Leadership is in the gene, say scientists

Posted: January 16, 2013 at 8:45 pm

A GENE has been uncovered that may help to create born leaders.

The leadership gene, known as rs4950, is an inherited DNA sequence associated with people taking charge.

Scientists accept that leadership skills are also learned. But the gene may provide the vital push needed to make someone into a manager rather than a minion.

Researchers found the gene after analysing DNA samples from around 4000 individuals and matching them to information about jobs and relationships. Workplace supervisory roles were used as a measurement of leadership behaviour.


The study showed that a quarter of the observed variation in leadership traits between individuals could be explained by genetics.

Lead scientist Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, from University College London, said: We have identified a genotype, called rs4950, which appears to be associated with the passing of leadership ability down through generations.

The conventional wisdom - that leadership is a skill - remains largely true, but we show it is also, in part, a genetic trait.

The findings appear online today in the journal Leadership Quarterly.

Some of the greatest leaders in recent history include Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Sir Winston Churchill.

More here:
Leadership is in the gene, say scientists

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