Learning to read Palms – Video

Posted: December 3, 2012 at 9:43 am

Learning to read Palms
I will continue to research the topic of chiromancy. Please share your thoughts and what you know about this topic in the comments below. 4:00 I begin to read (the book). The phrase "the future is in your hands" may begin to mean more to you than you previously thought. Nowadays the practice of chiromancy is widely used by specialists in the field of genetics and psychiatry as one of the additional methods of diagnostics. " It would seem that from the very beginning there were two traditions. The first linked chiromancy closely with astrology and so produced a quasi-systematic framework for its references and predictions. The second was not connected with astrology at all, but with intuition, whose methodological principles are not clear. In the Middle Ages the Christian chiromantics found a scriptural basis for chiromancy in Job 37:7: "He sealeth up the hand of every man, that all men may know his work" which could be interpreted to mean that the hand imprints are made by God for the purpose of chiromancy." When you know yourself you are better able to . . . 9:55 predestination and free will are not imcompatible Our destiny is in our hands. 11:30 A study of palmistry can make us more optimistic Preparing to read your palm. 12:20 we chage our destiny when we change ourselves Palmistry can be used as a pleasant party past time. When you begin to study hands you begin to gain insight about the people around you. Studying the hands of a person can lead to increased intimacy ...From:marcus86edViews:1 0ratingsTime:23:34More inPeople Blogs

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Learning to read Palms - Video

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