What would you buy? Powerball jackpot reaches $600 million

Posted: May 19, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Fill a pool with giant amounts of chocolate pudding.

Pay for the genetic engineering of a real-life unicorn.

Do something boring like pay off your debt, send your kids to college or start a charity that could, like, solve world hunger or something.

All of these things can (might?) be done if you win the now-all-time-high Powerball jackpot of $600 million, according to the Powerball website.

The next drawing is Saturday and the world waits with bated breath to see who will be the next mega-rich and mega-lucky winner.

Well, not that lucky the Powerball website says the jackpot is only worth $376.9 million in cash only.

The last drawing on Wednesday paid out almost $47,00,000 in non-jackpot prizes around the country and nearly 2.7 million people could count themselves as winners. However, no one claimed the biggest prize.

Michigan already has seen its share of luck so far in the latest lottery craze. A $1 million ticket was sold in tiny Blanchard, sending the locals into a lottery-fueled delirium, according to MLive.

Get creative and tell us what you'd buy with the money if you got the lucky numbers on Saturday in the comments.

Good luck, lottery-playing Ann Arborites. Youll need it.

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What would you buy? Powerball jackpot reaches $600 million

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