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What is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)? And Other Questions –

On this page:BasicsCausesRisk FactorsSymptomsHeart Attack Symptoms in WomenDiagnosisBest TreatmentsLifestyle ChangesMedicationsSurgery

There are many different types of heart disease, but coronary artery disease, or CAD for short, is the most common. You might also hear it referred to as coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease, but no matter what you call it, more than 18 million American adults have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And its not just a concern for older folks. Its the number-one killer of both men and women, a sobering 20% of them younger than 65. But there are things you can do, right now, to lower your risk of CAD. Well tell you how.

Coronary artery disease develops when your hearts all-important arteries become damaged. This damage, which happens in a number of ways well soon explain, causes your arteries to dangerously narrow, which can then cause blockages that prevent blood and oxygen from reaching your heart and the rest of your body. (And you probably dont need a website to tell you thats not good.)

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what causes all those problems, lets do a quick review of how the circulatory system works:

You have arteries throughout your body. Along with your veins and capillaries, they comprise a 60,000-mile-long system of blood vessels.

Your arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood from your heart to every cell in the rest of your body.

Along the way, the blood transfers nutrients and picks up waste products from cells via tiny capillaries, and then it heads back to heart by way of the veins.

Once there, it enters the pulmonary circulatory system. The heart pumps it over to the lungs, where it unloads carbon dioxide and stocks up on a fresh supply of oxygen.

Then it's back over to the heart to do the whole thing again.

Your entire blood supplymore than a gallon of the life-sustaining stuffcycles throughout your body roughly every 30 seconds. Pretty amazing, right?

Whats more, your heart has its own network of arteries to support this critical work. Here are the main players:

In a healthy heart, blood flows unobstructed through the many arteries, providing all that your ticker needs to keep on pumpingand keep you alive. But when CAD develops, serious heart complications can result, including:

The culprit behind CAD is nearly always atherosclerosis. That mouthful of a name describes a process in which plaque builds up over time on the walls of one or more of your hearts arteries. Plaque is a mixture of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and fibrin (a substance that helps your blood to clot), and it tends to collect within the arteries where damage has occurred.

But what damages arteries in the first place?

So, it's like this: When the inside of your arteries get roughed up, it's easier for the plaque-forming compounds to gain a foothold. As it builds up, blood cant flow as easily as it once did. The result? Coronary artery disease.

As CAD progresses, plaque continues to accumulate. Your arteries become increasingly narrow, and you edge closer and closer to heart attack territory. Why? Because heart attacks are caused by partial or complete blockages of blood flow to the heart.

And know this: You dont need a complete blockage for plaque to be life-threatening. Even partially obstructed arteries are a major cause for concern. Why? Because:

Yes. While atherosclerosis is by far and away its most common cause, CAD can also be triggered by the rarer (but still possible) coronary artery spasm. This is also known as non-obstructive coronary artery disease.

Such spasms cause an artery to suddenly tighten, cutting off the flow of blood. They can be triggered by cocaine and nicotine use, or occasionally, severe cold or extreme emotional stress, according to the Mayo Clinic. While such spasms most often occur in people who already have CAD, they can also strike people whose arteries are healthy. For some, a spasm is an isolated event, but in others they occur more than once.

In addition, CAD can also be triggered by other, less-obvious culprits:

Endothelial dysfunction: This is when an artery does not expand to meet the need for increased blood flow, such as during exercise.

Birth defects: Some babies are born with structural damage to their hearts.

Coronary-artery dissection: This is a tear in the wall of one your coronary arteries, which traps blood between the arterial layers. Swelling results, which narrows or blocks the artery to potentially trigger an emergency situation like a heart attack. The reasons for such tears are unknown.

Autoimmune diseases: Conditions that cause chronic inflammation, such as lupus or Crohns disease, can lead to CAD because inflammation damages your arteries, which attracts plaque buildups.

Radiation therapy: This treatment can also cause damage to your arteries, leading to CAD.

A whole host of risk factors bump up your likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and, as a result, your odds of being diagnosed with CAD, as well. The good news? For a substantial number of them, lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. And while some risk factors are unchangeable (like your age and family history), others are within your power to eliminate altogether. Thats because living a healthier lifestyle can help reduce your odds of getting CAD.

Lets first examine the risk factors you cant do anything about (and get 'em out of the way):

Your arteries become more damage-prone the older you get. Its just part of the regular wear and tear of living. Youre most likely to develop CAD after you turn 65.

If a parent or sibling had CAD, especially at a younger age55 for your dad or your brother, 65 for your mom or sisteryour risk may be more than double that of people without a family history of heart disease, according to a 2019 study in the Journal of the American Heart Association. This can be due to lifestyle factors your family shared, such as smoking or a lack of exercise. Or it could be genetic.

For example, some people inherit a gene mutation that makes it likelier they will have high cholesterol, a contributor to CAD. Most often, this is caused by a mutation in the LDLR gene, which helps control the production of LDL (so-called bad cholesterol), which well get into shortly.

Men are more likely to develop CAD starting at an earlier age than women. For men, the risk tends to begin rising at about age 45. Womens risk starts to climb about 10 years later, at age 55. Experts believe this is because the hormone estrogen, which women have in greater amounts before menopause, provides some protection against CAD.

While you cant do anything to change the above, theres plenty you can do to change the risk factors below. Want some additional motivation? Improving a single risk factor often improves or even eliminates others.

Being sedentary, a.k.a. couch potato syndrome, contributes to many CAD risk factors, including HBP, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high triglycerides, a type of fat found in your bloodstream thats linked to atherosclerosis. When youre physically fit, your heart works more efficiently. That can improve your blood pressure. It can also help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, which eases the burden on your heart. Plus, exercise reduces stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, that can otherwise strain your heart. And, it helps keep your cholesterol at healthy levels. Working out is basically magic for your whole body.

Lighting up damages your blood vessels. The toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke, such as carbon monoxide, may injure the walls of your arteries, and that in turn may trigger plaque buildups. Smoking also causes your blood vessels to constrict, which raises your blood pressure. Oh, and it may also thicken your blood, increasing your risk of clots by making clot-forming platelets stickier. If exercise is magic, cigarettes are kryptonite.

Does that mean you should switch to vaping? No way! E-cigarette vapor contains many toxic chemicals linked to heart disease, according to the AHA, which recently published a report that showed how vaping may harm your blood vessels in much the same way smoking cigarettes does.

Fortunately, the benefits of being smoke-free start the moment you quit. To help kick your smoking habit, check out the AHAs smoking cessation resources.

Hypertension, a.k.a. high blood pressure (HBP), stresses your arteries, causing them to harden and thicken, which makes it more difficult for blood to flow through them. The stress from HBP can also damage the lining of your arteries, and that damage may attract plaque buildups.

Carrying too many pounds increases your chances of diabetes, a major cause of heart disease. Excess weight also makes your heart work harder. That can raise your blood pressure, which then damages the inner lining of your arteries. If this seems like a chain reaction, it's because it often is. But what's important to remember? It goes the other way, too. Losing even a modest amount of weight can lower your blood sugar and your pressure.

You know the drill here: Diets high in saturated fat (like butter or beef) or trans fat (found in processed foods like cookies, crackers, and margarine), and refined carbs (like processed breads, pizza dough, pastries, and some breakfast cereals) really aren't great for your heart. Saturated and trans fats increase your bad cholesterol and decrease your good cholesterol. Meanwhile, refined carbs boost your blood sugar levels. Over time, that elevated blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, a known risk factor for heart disease.

High cholesterol means you have elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol and low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good, cholesterol. LDL cholesterol circulates throughout your body and can build up on the walls of your arteries, which makes them hard and stiff. This often happens when you dont have enough HDL at the ready; this blood fat actually sweeps up the excess LDL and takes it to liver to be processed as waste.

This sleep disorder causes repeated interruptions to your breathing throughout the night and has been linked to obesity and HBP, both major risk factors for CAD. Sleep apnea impacts blood pressure by causing frequent drops in blood oxygen levels during moments of interrupted breathingforcing your heart to work harder.

Your immune response can be triggered by plaque buildups in your arteries, leading to inflammation. Over time, low levels of chronic inflammation irritates your blood vessels and may make a plaque buildup more vulnerable to rupture.

Plaque buildup that leads to CAD often moves slowly, over many, many years. In fact, it can begin as early as childhood. But you wont necessarily know that you have it. Usually, symptoms of CAD dont begin until youre well into middle age or nearing retirement.

For some people, the first symptom of CAD will be a heart attack. This makes it critical to discuss your CAD risk factors with your doctor to determine the state of your heart health.

Symptoms of CAD include:

This is also known by its fancier name, angina. It occurs when your heart doesnt get enough oxygen-rich blood. You may feel pain, pressure, or a squeezing sensation in your chest. It frequently goes away when you rest.

Panting or struggling to get enough air can occur from restricted blood flow in your hearts arteries and the reduced amount of oxygen that results, often during or after physical activity.

Feeling exhausted after your normal activities or your usual exercise routine can also result from restricted blood flow and reduced oxygen-rich blood.

Pain in other parts of the body such as the neck, jaw, shoulder, and back may occur because some nerves in the heart are connected to these areas, so symptoms can be felt in these more distant places. Its not clear why this happens, but it may be due to the way your heart and brain are wired. When the brain sends out pain signals during a heart attack, those signals may activate nerves in a network in and around the heart.

The answer? Sometimes, yes. In fact, women are 50% more likely to report having a heart attack without obvious signs like chest pain, although it does remain their most common symptom, especially after age 65, when they no longer enjoy the protective effect of estrogen.

Among women, other common symptoms include:

Its thought the difference in heart attack symptoms between men and women may be a result of men having more plaque ruptureswhich occur suddenly and cause classic, chest-clutching symptomswhile women experience more plaque erosions, which happen slowly over days or even weeks, causing what are known as atypical symptoms, such as nausea, weakness, and light-headedness.

Your doctor will begin by reviewing your symptoms and taking a detailed health history, including your family history of heart disease. Youll also be asked to describe your daily habits that affect your health, such as diet and exercise. Your physical exam will include blood pressure measurements and blood tests, including cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and more.

Further testing likely will include:

This test records the electrical activity inside your heart and shows whether or not its beating normally. An EKG also reveals whether your heart is receiving an adequate amount of blood.

Your heart will be monitored via EKG while you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike. This will determine whether your heart gets enough blood and oxygen during exertion. If you cant exercise, you will be given a nuclear stress test. A small amount of radioactive tracer gets injected into your bloodstream. Using special cameras, a doctor can track its movement through your heart, revealing areas that get insufficient blood flow.

This test uses sound waves to produce images of the heart that allow doctors to evaluate your hearts strength and how well it functions.

A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel near your groin and threaded through to your coronary arteries. A special type of ink will be injected into your arteries. The ink will show your doctor, via x-ray images, where your blockages are located. Catheterization is considered the gold standard for diagnosis. You will be awake but mildly sedated during this procedure.

A computed tomograpy (CT) scan measures the amount of calcium in your arteries. Why calcium? Its a component of the plaque buildup thats blocking your artery.

Treatment for CAD has several goals: to ease the hearts workload, to improve blood flow, and to slow or reverse plaque buildup in the arteriesall of which can help extend your life. There are a menu of treatment approaches to accomplish this, including:

What works best for you will depend on your individual health history, ability to change any unhealthy habits you might have, and what your doctor prescribes based on screening tests.

A critical part of any treatment plan, this parts largely up to you to focus on and continue over your lifetime. Medications and procedures may helpthey might even save your lifebut to be the healthiest you can be, you must do the heavy lifting.

Your goal: 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, each week. That breaks down to 30 minutes, five times a week. Before you start, ask your doctor what type of exercise program would be best for you. Often, the best way start is to put one foot in front of the other. You know: Take a walk.

Focus your food choices on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes such as beans, lean meat, and fish. Read food labels so you can avoid foods with saturated fats and/or trans fats as well as highly caloric foods loaded with sodium and/or sugar.

Your body mass index (BMI, a ratio of height to weight used to estimate body fat) should be in the normal range, between 19 and 25. Higher than that and you are overweight or, at 30 and above, obese. (Unless, that is, you're a serious gym bunny whose measurements in pure muscle defy regular BMI standards.) Start with small, achievable weight loss goals, because losing as little as five to ten pounds can pay dividends in health benefits, such as lower blood pressure.

It's true the more you smoke, the greater your health risks, but even light or part-time smokers should drop the habit. Women who are light smokers, for example, have a 500% higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers. And light smoking may leave you with other forms of lung disease or cause a stroke, breast cancer, or cataracts, or the list goes on and on.

No one likes being stressed out. But did you know that too much stress harms your heart? It can boost your blood pressure and make you more prone to give into unhealthy temptations, like smoking and overindulging in junk food or alcohol. The AHA recommends stress management, which you can get with the help of a therapist, at a cardiac rehab program, through regular exercise, or simply by breathing deeply.

A variety of medications exist that can help reduce CAD symptoms such as chest pain as well as prevent the progression of the disease and prevent heart attacks.

Lowering blood pressure reduces your hearts workload. Beta blockers lower blood pressure by slowing your heart rate and easing the force of your hearts contractions. Calcium channel blockers work by relaxing your blood vessels. Some also will slow your heart rate, and they may be used for chest pain.

These drugs (like aspirin) help prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots, which can develop around plaque buildups.

This treatment, which includes nitroglycerin, dilates, or widens, narrowed arteries from CAD to boost blood flow to your heart, which in turn eases chest pain. Nitrates also widen the veins, which helps ease the strain on your heart.

These medications, which include common brand names like Lipitor and Crestor, are used to control cholesterol levels. This reduces plaque buildup in your arteries. Statins may also help clear existing plaque buildups. Other cholesterol-lowering drugs are available if you cant take statins.

This drug, often prescribed under the brand name Ranexa, helps ease chest pain (angina) if it persists despite the use of other therapies. It does this by improving blood flow, allowing the heart to work more efficiently.

When your arteries are severely blocked, you may require a procedure that opens them up to let a sufficient amount of blood flow to pass through. Such procedures include:

In this procedure, a surgeon takes an artery or vein from elsewhere in your bodyoften a leg, forearm, or your chestand uses it to connect your aorta to the blocked artery, rerouting blood flow.

A cardiologist threads a catheter through a blood vessel to the point of the blockage. There, a small balloon is inflated, which flattens the plaque on the wall of your artery. Then, a stent is implanted at the site to hold the artery open. This allows blood to flow more freely and prevents the collapse of the artery.

Current treatments and earlier diagnosis are helping people live better lives with CAD, but a lot of the work is up to you. Cardiac rehabilitation will help.

Cardiac rehab, which typically consists of 36 sessions over 12 weeks, offers:

The AHA recommends cardiac rehab for everyone with coronary artery diseaseeven if you havent suffered a heart attack. To participate, you will need a referral from your doctor. The AHA also suggests you initiate this discussion with your doctor. Dont wait for your physician, who may be very busy with many patients that day, to bring it upyour heart health is too important for you to remain passive. So be your own best advocate. It just may save your life. People who attend cardiac rehab after a heart attack reduce their risk of dying by more than 50% compared to those who dont attend, according to the CDC.

Worry is a strong wordso lets just say: Be proactive. CAD symptoms dont often begin until the plaque buildup has narrowed an artery by 70%. However, plaque can rupture, which causes heart attacks, and this commonly occurs when a blockage is only a 50% obstruction. If you have any CAD risk factors, discuss them with your doctor.

While chest pain and shortness of breath are hard to ignore, it can be difficult to decide whats important if you have vague symptoms like nausea. In most cases, after all, nausea is NOT due to CAD. But if you have known risk factors for heart disease and are worried that you may be having a heart attack, call 911 immediately.

Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone therapy for halting the progression of CAD. The most beneficial? Exercise. Regular workouts get your heart pumping; reduce inflammation, cholesterol and blood pressure; improve the health of your blood vessels; lower stress; and make you feeland even lookgood, too.

If you have heart disease, youre at higher risk of depression. That makes addressing mental health one of the most important things you can do for CAD. If youre not doing well emotionally, youll be less likely to take your medications as directed, and you might find it harder to stick to a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. Talk to your doctor if you feel anxious or depressed.

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What is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)? And Other Questions -

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment Market Worldwide Growth Survey by 2028 – Cole of Duty

Global Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment Market Growth Projection

The new report on the global Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market is an extensive study on the overall prospects of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market over the assessment period. Further, the report provides a thorough understanding of the key dynamics of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market including the current trends, opportunities, drivers, and restraints. The report introspects the micro and macro-economic factors that are expected to nurture the growth of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market in the upcoming years and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment . In addition, the report offers valuable insights pertaining to the supply chain challenges market players are likely to face in the upcoming months and solutions to tackle the same.

The report suggests that the global Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market is projected to reach a value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). The key indicators such as the year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth and CAGR growth of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market are discussed in detail in the presented report. This data is likely to provide readers an understanding of qualitative and quantitative growth prospects of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment market over the considered assessment period.

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Segmentation of the Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment Market

The following manufacturers are covered:Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Bio-Cancer Treatment International LimitedBiogen IncBoryung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Bristol-Myers Squibb CompanyCantex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Capricor Therapeutics, Inc.Cell Source, Inc.Cell2B S.A.CellECT Bio, Inc.Cleveland BioLabs, Inc.Compugen Ltd.Cynata Therapeutics LimitedCytodyn Inc.Dompe Farmaceutici S.p.A.Dr. Falk Pharma GmbHEscape Therapeutics, Inc.F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.Fate Therapeutics, Inc.Generon (Shanghai) Corporation Ltd.

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Segment by TypeAzathioprineAdrenocorticotropic HormoneCyclophosphamideCyclosporine AOthers

Segment by ApplicationHospitalClinicOthers

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Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Treatment Market Worldwide Growth Survey by 2028 - Cole of Duty

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Glycemic Monitoring and Management in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. – Physician’s Weekly

Glucose and insulin metabolism in patients with diabetes are profoundly altered by advanced chronic kidney disease. Risk of hypoglycemia is increased by failure of kidney gluconeogenesis, impaired insulin clearance by the kidney, defective insulin degradation due to uremia, increased erythrocyte glucose uptake during hemodialysis, impaired counter-regulatory hormone responses (cortisol, growth hormone), nutritional deprivation and variability of exposure to oral anti-hyperglycemic agents and exogenous insulin. Patients with end stage kidney disease frequently experience wide glycemic excursions, with common occurrences of both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Assessment of glycemia by glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is hampered by a variety of CKD-associated conditions that can bias the measure either to the low or high range. Alternative glycemic biomarkers, such as glycated albumin or fructosamine, are even less reliable than HbA1c. Therefore, HbA1c remains the preferred glycemic biomarker despite its limitations. Based upon observational data for associations with mortality and risks of hypoglycemia with intensive glycemic control regimens in advanced CKD, a HbA1c range of 7-8% appears to be most favorable. Emerging data on the use of continuous glucose monitoring in this population brings promise for more precise monitoring and treatment adjustments to permit fine-tuning of glycemic management in patients with diabetes and advanced CKD. Endocrine Society 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:


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Glycemic Monitoring and Management in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. - Physician's Weekly

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Your menstrual pattern could be a sign of infertility – Times of India

Are you aware your irregular menstrual pattern or cycle that tends to include missing periods can be a sign of infertility? This may suggest that a woman may not be ovulating on a regular basis as she should be. Irregular ovulation can happen due to many problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), obesity, being underweight, or having thyroid issues. Here, we explain to you why an irregular menstrual pattern can lead to infertility. Read on to know more about thisThe menstrual cycle can be described as the monthly series of changes that a womans body undergoes in order to prepare her for conceiving (the possibility of getting pregnant). The process of ovulation takes place when ones ovary releases an egg. Moreover, at the same time, ones hormonal changes also prepare the uterus in order to conceive and get pregnant. So, if the ovulation takes place and the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds via the vagina and this is termed as a menstrual period.Know what is a normal cycle?Did you know? Menstrual flow tends to occur every 21 to 35 days and may last up to 7 days. Also remember that during the first few years when the menstruation starts, ones cycle can be long. Yes, you heard it right. You will also be surprised to know that the menstrual cycles tend to become short and regular, as you age. But, if your menstrual cycle is irregular, the flow is heavy and you encounter any problems while menstruating then it can be worrisome.

This is how your periods can be causing infertility

Missing period for the wrong reason: Consult your doctor, if you are trying to get pregnant and you have missed your period owing to the wrong reason. Missing period for a long time can indicate an underlying condition that can be bothersome. (PCOS), obesity, and having thyroid issues can be culprits. This can also put you at risk of infertility.

Abnormal blood flow: Are your periods heavy or light? Then, this can become a growing matter of concern and a grave problem that needs to be solved before the conception. As, this can be an obstacle in conceiving.

See the rest here:
Your menstrual pattern could be a sign of infertility - Times of India

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Men’s Cycles (They Have Them Too, You Know) – Ms. Magazine

Editors note: In honor of Menstrual Equity Day (May 28), Ms. is republishing this classic piece from its first issue in 1972. The original piece (below) was written by Dr. Estelle Ramey; the introductionwritten by Rameys granddaughter, Jessica Stender, Ms. contributor and feminist lawyeris a modern revisit of topics explored by Ramey in 72.

The cry that anatomy is destiny has held women back for centuries. Inherent in this claim is the idea that womens hormones render them unfit for positions of leadership.

In 1970, Dr. Edgar BermanVice President Humphreys physician and a member of the Democratic Partys Committee on National Prioritiesdismissed U.S. Representative Patsy Minks assertion that a woman could be president, by referencing womens raging storms of monthly hormonal imbalances.

The woman who subsequently held him to account was Dr. Estelle Rameymy grandmother.

In a letter published in the Washington Star, she observed that as an endocrinologist (specializing in the study of hormones), she was startled to learn that ovarian hormones are toxic to brain cells. This led to a highly publicized debate between the two, hosted by the National Womens Press Club, (women were barred at that time from membership in the National Press Club)a confrontation that ultimately nurtured a broader public awareness of the scientific invalidity of such arguments.

In Mens Cycles (They Have Them Too You Know)published in the first issue of Ms. Magazine in 1972 and republished hereDr. Ramey exposed the inherent sexism of statements like Dr. Bermans. She explained that hormonal variations affect all human beings, and that, although far less acknowledged, men also experience monthly hormonal cycles which cause changes in mood, energy and overall well-being.

She emphasized that the broader failure to accept this reality not only prevents an understanding of how these cycles affect mens physical and mental health, but also perpetuates the myth of womens inferiority owing to their inherent biological difference from men.

As Dr. Ramey pointed out, What is human and the same about the males and females classified as Homo Sapiens is much greater than the differences.

While progress has unquestionably been made in societys views of female capabilities, women continue to be denigrated and denied positions of power on the pretext of physiological inferiority. One need look no further than the current occupant of the White House, who crudely suggested that reporter Megyn Kelly had been on her period after she questioned him during a presidential debate, and who repeatedly makes demeaning comments about womens appearance, proper role, and emotional strengthreferring, for example, to Hillary Clinton as unstable, unbalanced and unhinged.

As noted by Dr. Ramey, a broader societal recognition of the inherent similarities between the sexes, will require a rejection of the mythology of male biological stabilityan imperative which has not yet become a reality, perhaps because logic has little to do with the impulse to enshrine and justify a power structure.

Male supremacy rests on the belief that women are defective men, since they are periodic and lack the rod of divinity.

Sooner or later at every cocktail party polemic on the subject of women, someone (usually male) plays the trump card.

You have to admit, says the accuser, all sweet reason and paternalism, that women are biologically different from men.

This is the cue for cries of Vive la diffrence, or other examples of sexual wit, and the argument for social justice being made by the defendant (usually female) tends to get drowned out in the innuendo and laughter.

As an endocrinologist, I found out long ago that men and women are different. But I also found that what is human and the same about the males and females classified as Homo sapiens is much greater than the differences. I think we are all beginning to understand that differentwhen applied to females, or to males of other raceshas been exaggerated and oddly interpreted in order to come out synonymous with inferior.

In fact, the accusations and laughter so common in living room debates are almost gestures of religious faith: forms of worshipping the great Freudian tenet, Anatomy Is Destiny.

As a rational justification of sex discrimination becomes harder and harder to find, much less sustain, the need for the religious masculine supremacy becomes greater and more intense. The newest wave of pseudo-biology and pseudo-anthropology to hit the publishing business, a wave typified by Lionel Tiger and his belief that human females should behave in the same way baboon females do, is a self-protective upsurge of this popular religion.

In practice, the religion rests on the belief that women are defective men. They are structurally lacking, since they lack the rod of divinity.

(Of course, Mother Goddesses have been worshipped for precisely the reverse reasonthat they have wombs, and men do notbut logic has little to do with the impulse to enshrine and justify a power structure.)

Furthermore, females lack the consistent and calm behavior of males, because women suffer from a form of periodic lunacy imposed by their lunar sex hormone rhythms. Men, according to this theory, are the natural leaders, being endowed with a biological stability that rivals that of the rocks.

To be fair, the recurrent drama of menstrual bleeding must have been unnerving to primitive peoples. In man, the shedding of blood is always associated with injury, disease or death. Only the female half of humanity was seen to have the magical ability to bleed profusely and still rise phoenix-like each month from the gore.

But now that human knowledge has exceeded the invention of elaborate myths to explain the events most obvious in nature, we should be willing to accept and to study the less obvious evidence of cycles, both monthly and daily, that affect all living thingsmen as well as women, plants as well as animals.

Because men do have monthly cycles. The evidence of them may be less dramatic, but the monthly changes are no less real.

In Denmark, for instance, a careful, sixteen-year study was conducted in which male urine was tested for the fluctuating amounts of male sex hormones it contained. The result: A pronounced 30-day rhythm was revealed through the ebb and flow of hormones.

Other studies have tested mood changes in men. More than 40 years ago, for instance, the late Dr. Rex Hersey believed that male factory workers were incorrectly thought to be stable and unchanging in their daily capabilities. For a year, he observed both management and workers, concentrating on a group of men who seemed particularly well-adjusted and at ease in their jobs.

Through a combination of four-times-a-day interviews with the workers, regular physical examinations, and a supplementary set of interviews with their families, he arrived at charts for each individual, showing that emotions varied predictably within the rhythm of 24 hours, and within the larger rhythm of a near-monthly cycle of four to six weeks.

Low periods were characterized by apathy, indifference or a tendency to magnify minor problems out of all proportion. High periods were often marked by a feeling of well-being, energy, a lower body weight and a decreased need for sleep.

Each man tended to deny that he was more or less irritable, more or less amiable, at different points in his cyclebut standardized psychological tests established clearly that he responded very differently to the same life stresses at different times of his cycle. This denial by men of a cyclicity traditionally accepted by women may be an important factor: a two-edged sword for both men and women.

Female acceptance of, and even obsession with, the monthly cycle may unnecessarily accentuate its effects. Women actively engaged in ego-satisfying work, for instance, report far less discomfort or emotional disarray during their biological ups and downs than women who are bored or relegated to stultifying jobs.

Even the statistical information derived by science is reported in a culturally-influenced way. Monthly discomforts are rightly regarded as normal in women, because 60 percent of all women report them.

But the obvious conversethat 40 percent of all women report no cycle symptomsis emphasized much less. And 40 percent is a lot of women.

It is forever being pointed out, too, that women have a higher incidence of car accidents and suicides during their periods. However, it is rarely added that the percentage of women who have accidents or commit suicide is still much lower than the percentage of men.

Men, on the other hand, also respond to cycles in a way that is a function of their culturally-acquired self-image. They deny it.

This reluctance to deal with their biological bondage has probably played down mens monthly symptoms compared to womens, since the human brain is extraordinarily powerful and suggestible. But it has also postponed the study of male cycles by a largely male scientific community, and therefore postponed the practical utilization of biological rhythms in the treatment of disease or in protection against disease both mental and physical. (Resistance to disease may be different at different points in the cycle, for instance, yet this possibility is rarely considered in treatment. Japanese researchers have discovered psychoses that occur in teenagers and adult men in near-monthly cycles.)

Study of mens cycles might even have the socially and commercially useful result of reducing the accident rate.

The directors of the Omi Railway Company of Japan, for instance, are pragmatic students of human behavior and have therefore decided to accept the fact that men have lunar cycles of mood and efficiency. This company operates a private transport system of more than 700 buses and taxis in dense traffic areas of Kyoto and Osaka.

Because their operations were plagued with high losses due to accidents, the Omi efficiency experts began in 1969 to make studies of each man and his lunar cycles and to adjust routes and schedules to coincide with the appropriate time of the month for each worker. They report a one-third drop in Omis accident rate in the past two years, despite the fact that during the same period traffic increased. The benefit to the companyand to the menhas been substantial.

Menopause in men has been studied somewhat more than the effects of their monthly cycles, but not enough.

For women, the menopause is an abrupt end to an obvious cyclicity, and it is made more traumatic by various cultural factors: Older women are often regarded as having less social value than older men, and womens main role as mother is likely to run out about the time of menopause, as children become independent and leave home.

For men, menopause appears to be less traumatic, being largely a social and psychological response to a generalized fear of aging and death. They are likely to be at the height of their careers at this crucial time, in great contrast to most women. (Among women, those with continuing ego-satisfying work suffer menopausal symptoms much less.)

But it is also true that there is a gradual decrease in the secretion of testosterone, the male hormone, from youth to old age. In some men, the downslope of sex hormone production is steeper than in others. Very little attention has been given to this part of the male life cycle, perhaps again because meneven men of sciencehave assumed their freedom from cycles. (One wonders sometimes if they prefer not to know.)

But a great deal more research into the male menopause needs to be done if men are to be relieved medically from some of its symptoms, and to suffer less from the personal implications of trying to deny biological facts.

So there are, for all living things, lunar cycles, as well as the longer life cycles of childhood, puberty, adulthood and senescence. But another kind of cyclethe daily or circadian onehas often been either ignored or taken for granted by both men and women.

The data just beginning to come out of hospitals and laboratories are rather startling. They show men and women to be in a constant 24-hour rhythmic flux of hormones, moods, strengths and weaknesses. We sleep and wake, our body temperature rises and falls with our hormones (sex hormones included), and this causes a rise and fall of efficiency and libido.

These circadian rhythms are remarkably fixed in time and are difficult to alter by changes in lifestyle. They are also age-linked: The young child has more erratic timing of biological events, and the older person shows signs of disorganization in daily timing. In healthy maturity, however, the adult human changes with clock-like regularity during each day, just as he or she does during each month, or each of lifes seasons.

The hormonal cycles that have been most studied are the periodic changes in the adrenal hormones (cortisone, for example), which are called the stress hormones. These vital substances are secreted in largest amounts about the time of waking in the morning, and in the smallest amounts after midnight. Their physiological effects, however, are not felt until several hours after the highs and lows are seen in blood levels of the hormones.

A similar pattern has been reported for the secretion of male and female sex hormones in the course of each day. Testosterone levels are found to be highest in early morning and lowest after midnight. The maximum functional effects seem to be reached several hours after the actual secretion of the hormones. They induce subtle changes in mood and behavior, but men are seldom aware of them. Many psychological tests have shown, however, that daily mood variability is a real and recurrent background to emotional response.

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In medicine, relatively little attention is being paid to the significance of these cyclic changes in hormones. Yet there is evidence to show that the timing of the administration of a drug is critical in determining its effects, whether toxic or curative.

When a certain dose of amphetamines was given to rats at the daily peak of their body temperature cycle, for instance, it killed 77.6 percent of them. The same dose, given to litter mates of these animals at the lowest point in their daily activity cycle, killed only 6 percent.

Yet we continue to prescribe and use buckshot capsules that release drugs at the same rate continuously into the blood stream with no regard to changes of sensitivity. Overdoses are probably errors in timing, as frequently as errors in dosage. If a person imposes a powerful stimulus on the brain when it is already at peak excitability for that 24-hour cycle, he or she can cause death with the same dose of the drug taken with impunity on another day, at another point in the excitability rhythm.

Cancer cells also seem to be affected by the circadian rhythms. They may be at their highest point of metabolic activity and cell division when normal cells in the same organ are at a low point. This has many implications for therapy, whether with anti-cancer chemicals or with X-rays. It may eventually be possible to time the treatment so that the cancer cells are at the peak of their sensitivity to the destructive agents while the normal cells are most resistant to them. Smaller doses of these toxic agents would thus be more curative, and the unpleasant side effects could be minimized.

Some clinicians and researchers are beginning to suggest that certain kinds of cancers may result from the consequences of altered internal clocks. Cancer cells have abnormal rhythms and are outside the temporal discipline found in healthy tissue. Some people are more sensitive than others to an alteration in their fundamental cyclicity.

Given these two facts, investigators propose that inheritance of susceptibility to cancer may be related to a propensity for mis-timing, and that a persons speed of readjustment to time shifts could be an indicator of vulnerability to illnesses of mis-timing. Such individuals, they point out, should probably avoid irregular work-rest schedules and jobs involving rotating shifts. Its still very much in the theoretical stage, but these concepts may turn out to be vital to the preventive medicine of the future.

Emotional problems may also be exaggerated in individuals who frequently alter their cyclicity. (But remember, individual tolerance of such changes varies. Ideally, those least suited to such jobs could be pre-selected out.) Workers who often change from night to day shifts have been found to be the most vulnerable to emotional and physical disorders.

Next come those workers who remain in the night shift: They are more likely than day workers to have ulcers or nervous disorders. And most healthy are those who work regularly and during the day.

Even the traveler who flies overnight to Tokyo or Peking has significantly deranged his or her circadian rhythms, and cerebral activity is likely to suffer. In addition, individuals vary greatly in their ability to restore normal cycles, sleep-wake patterns and performance.

Some of mens most cherished tests of stamina have to do with the ability to function well without sleep, but these tests of manhood may be doing us all in. Interns, for instance, are traditionally put through round-the-clock work schedules during much of their internship, as if this were part of the training of a real doctor, like the puberty tests of primitive tribes. In fact, a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that chronic sleep deprivation impaired the interns performance sharply, no matter how much of a man the male or female intern might be.

Sleep-deprived interns, said the study, felt increased sadness and decreased vigor, egotism and social affection. In addition, numerous psychopathologic symptoms developed

Internal clocks arent reset easily. Even after ten hours sleep for each intern, the previous sleep-deprivation resulted in decrements on a vigilance task. The article concludes that only a small amount of sleep loss can be sustained before emotional and intellectual function deteriorates.

It seems hard for men to admit they are not the masters of nature. During World War II, Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman of the University of Chicago was asked by the Navy to study the sleep patterns of seamen working the traditional four-hour shifts of naval duty. Dr. Kleitman measured body temperature cycles and correlated these changes with efficiency of performance in the four-hour cycle. It turned out to be a terrible physiological way to run a Navy, with enormous cost in efficiency of response.

Dr. Kleitman wrote an eloquent scientific report on his findings. The Navy thanked him courteously and has continued the traditional four-hour work cycle to this day.

Given this and a myriad of other evidences of male resistance, it is perhaps optimistic to expect our male-run hierarchies to take lessons from women, or even from the Japanese, when it comes to the less admissible problem of monthly cycles. Such a departure from the mythology of male biological stability might produce in men the same kind of psychological wrench that Copernicus inflicted on them when his theories revealed that man is not, in fact, the center of the universe.

But menand womenshould take heart. What separates us from baboons and other animals, even if Lionel Tiger would rather not admit it, is our very different kind of cerebral cortex.

We are Homo sapiens: the thinking ones. We share with other living creatures a captivity to time, but human beings, we alone have the extraordinary plasticity of behavior that results from the unique powers of our cerebral cortex. In other words, our minds can control our behavior to a degree unknown in any other animal. Perhaps we would all be better off if we recognized both the cycles that control humans, male and female, and the intellectual powers that can mitigate their effects.

Thomas Jefferson had periodic migraine headaches all his life. Abraham Lincoln had periodic depressions. The potential women leaders of this country have cycles, as all living things have to varying degrees, but women do not have the encouragement to mitigate and work around their cycles. Womens chains have been forged by men, not by anatomy.

We should all be informed of the various forces that influence us. As Dylan Thomas wrote,

Time held me green and dying

Though I sang in my chains like the


The coronavirus pandemic and the response by federal, state and local authorities is fast-moving.During this time,Ms. is keeping a focus on aspects of the crisisespecially as it impacts women and their familiesoften not reported by mainstream media.If you found this article helpful,please consider supporting our independent reporting and truth-telling for as little as $5 per month.

Original post:
Men's Cycles (They Have Them Too, You Know) - Ms. Magazine

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

What To Expect From Your Period After Taking The Morning After Pill – BabyGaga

The morning-after pill is a type of emergency contraceptive that women use to prevent pregnancy.

The morning-after pill is a type of emergency contraceptive that women use to prevent pregnancy. Often, it used as a plan B after the user suspects that their usual birth control method may have failed. Also, women who have had unprotected intercourse can use the morning after pill just to reduce their chances of having gotten pregnant.

This type of contraceptive is not designed to be used as a primary method of birth control. Instead, it is intended as a backup.

The morning-after pills contain progestin, the same hormone found in oral contraceptives, known as levonorgestrel. However, the hormone levels found in the morning-after pill are usually higher. The higher doses of levonorgestrel often affect the normal pattern of the menstrual cycle.

RELATED:Pregnant Women Offered A Scam Treatment That Supposedly Reverses Morning After Pill

Morning-after pills are designed to stop conception after having unprotected intercourse. The hormones in the pills work by delaying ovulation. If the egg was already released before intercourse, the pill works by stopping fertilization from taking place.

In the process of doing this, the length of your normal period can be affected. It is not unusual for you to see a change in your normal menstrual cycle after taking the morning-after pill. Some women do not have any irregularities though.

After taking the morning after pill, your next period can be:

You should not get alarmed if you notice spotting between periods. These changes normally last for one cycle. You should soon resume to your normal cycle. If you notice that you have not had your period after a week, take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

As mentioned earlier, morning-after pills should never be used as primary birth controls. They should only be taken during emergencies. The more you take, the more you are likely to experience irregular menstrual cycles. In a year, if you find yourself using too many morning-after pills, it is advisable to talk to your physician to recommend other birth control methods that are more effective.

Is it true that morning-after pills can cause a miscarriage? The truth is that morning-after pills should never be used as an abortion pill. Also, they are not designed to cause miscarriages. However, if you experience a heavy blood flow containing large clots after taking this medication, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

If you are a parent, using morning-after pills is safe for you and your baby. Apart from affecting your normal menstrual cycle as discussed above, the levonorgestrel hormone is known to decrease milk production. This is only for a brief moment and it does not harm the breastfeeding baby.

Studies have shown that no brand of morning-after pills is 100 percent effective. No contraception is either. The only way you can be sure that a morning-after pill has worked is to wait until you get your next period. As mentioned earlier, one of the effects can be delayed periods. So, it is very important that you remain calm during this period. Keep yourself busy with other activities to take your mind off ofthe results.

It is advisable to learn about your menstrual cycle. There is more to it than just when and how long you get your periods. Having this information can help you spot signs when you are due and when you are late.

The number one question most women ask after they test positive after a pregnancy test is will the baby be ok? It is very important that you visit your doctor if the test result is positive. Your doctor will insist on doing more tests just to confirm the results. This is because there have been cases of false-positive results. Once your doctor has confirmed your results, the two of you can discuss your options. He or she will help you decide what is best for you.

Note that morning-after pills affect each woman differently. The way it affects you and your body could be different from the next woman. However, if you experience any long-term side effects or changes that seem to be ongoing, make a point to see your physician as soon as possible.

NEXT:Study Reveals The Birth Control Pills Can Impact A Woman's Oxytocin Levels,,

Rwanda Will Release 50 Women Who Are Imprisoned For Having Abortions

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What To Expect From Your Period After Taking The Morning After Pill - BabyGaga

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

The real impact of not having been touched in months – Mashable SE Asia

What makes the coronavirus pandemic unlike any other collective tragedy is that we can't commiserate together.

Post-layoff drinks at a dive bar near the office; embracing someone you haven't seen in months; pats on the back these are seemingly small comforts that have morphed into luxuries in the past few months.

While there are many things I miss about the Before, these touches of comfort are high on the list. As we round the corner into another month of social distancing I find myself thinking about touch constantly. One look at dating apps or porn sites and I know I'm not alone in that.

The phrase "touch starved" might once have sounded dramatic, evoking Victorian-era courting where couples couldn't even bear witness to each other's ankles. In a time where I haven't high-fived let alone hugged someone in months, though, it doesn't sound overdramatic at all.

While there's limited research on "touch starvation" itself, according to Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, MD, a practicing family physician in Phoenix, Arizona, there's emerging touch research that emphasizes its positive impact. "Physical touch activates brain neurotransmitters that can lift our mood, reduce stress, and even improve sleep quality," she said.

Dr. Lori Whatley, clinical psychologist and author of Connected and Engaged, reaffirmed those benefits. "As humans we are wired for connection, and connection also means touch," she said. "Touch with other humans is at the foundation of connection and an essential part of our being and forming healthy relationships."

Unfortunately, many are currently going without any physical connection for months on end. A lack of touch intensifies feelings of isolation, said Dr. Mitchell Hicks, core faculty in Walden University's PhD in Clinical Psychology program. When we can't touch anyone it leaves the impression that we lack that connection we're wired for, that we're truly alone.

"For many, touch from a loved and trusted person increases their visceral sense of connection and soothes them," said Hicks. "No amount of videoconferencing can really make up for that."

It's not just that touch gives the impression of connection, either. Touch actually has an impact on the brain. Humans deprived of connection experience a decrease in oxytocin a hormone known to increase positive feelings and a simultaneous increase in the stress hormone cortisol, explained Dr. Alexis Parcells, MD. High levels of cortisol can lead to a slew of physical and mental health problems, such as increased blood pressure.

"People suffering with touch deprivation report high rates of depression, anxiety, and insomnia," said Parcells.

"People suffering with touch deprivation report high rates of depression, anxiety, and insomnia."

Despite the consequences of lack of touch, there is good news. You can do something to help and I don't mean stopping social distancing. (Do not stop social distancing.) The benefit of touch has to do with moving the skin, said Dr. Tiffany Field, founder and director of the Touch Research Institute said in an interview with To the Best of Our Knowledge. Moving the skin stimulates the brain. This means that exercise, such as yoga or dance, can produce some of the benefits we see from touch.

Furthermore, it's okay to go months without touch if you're taking care of your mental health in other ways, according to Bhuyan. While there's no "real" substitute for human touch, there are activities you can do to give the same benefits.

While exercise can give you some of the physical benefits, it doesn't do much when it comes to creating that connection with your loved ones. Bhuyan suggests exercising with a friend over video while it seems silly, it can actually be beneficial. "The mutual body movement can create a powerful connection," said Bhuyan. "Its also important to invest in your own self-care and mindfulness."

Parcells suggested any virtual meetup, not just working out. While it's not the same as meeting in person, it still has a positive impact. Parcells said, "Research has shown that a virtual connection is about 80% as effective in increasing the release of oxytocin as seeing that same person face-to-face."

Whatley reiterated, "When we connect personally with others via FaceTime we can release oxytocin and lower stress." This is exactly the opposite of what occurs when we lack touch.

Another suggestion of Parcells has already been heeded by people across the United States: adopting a pet. "Time and time again," said Pacells, "Studies have shown pets to be therapeutic during a stressful time." Not only do they provide comfort, but they're a tactile substitute for human interaction.

As monks have demonstrated over millennia, we won't die from not having been touched in a while. There's no direct substitute from human touch, but through exercise and speaking to our loved ones even virtually we can maintain some of these benefits. Maybe we don't have to be touch starved; maybe we just need a little nosh.

Originally posted here:
The real impact of not having been touched in months - Mashable SE Asia

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Coronavirus Advisory: The role of medical laboratory science in a COVID-19 world – Greater Baton Rouge Business Report

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Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, the words COVID-19 testing have become a fundamental part of every U.S. citizens vocabulary. Each day, news sources report the number of new coronavirus cases, the number of new deaths and total deaths, as well as the number of coronavirus tests performed. These testing results have shaped the very foundation of U.S. society by providing data to the White House Coronavirus Task Force and state leaders. This data is used to make pivotal decisions about public health and the nations economy. Such decisions have resulted in life versus death outcomes for loved ones and have had a vital impact on our personal finances.

Because COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, it can only be diagnosed through the collection of a nasal swab. We have all seen images of healthcare workers collecting nasal swabs, but have you ever wondered what type of healthcare professional is actually performing the tests on those swabs? Within the laboratory are unseen medical laboratory scientists who carefully analyze a variety of biological specimen types using specialized skills and sophisticated instrumentation. Information from the analysis of clinical specimens can provide data critical for patient diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or disease prevention. The medical laboratory scientist (MLS) works as an integral member of the healthcare team and touches the lives of every patient.

The term COVID-19 testing has been used in the media to encompass a variety of components, which may require some clarification. Testing may be used to refer to the drive-thru testing sites, which are strictly nasal swab collection sites, or it may refer to the actual laboratory tests. Lab tests include both the genetic test used to detect the viral particles and the antibody test used to detect antibodies formed to the virus. Medical laboratory scientists perform both of these tests.

At the forefront of the pandemic, genetic testing was not available in hospital labs. However, hospital labs worked quickly to acquire the necessary equipment and reagents. Performance of COVID-19 testing by an MLS within these labs is especially vital because it provides emergency room physicians with rapid testing results for patients with suspect respiratory symptoms. If test results are positive for COVID-19, patients are placed in COVID-19 designated rooms to receive specialized care. This process not only provides the most rapid and ideal treatment for the patient, but also protects family members, other hospitalized patients, and healthcare workers from the infection.

We have all heard the news reports about the challenges the lab faces when acquiring the necessary testing reagents. The unavailable or delayed testing in the case of coronavirus could be the loss of human lives. Without hospital-based lab testing results, direct patient care providers are handicapped. In addition, unnecessary waste of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical resources is likely to occur because symptomatic patients may require interim isolation if their COVID status is unknown.

Antibody testing is performed on blood collected after a patient recovers from coronavirus infection. Positive results indicate that the patient has had a past infection with COVID-19. Convalescent plasma is a blood product collected from recovered patients. It is being used to treat hospitalized patients suffering from current COVID-19 infections, although the exact clinical impacts of such treatments are still uncertain. Medical laboratory scientists and the laboratory team within the blood bank department collect, test, manage and issue such convalescent plasma. Thus, not only are medical laboratory scientists among the most essential healthcare workers in the diagnosis of COVID-19, but they also play critical roles in providing blood products used in the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Because the results obtained from COVID-19 testing govern the nations current and future health until a vaccine can be developed, the field of medical laboratory science has become the cornerstone of healthcare during the COVID-19 crisis. Though medical laboratory scientists typically do not have face-to-face contact with patients, they are the unsung heroes performing these crucial tests that guide patient care decisions each day. Almost all patients, whether hospitalized, ill, or just in for an annual checkup, require laboratory testing. Some routine tests performed by an MLS include:

Blood cell counts Blood typing and donor testing Chemistry panels and hormone levels Therapeutic drug monitoring and drugs of abuse detection Hepatitis and HIV testing Bacterial cultures and viral testing Urine evaluations

It is difficult to imagine how modern medicine could function without the quick availability of reliable results from the MLS profession.

In this time of uncertainty, many people may be considering alternate career options. Medical laboratory science is one consideration but is a career unknown to most people. What type of person might choose a career in MLS?

The type of personal characteristics that lead to success in MLS include:

Sharp critical thinking and problem-solving Meticulous attention to detail Effective intrapersonal communication skills

Critical thinking and problem-solving are essential, especially in the evaluation of abnormal patient results, which may require additional verification, advanced follow-up testing, or manual assessments. Because the production of accurate, quality results is at the forefront of laboratory testing, following complex procedures with great attention to detail is a necessity for medical laboratory professionals. In addition, the MLS must be able to communicate about testing protocols and critical patient results with colleagues and members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team such as nurses and physicians accurately.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of medical laboratory scientists is expected to increase 11 percent over the next decade, much faster than the average for all occupations. A greater need to diagnose medical conditions through lab testing is projected due to the growing number of patients within the aging population. Although the most common employment site for medical laboratory scientists is the hospital lab, opportunities expand far beyond the hospital to include public health labs, physician offices, industrial/research labs, biotechnology labs, and crime labs. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, healthcare employment opportunities will continue to be abundant.

While the long-term repercussions of COVID-19 are mostly unknown, one thing remains certain: MLS professionals will always play a crucial behind-the-scenes role in American healthcare even after this crisis has passed.

Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of our future healthcare heroes? Please to learn ways of how you can make an impact.

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Coronavirus Advisory: The role of medical laboratory science in a COVID-19 world - Greater Baton Rouge Business Report

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Market : Industry Analysis and… – Azizsalon News

Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market was valued US$ 711.24 Mn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ XX Mn by 2026, at a CAGR of XX% during a forecast period.


The key driving factors of the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market are increasing demand for drug discovery, a risk of congenital anomalies, late pregnancies leading to birth disorders, increasing size of the geriatric population, and investment in path-breaking research technology. Lack of awareness and probable misappropriated use of the CRISPR gene editing tool are the major factors limiting the CRISPR market growth.

The global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is segmented into the products, application, end-uses, and region. In terms of products, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is classified into design tools, plasmids, vectors, library, control kits, proteins, genomic RNA, and other products.

Based on the application, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is divided into genome editing & genetic engineering, GRNA database & gene library, CRISPR plasmid, human stem cells, and cell line engineering. By application, genome editing & genetic engineering is used for modifying an organisms genome, where deletions, insertions or replacements are carried out in the DNA of the living organism by making use of molecular machinery and engineered nucleases.

In terms of end-uses, global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is segmented into industrial biotech biological research, agricultural research, and therapeutics and drug discovery. changing lifestyles, late pregnancies leading to birth disorders, increasing demand for drug discovery, synthetic genes leading the way, investment in path-breaking research technology and aging genetic disorders are drive the growth of biological research segment.

Based on regions, the global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market is divided into five main regions are America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Geographically, Asia-Pacific market is anticipated to be the fastest-growing region in the global CRISPR market due to the large population of Japan and China is suffering from diabetes and other peripheral diseases, and the prevalence of these diseases growing at a very reckless rate.

Key players operating in global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market are Addgene, CRISPR Therapeutics, Editas Medicine, Egenesis, Inc., GE Healthcare, GenScript Biotech Corporation, Horizon Discovery Group PLC, Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., Intellia Therapeutics, Inc., and Lonza Group.


The objective of the report is to present comprehensive analysis of Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of industry with dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments, and project the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Type, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market make the report investors guide.The Scope of the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market:

Global clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats market, by products:

Design tools Plasmids Vectors Library Control kits Proteins Genomic RNA Other productsGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By Application:

Genome editing & genetic engineering GRNA database & gene library CRISPR plasmid Human stem cells Cell line engineeringGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By End-Uses:

Industrial biotech Biological research Agricultural research Therapeutics and drug discoveryGlobal Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market, By Region:

North America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Latin AmericaKey Players Operating In Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Market:

Addgene CRISPR Therapeutics Editas Medicine Egenesis, Inc. GE Healthcare GenScript Biotech Corporation Horizon Discovery Group PLC Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. Lonza Group


Chapter One: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Overview

Chapter Two: Manufacturers Profiles

Chapter Three: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Competition, by Players

Chapter Four: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Size by Regions

Chapter Five: North America Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Six: Europe Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Seven: Asia-Pacific Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Eight: South America Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Revenue by Countries

Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Revenue Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat by Countries

Chapter Ten: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Segment by Type

Chapter Eleven: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Segment by Application

Chapter Twelve: Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Size Forecast (2019-2026)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat Market Report at:

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Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Market : Industry Analysis and... - Azizsalon News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith


The Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology Market is known to provide a comprehensive and detailed information of the keyword Market for the estimated forecast period. In addition, the report also analyses the overall growth of the market in the estimated forecast period. It also covers and determines the market growth and market share for the estimated forecast period. Moreover, the report provides in depth and detailed analysis for the market in the estimated time frame. It also covers and analyze several segments which are present in the market. Furthermore, detailed analysis is done to determine the competitive landscape of the market share, market size, for the estimated forecast period. The report is also known to cover detailed and in depth analysis of the major trends which are covered for the Global Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology Market.

This study covers following key players:

Thermo Fisher ScientificMerckGenScriptIntegrated DNA TechnologiesHorizon Discovery GroupAgilent TechnologiesCellectaGeneCopoeiaNew England BiolabsOrigene TechnologiesSynthego CorporationToolgen

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The study is done with the help of analysis such as SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis. SWOT analysis includes the study of Threats, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities that the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology Market. This method of market analysis gives the idea about the competitors and helps a vendor to identify the factors that will make them different from others. Whereas PESTEL analysis is the study concerning Economic, Technological, legal political, social, environmental matters. External factors affecting the market are determined by PESTEL analysis. PESTEL analysis making strategies and planning for all the types of business that may be opening a new company in a new location or an expansion of a product line.

There are different marketing strategies that every marketer looks up to in order to ace the competition in the Global market. Some of the primary marketing strategies that is needed for every business to be successful arePassion, Focus, Watching the Data, Communicating the value To Your Customers, Your Understanding of Your Target Market. There isa target set in market that every marketing strategy has to reach. The key players of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology industry, their product portfolio, market share, industry profiles are studied in this report.

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split into


Market segment by Application, split into

Biomedical ApplicationsAgricultural ApplicationsIndustrial ApplicationsBiological Research

The major market players are studied on the basis of gross margin, production volume, price structure, and market value. Adaptation of new ideas and accepting the latest trends are some the reasons for any markets growth. The Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology Market has its impact all over the globe. On global level Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology industry is segmented on the basis of product type, applications, and regions. It also focusses on market dynamics, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) Technology growth drivers, developing market segments and the market growth curve is offered based on past, present and future market data. The industry plans, news, and policies are presented at a global and regional level.

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Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Estimated to Experience a Hike in Growth by 2025 – Cole of Duty

Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market: Snapshot

Genetic testing comprises examination of ones DNA. The term DNA refers to the chemical database that is responsible for conveying the instructions for functions that need to be performed by the body. Genetic testing is capable of revealing changes or mutations in the genes of living beings, which might result in any kind of disease or illness in the body.

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Predictive genetic testingrefers to the utilization of genetic testing methods in an asymptomatic individual to make a prediction about risk of contacting particular disease in future. These tests are regarded as representation of emerging class of medical tests, which differ in fundamental ways from the usual diagnostic tests.

The global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics marketis likely to gather momentum owing to the benefits offered by predictive genetic testing.

The benefits of predictive genetic testing are

The global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics marketis influenced by reducing cost of genetic sequencing and technological advancement in the field of genetics. North America is expected to emerge as a prominent region for the global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market in years to come due to high adoption rates of latest technologies in all fields.

Over centauries human DNA has undergone tremendous alteration due to evolutionary and lifestyle changes. They have led to both, advantages and disadvantages over the years. Some have given the mankind a deserving edge over other creatures while the others have led to disorders and diseases. Predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market thrives on the growing demand for understanding the lineage of a certain gene pool to identify disorders that could manifest in the later or early stage of a human life. The surging demand for understanding the family history or studying the nature of certain diseases has given the global market for predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market adequate fodder for growth in the past few years.

This new class of medical tests are aimed at reducing the risk of morbidity and mortality amongst consumers. The thorough surveillance and screening of a certain gene pool can allow an individual to avoid conditions that disrupt normal existence through preventive measures. The clinical utility of these tests remains unassessed. Therefore, increasing research and development by pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs by understanding diseases and disorders is expected to favor market growth.

Unlike conventional diagnostic testing, predictive genetic testing identifies the risk associated with potential conditions. In certain cases it is also capable of stating when the disease may appear and the how severe will it be. Thus, this form of testing is expected to allow consumers to take up wellness measurements well in time to lead a life of normalcy, characterized by good health.

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Global Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market: Overview

Predictive genetic testing are used to identify gene mutations pertaining to the disorders that surface at a considerably later stage in life after birth. These tests are particularly beneficial for people from a family with a history of genetic disorder, although they themselves show no symptoms of the disorder at the time of testing. Genetic testing promises to revolutionize the healthcare sector, providing crucial diagnostic details related to diverse verticals such as heart disease, autism, and cancer. As the healthcare sector touches new peaks, the global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market is projected to expand at a healthy growth rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025.

This report on the global market for predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics analyzes all the important factors that may influence the demand in the near future and forecasts the condition of the market until 2025. It has been created using proven research methodologies such as SWOT analysis and Porters five forces. One of the key aspect of the report is the section on company profiles, wherein several leading players have been estimated for their market share and analyzed for their geographical presence, product portfolio, and recent strategic developments such as mergers, acquisitions, and collaborations.

The global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market, on the basis of test type, can be segmented into predictive testing, consumer genomics, and wellness genetics. The segment of predictive testing can be sub-segmented into genetic susceptibility test, predictive diagnostics, and population screening programs, whereas the segment of wellness genetics can be further divided into nutria genetics, skin and metabolism genetics, and others.

By application, the market can be segmented into breast and ovarian cancer screening, cardiovascular screening, diabetic screening and monitoring, colon cancer screening, Parkinsons or Alzheimers disease, urologic screening or prostate cancer screening, orthopedic and musculoskeletal screening, and other cancer screening. Geographically, the report studies the opportunities available in regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the Middle East and Africa.

Global Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market: Trends and Opportunities

Increasing number of novel partnership models, rapidly decreasing cost of genetic sequencing, and introduction of fragmented point-solutions across the genomics value chain as well as technological advancements in cloud computing and data integration are some of the key factors driving the market. On the other hand, the absence of well-defined regulatory framework, low adoption rate, and ethical concerns regarding the implementation, are expected to hinder the growth rate during the forecast period. Each of these factors have been analyzed in the report and their respective impacts have been anticipated.

Currently, the segment of predictive genetic cardiovascular screening accounts for the maximum demand, and increased investments in the field is expected to maintain it as most lucrative segment. On the other hand, more than 70 companies are currently engaged in nutrigenomics, which is expected to further expand the market.

Global Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market: Regional Outlook

Owing to robust healthcare infrastructure, prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, and high adoptability rate of new technology makes North America the most lucrative region, with most of the demand coming from the country of the U.S. and Canada. Several U.S. companies hold patents, which further extends the outreach of the market in the region of North America.

Companies mentioned in the research report

23andMe, Inc, BGI, Genesis Genetics, Illumina, Inc, Myriad Genetics, Inc, Pathway Genomics, Color Genomics Inc., and ARUP Laboratories are some of the key companies currently operating in global predictive genetic testing and consumer/wellness genomics market. Various forms of strategic partnerships with operating company and smaller vendors with novel ideas helps these leading players maintain their position in the market.

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to busi-ness entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experi-enced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.

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Predictive Genetic Testing and Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Estimated to Experience a Hike in Growth by 2025 - Cole of Duty

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market Size Overview, Top Companies, Inventive Trends and Forecast to 2029 – 3rd…

Detailed Study on the Global Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market

A recent market study throws light on some of the leading factors that are likely to influence the growth of the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market in the upcoming decade. The well-researched market study touches upon the growth potential of various budding market players in the current Direct-Access Genetic Testing market landscape. Moreover, established players, stakeholders, and investors can leverage the data in the report to formulate effective growth strategies.

As per the report, the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market is forecasted to reach a value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). The key dynamics of the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market including the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and trends are thoroughly analyzed in the presented report.

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The Research Aims to Addresses the Following Doubts Pertaining to the Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market

The report on the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

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Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market Segmentation

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape section of the report elaborates on the recent developments and innovations introduced by prominent players in the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market. The growth potential, revenue growth, product range, and pricing strategies of each market player in inspected in the report with precision.

End-use Industry Assessment

The report segments the Direct-Access Genetic Testing market on the basis of end-use industry and offers a detailed understanding of the supply-demand ratio and consumption pattern of the Direct-Access Genetic Testing in each end-use industry.

The key players covered in this study23andMeMyHeritageLabCorpMyriad GeneticsAncestry.comQuest DiagnosticsGene By GeneDNA Diagnostics CenterInvitaeIntelliGeneticsAmbry GeneticsLiving DNAEasyDNAPathway GenomicsCentrillion TechnologyXcodeColor GenomicsAnglia DNA ServicesAfrican AncestryCanadian DNA ServicesDNA Family CheckAlpha BiolaboratoriesTest Me DNA23 MofangGenetic HealthDNA Services of AmericaShuwen Health SciencesMapmygenomeFull Genomes

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoDiagnostic ScreeningPGDRelationship testingMarket segment by Application, split intoOnlineOffline

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

The study objectives of this report are:To analyze global Direct-Access Genetic Testing status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.To present the Direct-Access Genetic Testing development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Direct-Access Genetic Testing are as follows:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year 2020 to 2026For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2019 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Essential Findings of the Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market Report:

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Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Direct-Access Genetic Testing Market Size Overview, Top Companies, Inventive Trends and Forecast to 2029 - 3rd...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

The benefits and the costs of home DNA tests – Health and Happiness –

Photo: Contributed

Is the wealth of information about your individual health risks worth the anxiety of knowing?

DNA testing kits have made it possible to access previously unmined information about your health. As a huge advocate of preventative medicine, Ive explored the pros and cons of accessing this wealth of information to see whether your spit is worth the price tag and the consequences.

Firstly, what is it? Companies like 23andMe offer a home-based saliva collection kit you spit in the tube and send it to the lab. From there, your DNA is extracted from the spit and a process called genotyping analyses the DNA.

You then receive a report with your health predispositions (diseases you are more likely to get due to your genes) and your carrier status of certain diseases, such as cystic fibrosis.

The most obvious benefit of getting your DNA tested is identifying your personal health predispositions. For instance, the report might indicate youre at risk of getting type 2 diabetes, or heart disease. With this information, you can make changes to your lifestyle to help prevent these diseases from occurring, such as quitting smoking, drinking less caffeine or eating less sugar.

Despite these benefits, it is important to consider the emotional stress of receiving unfortunate results. Finding out you are at high risk of Alzheimers has a huge emotional impact on an individual and their family, especially as there is little you can do to prevent it.

Personally, I wouldnt want to know Im at high risk for a disease I cant do anything about I think the anxiety the knowledge would cause wouldnt be worth the information.

Its also important to note that genealogy results arent definitive. For instance, they may identify the gene that can cause high cholesterol, which in turn can increase the risk of heart disease. However, the test doesnt take into account any other personal or environmental factors, such as your diet, exercise and lifestyle. Without input from your own family doctor or a genetic counsellor, the results cannot be taken as gospel.

The uses of genealogy DNA databases extend beyond personal use for health and ancestry information, and this is the part where I begin to question the safety of using these kits. Although companies have rigorous privacy policies, they do still keep your DNA and information in a database in order to identify future clients that may be within your family tree.

This data is vulnerable to hackers, but also to police and immigration officials. The CBSA uses genealogy DNA testing in an immigration setting to ascertain a persons identity, such as the country they originate from.

From the uses we know about, to those yet to be found Im not sure I want my DNA in a database with unknown potential.

There are also important financial implications that accompany genetic testing, such as the fact that some insurance companies now say you must disclose any genetic risk information you are aware of, which can mean higher premiums for health, life and travel insurance.

Having mused over the idea for several weeks, with my mouse hovering over the Add to Cart button more than once, Ive decided genetic testing is not for me, for now. I personally dont think you should need a genetic test to tell you to live a healthier lifestyle to exercise more, eat more greens and get better sleep.

If its something youre thinking about, or have done, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. If not, take it from me get out for a cycle or a run, spend more time with your family and eat some broccoli with a smile on your face.

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The benefits and the costs of home DNA tests - Health and Happiness -

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Myriad Genetics Appoints Daniel K. Spiegelman to the Board of Directors and Announces Upcoming Retirement of John T. Henderson, M.D. – GlobeNewswire

SALT LAKE CITY, May 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), a global leader in molecular diagnostics and precision medicine, today announced the election of Daniel K. Spiegelman, age 61, to its Board of Directors, effective immediately, expanding the Board to nine members. Additionally, Mr. Spiegelman was appointed to the audit committee of Myriads Board.

Mr. Spiegelman has served as a Chief Financial Officer in several diversified biotechnology companies spanning 30 years. He was most recently Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical company focused on development of first-in-class and best-in-class therapeutics for rare genetic diseases. Having retired from that position after eight years, Dan now serves on the board of Tizona Therapeutics, Inc., a private pharmaceutical company, and has previously served on a number of public and private biotech company boards.

We are excited to welcome Dan to the Myriad Board, said Louise Phanstiel, Chair of the Board of Myriad. Dan brings a deep understanding of the biotech industry along with strong finance, M&A and business development experience. His background of creating value and growing early stage as well as established companies will provide useful strategic insights in executing our global strategy for molecular diagnostics and precision medicine.

The Company also announced today that Director John T. Henderson, M.D. will retire from the board at the Companys Annual Meeting in December 2020. Dr. Henderson joined the Board of Myriad in 2004 and has served as Chair of the Board from April 2005 through March 2020.

It has been a privilege to play a part of Myriads journey in becoming a leader in providing trusted healthcare advice to patients and their physicians, said Henderson. I have treasured the opportunity to work with so many Myriad employees whose passion and dedication to pioneering best of class precision medicine is unsurpassed. I certainly look forward to the companys continued growth and success.

In commenting on Dr. Hendersons pending retirement, Louise Phanstiel said, The Board sincerely appreciates all of Johns many contributions to Myriad as a leader, a colleague and friend. John has led with integrity and caring about Myriads Vision and Mission. He will be deeply missed and we wish him all the best.

About Myriad Genetics

Myriad Genetics Inc., is a leading personalized medicine company dedicated to being a trusted advisor transforming patient lives worldwide with pioneering molecular diagnostics. Myriad discovers and commercializes molecular diagnostic tests that: determine the risk of developing disease, accurately diagnose disease, assess the risk of disease progression, and guide treatment decisions across six major medical specialties where molecular diagnostics can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. Myriad is focused on three strategic imperatives: transitioning and expanding its hereditary cancer testing markets, diversifying its product portfolio through the introduction of new products and increasing the revenue contribution from international markets. For more information on how Myriad is making a difference, please visit the Company's website:

Myriad, the Myriad logo, BART, BRACAnalysis, Colaris, Colaris AP, myPath, myRisk, Myriad myRisk, myRisk Hereditary Cancer, myChoice, myPlan, BRACAnalysis CDx, Tumor BRACAnalysis CDx, myChoice HRD, Vectra, Prequel, ForeSight, GeneSight and Prolaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Myriad Genetics, Inc. or its wholly owned subsidiaries in the United States and foreign countries. MYGN-F, MYGN-G.

Lynparza is a registered trademark of AstraZeneca.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements related to Mr. Spiegelman providing useful strategic insights in executing the Companys global strategy for molecular diagnostics and precision medicine; Dr. Henderson retiring from the board at the Companys Annual Meeting in December 2020; and the Companys strategic directives under the caption "About Myriad Genetics." These "forward-looking statements" are based on management's current expectations of future events and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: uncertainties associated with COVID-19, including its possible effects on our operations and the demand for our products and services; our ability to efficiently and flexibly manage our business amid uncertainties related to COVID-19; the risk that sales and profit margins of our molecular diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical and clinical services may decline; risks related to our ability to transition from our existing product portfolio to our new tests, including unexpected costs and delays; risks related to decisions or changes in governmental or private insurers reimbursement levels for our tests or our ability to obtain reimbursement for our new tests at comparable levels to our existing tests; risks related to increased competition and the development of new competing tests and services; the risk that we may be unable to develop or achieve commercial success for additional molecular diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical and clinical services in a timely manner, or at all; the risk that we may not successfully develop new markets for our molecular diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical and clinical services, including our ability to successfully generate revenue outside the United States; the risk that licenses to the technology underlying our molecular diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical and clinical services and any future tests and services are terminated or cannot be maintained on satisfactory terms; risks related to delays or other problems with operating our laboratory testing facilities and our healthcare clinic; risks related to public concern over genetic testing in general or our tests in particular; risks related to regulatory requirements or enforcement in the United States and foreign countries and changes in the structure of the healthcare system or healthcare payment systems; risks related to our ability to obtain new corporate collaborations or licenses and acquire new technologies or businesses on satisfactory terms, if at all; risks related to our ability to successfully integrate and derive benefits from any technologies or businesses that we license or acquire; risks related to our projections about our business, results of operations and financial condition; risks related to the potential market opportunity for our products and services; the risk that we or our licensors may be unable to protect or that third parties will infringe the proprietary technologies underlying our tests; the risk of patent-infringement claims or challenges to the validity of our patents or other intellectual property; risks related to changes in intellectual property laws covering our molecular diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical and clinical services and patents or enforcement in the United States and foreign countries, such as the Supreme Court decisions in Mayo Collab. Servs. v. Prometheus Labs., Inc., 566 U.S. 66 (2012), Assn for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 (2013), and Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Intl, 573 U.S. 208 (2014); risks of new, changing and competitive technologies and regulations in the United States and internationally; the risk that we may be unable to comply with financial operating covenants under our credit or lending agreements; the risk that we will be unable to pay, when due, amounts due under our credit or lending agreements; and other factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" contained in Item 1A of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019, which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and Myriad undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.

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Myriad Genetics Appoints Daniel K. Spiegelman to the Board of Directors and Announces Upcoming Retirement of John T. Henderson, M.D. - GlobeNewswire

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market 2020: Type & Application, Innovation, Technology, Top Key Players, Regions & Forecast till 2025 -…

Global Predictive Genetic Testing market analysis forecast to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global Predictive Genetic Testing market with detailed market segmentation by solution, deployment type, application, vertical and geography. The global Predictive Genetic Testing market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.

Adroit Market Research provides analysis and insights regarding on Predictive Genetic Testing market the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecasted period while providing their impacts on the markets growth.

Adroit Market Research provides analysis and insights regarding on Predictive Genetic Testing market the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecasted period while providing their impacts on the markets growth.

Top Leading Key Players are:

Agilent, Technologies, Inc., BGI Genomics, F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Genes In Life., Invitae Corporation, Illumina, Inc., 23andMe, Myriad Genetics, Inc., Pathway Genomics and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

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The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. The Predictive Genetic Testing market report puts together a concise analysis of the growth factors influencing the current business scenario across various regions. Significant information pertaining to the industry analysis size, share, application, and statistics are summed in the report in order to present an ensemble prediction. Additionally, this report encompasses an accurate competitive analysis of major market players and their strategies during the projection timeline.

In addition, the report categorizes Predictive Genetic Testing market according to type, application, related technology, end user, etc. to provide the data explored. It also includes comprehensive data related to specific financial and business terms, projected market growth, market strategy, etc. This market report offers some presentations and illustrations about the market that comprises pie charts, graphs, and charts which presents the percentage of the various strategies implemented by the service providers in the Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market.

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The research report on global Predictive Genetic Testing market ensures users to remain competitive in the market. Also report helps to identify the new innovations and developments by existing key players to increase the growth of the global Predictive Genetic Testing market. This market study report covers all the geographical regions where competitive landscape exists by the players such as North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Middle East Africa. Thus report helps to identify the key growth countries and regions.

Key Highlights Questions of Predictive Genetic Testing Market:What will be the size of the global Predictive Genetic Testing market in 2025?Which product is expected to show the highest market growth?Which application is projected to gain a lions share of the global Predictive Genetic Testing market?Which region is foretold to create the most number of opportunities in the global Predictive Genetic Testing market?Will there be any changes in market competition during the forecast period?Which are the top players currently operating in the global Predictive Genetic Testing market?

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Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

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Ryan JohnsonAccount Manager Global3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600, Dallas,TX 75204, U.S.APhone No.: USA: +1 972-362 -8199 / +91 9665341414

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Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market 2020: Type & Application, Innovation, Technology, Top Key Players, Regions & Forecast till 2025 -...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing Market Analysis 2019 Growth by Top Companies and Trends by Types, Treatment,…

The report on the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period. The different factors that are likely to impact the overall dynamics of the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market over the forecast period (2019-2029) including the current trends, growth opportunities, restraining factors, and more are discussed in detail in the market study.

For top companies in United States, European Union and China, this report investigates and analyzes the production, value, price, market share and growth rate for the top manufacturers, key data from 2019 to 2025.

The Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market report firstly introduced the basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the worlds main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.

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The major players profiled in this Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing market report include:

The key players covered in this studyPerkin ElmerVerinata HealthSequenom, Inc.Agilent Technologies, Inc.Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.Natera, Inc.Illumina, Inc.Ariosa DiagnosticsBGICapitalBio MedLab

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoPCRFISHaCGHNIPTMSSMarket segment by Application, split intoHospitalClinicOthers

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

The study objectives of this report are:To analyze global Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.To present the Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing are as follows:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year 2020 to 2026For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2019 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Key Market Related Questions Addressed in the Report:

Important Information that can be extracted from the Report:

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Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Newborn and Prenatal Genetic Testing Market Analysis 2019 Growth by Top Companies and Trends by Types, Treatment,...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

84 Positive COVID-19 Cases Linked to Vancouver Fruit Processor – OPB News

UPDATE: (2:53 p.m. PT) Health officials in Clark County announced Tuesday that 84 people have tested positive for COVID-19 as part of an outbreak at a Vancouver fruit processor, Firestone Pacific Foods.

Sixty-nine employees have tested positive for COVID-19, four of whom arent Clark County residents. Another 15 people identified as close contacts of those cases have also testedpositive.

A total of 165 employees and 83 close contacts have been tested, with additional testing of employees and close contactsexpected.

The outbreak prompted Washington to pause Clark Countys request to move to Washingtons Phase 2 of reopening. It may be the largest non-health care-linked cluster of coronavirus cases in the greater Portland metroarea.

In total, 510 people have tested positive in Clark County and 25 people havedied.

The most recent available data from the Washington Department of Health show 19,265 confirmed coronavirus cases in the state and 1,050 knowndeaths.

The Oregon Health Authority reported 18 new coronavirus cases and one presumptive case in the state Tuesday. The states total number of known positive and presumptive cases is3,967.

Presumptive cases are people who have not tested positive but have COVID-19 symptoms and have had close contact with someone confirmed to be infected with thevirus.

Officials have reported no new coronavirus-related deaths for the second day in arow.

In Oregon, 148 people are known to have died fromCOVID-19.

Due to data reconciliation, one case originally reported as presumptive in Josephine County was determined to not be a case. Two other cases one in the 30-39 age group and one in the 70-79 age group were also determined not to becases.

Researchers at Oregon State University will look into Bends sewer system for genetic evidence of COVID-19 in an effort to help determine the virus prevalence in thecity.

Bend public works staff will collect sewage samples the weekend of May 30-31 as part of its Coronavirus Sewer Surveillance, the same weekend field workers from OSUs TRACE-COVID-19 project will gather nasal swab samples door-to-door inBend.

Sewer analysis results will be compared with nasal swab results to better detect the virus among symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers ofCOVID-19.

A really important step is to continue to validate the reliability of our sewer surveillance data with more traditional prevalence data from the medical community andresearchers.

Fortunately, the early indications suggest that sewer analysis is a reliable method, said Tyler Radniecki, an associate professor of environmental engineering said in astatement.

OSU said it has the lab capability to do genetic testing with a predicted turnaround time of about aweek.

The university said additional sewer surveillance projects are underway in WashingtonCounty.

In a three-sentence response to the Oregon Supreme Court, the Baker County Circuit Court Judge who vacated more than 20 of Gov. Kate Browns executive orders surrounding the states response to the coronavirus pandemic, told the court on Tuesday he wouldnt back down fromhisdecision.

I have elected to stand by my original ruling, Circuit Court Judge Matthew Shirtcliff wrote. I will not be vacating the May 18, 2020 Order Granting Preliminary Injunctive Relief and Denying Motions To Dismiss or takingotheraction.

A group of churches and eastern Oregon public officials have sued, arguing Browns executive orders exceed her authority understatelaw.

As Oregon counties continue to move forward with reopening, Portland International Airport has seen a small increase in travelers over the last twoweeks.

As states (and even other countries) begin to reopen, we expect the trends to continue slowly upward for air travel, said communications manager Susie Rantz with the Port ofPortland.

However, the virus is really in charge when it comes to air travel so its so hard to know what a few months from now might looklike.

Rantz said that passenger volumes at PDX are still down approximately 92% compared to this time last year. That decrease reached a bottom of nearly 96% inmid-April.

Airlines typically release their flight schedules on a quarterly basis, which saw dramatic reductions between April and June. Rantz said that passenger trends will become clearer when airlines update their Julyschedules.

The Oregon Employment Department announced Project Focus 100 on Tuesday, outlining a plan to address the 38,000 backlogged unemployment claims in the state.The department said it will continue to hire and train new employees, as well as assign experienced professionals on the oldest and most complexcases.

From May 29 to June 12, the agency said it will increase its outbound calls to resolve claims for people who have been waiting thelongest.

The Employment Department said it is trying out new ways of contacting people to let them know where their claims are in the system and said theyve identified ways to move claims out of processing traps that can delaythem.

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84 Positive COVID-19 Cases Linked to Vancouver Fruit Processor - OPB News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Impact of Covid-19 Global Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market (2020 To 2027) | Abbott (US), Roche (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific (US),…

Global Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market research report delivers the analysis of the market outlook, framework, and socio-economic impacts. This report tries to covers the authenticate information of the market size, share, product footprint, revenue, and progress rate. All this information driven by primary and secondary researches, with reliable and authentic projections regarding the technical jargon. This study assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the market.

According to the current market situation, this report continuously observing promising growth of the global Point-of-Care Genetic Testing market. The report further suggests market appears to progress at an accelerating rate over the forecast period. Also, the major players are elaborated on the basis of the proprietary technologies, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. In addition, report also examines R&D developments, legal policies, and strategies of Point-of-Care Genetic Testing market players.

Leading companies reviewed in the Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market report are:Abbott (US)Roche (Switzerland)Thermo Fisher Scientific (US)Cepheid (US)IQuum (US)Biocartis (Switzerland)Idaho Technologies (US)Optigene (UK)Lumora (UK)

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Global Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market Split by Product Type and Applications:On the basis of Types:

POCT Cancer KitsMolecular POC KitsPOCT In Antibiotic TherapiesAssay CartridgeOther

On the basis of Application:

Diagnostic LabsBio-Pharmaceutical IndustryAcademic InstitutionsOther

The latest research on the Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market fundamentally delivers insights that can empower stakeholders, business owners, and field marketing executives to make effective investment decisions driven by facts and extremely thorough research. The study aims to provide an evaluation and deliver essential information on the competitive landscape to meet the unique requirements of the companies and individuals operating in the Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market for the forecast period, 20202027. To help firms comprehend the Point-of-Care Genetic Testing industry in multiple ways, the report exhaustively assesses the share, size, and growth rate of the business worldwide.

Market, By regions:

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Report Highlights:

What Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market Research Report Offers?

Chapters Define in TOC (Table of Content) of the Report:

Chapter 1: Market Survey, Drivers, Restraints and Good fortune, Segmentation overviewChapter 2: Market competitiveness by ManufacturersChapter 3: Production by RegionsChapter 4: Consumption by RegionsChapter 5: Production, By Types, Revenue and Market share by TypesChapter 6: Consumption, By Applications, Market share (%) and Growth Rate by ApplicationsChapter 7: Overall profiling and analysis of ManufacturersChapter 8: Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis, Region-wise manufacturing expensesChapter 9: Supply Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11: Market Influence Factors AnalysisChapter 12: Market PredictChapter 13: Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source

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Impact of Covid-19 Global Point-of-Care Genetic Testing Market (2020 To 2027) | Abbott (US), Roche (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific (US),...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetic Testing Industry 2020 Market Detailed by Size, Share, Growth, Revenue, Companies Analysis and Forecast Research Report 2026 – Cole of Duty

The Global Genetic Testing Market 2020 industry Research Report will provide a valuable insight with an emphasis on global market. Our market analysis also entails a section solely dedicated for such major players wherein our analysts provide an insight into the financial statements of all the major players, along with its product benchmarking and SWOT analysis. The competitive landscape section also includes key development strategies, market share and market ranking analysis of the above-mentioned players globally.

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This report contains the major manufacturers analysis of the global Genetic Testing industry. By understanding the operations of these manufacturers (sales volume, revenue, sales price and gross margin from 2015 to 2020), the reader can understand the strategies and collaborations that the manufacturers are focusing on combat competition in the market.

Key STRATEGIC MANUFACTURERS include in this report:-



Pathway Genomics

Counsyl Inc

Asper Biotech


Courtagen Life Sciences

Gene By Gene

Natera Inc



United Gene

HI Gene

Berry Genomics

23andMe Inc






Development policies and plans are discussed as well as growth rate, manufacturing processes, economic growth and worldwide strategies are analyzed. This Genetic Testing Research Report also states import/export data, industry supply and consumption figures as well as cost structure, price, industry revenue and gross margin by regions.

This report studies the Genetic Testing market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries, this report analyzes the top players in global Genetic Testing industry, and splits by product type and applications/end industries. This report also includes the impact of COVID-19 on the Genetic Testing industry.

Global Genetic Testing market: types and end industries analysis

The research report includes specific segments such as end industries and product types of Genetic Testing. The report provides market size (sales volume and revenue) for each type and end industry from 2015 to 2020. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.

Global Genetic Testing market: regional analysis

Geographically, this report is segmented into several key countries, with market size, growth rate, import and export of Genetic Testing in these countries from 2015 to 2020, which covering United States, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia.

Key Product Type Newborn Screening Diagnostic Testing Carrier Testing Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Prenatal Diagnosis Predictive and Presymptomatic Testing Pharmacogenomics Market by Application Cardiology Dermatology Hematology Hereditary Cancer Immunology Metabolic Disorders and Newborn Screening Neurology Ophthalmology Pediatric Genetics Others

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Finally, the Report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading companies.

Major Points from Table of Contents-

1 Industry Overview of Genetic Testing

2 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Genetic Testing Industry

3 Global Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Regions, Manufacturers, Types and End Users

4 North America Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Countries, Types and End Users

5 Europe Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Countries, Types and End Users

6 Asia Pacific Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Countries, Types and End Users

7 Latin America Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Countries, Types and End Users

8 Middle East & Africa Genetic Testing Market Analysis by Countries, Types and End Users

9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Traders Analysis

10 Global Genetic Testing Market Forecast by Regions, Countries, Manufacturers, Types and End Users

11 Industry Chain Analysis of Genetic Testing

12 Genetic Testing New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

13 Genetic Testing Research Findings and Conclusion

14 Appendix

Note: We can also customize this record and provide individual chapters or a region-wise breakdown record such as North America, Europe or Asia. Also, if you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the record as you want.

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Orian Research is one of the most comprehensive collections of market intelligence records on the World Wide Web. Our records repository boasts of over 500000+ industry and country research from over 100 top publishers. We continuously update our repository so as to provide our clients easy access to the worlds most complete and current database of expert insights on global industries, companies, and products. We also specialize in custom research in situations where our syndicate research offerings do not meet the specific requirements of our esteemed clients.

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Genetic Testing Industry 2020 Market Detailed by Size, Share, Growth, Revenue, Companies Analysis and Forecast Research Report 2026 - Cole of Duty

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Growth Analysis by Size, Top Companies, Supply Demand, Trends, Demand, Overview and Forecast to 2026 -…

New Jersey, United States, The Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market report examines the market situation and prospects and represents the size of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market (value and volume) and the share by company, type, application and region. The general trends and opportunities of Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing are also taken into account when examining the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing industry. Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing The market report focuses on the following section: Analysis of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing industry by transfer into different segments; the main types of products that fall within the scope of the report.

This Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market report is a complete analysis of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market based on an in-depth primary and secondary analysis. The scope of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market report includes global and regional sales, product consumption in terms of volume and value. The Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market report contains an estimate of revenue, CAGR and total revenue. The knowledge gathered in world trade Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing is presented in figures, tables, pie charts and graphics.

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Top 10 Companies in the Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Research Report:

Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market: Drivers and Restrains

The research report included analysis of various factors that increase market growth. These are trends, restrictions and drivers that change the market positively or negatively. This section also contains information on various segments and applications that may affect the market in the future. Detailed information is based on current trends and historical milestones. This section also includes an analysis of sales volume on the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market and for each type from 2015 to 2026. This section mentions sales volume by region from 2015 to 2026. The price analysis is included in the report Type of year 2015 to 2026, manufacturer from 2015 to 2020, region from 2015 to 2020 and total price from 2015 to 2026.

An in-depth assessment of the restrictions contained in the report describes the contrast to the drivers and leaves room for strategic planning. The factors that overshadow the growth of the market are essential as they can be understood to design different phrases to take advantage of the lucrative opportunities that the growing Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market offers. In addition, information on the opinions of market experts was used to better understand the market.

Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market: Segment Analysis

The research report contains certain segments such as application and product type. Each type provides revenue information for the 2015-2026 forecast period. The application segment also provides volume revenue and revenue for the 2015-2026 forecast period. Understanding the segments identifies the importance of the various factors that support Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market growth.

Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market: Regional Analysis

The research report includes a detailed study of the regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. The Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing report was compiled after various factors determining regional growth, such as the economic, environmental, social, technological and political status of the region concerned, were observed and examined. Analysts examined sales, sales, and manufacturer data for each region. This section analyzes sales and volume by region for the forecast period from 2015 to 2026. These analyzes help the reader understand the potential value of investments in a particular region.

Global Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market: Competitive Landscape

This section of the report lists various major manufacturers in the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players focus on to fight competition in the market. The full report provides a significant microscopic overview of the Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing market. Readers can identify manufacturers footprints by knowing manufacturers global earnings, manufacturers world market prices, and manufacturers sales for the 2015-2019 forecast period.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market

1.1 Overview of the Market1.2 Scope of Report1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of Verified Market Research

3.1 Data Mining3.2 Validation3.3 Primary Interviews3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Outlook

4.1 Overview4.2 Market Dynamics4.2.1 Drivers4.2.2 Restraints4.2.3 Opportunities4.3 Porters Five Force Model4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview8.2 North America8.2.1 U.S.8.2.2 Canada8.2.3 Mexico8.3 Europe8.3.1 Germany8.3.2 U.K.8.3.3 France8.3.4 Rest of Europe8.4 Asia Pacific8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 India8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific8.5 Rest of the World8.5.1 Latin America8.5.2 Middle East

9 Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview9.2 Company Market Ranking9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview10.1.2 Financial Performance10.1.3 Product Outlook10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing Market Growth Analysis by Size, Top Companies, Supply Demand, Trends, Demand, Overview and Forecast to 2026 -...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Potential Impact of COVID-19 on Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Analyzed in a New Intelligence Study – Bulletin Line

In 2029, the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market is spectated to surpass ~US$ xx Mn/Bn with a CAGR of xx% over the forecast period. The Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market clicked a value of ~US$ xx Mn/Bn in 2018. Region is expected to account for a significant market share, where the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market size is projected to inflate with a CAGR of xx% during the forecast period.

In the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market research study, 2018 is considered as the base year, and 2019-2029 is considered as the forecast period to predict the market size. Important regions emphasized in the report include region 1 (country 1, country2), region 2 (country 1, country2), and region 3 (country 1, country2).

The report on the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period.

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Global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report on the basis of market players

The report examines each Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market player according to its market share, production footprint, and growth rate. SWOT analysis of the players (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) has been covered in this report. Further, the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market study depicts the recent launches, agreements, R&D projects, and business strategies of the market players including

Key market playersMajor competitors identified in this market include Illumina, BGI, Genesis Genetics, Myriad Genetics, 23andMe, Inc, Color Genomics Inc, Pathway Genomics, ARUP Laboratories, etc.

Based on the Region:Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India and ASEAN)North America (US and Canada)Europe (Germany, France, UK and Italy)Rest of World (Latin America, Middle East & Africa)

Based on the Type:Predictive TestingConsumer GenomicsWellness Genomics

Based on the Application:Breast & Ovarian CancerCardiovascular screeningDiabetic Screening & MonitoringColon CancerOther

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The Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report answers the following queries:

The Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market report provides the below-mentioned information:

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Research Methodology of Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Report

The global Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market study covers the estimation size of the market both in terms of value (Mn/Bn USD) and volume (x units). Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to calculate and authenticate the market size of the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market, and predict the scenario of various sub-markets in the overall market. Primary and secondary research has been thoroughly performed to analyze the prominent players and their market share in the Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics market. Further, all the numbers, segmentation, and shares have been gathered using authentic primary and secondary sources.

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Potential Impact of COVID-19 on Predictive Genetic Testing And Consumer/Wellness Genomics Market Analyzed in a New Intelligence Study - Bulletin Line

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Predictive Genetic Testing Market 2020 Global Key Players, Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast to 2025 – News Distinct

Global Predictive Genetic Testing market research report provides details on key factors such as drivers, opportunities and trends expected to have a major impact on the market during the forecast period 2020-2025. It also highlights such information. Expansion and growth rates to help business owners and manufacturers plan strategies to smoothly achieve their goals in the near future. Researchers have thoroughly researched historical markets to provide insights into current market scenarios and to help companies get more information.

The given report is an excellent research study specially compiled to provide the latest insights into critical aspects of the Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market by Adroit Market Research with more market data pie charts, charts, statistics and graphs.

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For future market growth, global keyword market forecasts have been observed with various macroeconomic factors and changing trends according to the markets future forecasts. Other important factors covered in the report include current market size, supply and demand side inputs, and other dynamics shaping market scenarios. Report forecasting is provided in CAGR and other important criteria such as annual growth and absolute dollar opportunities are also incorporated to provide clear insights and future opportunities.

Top Leading Key Players are:

Agilent, Technologies, Inc., BGI Genomics, F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Genes In Life., Invitae Corporation, Illumina, Inc., 23andMe, Myriad Genetics, Inc., Pathway Genomics and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

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The Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market Report includes the top companies in the market, with company profile, growth aspects, opportunities and threats to market development. This report provides an industry analysis of the estimated time scale. This report covers the latest industry details related to industry reports, import and export scenarios and market share. The report also included basic opinions on the market environment, emerging and high growth sectors of the market, high growth regions, market drivers, papermaking and market opportunities. This study aims to estimate the current market size and growth potential of the global keyword market in sections like applications and representatives.

Geographically, the Predictive Genetic Testing market report is segmented as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. This analysis report similarly reduces the present, past and in future market business strategies, company extent, development, share and estimate analysis having a place with the predicted circumstances. Moreover, the possible results and the exposure to the enhancement of Predictive Genetic Testing market widely covered in this report.

The report is answerable to the following questions:1. What are the major factors driving the market growth?2. What key advancements in the near future?3. Which are the latest modernizations in the Global Predictive Genetic Testing Market Research Report 2020-2025 Market by the key players?4. What are the crucial ongoing trends observed in the market?5. What factors are restraining the market growth?

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Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

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Predictive Genetic Testing Market 2020 Global Key Players, Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast to 2025 - News Distinct

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Coronavirus can infect and inflame the thyroid – Health24

An Italian teenager may be the first known case of a painful thyroid infection caused by the new coronavirus, doctors report.

A research team from Pisa, in northern Italy, said the 18-year-old woman's thyroid became sore and enlarged a few weeks after testing positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in late February. The condition, called thyroiditis, cleared up completely within a week after she was treated with the steroid prednisone.

Still, the doctors believe that "physicians should be alerted about the possibility of this additional clinical manifestation" tied to the new coronavirus, study leader Dr Francesco Latrofa, an endocrinologist at the University Hospital of Pisa, said in a news release from the Endocrine Society. He and his colleagues published the findings on 21 May in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

"Covid-19 continues to show us many surprises," said thyroid expert Dr David Hiltzik, director of head and neck surgery at Staten Island University Hospital in New York City. "It has been shown to manifest in so many different organ systems throughout the body, so it is not surprising that the thyroid joins the many other areas that have been affected by the disease.

Heart palpitations and neck pain

"Thankfully, thyroiditis can easily be treated and should not be of great concern," added Hiltzik, who wasn't involved in the new research. "That being said, if a patient had the virus and presents with new neck pain they should get that evaluated."

In the Italian woman's case, she first got a nasal swab test for the new coronavirus on 28 February because her father had been hospitalised earlier with Covid-19. The test turned up positive, but she experienced only mild, transient respiratory symptoms at first.

However, by 17 March she revisited the Pisa clinic with fever, heart palpitations and neck pain. The neck pain got worse and her thyroid gland was painful and enlarged, the doctors said.

Tests confirmed thyroiditis. The patient was given prednisone, which relieved the neck pain and fever within two days. Any other remaining symptoms subsided within a week.

Post-viral thyroiditis

Latrofa and his group noted that thyroiditis has been seen with a myriad of infections, including mumps, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis E and HIV, so its appearance with SARS-CoV-2 isn't completely surprising. But to their knowledge, this is the first such case tied to the new coronavirus.

Dr Minisha Sood is an endocrinologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Reading over the findings from Italy, she said it was "a classic presentation of post-viral thyroiditis, which is characterised by the onset of neck pain, fever and high thyroid hormone levels".

Sood said because of the intensity of neck pain the woman was experiencing, her doctors prescribed prednisone. However, in milder cases, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever is often prescribed first, with a steroid prescribed later if needed.

In any case, "as an increasing number of post-viral symptoms are being attributed to Covid-19 or complications of Covid-19 such as thrombotic [clotting] events, the potential of subacute thyroiditis should not be overlooked," Sood said.

Image credit: Getty Images

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Coronavirus can infect and inflame the thyroid - Health24

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Play: A joyful medicine – Public Affairs Office of Headquarters, US Army Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee

I have always been tempted to write a prescription that reads Go out and play just to see how the parent responds.

Turns out, there is no better time than this nearly three months into the social distancing, no public gatherings and shelter-at-home requirements to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to follow that exact recommendation.

As a pediatrician in Kenner Army Health Clinic, I have observed how this situation has not been ideal for people in general. They have been affected physically, emotionally, socially and economically. For children, there is another vulnerable plane, developmentally.

Lately, I have encountered an unusual number of TeleHealth concerns related to emotional, behavioral and developmental regression in youngsters. It is troubling to imagine the coronavirus mutating into a dreadful boogeyman that inflicts children with these mental health issues.

Its simple to beat the monster, though, with play which is defined in a 2018 American Academy of Pediatrics article as an activity that is intrinsically motivated, and entails active engagement and results in joyful discovery.It is not scripted play therapy, but genuine family activity that brings forth positive emotions while promoting child development and growth.

The Pediatric Journal magazine article further reads, When play and safe, stable, nurturing relationships are missing in a childs life, toxic stress can disrupt the development of executive function and the learning of prosocial behavior. In the presence of childhood adversity, play becomes even more important.

The article points out that age-appropriate play with parents and peers is a singular opportunity to promote the social-emotional, cognitive, language and self-regulation skills that build executive function and a prosocial brain which children need to thrive.

Research among preschoolers on the first day of school showed a twofold decrease in anxiety in medical terms, a reduction in the stress hormone salivary cortisol when randomly assigned to play intervention compared to listening to a teacher reading a story.

Laboratory scientists also have simulated the role of roughand-tumble play and learned that it can buffer symptoms of anxiety in animals that similarly showed a reduction in stress hormone that could be prolonged by the length and intensity of the activity level. The researchers observed increased brain competency in the subjects, witnessing the ability to solve mazes after two hours compared to the play-deprived group.

With the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, caregivers may want to invest in more meaningful play time with children, and while doing so, may even find themselves unexpectedly rewarded. By recreating their cherished childhood activities or sharing a favorite game with youngsters, some grown-ups may benefit from this renewed joy through a childs view. This benefit also is supported by a research.

Organized daily playtime at home during this pandemic may seem tiring to already stressed-out parents, but the rewards are worth the investment. Spontaneity is welcomed in this area and may surprisingly bring more fun. Encouraging children to plan the activity is a good tool for self-growth. Parents are not asked to be activity directors. Play should not be a dreaded chore and should never add more stress. And like any medicine, it should not be overdosed responsible adults have to work and rest, and children need downtimes as well.

With studies consistently showing the superior benefits of real-time social playing among young children, some limited age-appropriate screen time with parents co-watching or co-playing can be an occasional alternative. Play needs adult supervision because it can have a dark side when children are allowed to do as they please, leading to disagreements and even bullying. Homes should always be safe and nurturing a play hideout from the coronavirus boogeyman.

Playing is important for everyones well-being, and especially for the development of a young healthy child. While peer-to-peer play is almost impossible due to social distancing, families must strive together, more than ever, to create nurturing physical connections through playtime now; because playing is a medical necessity for children to thrive.

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Play: A joyful medicine - Public Affairs Office of Headquarters, US Army Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

KC Concepcion says PCOS prevented her from accepting projects – Rappler

HEALTH REASONS. KC Concepcion says she been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, which has prevented her from accepting showbiz projects. Screenshot from Instagram/@itskcconcepcion

MANILA, Philippines Actress KC Concepcion said she had been scaling back in accepting showbiz projects after she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS.

In an interview with Tim Yap on his online show on Saturday, May 23, KC was asked why she has not been seen on television or movies, despite signing with Cornerstone Entertainment back in February.

"I am super, super grateful for work. But number one... I want to be super open about this because its something I also want to talk about in the future. I was diagnosed with PCOS," she said.

PCOS, according to the Mayo Clinic, "is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age" which results in "infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels."

The condition is the reason why she gained weight, she said.

"I always wanted to be at my best, I want to be physically fit, and I want to look good, I want to get my body tight. When I look good, I feel good and thats what you serve people on screen. Its as simple as that, she said.

While she was on break, KC said that she was able to work on a lot of things, including her jewelry line Avec Moi. She is also set to revive KC's Closet to pre-loved items for charity.

KC said that she's been getting a lot of guidance with her PCOS thanks to her doctor in the US. I know a lot of women who have it. Its quite common in a way but not a lot of people talk about it. Thats something I want to talk about in depth later on in the future na because I dont think right now is the time. Wala pa ako masyadong information about it, she said.

(I still don't have much information about it.)

KC said she now ready to accept projects coming her way. Im super healthy now. Im so well. I take supplements, try to be as active as I can be."

Relationship with mom Sharon

In the same interview, Tim asked if KC has been in contact with her mom, Sharon Cuneta, and her family. KC is currently living by herself in her apartment .

KC said they've been checking up on each and that they've been sending each other food.

"That's our way of expressing our love is through gifts. I think my mom and I have the same love language, where we like to give each other gifts. I miss her, I love her so much. I think she is an amazing mom. At the end of the day, lahat ng nangyayari sa amin should stay in the family and just like any family, no one is perfect, she said.

(At the end of the day, whatever is happening in our family should just stay within the family and just like any family, no is perfect.)

Back in January, Sharon wrote a long post on social media, asking KC to come back to the family. The actress was not present during some of their holiday gatherings and Sharon's birthday celebration on ASAP.

Sharon told the media that the post was a case of a "mother missing her daughter."

The two have since ironed things out, with Sharon promoting KC's YouTube account in March.

KC said that like any other family, their relationship has not been perfect.

I dont really like talking about problems in public but people love us and have really welcomed us in their lives. I want to thank everyone that is there to support my relationship with my mom. Every day, you just want everything to be nice and light and happy, " she said.

"If there was time lost before, I think the most important thing is to both embrace each others imperfections and forgive and be loving towards each other. Thats the best we can do, she said.

See the original post here:
KC Concepcion says PCOS prevented her from accepting projects - Rappler

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
