[Discussion] Dealing with shitty male genetics. : steroids

Posted: April 14, 2020 at 6:50 pm

Why Young People Should Not Take AAS

Adapted from the r/steroids Wiki

Nandrolone has been reported to induce psychiatric side effects such as aggression and depression. Adolescence represents an extremely sensitive neurodevelopmental period to influence by detrimental effects.

Side Effects of Drugs Annual (2015)

AAS use by teenagers is a primary concern because of the potential side effects where remodeling of the brain and behavioral maturation occurs.

Journal of Behavioral Processes (2015)

Until you're around the age of 25, your brain and endocrine system are still developing. This should be obvious as you are still going through the end of puberty, getting acne, etc. During this time period, supplementing with exogenous hormones is extremely dangerous.

Taking anything before you are completely finished with puberty can have negative side effects. While you are maturing, your brain, organs, and cells are consistently gauging the overall development of your body. When you introduce a foreign substance, you risk your bodys ability to truly judge how far along your maturation is, resulting in the possibility of premature shutdown or stunting your growth and development processes.

Natural Blast

Your body is already pumping out blast levels of testosterone as part of the natural course of late adolescence. It's the highest that it's ever going to be in your lifetime.

Why prematurely shut that down and ruin a great thing? You're essentially on free steroids right now. Don't take that opportunity for granted and abort your own physiological development by injecting additional variables that short-circuit the whole equation.


There's a serious potential for long-term side effects. People oft-say I've stopped growing, so it's okay. No: it's not okay. The rest of you hasn't finished developing yet. There are many other potential side effects besides simply your growth plates. Here are a few.

Brain Function, Memory, Alzheimers Disease

It's well known that hormones play a role in the development of cognitive brain function. Your neuroendocrine system is still developing until the age of 25. Adding external hormones when your brain is still developing can stunt normal development and maturation.

Many steroids are neurotoxic.

They lead to depression, memory loss and learning difficulties.

They cause longstanding dysfunction in brain reward systems.

They give rise to the accumulation of amyloid plaques, which leads to Alzheimers.

Do you really want to add these variables to a still-growing and developing brain? How can you know many years down the road there won't be even more problems?

Cancer, Liver, Kidney Disease

You hear all the time teenagers say Well my friends it and they got big and nothing happened to them. Really? How do you know? Have they been to a doctor and had their liver and kidney values checked? Just because a person looks okay on the outside, doesn't mean that they don't already host serious problems on the inside. If treated improperly or in an untimely manner, liver and kidney damage can prove to be fatal.

Premature Closing of Growth Plates

This one is the most known about. Even if you think you've stopped growing, there still is a potential for height increase over time. Scientists have found that growth plates don't fuse completely in some cases until individuals are past 22. Don't be deterred just because you haven't grown taller in awhile. You grow out as well as up. Do you want broader shoulders, or do you want to stay stuck with what you've got now?


Your neuroendocrine system is still developing. Supplementing with hormones while you are still growing can potentially cause permanent impotence and fertility issues in teenagers. When you add testosterone, estrogen and a wealth of other synthetic androgens to your body it can cause problems with your normal testicular growth and function. Remember, some of these effects are more than just temporary.

Gyno, or Bitch Tits

Androgen usage in teens increases the risk of gyno. Gyno has already been known to happen naturally in many teenagers because of fluctuating hormones. When you add more hormones to the mix, you dramatically increase the problems. Remember once you have gyno, it's very hard to get rid of. Unless you take the proper precautions up front, you'll have to resort to surgery and go under the knife.

Hair Loss, Acne, Prostate Dysfunction

All of these can be accelerated and aggravated with exogenous androgen use.

Have you seen a 20-year old already going bald?

What about permanent scarring from severe cystic acne?

How about being unable to use the bathroom due to the excruciating pain involved in the process? It's not pretty.

Don't think it can't happen to you.


A few references.

Trenbolone neurotoxicity:

Deca, or Nandrolone, is eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than Testosterone. It causes longstanding changes in the brain reward system, affects learning and memory, and induces genetic damage across multiple organ systems.

Nandrolone impaired spatial learning and memory, and this effect was not rescued by exercise. The harmful effects of ND and other AAS on learning and memory should be taken into account when athletes decide to use AAS for performance or body image improvement.

Adapted from the r/steroids Wiki

Originally posted here:
[Discussion] Dealing with shitty male genetics. : steroids

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