Study: 72% of people that sleep this many hours a night secure raises – Ladders

Posted: February 12, 2020 at 4:42 pm

The physiologicalcosts associated with poor sleep are well documented, but what about all of the ways in which insufficient rest stands between us and our life goals?

A new study conducted by researchers over at HealthySleep set out to determine how many ambitions are achieved and abandoned as a direct consequence of sleep quality.

With a recruitment comprised of more than 1,000 participants the team successfully established a correlation between slumber and the achievement of life goals.

Before the researchers began tracking the respondents, each was asked to complete a questionnaire in regards to their most pressing long-term objectives. The top results are as follows:

On balance, good sleepers were about twice as likely to receive career success compared to poor sleepers in addition to achieving their goals 30% more often. Some objectives, like securing a raise or a promotion, were more frequently cited than others (72% vs. 68% respectively.)

Is there anything a good nights sleep cant do? Getting proper rest night after night can contribute to improved heart health, reduced stress, increased alertness, and improved memory, among many other wellness-related benefits. Given that satisfactory snoozing can be the blueprint for a sharper mind and a healthier body, we were curious about the link between rest and success and whether there was one to be found, the authors write in the paper.

Generally speaking, medical professionals recommend adults between the ages of 26 and 64 receive about nine hours of sleep per night. This value is more accurately determined by genetics, preexisting conditions, and even weight. Given the volume of variables that depict quality rest the researchers decided to rely on markers that were relative to the individuals involved in their particular analysis.

Five hundred and ninety-one respondents identified as female, 414 respondents identified as male, and four respondents did not identify as male or female. The participants ranged in age from 18 to 75 with a median age of approximately 37.

Twenty-seven percent of the study pool received five hours of sleep or less a night, 26% received an average of six hours and 32 minutes of sleep a night and the largest portion of the recruitment (47%) managed to score an average of seven hours and 10 minutes of sleep a night. The first and last demographics served as the poor and adequate sleep control spectrum.

Poor sleep seemed to reliably contribute to procrastination. Eighty-percent of the good sleepers and 75% of the average sleepers reported putting a lot of effort into their goals compared to the 68% of bad sleepers who could say the same.

Good sleepers were both better at tracking the progress of their goals and the more likely group to secure them.

Good sleepers reported achieving an average of 68% of their potential goals, compared to bad sleepers 58%.At every echelon 50% or more, 75% or more, and 90% or more a higher percentage of good sleepers said they could reach the respective percentage of their goals, the authors conclude.Respondents who fell into the good sleeper category were better equipped to succeed in every way.They achieved more goals, put more effort into where they wanted to be, were better organized in their goal-setting approach, procrastinated less, and were more likely to adopt a positive mindset regarding their own abilities and strengths.

Here are the most occasioned goals achieved by those who habitually received quality rest:

Originally posted here:
Study: 72% of people that sleep this many hours a night secure raises - Ladders

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