7 Signs You Might Have a Thyroid Problem – YouBeauty

Posted: January 22, 2020 at 4:46 pm

The thyroid plays a huge role in the body. Its a part of the endocrine system whose core function is to help your bodys metabolic hormone stay in line at all times. Problems associated with the thyroid are very common, especially in women. According to a survey by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, one in every eight women is likely to develop a thyroid problem in her lifetime.

Since there are so many factors that may contribute to a thyroid problem, here are nine signs that may indicate that someone has a thyroid problem.

Constant fatigueA core function of your thyroid is to help metabolism. When theres an issue with metabolism control, the body is bound to feel sluggish. A constant state of tiredness and diminishing energy can be one of the most apparent indicators of a problem with the thyroid.

Weight loss or weight gainRapid weight loss when you are not actively trying to lose weight or rapid weight gain without any change in activity or diet may be a tell. The absence of a functioning thyroid slows down the bodys metabolism, and consequently, a reduction in the rate the body expends energy.

Night sweatsIf youre waking up at night with chills and soaked sheets, its time to see the doctor.

A rapid change in appetiteSince there is a problem with the thyroid, you may feel less enthusiastic about eating as each day passes. This often comes with rapid weight loss or, in some cases, weight gain.

Your cycle changesIf you start experiencing irregular periods in conjunction with other symptoms, it might be a function of your thyroid malfunctioning.

Changes in bowel movementsConstant constipation or, in some cases, severe diarrhea can result from thyroid issues.

Constant Mood ShiftsA general hormone imbalance could occasionally change moods. The same can be said where there is a thyroid problem.

While this list is not exhaustive, some of these symptoms may be common indicators for other health problems along with thyroid issues. You must consult your physician if you have any of these symptoms in conjunction with each other for a prolonged period of time.

Read more:
7 Signs You Might Have a Thyroid Problem - YouBeauty

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