Women’s Mood & Hormone Clinic / Moms Program | UCSF …

Posted: July 3, 2015 at 12:49 am

This clinic provides expert consultation and treatment for women, especially new mothers or mothers-to-be, in cases where hormone function, especially during and after pregnancy, may influence the female brain -like, mood changes, trouble sleeping, depression, worries, anxiety, irritability, decreased ability to focus and concentrate, decreased energy, difficulty connecting with the baby, anxiety, libido and well-being. Examples of the types of symptoms we treat include (but are not limited to):

The Women's Mood & Hormone Clinic / Moms Program also sees teen girls and women with general complaints related to mood, anxiety, sleep and libido - whether or not hormone involvement is suspected as the cause. For example, women with depression, anxiety disorders, sexual complaints, or psychiatric medication issues may be seen by the clinic.

Please keep in mind that we are a clinic specializing in the psychological aspects of hormones on the female brain. If you are seeking medical assistance regarding endocrine diseases, please consult an endocrinologist. If you are uncertain about whether we will meet your needs, please discuss the contents of this website with your primary care physician, enodcrinologist, neurologist, pediatrician, OB-gyn, psychologist, or psychiatrist.

For an appointment, please call our intake and referral service at (415) 476-7500 or toll-free at (800)723-7140.

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Women's Mood & Hormone Clinic / Moms Program | UCSF ...

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