Morning Star :: 50,000 protest in Berlin to protect farming from big business
Posted: January 18, 2015 at 8:41 pm
Over 50,000 people took to the streets of the German capital Berlin on Saturday to demand that the government changes its farming policy and halt the increasing industrialisation of agriculture.
The mass protest against factory farming and genetic engineering of crops was timed to coincide with International Green Week, an agricultural trade fair held annually in the city.
Under the slogan: We are sick of agribusiness, protesters called for a worldwide right to food, legal restrictions to protect food and agriculture from genetic manipulation and an end to the establishment of mega-factory farms.
The protesters marched from Potsdam Square to the Federal Chancellery demanding rejection of the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement between the European Union and the US.
Jochen Fritz, spokesman for the alliance of more than 120 environmental, consumer and development organisations behind the protest, said that TTIP would ruin many farmers livelihoods.
TTIP only serves global concerns and will take away the means of existence from many farms here and across the world, he said.
Mr Fritz added that the agreement would also jeopardise consumer standards and that more than three-quarters of German pig farmers had had to give up their businesses since 2000, with large meat companies increasingly taking over livestock farming.
He called for agriculture to be based on regional markets.
Eating is political. Every single decision I make about what to buy is determined by how the animals are kept or
what grows in our fields, he added.
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Morning Star :: 50,000 protest in Berlin to protect farming from big business