Advanced Bioinformatics: Genetic Research | NWABR.ORG
Posted: October 13, 2014 at 4:54 pm
Animations and Videos
"The Mitochondria" by BioVisions at Harvard University. Incredible animation that shows in detail the inner workings of the mitochondria.
Clickherefor a complete list of biology-related animations (by topics) from, "A Portal to Cell & Molecular Animation."
Biochemistry and Molecular Structure Resources
3D Molecules
Protein Data Bank (PDB) Search for the protein structures and either print, view online, or download to view with an appropriate plug-in (some of which can be downloaded from the site). Features a "molecule of the month." Also, visit the extensive Educational Resources Section.
NCBI's Structure Pageallows you to view structures with a simple view, Cn3D, available for download from the site. It also maintains its own structure database, MMDB, which is a subset of the PDB.
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Curriculum
Genetic Science Learning Center Offers many valuable resources for teaching and learning about biotechnology.
Iowa State Biotechnology Resources for Educators Includes thirteen laboratory activities, curriculum units, and more. Topics include DNA extraction, fingerprinting, bacteria transformation, bioluminescence, plant micro propagation, a PCR activity, and a soybean flavor demonstration.
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Advanced Bioinformatics: Genetic Research | NWABR.ORG