I’m in My 50s and Still Get Acne What Can I Do? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic (blog)

Posted: August 25, 2017 at 2:40 pm

Q: Im still getting blackheads in my 50s. What can I do?

A: Many think acne is predominantly a teenage condition, but it peaks at two times in our lives. We see a lot of acne in the teen years with the first rush of hormones into the system. But we also see acne affecting people in their 40s and 50s, often around the mouth. Again, later outbreaks are related to hormones (from menopause, for example).

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When you come to see a dermatologist, he or she will assess your acne. If it appears to be hormone-related, we may treat it with hormonal therapy, prescribingcommon oral contraceptive drugs or a drug like spironolactone. If the acne is severe, we may prescribe oral tretinoin or isotretinoin products.

However, the majority of acne can be controlled with topical medications, including:

Some over-the-counter products that contain alpha or beta hydroxy acids (like glycolic acid or salicylic acid) are also very helpful.

Also, as stress willdefinitely aggravate any skin condition, modifying the stress in your life as much as you canand adopting healthy stress management habits will help your skin condition.

Dermatologist Christine Poblete-Lopez, MD

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I'm in My 50s and Still Get Acne What Can I Do? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic (blog)

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