Carey Edwards, biologist from Iron River National Fish Hatchery, Wisconsin, poses with a beautiful coaster brook trout
Posted: November 20, 2014 at 10:52 pm
USFWS Fisheries posted a photo:
The Iron River National Fish Hatchery, WI maintains approximately 10,000 adult and juvenile captive lake trout and coaster brook trout brood stock. Infusion of wild genetics into these captive lines is paramount for successful brood stock management. This fall 2014, Carey Edwards and Brandon Keesler from Iron River and Henry Quinlan from the Ashland Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, WI, made the trek to Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior to collect gametes from coaster brook trout found in Tobin Harbor. Male gametes are collected in plastic bags and checked under a microscope for viability before collecting and fertilizing eggs from females. Once the eggs are fertilized with the milt, they are rinsed, disinfected, and sealed in containers with well water from the hatchery. The containers are packed in coolers for transport back to the mainland and continue on to a quarantine facility at Genoa Natrional Fish Hatchery, WI, to incubate, hatch and grow for 18 months before becoming brood stock at Iron River. USFWS photo.