The 44 Chromosome Man | Understanding Genetics

Posted: February 5, 2017 at 10:42 am

In a recent article, a doctor in China has identified a man who has 44 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Except for his different number of chromosomes, this man is perfectly normal in every measurable way.

His chromosomes are arranged in a stable way that could be passed on if he met a nice girl who had 44 chromosomes too. And this would certainly be possible in the future given his family history.

But why doesn't he have any problems? A loss of one let alone two chromosomes is almost always fatal because so many essential genes are lost.

In this case, he has fewer chromosomes but is actually missing very few genes. Instead, he has two chromosomes stuck to two other chromosomes. More specifically, both his chromosome 14's are stuck to his chromosome 15's.

So he has almost all the same genes as any other person. He just has them packaged a bit differently.

This is an important finding because it tells us about a key genetic event in human prehistory. All the evidence points to humans, like their relatives the chimpanzees, having 48 chromosomes a million or so years ago. Nowadays most humans have 46.

What happened to this 44 chromosome man shows one way that the first step in this sort of change might have happened in our past. Scientists could certainly predict something like this. But now there is proof that it can actually happen.

Note added in Proof: Here are some older papers that I missed that have very similar findings:

And the current one:

Case Report: Potential Speciation in Humans Involving Robertsonian Translocations.

His Story

So how did this man end up with 44 chromosomes? It is a story of close relatives having children together. And a chromosomal rearrangement called a balanced translocation.

A balanced translocation is when one chromosome sticks to another. Because no genes are lost in this process, it usually doesn't have any effect. Until these folks try to have kids that is.

Usually around 2/3 of pregnancies involving one person with a balanced translocation will end in miscarriage. This has to do with how chromosomes separate when eggs and sperm are made. This process is called meiosis.

Remember, humans (and most other living things) have two copies of each chromosome. So they have two copies of chromosome 1, two copies of chromosome 2, etc. Only one chromosome from each pair gets put into any one sperm or egg. That way, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fetus has the right number of chromosomes.

This is where the problem starts for people with a balanced translocation. They have one unpaired chromosome and a pair with an extra chromosome. Here is what can happen in this situation:

The top row represents two potential parents. The parent on the right has a balanced translocation. There are two possible ways for the fused chromosome to line up.

In the figure, only two chromosomes are shown. Numbers 14 and 15 were chosen because these are the two that are fused in the 44 chromosome man.

The parent with the balanced translocation can make 4 different kinds of sperm or egg (the second row). As the figure shows, when the eggs and sperm combine, 1/2 of the time the fetus ends up with an extra or missing chromosome. Unless this chromosome is the X, Y or number 21, the usual result is miscarriage or being born with severe problems.

In this case it would almost certainly result in miscarriage. In fact, the 44 chromosome man's family has a long history of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions.

To get two of the same balanced translocations, both parents need to have the same balanced translocation. This is incredibly rare. Except when the parents are related.

In this case, both parents are first cousins and they share the same translocation. When these parents try to have kids, they run into the same kinds of problems that can happen with one balanced translocation. Except that the problems are doubled. This makes for the many possibilities outlined below:

This very complicated table shows the 36 possible outcomes when two parents with the same balanced translocation attempt to have a child.

In this representation, the father's possible sperm are shown on the top and the mother's eggs on the side. Each pregnancy has only an 8 in 36 chance for success. And 1 out of 36 would have two of the same balanced translocation (the circled possibility).

Theoretically the 44 chromosome man should have fewer problems having children than his parents did. As this figure shows, there are no unpaired chromosomes when he and a woman with 46 chromosomes have children. But all of their kids would have a balanced translocation:

So this is how he came to have 44 chromosomes. This might also be how humans started on the road to 46 chromosomes a million or so years ago.

See the article here:
The 44 Chromosome Man | Understanding Genetics

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