Can stress delay your period? Yes, and it’s a common reason – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: April 10, 2020 at 5:45 pm

The majority of the time, periods arrive like clockwork. But sometimes, periods are late or skipped entirely.

There are all sorts of reasons for a missed period. Pregnancy tops the list, of course. But other factors including taking some medications, hormonal issues, and menopause can also delay your period.

In fact, stress is a common reason for a period that doesn't arrive on schedule.

"A woman's menstrual cycle can be a great barometer for her stress level both acute stress and chronic stress," says Lisa Valle, DO, OB/GYN at Providence Saint John's Health Center.

Stress leads to an increase in cortisol, known as the stress hormone. As this hormone increases, it "can wreak havoc on the menstrual cycle by altering the normal hormonal patterns that allow for ovulation and menstruation to occur," says Valle.

Hormones play an essential role in the menstrual cycle, so it's not surprising that an increase in the cortisol hormone has an impact.

Here's how your cycle typically progresses: Hormones are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which in turn cause a response in the ovaries. "It is a fine, delicate balance between your hormones estrogen and progesterone that determines your menstrual flow," Valle says. Stress upends these hormonal patterns.

"This can result in a missed period, delayed bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, or an early period depending on when the stress occurs during the cycle," Valle says.

According to Cleveland Clinic, amenorrhea is the absence of a monthly period. This can occur as a result of issues with the ovaries, reproductive organs, or hormones and stress is a known cause.

In a study that examined the connection between menstrual problems and stress, female students who had high perceived stress were four times more likely to experience amenorrhea. Other studies have found a similar connection between stress and irregular menstruation.

Stress can also lead to a longer cycle, a condition known as oligomenorrhea, says Briana Livingston, MD, OB/GYN at MemorialCare Medical Group. A late or skipped period can be a cause of additional stress, notes Livingston, especially if you're not trying to get pregnant.

From your body's perspective, the type of stress you're experiencing doesn't matter. "Any type of stress can affect your period. This can be emotional, mental or physical," says Valle.

If you are stressed, Livingston advises trying meditation, exercising regularly, and discussing problems with loved ones or a mental health professional. The good news is that once your stress passes, your period should go back to normal.

"When major stress in your life resolves, your period will almost always resume its regular schedule without any long lasting effects on your cycle or your fertility," says Livingston.

Like stress, depression can also have an effect on hormones. Depression is one of the factors that can lead to amenorrhea, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The two conditions are often linked people with chronic stress in their life have a higher risk of developing depression, notes the Mayo Clinic.

There's another consideration when it comes to depression and your period: Some antidepressant medications including SSRIs can increase the levels of a hormone called prolactin, according to a March 2015 review published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. This can delay your period or skip it entirely.

Plus, people experiencing depression often shift their eating habits and experience a loss of appetite. Not eating sufficiently, and having a low body weight, are potential causes of amenorrhea, per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

If your period is irregular or doesn't occur at all for more than three months, you should talk to your gynecologist, Livingston says.

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Can stress delay your period? Yes, and it's a common reason - Insider - INSIDER

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