Is there a gene that keeps you single?
Posted: November 21, 2014 at 11:50 pm
Scientists in China say they've identified a gene that may play a role in some people being uncomfortable in relationships.
Perhaps your incompatibility is simply genetic. What a relief. Wahbanana/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET
You often get the call late at night.
There's a sniffling at the other end. Then the words: "We just broke up."
You try and be sympathetic, even though this is the fifth time this year that your friend has broken up with the love of his life. Yes, there have been five loves of his life this year. And now, it may well be that it isn't entirely his fault.
Researcher from Peking University in China believe they have identified a gene variant that might be partly responsible for people not being very good at relationships.
Published this week in Scientific Reports, the research examined "a polymorphism (C-1019G)...of 5-HT1A gene," and found it was "significantly associated with the odds of being single both before and after controlling for socioeconomic status, external appearance, religious beliefs, parenting style, and depressive symptoms."
You can't blame God. You can't blame looks. You can't even blame your parents. Well, actually you can. They gave you the gene.
Still, the ultimate conclusion is quite dramatic. The researchers wrote: "These findings provide, for the first time, direct evidence for the genetic contribution to romantic relationship formation."
Surely we always feel that there are strange genetic things going on in terms of both attraction and relationship maintenance. There are people who, according to objective criteria, aren't attractive at all. Yet, to us, there's something viscerally alluring about them. There are also people with whom, for no obvious reason, we simply get on.