7 Things Most Women Believe About Men And Sex (That Simply Aren’t True!) – FemaleFirst.co.uk

Posted: August 30, 2017 at 9:41 am

30 August 2017

By sex and relationship expert Tracey Cox

Tracey Cox

Men watch porn mostmen watch porn. But most men enjoy porn without binging on itandenjoy sex with their partners. Most dont replace one with the other.

Watching porn doesnt mean hes more likely to cheat either. In fact, if he has a higher sex drive than you and hes watching porn, chances are hes probably NOT cheating.

There are certain bits on human bodies that feel good sexually if theyre touched in the right way. Were hot-wired that way.

If you couldnt see and didnt know who was touching you, you could be turned on by anyone.

And I mean anyone.

While our brains most certainly contribute to what turns us on, theres a hell of a lot of anatomy at play also.

The term erogenous zone refers to places in our body that are packed with nerve endings so have heightened sensitivity.

The anus is one of them. Stimulate it effectively and he will feel pleasure - simple as that.

If he enjoys anal simulation, its because it feels good and hes comfortable enough in his sexuality NOT to be hung up on the this must mean Im gay myth.

Anal stimulation alone does not make him gay. Continually wanting to and having sex with other men is what makes him gay (or bi).

Some men do. Some women do as well. Some men also want to watch sport all the time. Some dont. Some men want to sleep all the time. Some dont. I think you get my drift.

There is continual and constant research on male versus female sex drives that turns up interesting and complex results. The implications are there are many factors at play, when predicting someones sex drive, not just gender.

The standard sex myth that says men want sex, women want love is pass and hopelessly out of date. In fact, research by online sex toy retailer Lovehoney found that sex with love was more important to men than women.

Plenty of things stop him getting hard too much alcohol, not feeling well, stress, performance anxiety, some medication, the need for more or different stimulation and the list goes on.

Contrary to popular belief, his penis isnt operated by a mechanical lever that moves to up whenever he sees a hot woman.

OK, well there might be something in that theory for the average 17-year-old but once grown-up life steps in, with all its pressures and stress, that soon disappears.

No doubt Donald Trump believes it but most (sane) men gave up on the Sorry I cheated honey but Im programmed to do it argument eons ago.

Women are still more socialized to restrict themselves to one partner but figures for the number of women having affairs continues to rise.

Were not animals we have brains and the ability to reason. Cheating is a choice not a biological need.

Psychologically, most men would probably prefer to have an erection during any sort of sexual activity even if penetrative sex isnt on the agenda.

Why? Because both sexes have been brainwashed to think desire equals a hard penis. It doesnt. (See above)

Arousal happens in the brain: he could be massively turned on giving you oral but still not be hard by time youve had an orgasm.

Turning you on is a huge erotic kick: your reaction is about to star in his next masturbatory session.

While there are a lot of things that can help me hold off orgasm and ejaculation, its also down to genetics. The size of his penis, how long his dad lasted (and his dad) all this is completely out of his control.

By all means try out all the tried-and-tested methods but after that, let it go and work around it if he doesnt last long.

Tracey has her own range of sex toys with Lovehoney, Britain's biggest online sex toy retailer.

See the original post here:
7 Things Most Women Believe About Men And Sex (That Simply Aren't True!) - FemaleFirst.co.uk

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