Gene therapy offers hope for the blind

Posted: December 8, 2014 at 8:40 pm


Researchers have discovered five genes play a role in controlling human susceptibility to severe malaria.

US health officials are investigating nine cases of muscle weakness or paralysis in Colorado children.

Researchers say a drug developed by Roche to treat a form of breast cancer has been shown to extend lives.

The World Health Organisation has said experimental vaccines to treat Ebola could be ready for use in 2015.

A new survey has found organ donation can 'bring comfort' to families who have experienced a death.

A study from NZ has found paracetamol taken when pregnant increases the risk of children developing ADHD.

Health experts from 16 European countries have urged 'all possible resources' are needed to fight Ebola.

Research has shown calcium in the blood could provide an early warning of cancers, especially in men.

A third of patients who undergo surgery to remove cancerous tumours end up with microscopic pieces left.

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Gene therapy offers hope for the blind

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