Berlin protests focus on farming and food safety

Posted: January 21, 2013 at 9:42 pm

Thousands of people braved the cold and demonstrated in the streets of Berlin as politicians and policymakers met to discuss changes to global agricultural policies.

Under the slogan, We are fed up, the protesters called for an end to food scandals, genetic engineering and animal cruelty in industrial livestock farming.

We are from the Friends of the Earth and we demonstrate for the peace of animals, small farmers, ecological farming, non-genetic produce animals and non-genetic food, Viola Wagner said, as she marched and chanted.

We got up at 4 oclock to come six hours by bus. Im here for my children and my grandchildren, to make sure they have a future and good food.

More than 120 groups representing farmers, industry, and animal rights and environmental activists organized the demonstration. It was timed to coincide with International Green Week, the Agriculture Ministers' Summit and the Global Forum for Agriculture, which are all taking place in Berlin this week.

The event also comes as another scandal in Germany has shaken consumer confidence in the safety and quality of the countrys food. Animal feed fats contaminated with the carcinogenic compound dioxin has again been discovered in the food chain, causing some countries to block German pork and egg imports.

Organizers said 22,000 people came from all over Germany, although police estimated turnout closer to 15,000.

Following about 50 tractors, they marched from Berlins main train station, along one of the main shopping streets, through the government district, and ended with a rally in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkels offices.

The current dioxin scandal has suddenly highlighted the backlog of reforms in agricultural policy, Hubert Weiger, chairman of BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), said in a speech.

In her weekly video message on Saturday, Merkel said the government would tighten controls in the animal feed industry.

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Berlin protests focus on farming and food safety

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