regulators seeking permissions for the next phase limited trials in an open field early next year. Phase One of the trials was in the laboratory, and Phase Two, a contained trial in cages, is currently underway. Once the results of this phase are ready, then we expect to go into Phase Three, which would be open field trials, said Dr Shaibal Dasgupta, GBITs lead scientist on the project. By February or March 2018, we will be more or less ready and will submit results.
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) director Dr Soumya Swaminathan agrees that there is a need for a graded response to trials around GM technology meant for disease control. We definitely need to look for alternative technologies for the future, she said.
The friendly Aedes has already been trademarked by Oxitec. These are transgenic male mosquitoes with a self-limiting gene inserted through advanced genetics. Banking upon the males natural instinct to mate with a wild female, the OX513A strain is inherited by offspring, causing the larvae to die before maturing into adult mosquitoes.
What we do is a regular quality check on the effectivity of the gene. We mate the OX513A male mosquito with the local female and check the mortality. That is the test of effectivity of the gene, says Dr Dasgupta. GBIT says their quality checks have shown no deviation from the expected performance of the gene in subsequent generations of the mosquito. At Oxitec, over 150 generations of the mosquito have been tested by now, only batches getting tetracycline surviving into adulthood. Again, no deviation has been found in gene penetrance.
Asked whether the local agricultural community around the Jalna facility is aware of the active test site, GBIT says they have a detailed engagement plan to set into motion before open trials. We would need to involve the local community for the next round of open trials, as and when we get approvals. At present, discussion with the village close to the site is on and is at the initial stages, said an official of GBIT.
Among the things they expect to tell villagers is that only male mosquitoes are to be released the male Aedes Aegypti neither bites humans nor spreads disease. Also, the OX513A gene being self limiting, it does not remain in the environment unless it gets tetracycline. Scientists also say no toxins are introduced in the bio-engineered OX513A mosquitoes, so birds eating these mosquitoes will not be in any danger. Also, as the Aedes Aegypti only mates with its own kind, DNA sequences will not be spread to any other organism.
But one problem, is the absence of convincing data from previous trials on the impact of a reduced vector population on incidence of disease. Other doubts include the possibility that the wild female will, over generations, prefer only the wild male Aedes Aegypti.
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Scientists arming new weapon against dengue, malaria mosquitoes - The Indian Express
sex chromosome | genetics |
Sex chromosome, either of a pair of chromosomes that determine whether an individual is male or female. The sex chromosomes of human beings and other mammals are designated by scientists as X and Y. In humans the sex chromosomes comprise one pair of the total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. The other 22 pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes.
Individuals having two X chromosomes (XX) are female; individuals having one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY) are male. The X chromosome resembles a large autosomal chromosome with a long and a short arm. The Y chromosome has one long arm and a very short second arm. This path to maleness or femaleness originates at the moment of meiosis, when a cell divides to produce gametes, or sex cells having half the normal number of chromosomes. During meiosis the male XY sex-chromosome pair separates and passes on an X or a Y to separate gametes; the result is that one-half of the gametes (sperm) that are formed contains the X chromosome and the other half contains the Y chromosome. The female has two X chromosomes, and all female egg cells normally carry a single X. The eggs fertilized by X-bearing sperm become females (XX), whereas those fertilized by Y-bearing sperm become males (XY).
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sex: Sex chromosomes
In most species of animals the sex of individuals is determined decisively at the time of fertilization of the egg, by means of chromosomal distribution. This process is the most clear-cut form of sex determination. When any cell in the body divides, except during the formation of the sex cells, each daughter cell receives the full complement of chromosomes; i.e., copies of the two sets...
Unlike the paired autosomes, in which each member normally carries alleles (forms) of the same genes, the paired sex chromosomes do not carry an identical complement of genetic information. The X chromosome, being larger, carries many more genes than does the Y. Traits controlled by genes found only on the X chromosome are said to be sex-linked (see linkage group). Recessive sex-linked traits, such as hemophilia and redgreen colour blindness, occur far more frequently in men than in women. This is because the male who inherits the recessive allele on his X chromosome has no allele on his Y chromosome to counteract its effects. The female, on the other hand, must inherit the recessive allele on both of her X chromosomes in order to fully display the trait. A woman who inherits the recessive allele for a sex-linked disorder on one of her X chromosomes may, however, show a limited expression of the trait. The reason for this is that, in each somatic cell of a normal female, one of the X chromosomes is randomly deactivated. This deactivated X chromosome can be seen as a small, dark-staining structurethe Barr bodyin the cell nucleus.
The effects of genes carried only on the Y chromosome are, of course, expressed only in males. Most of these genes are the so-called maleness determiners, which are necessary for development of the testes in the fetus.
Several disorders are known to be associated with abnormal numbers of sex chromosomes. Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome are among the most common of these. See also X trisomy; XYY-trisomy.
sex chromosome disorder of human females, in which three X chromosomes are present, rather than the normal pair. More common than Turners syndrome, where only one X chromosome is present, X-trisomy usually remains undetected because affected individuals appear normal, experience puberty,...
relatively common human sex chromosome anomaly in which a male has two Y chromosomes rather than one. It occurs in 1 in 5001,000 live male births, and individuals with the anomaly are often characterized by tallness and severe acne and sometimes by skeletal malformations and mental...
the sum of features by which members of species can be divided into two groupsmale and femalethat complement each other reproductively.
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Scientific studies favor male miceand that could hurt a lot of humans – Popular Science
The biological differences between men and women can affect the way they react to certain drugs and treatments, according to a new study in Nature Communications. If this sounds like a no brainer, you probably haven't looked at many biomedical studies. As PopSci noted earlier this year, biomedical researchers experiment almost exclusively on male animal subjects. A 2011 study found that animals in medical research are up to five times more likely to be male than female.
That's a problem, because what happens in men is not necessarily a template for what happens in the whole population. Results in rodents are already difficult to translate to potential outcomes in humans, but leaving female animals out of the mix could make for even less predictable reactions. The new study indicates that sex has an impact on 56.6 percent of quantitative traits (things like bone density) and roughly 10 percent of qualitative traits (like whether or not a mouses head was shaped normally). All of which makes sense. We know that certain diseaseslupus and urinary tract infections, for exampleare more prevalent in human women than in men. Other diseases, like heart disease, have different qualities depending on sex. The protective effects of estrogen on the cardiovascular system mean that biologically female patients tend to develop heart disease later in life than male patients, for example. As estrogen declines with menopause, the likelihood of heart disease increases.
While its long been known that this blind spot exists in the scientific world, the actual impact on results has been less clear. The new study aims to quantify the differences between male and female study subjects, known as sexual dimorphism. The team analyzed up to 234 physical characteristics in more than 60,000 mice14,250 wildtype animals, or animals as they typically occur in nature, and 40,192 mutant mice from 2,186 single gene knockout lines. Knockout mice have been genetically engineered, with researchers making a single gene inactive to show what role it plays. The 40,192 mice had a total of 2,186 genes knocked out (though no more than one single gene was knocked out per mouse).
As it turned out, sex altered the mutation effects by 17.7 percent in quantitative traits, and 13.3 percent in qualitative traits. And in some cases, the only way to discover the difference was to study both sexes. So while gene therapies may hold promise for treating and curing human disease, a sex bias in rodent trials could mean that biological men benefit much more from these advances than their female counterparts.
The researchers are simply working to confirm something that an increasing number of scientists acknowledge: sex matters. People who menstruate, can potentially have children, have organs that biological males do not, and metabolize drugs differently can have drastically different responses to all manner of medical interventions. In fact, medications are most likely to be pulled off the market because of adverse reactions in womensomething that could easily be avoided if drug manufacturers were equally rigorous in testing drugs for both sexes.
When female subjects are included in studies, they tend to be tested (as PopSci noted in our recent article on sunscreen) when they are at their most "male-like", biologically speakingeither when they're menopausal or in the period before ovulation and menstruation. Researchers say that doing so makes their experiments simpler, because hormonal cycles add too many variables to the mix. The fact that this fails to account for the conditions under which many patients will actually take these medications is apparently inconsequential.
Its been just under 27 years since the National Institutes of Health created the Office of Research on Womens Health as a step to overcome the systemic exclusion of women from biomedical studies. Their worry was that clinical decisions in healthcare were being made for everyone based only on findings from studies conducted on male subjects. For over two decades, the National Institutes of Health has required that clinical trialsthe last step before drugs make it to marketinclude women. While the number of women in clinical trials has increased, from nine percent in 1970 to 41 percent in 2006, women are still underrepresented in clinical trials and, as this new study makes clear, woefully underrepresented in animal trials.
"This study illustrates how often sex differences occur in traits that we would otherwise assume to be the same in males and females, says study author Judith Manka, a geneticist at University College London. More importantly, the fact that a mouse's sex influenced the effects of genetic modification indicates that males and females differ right down to the underlying genetics behind many traits. This means that only studying males paints half the picture."
See the rest here:
Scientific studies favor male miceand that could hurt a lot of humans - Popular Science
So Cal mountain lions’ low genetic diversity threatens population – Davis Enterprise
If a dangerously inbred puma population in Southern California is to survive in the future, an urgent need for genetic connectivity must be met, according to two scientific papers from a team of researchers coordinated by UC Davis and involving scientists at the University of Wyoming and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
The first paper, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science in May, reports that the puma population of about 20 adults in the Santa Ana Mountains has the lowest genetic diversity ever reported for pumas besides the Florida panther, which nearly went extinct from genetic causes. Read the journal report at
The pumas isolation is primarily due to surrounding urbanization from Los Angeles and San Diego.
The only hope for puma movements in and out of the Santa Ana Mountains is to cross I-15 an eight- to 10-lane interstate highway which poses a major barrier for pumas attempting to migrate between the Santa Ana Mountains and the rural Eastern Peninsular Mountains, said lead author Kyle Gustafson, a postdoctoral conservation geneticist from the University of Wyoming.
University of Wyoming researchers conducted genetic analyses of both radio-collared and uncollared pumas to develop a multigeneration pedigree. This showed where pumas and their offspring were born, and whether they successfully migrated and reproduced after crossing I-15, which separates the Santa Ana Mountains from other mountain ranges to the east.
The power of one Although seven males crossed I-15 over the past 20 years, only one male puma #86 (M86) was able to successfully produce offspring in the Santa Anas after migrating from the genetically diverse population to the east. By producing a total of 11 detected offspring, M86 rapidly disseminated unique genes into the inbred population, which reduced the level of inbreeding and significantly increased genetic diversity.
Unfortunately, M86 was hit by a car between 2014 and 2015, and more than half of his offspring are either now deceased or in captivity.
This is consistent with mortality rates we found previously in the region, said Winston Vickers, a wildlife veterinarian from UCDs Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center who conducted most of the field research. Only one other migrant, named M119, remains in the Santa Ana Mountains, but whether he is alive or produced offspring is uncertain.
Senior author Holly Ernest, a wildlife population geneticist and research veterinarian at the University of Wyoming, said that by introducing new genetic material and raising the level of genetic diversity in this population, that single male mountain lion, M86, performed what amounts to a genetic rescue.
Our study also shows how quickly his genetics were lost by high mortality levels of his offspring, Ernest said. A message here is that this population needs help to regain healthy genetics and persist in the Southern California landscape. That help can come in the form of just a few individuals over time adding new blood to the population.
Connectivity is key The second paper, published in June in the journal PLOS ONE, provides a potential solution to this issue. In it, the researchers propose a conservation network for pumas spanning the Santa Ana Mountains and the Eastern Peninsular Mountains. Read the journal report at
Using genetic data and data from GPS radio-collared pumas, this analysis identified critical habitat patches, movement corridors, and key road crossing locations across I-15 that would allow pumas to persist and increase genetic diversity.
Without continued emigration into the Santa Ana Mountains by pumas coming from the east of I-15, eroding genetic diversity and continued inbreeding are expected to resume, said veterinarian Walter Boyce, co-director of the Wildlife Health Centers Southern California Mountain Lion Study with Vickers.
UC Davis News
So Cal mountain lions' low genetic diversity threatens population - Davis Enterprise
Horse Tale: Oriental Stallions Dominate Horse DNA, Gene Study Shows –
A Lipizzan stallion named Conversano Sessana, born in 2001.The Y sequence that is needed as a template to detect variants in any horse is generated from a stallion of this breed. Spanische Hofreitschule Wien
A group of researchers led by Barbara Wallner of the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics in Vienna, Austria sampled the genes of 52 modern horses representing 21 different breeds for their study. They included the famous white dancing Lipizzaners, quarter horses, cobs, Thoroughbreds and Arabians.
The team focused on the male specific
The findings were startling. Most of the horses in common use descend from just two lineages, the Arabian lineage from the Arabian Peninsula and the Turkoman lineage from the steppes of Central Asia, also widely known as "Oriental" among horse breeders, as reported in the Journal of Current Biology.
"Apart from stallion lines in Northern European breeds, all stallion lines detected in other modern breeds derive from more recently introduced Oriental ancestors," Wallner said.
Its not surprising that a few studs would have a large number of progeny. Females can have one or two foals a year, while males can sire many.
It seems medieval horse breeders made great use of a few very strong specimens, Wallner said, breeding them with local mares.
The qualities they were looking for are still the same qualities people still admire today.
They wanted them because they were beautiful. They wanted them to be faster and stronger and lighter, Wallner told NBC News.
Theres plenty of history about horse breeding and its no secret that Arabian stallions were desired and shipped long distances for breeding.
Of particular importance was the trend to import stallions from foreign studs to improve local herds. In central Europe, this practice started in the 16th century with the popularity of Spanish and Neapolitan stallions. Until the end of the 18th century, the Central European horse population was shaped by the introduction of Oriental stallions, they wrote.
A person riding a Lipizzan stallion. They perform in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Spanische Hofreitschule Wien
Wallners study shows just how few male lines ended up surviving the process.
Other research has looked at mitochondrial DNA, which females pass down virtually unchanged to their children. This collection of DNA is particularly diverse in horses, demonstrating that many, many mares are ancestors of modern horses.
Now Wallner wants to collect DNA from the remains of ancient horses to see if she can determine when wild horse were first domesticated, and where.
Similar recent studies have shown the surprising
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Horse Tale: Oriental Stallions Dominate Horse DNA, Gene Study Shows -
Twins Separated at Birth Reveal Staggering Influence of …
WASHINGTON Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were identical twins raised apart from the age of 4 weeks. When the twins were finally reunited at the age of 39 in 1979, they discovered they both suffered from tension headaches, were prone to nail biting, smoked Salem cigarettes, drove the same type of car and even vacationed at the same beach in Florida.
The culprit for the odd similarities? Genes.
Genes can help explain why someone is gay or straight, religious or not, brainy or not, and even whether they're likely to develop gum disease, one psychologist explains.
Such broad-ranging genetic effects first came to light in a landmark study Minnesota Twin Family Study conducted from 1979 to 1999, which followed identical and fraternal twins who were separated at an early age. [Seeing Double: 8 Fascinating Facts About Twins]
"We were surprised by certain behaviors that showed a genetic influence, such as religiosity [and] social attitudes," said Nancy Segal, an evolutionary psychologist at California State University, Fullerton, who was part of the study for nine years. "Those surprised us, because we thought those certainly must come from the family [environment]," Segal told Live Science. Segal described the groundbreaking research on Aug. 7 here at a meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Born together, raised apart
Researchers at the University of Minnesota, led by Thomas Bouchard, launched the landmark study in 1979. Over the course of 20 years, they studied 137 pairs of twins 81 pairs of identical twins (twins who developed from one egg that split in two), and 56 pairs of fraternal twins (twins who developed from two eggs fertilized by two different sperm).
The Jim twins were probably the most famous set of twins involved in the study, but other pairs were equally fascinating. One pair of female twins in the study were separated from each other at 5 months old, and weren't reunited until age 78, making them the world's longest separated pair in Guinness World Records.
The Minnesota study resulted in more than 170 individual studies focusing on different medical and psychological characteristics.
In one study, the researchers took photographs of the twins, and found that identical twins would stand the same way, while fraternal twins had different postures.
Another study of four pairs of twins found that genetics had a stronger influence on sexual orientation in male twins than in female twins. A recent study in Sweden of 4,000 pairs of twins has replicated these findings, Segal said. [5 Myths About Gay People Debunked]
Nature vs. nurture
A 1986 study that was part of the larger Minnesota study found that genetics plays a larger role on personality than previously thought. Environment affected personality when twins were raised apart, but not when they were raised together, the study suggested.
Reporter Daniel Goleman wrote in The New York Times at the time that genetic makeup was more influential on personality than child rearing a finding he said would launch "fierce debate."
"We never said [family environment] didn't matter," Segal said at the APA meeting. "We just made the point that environment works in ways we hadn't expected."
Another study, commissioned by the editor of the journal Science, looked at genetics and IQ. The Minnesota researchers found that about 70 percent of IQ variation across the twin population was due to genetic differences among people, and 30 percent was due to environmental differences. The finding received both praise and criticism, but an updated study in 2009 containing new sets of twins found a similar correlation between genetics and IQ.
Moreover, a study in 1990 found that genetics account for 50 percent of the religiosity among the population in other words, both identical twins raised apart were more likely to be religious or to be not religious, compared with unrelated individuals.
Other studies found a strong genetic influence on dental or gum health. That research helped to show that gum disease isn't just caused by bacteria, it also has a genetic component, Segal said.
Another study found that happiness and well-being had a 50 percent genetic influence.
In another study, researchers surveyed the separated twins about how close they felt to their newfound sibling. Among identical twins, 80 percent of those surveyed reported feeling closer and more familiar with their twin than they did to their best friends, suggesting a strong genetic component in the bond between identical twins.
The Minnesota study gave scientists a new understanding of the role of genes and environment on human development, Segal said. In the future, twin studies will aim to link specific genes to specific behaviors, as well as investigate epigenetics what turns genes on or off, she said.
Segal, who wrote a book about the study called "Born Together Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twins Study" (Harvard University Press, 2012), is now doing a prospective study of Chinese twins raised apart, often in different countries, by adoptive families.
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Twins Separated at Birth Reveal Staggering Influence of ...
Cohen wins Gates grant for her new take on male contraception – Cornell Chronicle
In time, men may have a new way to prevent pregnancy, thanks to the innovative thinking of a Cornell geneticist.
Paula Cohen, professor of genetics in the College of Veterinary Medicine, has won a $100,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a radical approach to contraception an area that has remained static for many years.
Thats whats truly innovative here: We are targeting a stage in the reproductive cycle thats poorly understood, Cohen said.
An expert in the genetics of fertility, Cohen was one of 28 researchers, chosen from 1,600 applicants from around the world, awarded a Grand Challenges Explorations grant, funded by the Gates Foundation. The grant supports innovative thinkers worldwide to explore ideas that can break the mold in how we solve persistent global health and development challenges. Successful projects have the opportunity to receive a follow-on grant of up to $1 million.
Cohens project will look at meiosis, a poorly understood stage of development in which a sperm cells DNA is halved. When the sperm fertilizes an egg which also contains only one half of its chromosomes the resulting embryo is restored to the full number of chromosomes.
Ive always thought that if we can stop those cells from actually getting into meiosis, youd have a really good contraceptive, Cohen said.
There are several reasons why this stage of sperm cell development is a better target for contraception than others, she said.
Traditionally, contraceptives have tried to block the sperm from getting to the egg, with barriers like condoms and spermicide. Thats shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, Cohen said. If a single swimmer gets out, it still has the potential to fertilize an egg, and you cant always prevent that from happening.
Hormonal approaches, like birth control pills, have their own drawbacks. Cohen believes they are not always good for women. And the development of a male birth control pill has always been scorned by men who fear that their libido and/or male sexual characteristics will be diminished.
And contraceptives that target the sperm cell in the testis at a late stage of development might result in mutant sperm and thus birth defects.
Her new approach, centering on the sperm cells entry into meiosis, before it even leaves the testis, offers several benefits.
For example, should one sperm sneak its way through to meiosis, the surveillance machinery present during meiosis would get rid of that solitary cell; in other words, the meiotic process itself would check for escapers. And unlike later stages of sperm cell development, the cells entry into meiosis is accessible to blood-borne factors such as drugs.
The problem is, we know very little about meiosis, because its a very hard stage to target biologically or molecularly, she said. Only recently have we started to gather the tools to be able to look at it. One tool Cohen will use is called CRISPR/Cas9, a genome editing technology that allows genes to be modified permanently and very rapidly.
She has three goals. First, shell try to prove she can get the sperm cells to go into meiosis in culture. Second, shell monitor the cells entry, by engineering what are known as reporter mice, whose cells turn green or red depending on whether or not they have entered meiosis. Third, and as proof-of-principle, shell try to manipulate two genes that are known to affect a cells entry into meiosis.
One gene is required for sperm stem cell maintenance in the testes; if it is deleted, cells rapidly progress into meiosis. The second gene is required for the sperm cell to enter meiosis; it if is blocked, the cells stop developing. So weve got a gene that should accelerate their entry into meiosis and one that should slow it down, Cohen said.
If she can manipulate those genes, that opens the door to the possibility of finding others. There could be hundreds of genes that control this process, she said. We just need to find them and begin to ask whether they are potential contraceptive targets.
This is not the type of science that would qualify for funding through traditional agencies like the National Institutes of Health, Cohen said.
Its very out there, its very risky, and thats what the Gates Foundation is going for, she said. They want you to come up with ideas that are truly revolutionary.
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Cohen wins Gates grant for her new take on male contraception - Cornell Chronicle
A Florida higher-ed official said women’s genetics may be keeping … – Washington Post
A Florida college official said Tuesday that women make less money than men because genetically they might lack the skills to negotiate for better pay.
Edward Morton ofthe State University System of Florida made the comments during a board meeting in which members talked about closing the wage gap between male and femalegraduates of the states public university system.Morton, chair of the boards Strategic Planning Committee and a financial adviser from Naples, Fla., said,according to Politico:
Something that were doing in Naples some of our high school students, were actually talking about incorporating negotiating and negotiating skill into curriculum so that the women are given maybe some of it is genetic, I dont know, Im not smart enough to know the difference but I do know that negotiating skills can be something that can be honed, and they can improve. Perhaps we can address than in all of our various curriculums through the introduction of negotiating skill, and maybe that would have a bearing on these things.
Morton apologized for his comment in an email sent to fellow board members shortly after the meeting.
I chose my words poorly. My belief is that women and men should be valued equally in the workplace, he said, adding that the universitys goal is to teach all students how to better negotiate their salaries.
[Utah Republican argues against equal pay for women: Its bad for families and society]
Gov. Rick Scott, who appointed Morton to the board, was among those who quickly criticized Morton for hiscomments. Lauren Schenone, a spokeswoman for Scott, said in a statement that as a father of two daughters, the governorabsolutely does not agree with Mortonscomments.
Gwen Graham, whos seeking the Democratic nomination for governor,tweeted Tuesday night:When I sat at the negotiation table, nothing about my gender or genetics held me back. THIS is why we need more women in state government.
Morton did not return a call seeking comment Wednesday.
Politico reported that during the meeting board members were reviewing areport on gender wage gaps among students who graduated from the university system in 2015.The report, which looked at what students did after graduation and how much theyre earning, found that female graduates from various fieldshave an annual median salary of $37,000, which is $5,500 less than the median salary of male graduates. African American graduates make even less, with an annual median wage of $35,600.
[Here are the facts behind that 79 cent pay gap factoid]
Femalegraduates make less than men even though they account fornearly 60 percent of the graduating class, according to the report.Blacks, Hispanics and whites make up 12 percent, 25 percent and 52 percent of the graduating class, respectively.
During the meeting, Morton said that the wage gap will in some way be self-correcting because the university system has more female graduates than men, according to Politico.
The report also found significant discrepancies in pay among men and women who graduated with the same degrees.The median salaries of women with degrees in biological sciences, business and marketing, communication and journalism, security and protective services, social sciences, and visual and performing arts are from$1,200to $4,400 lower than those of men with similar credentials.The gap among agriculture, liberal arts and physical sciences graduates is even greater from $6,400to $9,400.
Yet the report also found that women with degrees in education, engineering, health professions and psychology make from$500 to$3,100 more than their male counterparts annually.
A history of the long fight for gender wage equality. (Daron Taylor/The Washington Post)
Florida is among more than a dozen states with equal pay laws that haveloopholes that allow employers to continue to pay women less, according to the American Association of University Women.Two states, Alabama and Mississippi, have no equal paylaws. And only a handful California, Illinois, Minnesota, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maryland have strong equal pay laws.
Nationally, womens annual earnings are about 80 percent of what men make, according to a recent report by the association.
The report attributes the wage gap partly to differences in career choices and to the fact that parenting more often puts womens professional lives at a disadvantage than it does mens. Twenty-three percent of mothers left the workforce 10 years after graduation, while 17 percent worked part-time, according to the association. Those numbers among fathers were 1 percent and 2 percent, respectively.
Despite factors such as life choices and parenting, women facepay gaps at every education level and in nearly every line of work, the report said.
In the federal government, how likely is it that a woman will make more than a man?
The poor just dont want health care: Republican congressman faces backlash over comments
Nobody dies because they dont have access to health care, GOP lawmaker says. He got booed.
Here is the original post:
A Florida higher-ed official said women's genetics may be keeping ... - Washington Post
Florida higher education official said women may earn less than men because of genetics – New York Daily News