Hormone Clinic – Troches – Hormone Clinic

Posted: January 22, 2019 at 7:44 am

The Troche provides a means to deliver custom made medication in small doses directly into the blood stream.

Troches can be mixed so that each individual troche contains a combination of various natural bio-identical hormones in small doses. For example, a troche can be made containing a mixture of any of the hormones, eg:estrogen,progesteroneandtestosteronein any possible doses according to your needs. This combination is used to treat the symptoms ofmenopause.

Small doses of testosterone are useful in menopause for depression, to enhance energy levels, mood and libido without causing side effects.

Troches containing natural progesterone alone are helpful for premenstrual syndrome and can be taken during the latter half of the menstrual cycle to alleviate depression, migraine, nausea and basically all those PMT symptoms that occur in the peri menopause.

Menopausal women who have had a hysterectomy can benefit from troches containing natural bio-identical estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Even though the uterus may not be present, in the case of hysterectomy, progesterone is still essential to balance the estrogen component and stop estrongenic side effects. Your requirements should be determined with a blood test to measure your sex hormones we recommend tests for blood estrogen, progesterone and testosterone .

Troches can be made palatable, by making them in different flavours. Each troche is made up on an individual basis and the whole process takes a few days.

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Hormone Clinic - Troches - Hormone Clinic

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