What are iPS cells? – Invest in iPS @ TDI | ALS Therapy …

Posted: March 6, 2015 at 7:58 pm

The ALS Therapy Development Institute is conducting a tissue sample collection study as part of the first ever integrated precision medicine effort to end ALS. The precision medicine program at ALS TDI encompasses much of what would commonly be called a "translational research program" used at academic and pharmaceutical companies alike to accelerate drug discovery and development. However, our program has been designed to include several additional steps and patient-integrated measures which we believe may positively impact speed and the quality of the data produced.

We are asking people living with ALS to participate in this study by donating tissue samples and sharing your medical history. Your information will be used to characterize the disease in a way that has never been done before. Using an integrated precision medicine approach and cutting-edge technology - and YOUR help - ALS TDI will screen thousands of potential drugs for you and others like you.

As part of this study, you will be asked to donate:

As part of this study, ALS TDI will:

The sample collection site is located at MGH Dermatology Department in Boston, MA. As you know, time is the most important advantage in the battle against ALS. A local collection facility allows for the tightest control over sample transfer and quality.

To review the full experimental protocol, click here.

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What are iPS cells? - Invest in iPS @ TDI | ALS Therapy ...

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