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Dulaglutide Reduces Binge Eating in Patients With T2D and Binge Eating Disorder – Psychiatry Advisor

Dulaglutide treatment reduces binge eating behaviors in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and binge eating disorder (BED) more effectively than treatment with a sulfonylurea, according to the results of a 12-week, open-label, prospective controlled study published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews.

Studies have shown that activation of the naturally-occurring hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) increases satiety because of its involvement in the slowing of gastric emptying and decreasing intestinal motility. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging studies have shown that GLP-1 receptor activation can affect appetite regulation and therefore may counteract food cravings and overeating, and preclinical studies have indicated that GLP-1 agonists reduced binge eating in animal models.

Dulaglutide is a synthetic GLP-1 analog that has been shown to be effective in reducing the body weight of patients with T2D when compared with insulin glargine or other oral hypoglycemic drugs, and has been shown to improve the quality of life in these individuals. Whether treatment with dulaglutide can reduce the frequency of binge eating episodes and improve anthropometric and metabolic variables better than treatment with other diabetes medications in individuals with T2D and BED has not yet been determined.

To examine this, 60 patients with T2D (46.6% men) with BED were randomly assigned into treatment groups that received either 150 mg/wk of dulaglutide or 60 mg/d of gliclazide modified release for 12 weeks in addition to their daily dose of 2 to 3 mg of metformin. To be included in the study, individuals were required to have been diagnosed with T2D and only be using metformin for treatment, to have hemoglobin 1Ac (HbA1c) between 7.5% and 9%, to be <65 years of age, and to have met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for BED in an Eating Disorder Examination interview conducted by a physician after a positive score on the self-reported Binge Eating Scale questionnaire. At baseline, the average age of patients was 54.67.7 years, average body mass index (BMI) was 36.46.2 kg/m2, and 80% of patients were categorized as obese (BMI 30 kg/m2).

After 12 weeks, patients treated with dulaglutide had greater decreases in binge eating behavior (P <.0001), body weight (P <.0001), BMI (P <.0001), percentage body fat mass (P <.0001), and HbA1c (P =.009) compared with individuals treated with gliclazide. Additional analysis showed that binge eating behavior was independently and directly related to changes in body weight (P <.0001) and HbA1c (P =.033).

Overall, the study showed that dulaglutide is more effective than gliclazide in improving binge eating behaviors and related metrics. The effect sizes of dulaglutide on body weight, BMI, and body fat composition were significantly greater in the current study than in previous studies of dulaglutide for longer durations in patients with diabetes who did not have BED, indicating that the drug may be especially effective in patients with binge eating behaviors. These results, when considered along with the results of another study that showed liraglutide improved binge eating behaviors in nondiabetic patients, support GLP-1 analogs as a potential treatment for BED.

A limitation to this study was its small sample size and short duration, warranting longer studies with larger patient samples and additional treatment groups.


Da Porto A, Casarsa V, Colussi G, Catena C, Cavarape A, Sechi L. Dulaglutide reduces binge episodes in type 2 diabetic patients with binge eating disorder: a pilot study [published online March 31, 2020]. Diabetes Metab Syndr. doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2020.03.009

This article originally appeared on Endocrinology Advisor

Here is the original post:
Dulaglutide Reduces Binge Eating in Patients With T2D and Binge Eating Disorder - Psychiatry Advisor

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Fear Can Kill, So Be Kind to Everyone During this Virus Chaos – Live Trading News

The expression scared to death is true, experts say, as fear can trigger a heart attack and during the current coronavirus chaos, its important to calm your fears, protecting your emotional and mental health as well as your heart.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin tells us that 1 of the 1st recorded cases of death by fear occurred in the classic Sherlock Holmes detective story, The Hound of the Baskervilles.

It was written in 1901 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was not only a popular author but a brilliant physician who had extraordinary insight into the causes of disease long before there was scientific evidence to support his views,Dr. Mirkin said.

In the classic story, Sir Charles Baskerville died from an apparent heart attack surrounded by the paw prints of a huge dog that, as legend would have it, killed one of his evil ancestors. Now 100 yrs on, an article in the British Medical Journal proposed that being scared to death should be called, The Baskerville Effect.

In the US the Felony Murder Rule allows prosecutors in all 50 states to bring 1st-degree murder charges against a defendant if someone dies during a crime such as burglary, rape, or kidnaping, even if the defendant did not intend to kill the victim.

Dr. Mirkin says that when people are frightened their adrenal glands release adrenaline that helps the flight-or-fight response. Adrenaline makes the heart beat faster to bring more blood to the muscles and also shunts blood from the intestines to your muscles. The hormone opens calcium channels in heart muscle cells, which fills these cells with calcium to keep the heart muscle contracted and prevents the muscle from relaxing.

This can cause an irregular heartbeat, which can kill you, says Dr. Mirkin.

While it is highly unlikely that fear could kill a healthy person with a strong heart, those with an underlying heart condition should be careful if they suffer any of the following symptoms:

Be kind to everyone, including you, to reduce fear and anxiety. Follow the guidelines for social distancing and play it smart. Take action, face fear.

Have a healthy day, Keep the Faith!

Baskervilles, coronavirus, death, fear, heart, hound, kill, kindness, murder, Sherlock Holmes

Paul A. Ebeling, polymath, excels in diverse fields of knowledge. Pattern Recognition Analyst in Equities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange and author of The Red Roadmasters Technical Report on the US Major Market Indices, a highly regarded, weekly financial market letter, he is also a philosopher, issuing insights on a wide range of subjects to a following of over 250,000 cohorts. An international audience of opinion makers, business leaders, and global organizations recognizes Ebeling as an expert.

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Fear Can Kill, So Be Kind to Everyone During this Virus Chaos - Live Trading News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Broad Reply No. 2 to CVC’s Opposition No. 2 to Broad’s Motion No 2 to Substitute the Count – JD Supra

On March 23rd Senior Party The Broad Institute, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (collectively, "Broad") filed its Reply to Junior Party the University of California/Berkeley, the University of Vienna, and Emmanuelle Charpentier (collectively, "CVC") Motion No. 2 in Opposition to Broad's Substantive Motion No. 2 to Substitute the Count.

Broad's proposed Count 2 is:

A method, in a eukaryotic cell, of cleaving or editing a target DNA molecule or modulating transcription of at least one gene encoded by the target DNA molecule, the method comprising:contacting, in a eukaryotic cell, a target DNA molecule having a target sequence with an engineered and/or non-naturally-occurring Type II Clustered Regularly lnterspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated Cas) (CRISPR-Cas) system comprising: a) a Cas9 protein, and b) RNA comprising i) a targeter-RNA that is capable of hybridizing with the target sequence of the DNA molecule or a first RNA comprising (A) a first sequence capable of hybridizing with the target sequence of the DNA molecule and (B) a second sequence; and ii) an activator-RNA that is capable of hybridizing to the targeter-RNA to form an RNA duplex in the eukaryotic cell or a second RNA comprising a tracr sequence that is capable of hybridizing to the second sequence to form an RNA duplex in the eukaryotic cell,wherein, in the eukaryotic cell, the targeter-RNA or the first sequence directs the Cas9 protein to the target sequence and the DNA molecule is cleaved or edited or at least one product of the DNA molecule is altered.

The distinction Broad made was between embodiments of CRISPR methods that are limited to "single-molecule guide RNA" (aka "fused" or "covalently linked" species), versus embodiments that encompass single-molecule and "dual molecule" species (wherein in the latter versions, the "targeter-RNA" and "activator-RNA" as recited in the proposed Count are not covalently linked). Broad argued that its Proposed Count 2 should be adopted by the Board because it "properly describes the full scope of the interfering subject matter between the parties because both parties have involved claims that are generic, non-limited RNA claims." The brief also argued that Proposed Count 2 "sets the correct scope of admissible proofs [i.e., their own] for the breakthrough invention described by the generic claims at issue in these proceedingsthe successful adaption of CRISPR-Cas9 systems for use in eukaryotic environments," which Broad contended current Court 1 (in either alternative) does not.

Broad's argument in support of its motion was that Count 1 is too narrow for encompassing just a subset of the parties' involved claims. In particular, the brief asserted that most of Broad's involved clams encompass "non-limited" RNA systems and methods. Similarly, the brief argued that CVC itself has many claims directed to non-limited RNA systems and methods and has entire applications that do not recite claims to non-limited RNA systems and methods. Broad asserted that Count 1 does not permit Broad to rely on its earliest and best proofs of invention, which the brief stated is "plainly unfair." This unfairness would preclude Broad from establishing what the brief termed "the fundamental breakthrough - the invention of use of CRISPR in eukaryotic cells" (emphasis in brief). Failing to substitute the Count would instead improperly focus the priority question on who invented the single molecule modification. Colorfully, the brief declared that "[a]llowing the interference to proceed with Count 1 would permit the (single molecule RNA) tail to wag the (breakthrough use of CRISPR in eukaryotic cells) dog."

CVC in its Opposition argued that Proposed Count 2 "goes far beyond converting Count 1 into a generic-guide count." Instead, according to CVC, "it transforms Count 1 into a method so broad that it no longer requires formation of the DNA-targeting complex that includes crRNA, tracrRNA, and Cas9." In addition, according to CVC, Proposed Count 2 does not require that the CRISPR-Cas9 complex even have an effect on the target DNA; rather, it recites that "'a product of the DNA' is altered in some unspecified way" (emphasis in brief), which could include (according to CVC) "alterations to RNA or protein caused by processes that are unrelated to the activity of CRISPR-Cas9" including contamination. And the changes the Broad has effected in Proposed Count 2 "have nothing to do with whether the RNA limitation is single-molecule or generic, Broad's only purported reason for needing a new count" according to CVC.

CVC further argued that the Broad's motion is contrary to the provisions of precedential Board decision, Louis v. Okada, 59 U.S.P.Q.2d 1073 (B.P.A.I. 2001). Under Louis, a party must satisfy a three-prong test: "'(1) should make a proffer of the party's best proofs, (2) show that such best proofs indeed lie outside of the scope of the current count, and (3) further show that the proposed new count is not excessively broad with respect to what the party needs for its best proofs.'" CVC's position (explicated in the brief) is that the Broad failed to provide what Louis required for the "significant alterations" made to Count 1 resulting in Count 2.

The brief summarizes these unnecessary changes as:

"first, Broad has inexplicably eliminated structural and functional limitations that specify the formation of the three-component DNA-targeting complex that includes crRNA, tracrRNA, and Cas9."

"Second, Broad has inexplicably eliminated the requirement that this complex have activity with effects at the DNA level (e.g., cleaving or editing or modulating transcription of DNA). Rather, Proposed Count 2 encompasses merely altering a "productof the DNA molecule" in unspecified ways. Problematically, this breadth includes alterations to downstream products of DNA, such as RNA and protein, that have nothing to do with the activity of the CRISPR-Cas9 system."

"Third, Broad has inexplicably converted Count 1 from a 'cell' or 'system' to a 'method.'"

"Fourth, Broad has inexplicably eliminated the alternative language in CVC's part of Count 1 reciting 'ora nucleic acid comprising a nucleotide sequence comprising . . . .'"

CVC further asserts that the Broad has not shown that Proposed Count 2 is patentable over the prior art.

In its Reply, Broad asserts that CVC did not dispute that the "major advance" at issue is which party invented successful CRISPR in eukaryotic cells, and that this "breakthrough" was not limited to single RNA embodiments of the technology. The brief asserts that current Count 1 "precludes reliance on dual-molecule proofs" (unfairly to Broad) but at the same time this Count "puts at risk all of Broad's claims," which might be considered paradoxical until it is realized that Broad submitted other Motions asking that many if not most of Broad's claims would not correspond to Proposed Count 2.

The brief characterizes CVC's arguments as "nitpick[ing]" and alleges that in CVC's interpretation CRISPR as recited in Count 1 is "so broad it no longer requires a targeting complex 12 that includes crRNA, tracrRNA, and Cas9" (an interpretation that CVC's expert allegedly does not share, which would be curious at least). But even though Broad characterizes these nitpicks as "immaterial" it states that "addressing them would require only small adjustments that could easily be adopted sua sponte by the PTAB." With regard to CVC's purported attempt to limit the scope of the interference to single-molecule embodiments, Broad also asserts that CVC's argued that Broad's 2011 experiments were limited to such embodiments, again arguing that CVC's expert testified to the contrary and characterizing CVC's assertions as being "only attorney argument." The basis for CVC's incorrect arguments in this regard Broad asserts to be an incorrect interpretation of the term "guide RNA" as being limited to single-molecule RNA species.

Broad's synopsis of its reasons for its Motion No. 2 should be granted is:

Broad requests the PTAB to adopt Proposed Count 2 to ensure that, should this interference go forward, claims directed to the broad invention of use of CRISPR-Cas9 in eukaryotic cells, as at issue here, are awarded to the party that first invented use of CRISPR-Cas9 in eukaryotic cells. CVC seeks an interference where claims to use of CRISPR-Cas9 in eukaryotic cells (regardless of type of RNA used) are awarded not to the first inventor of that subject matter, but rather to the party that first created one specific embodiment for which CVC believes it has the best proofs (a single-molecule RNA embodiment). Failing to substitute a generic count for Count 1 would be unjust to Broad and antithetical to the purpose of the Interference, to determine "which of the competing parties was the first to invent the duplicative subject matter." Eli Lilly & Co. v. Bd. of 15 Regents of Univ. of Wash., 334 F. 3d 1264, 1267 (Fed. Cir. 2003) [all emphasis in brief].

Turning to specific arguments against particular features of CVC's brief with which Broad takes issue, the brief (as it must) cites these particular arguments chapter and verse (or more accurately, page and line). The first is that all Broad's claims are directed towards single-molecule embodiments, supported according to Broad solely by attorney argument. Broad argues that both parties have involved claim "indisputably directed to generic RNA guides" (i.e., both single- and dual-molecule guide RNA embodiments). Broad asserts that CVC's misinterpretation of "guide RNA" ignores the plain meaning and "misreads the intrinsic evidence," despite (according to Broad) the use of the term in the Jinik 2012 reference (which Broad states was "perhaps the most important CRISPR publication up to that point and widely read by skilled artisans") as referring to the naturally occurring guide RNA. Broad also asserts that CVC misinterpreted disclosure in its involved patent, which disclosure "does not rise to an 'expression of manifest exclusion or restriction, representing a clear disavowal of claim scope,'" citing Thorner v. Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC, 669 F.3d 1362, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2012).

The brief also broadly characterizes CVC's criticisms of Proposed Count 2 as "baseless" regarding the four "alleged" differences that "have nothing to do with the single-molecule format of the RNA." Broad says in response that its Proposed Count 2 is "materially the same" as current Count 1 with regard to these four aspects, enumerating the its differences with CVC's interpretation for each:

First, that Proposed Count 2 requires contacting a DNA target with all three components of the CRISPR system (Cas9, crRNA, and tracrRNA) (citing "specific language" of Proposed Count 2 in support);

Second, that Proposed Count 2 requires the occurrence of effects at the target DNA ("cleaving or editing or modulating transcription of DNA") (again relying heavily on CVC's expert's testimony purportedly contrary to CVC's arguments);

Third, that the change from "cell" or "system" in Count 1 to "method" is "immaterial":

Fourth, that eliminating language in Count 1 from Proposed Count 2, recited in the alternative, "a nucleic acid comprising a nucleotide sequence" does not narrow the Count.

Broad also argues that CVC's allegation that Proposed Count 2 is broader than the claims in interference is "based on its erroneous interpretation" of the Proposed Count, which is that the Count does not require tracr RNA (which Broad asserts it does).

With regard to Broad's burden in being granted the relief requested by the PTAB, Broad argues that CVC's challenge regarding Broad's "best proofs" corresponding better to Proposed Count 2 than the current Count are "legally and factually incorrect." Broad supports this allegation by returning to its earlier argument that CVC was wrong in asserting that Broad's earliest eukaryotic application of CRISPR technology was performed with single-molecule guide RNA (calling it "meritless"). The brief sets forth a portion of Inventor Zhang's declaration to illustrate the point:

As Broad argues, this diagram shows three components of CRISPR: Cas9, and separate tracr and crRNAs.

The brief also challenges CVC's argument that Broad had not shown its best proofs are outside the scope of Count 1 (as it is required to so to obtain the requested relief) and that CVC is wrong to assert that Broad was obligated to prove its dual-molecule guide RNA experiments before its single-molecule guide RNA experiments.

The brief specifically addresses CVC's citation of Louis v. Okada, 59 U.S.P.Q.2d 1073 (B.P.A.I. 2001), by asserting that Louis explicitly was not adopted as part of the Board Rules despite a proposal to do so and even if CVC was correct Broad's proffer was sufficient under the rules the PTAB actually adopted.

Finally, Broad argues that CVC did not establish that Broad had failed to show Proposed Count 2 to be patentable; that CVC had not even contested that Broad is not entitled to the benefit of the Zhang B1 reference (its earliest provisional application); and that contrary to CVC's argument a single-molecule Count would not be patentably distinct from a non-limited count.

Follow this link:
Broad Reply No. 2 to CVC's Opposition No. 2 to Broad's Motion No 2 to Substitute the Count - JD Supra

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Case Researchers Awarded $3.7 Million to Test Emerging SCD Gene… – Sickle Cell Anemia News

A team at the Case Western Reserve University has been awarded up to $3.7 million from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to conduct early studies of emerging gene therapies for sickle cell disease (SCD).

Led by Umut Gurkan,PhD, the team will examine blood samples collected from SCD patients before and after they receive gene therapies, and test them for improvements in red blood cells.

These potential gene therapies work by modifying a patients own hematopoietic stem cells, which generate red and other blood cells. Then, the modified stem cells are given back to the patient via a bone marrow transplant, which overcomes the difficulty in finding matched donors in those with SCD.

Patients will receive the therapies over the next two years as part of clinical trials conducted at leading U.S research universities and hospitals, includingStanford University, the University of California San Francisco, Emory University, the University of North Carolina, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

The overall goal is to make genetic therapies for SCD available within five to 10 years.

The big-picture potential here is to test whether this is dream or reality when it comes to gene therapy curing sickle cell, Gurkan said in a press release. We dont know the answers yet, but we have to ask whether these gene therapies are safe and effective in alleviating the symptoms and curing the disease and if we have the right tools.

Due to a mutation in the HBBgene, red blood cells of SCD patients acquire an abnormal and more rigid shape, while also becoming stickier than normal. This contributes to the formation of clogs that prevent or slow blood flow in small vessels, depriving tissues of oxygen.

Using a kind of lab-on-a-chip approach, researchers essentially mirror the tiny capillaries of the human body, which allows them to investigate how red blood cells move in these engineered capillaries.

The Case team will investigate if the gene therapies improve blood flow and test for improvements in red blood cell stickiness, as well as density, and shape.

If a curative therapy is successful and effective, we should see a significant improvement in these vital properties of blood, Gurkan said. Essentially we would like to objectively and quantitatively assess how well the blood cells flow in tiny capillaries after a gene-based therapy.

According to Gurkan, Case University has been playing an important role in the development of these new blood tests, which could help identify patients who respond to a given therapy early on.

As the genetic cure for sickle cell becomes a clinical reality, longitudinal, simple and accurate assessment and control through the tests that Dr. Gurkan has developed becomes ideal and opens up this new treatment to patients across the world, said Stanton Gerson, MD, director of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Our team is committed to making these new blood tests available for translation on global scale in both high- and low-resource settings, Gurkan said.

The work at Case will be conducted in collaboration with researchers at multiple other institutions, which, in addition to the centers conducting the clinical studies, include University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital, Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta, and Childrens Hospital of Montefiore.

Success in SCD could pave the way for similar benefits in other genetic diseases, which is the goal of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The reason the NIH is so focused on curing SCD is that it is the poster child for gene-editing efforts, said Gurkan. If we can prove that we can cure an inherited mutation like SCD effectively and safely, then you convince the funders and the public that it is worth the expense and the effort to go after more complex inherited diseases which are less understood.

View original post here:
Case Researchers Awarded $3.7 Million to Test Emerging SCD Gene... - Sickle Cell Anemia News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

‘We’re really at a tipping point’: COVID-19 brings research into other medical conditions to a grinding halt –

Ever since their son Michael was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, Terry and Georgia Pirovolakis have been racing to find a cure. They were getting close, and then everything came grinding to a halt.

"We had a whole bunch of researchers around the world doing different things. All of our research has basically stopped," says Terry Pirovolakis.

Michael is two-and-a-half years old and has spastic paraplegia type 50 (SPG-50), a rare neurodegenerative disease caused by a missing gene that is progressively robbing him of his ability to walk.

Over the past year, his parents have raised more than $1 million to help finance a clinical trial for custom gene therapy that promises to halt the disease. But the COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed research around the world, and their hope along with it.

"It's hard to accept the fact that we were making so many gains," says Georgia Pirovolakis. "You know, we were hoping he would be walking by September."

Michael is just one of the many casualties of the global health crisis. From new gene therapies to help children like Michael, to the latest in cancer treatments, thousands of clinical trials deemed non-essential are on hold.

Brad Wouters is executive vice-president of Science and Research at Toronto's University Health Network, Canada's largest academic hospital. He says an example of the impact is a patient currently being treated for pancreatic cancer.

"He was part of a medical research study here that looked at the underlying genetics of that tumour, and that information revealed a potential new therapy that could be very effective for that patient in immunotherapy. But we only have access to that drug through a clinical trial. And so he won't get it."

Wouters says the only new research happening at the moment is around COVID-19. About 200 of UHN's researchers have pivoted to that, but thousands more risk losing their jobs, Wouters says, because in the past month alone UHN has lost $6 million in industry funding. It's why UHN is asking the federal government for help.

"We've been doing everything we can to try and support these jobs and support this research sector," says Wouters. "But it's over a month now, and we're really at a tipping point where we're going to see significant job losses if something can't be done."

Canada's $3-billion medical research industry relies on that brain trust, much of it made up of international students, says Martha Crago, vice-principal of Research and Innovation at McGill University.

"We wouldn't want to lose this wonderful set of brains coming into our country and helping bring solutions to the public domain," Crago says. "We need to do what we can to keep them."

The pandemic will be over at some point, Crago says, and those researchers will be needed to help regain lost scientific momentum.

Meanwhile, the Pirovolakis family fear they're running out of time.

All the therapies Michael has been doing to maintain the movement he has now, like physical and occupational therapy, have been cancelled. They're trying to improvise at home to keep him moving, and to keep their hope alive too.

The stalled research efforts means a cure for Michael may be delayed for up to a year. That could mean the difference between him ever walking or not.

"It means he's going to degrade," says Terry Pirovolakis. "The progression of the disease is going to kick in, he'll slowly become more and more paralyzed."

It's why the couple are trying to keep research into Michael's gene therapy going.

They're considering using money the family has raised so far to finance early toxicology tests on a potential treatment researchers in the U.S have already developed. They are also lobbying Canada's National Research Council to help develop a treatment or help with funding.

Georgia Pirovolakis says there are so many unknowns, and she can't bear to dwell on them.

"I just look at one day at a time. I'm not thinking about, you know, tomorrow. I'm not thinking about one month from now. I'm not thinking about the research stopping, him potentially not getting cured."

The rest is here:
'We're really at a tipping point': COVID-19 brings research into other medical conditions to a grinding halt -

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy – International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Hackers leak data related to WHO, Wuhan lab and Gates Foundation

A common eye condition, glaucoma, could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy, which would improve treatment options, effectiveness and quality of life for many patients, say researchers.

Glaucoma affects over 64 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye and progressively damages the nerves responsible for sight.

Current treatments include either eye drops, laser or surgery, all of which have limitations and disadvantages. "At present, there is no cure for glaucoma, which can lead to loss of vision if the disease is not diagnosed and treated early," said study researcher Dr Colin Chu from the University of Bristol in the UK.

For the findings, published in the journal Molecular Therapy, the research team tested a new approach that could provide additional treatment options and benefits. The researchers designed a gene therapy and demonstrated proof of concept using experimental mouse models of glaucoma and human donor tissue.

The treatment targeted part of the eye called the ciliary body, which produces the fluid that maintains pressure within the eye. Using the latest gene-editing technology called CRISPR, a gene called Aquaporin 1 in the ciliary body was inactivated leading to reduced eye pressure.

"We hope to advance towards clinical trials for this new treatment in the near future. If it's successful it could allow a long-term treatment of glaucoma with a single eye injection, which would improve the quality of life for many patients whilst saving the NHS time and money," Chu said. The researchers are currently in discussion with industry partners to support further laboratory work and rapidly progress this new treatment option towards clinical trials.

Continued here:
Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy - International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Single-Use Technologies for the Biologic Market Research Report 2020-2026 (Based on 2020 COVID-19 Worldwide Spread) – Cole of Duty

GlobalSingle-Use Technologies for the Biologic Market, delivering a must-read report for industry stakeholders wanting to understand the strategic landscape of this burgeoning sector. Readers will find an in-depth analysis of the market and how it will impact existing traditional markets, as well as insights into future development and opportunities across the globe.

MarketInsightsReports has announced the addition of the Global Single-Use Technologies for the Biologic Market Research Report 2020 The report focuses on global major leading players with information such as company profiles, product picture and specification.

Get Sample Copy of Single-Use Technologies for the Biologic Market Report

Key Players:

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Applikon Biotechnology, GE Healthcare, Pall, BioPure Technology, Sartorius, Novasep, EMD Millipore, DowDuPont, request free sample for complete list of companies.

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Read the original here:
Single-Use Technologies for the Biologic Market Research Report 2020-2026 (Based on 2020 COVID-19 Worldwide Spread) - Cole of Duty

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

At times of suffering, the greatest gift is accompaniment – The Week Magazine

The genetics researchers Anne-Marie Laberge and Wylie Burke in 2009 reported the case of a healthy 31-year-old woman, an administrative assistant with three estranged sisters, and a mother who'd died of breast cancer in her 40s. Concerned about her risk, the woman sought testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 inherited mutations, which increase the risk of female breast and ovarian cancers. When the testing came back positive and she decided to undergo a double mastectomy, her doctor asked her how she wanted to tell her siblings. But the patient insisted upon her privacy, and chose not to inform them of her test result. This meant the doctor was torn between respecting his patient's confidentiality and a duty of benevolence toward her at-risk relatives.

This case, and many others like it, exhibits a tension between autonomy and solidarity. Valuing autonomy guides one to let others make their own choices, and to respect those choices. Valuing solidarity guides one to take responsibility for the wellbeing of others, and to intervene on their behalf. Situations in which these values conflict prompt searching for balance, where possible, perhaps by restricting the scope of rights to privacy for the sake of justice, or by defining exceptions that merit disclosing information without consent. In the case of the patient with the breast cancer gene, her doctor's decision about how to balance autonomy and solidarity is difficult, and whatever decision he makes is far from straightforward.

Some cases, however, are more difficult still. Consider the one reported by the sociologist Arthur Frank in 2016 of Faith, a 28-year-old woman with cystic fibrosis whose lungs are failing and whose doctor informs her that a transplant is likely futile. A surgeon from another hospital is touting a new technique that, while very risky, might be successful. There are doubts about the surgeon's motives. Because her condition is deteriorating, Faith has only two weeks to make a decision. What does it mean to counsel Faith in this situation? She has no real autonomy, because her extreme vulnerability and uncertainty about the proffered technique preclude her giving informed consent. But valuing solidarity is inappropriate too, because the right decision on her behalf is impossible in a position of such uncertainty about the outcome.

Faith's life-limiting condition is difficult because it induces despair, dissonance, and desolation: despair as hopes for the future confront the inevitability of fate; dissonance between an imagined future and present reality; and the desolation of being alienated and isolated when others withdraw from her tragedy and retreat from her subjectivity. In such situations, the often-neglected strategy of "accompaniment" might be the best available option.

Let me explain what accompaniment means in this context. The performing arts offer a variety of examples that help to clarify this. In music, the accompaniment is the musical part that supports the melody or main themes of a musical performance, as when an organist or guitarist accompanies a choir, or a drummer and bass player accompany a lead singer. In a dramatic film, the accompaniment is the part that supports the dramatic action, as when a musical soundtrack accompanies dialogue between actors. These examples indicate that accompanying another involves lending support to the other in ways that amplify or strengthen their efforts. Like solidarity, accompaniment involves one uniting with another. But unlike solidarity, which typically aims to correct some injustice or satisfy some need, accompaniment aims to acknowledge and engage with the efforts of another not for the sake of helping the other achieve some goal that's impossible to achieve on one's own, but for the sake of enriching, and making manifest the value of, the other's efforts. This difference in emphasis is important.

The School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society (SKILLS) program at the University of California, Santa Barbara (USCB) exemplifies the practice of accompaniment. Students in the program are second-generation immigrant Latinx from working-class homes who intend to pursue higher education. Mary Bucholtz, Dolores Ins Casillas, and Jin Sook Lee, all scholars at USCB, report that one of the main obstacles these students face is linguistic. Cultural demands to speak English isolate the students from communicating with their Spanish-speaking grandparents, and their English-language dialects tend to marginalize them in academic contexts. SKILLS teachers accompany these students by engaging them in research projects designed to help them see their linguistic skills as assets, and to reframe their linguistic capability as a virtue rather than a hindrance.

To accompany another is to give companionship against despair, dissonance, and desolation. Against desolation, one who accompanies offers consolation, being with another in their solitude by creating opportunities for testimony, listening and hearing without judgment, and reinforcing the other's dignity by acknowledging their experience and struggle. Against dissonance and despair, one who accompanies also fosters reconciliation by affirming strength and resilience, bringing one's presence to the other's difficulties, validating ways that the past pulls upon the present, and participating in efforts to imagine ways of transforming or reframing the affective significance of the other's reality.

Consider the case of Samuel, Alisha and Aaron Cobb's son, who had a severe abdominal wall defect and the chromosomal abnormality trisomy 18. Samuel died five hours after his birth. His parents had learned of his condition five months before he was born. Three months before his birth, they learned it would be fatal, and his mother spent the remainder of her pregnancy enduring the typical curious inquiries, idle comments, and congratulations. Some years later, reflecting upon his grief, Samuel's father writes, in Loving Samuel: Suffering, Dependence, and the Calling of Love:

There are days now where it is easier to carry the sorrow of our loss, but it is not because the burden is lighter. At times, it is because one of us is carrying the other, or, perhaps, we all are being carried by others.

The carryings by others of which Cobb writes are acts of accompaniment. The acts demand, of those who accompany, foregoing fears and strategies for self-protection for the sake of giving witness to an unavoidably difficult present and an irreparably uncertain future. They demand companionship, rather than distancing, directed toward helping another bear what seems to be unbearable.

When compassion opens us to the struggles of another in situations that induce despair, dissonance, and desolation, it can be difficult to discern an appropriate response. The temptation is to manage the other's condition to offer solutions or platitudes, to approach the other objectively. But despair, dissonance, and desolation are not faults to be managed, and efforts to the contrary deny our powerlessness against the other's vulnerability. Adopting the stance of accompaniment, by contrast, embraces the truth the other knows all too well and, in doing so, embraces the other. It succeeds not by resolving problems but by aligning with the other experiencing the other's suffering in common, allowing the other's struggle to matter and affect one's own experience, and responding, with speech or action or silence, in ways that don't obstruct the other's efforts to confront their situation.

This article was originally published by Aeon, a digital magazine for ideas and culture. Follow them on Twitter at @aeonmag.

See the original post:
At times of suffering, the greatest gift is accompaniment - The Week Magazine

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

On National DNA Day, scientists are trying to take the colonialism out of genetics – Massive Science

Scientists are trying to tackle the lack of diversity seen in genomics research, but even ambitious efforts, like the NIHs All of Us program, often fall short, especially when it comes to the inclusion of Indigenous communities. This is one of the reasons why the Decolonize DNA Day conference is taking place on April 24th, one day before the National DNA Day.

Traditionally, National DNA Day is an annual celebration of the discovery of DNA's double helix structure (1953) and the completion of the Human Genome Project (2003).

I was having conversations with colleagues on what would it mean to decolonize DNA, says Krystal Tsosie, an Indigenous (Din/Navajo) PhD student at Vanderbilt University. As an Indigenous academic, we always talk about what it means to Indigenize and re-Indigenize different disciplines of academia that have been historically more white-centred or white-dominated... and what it would mean to remove the colonial lens.

In collaboration with Latrice Landry and Jerome de Groot, Tsosie co-organized the Decolonize DNA Day Twitter conference to help re-frame narratives around DNA. Each speaker will have an hour to tweet out their "talk" and lead conversations on various topics, including how DNA ancestry testing fuels anti-Indigeneity and how to utilize emerging technologies to decolonize precision medicine.

There is a divide between people who are doing the science or the academic work, and the people who we want to inform, says Tsosie. Twitter is a great way to bridge that divide.

The Decolonize DNA Day conference is simply one effort to Indigenize genomics. Tsosie is also a co-founder of the Native BioData Consortium, a non-profit organization consisting of researchers and Indigenous members of tribal communities, focused on increasing the understanding of Native American genomic issues.

We dont really see a heavy amount of Indigenous engagement in genetic studies, which then means that as precision medicine advances as a whole [] those innovations are not going to be applied to Indigenous people, says Tsosie. How do we get more Indigenous people engaged?

Some of the answers can be found in a recent Nature Reviews Genetics perspective, penned by Indigenous scientists and communities, including those from the Native BioData Consortium. The piece highlights the actions that genomics researchers can take to address issues of trust, accountability, and equity. Recommended actions include the need for early consultations, developing benefit-sharing agreements, and appropriately crediting community support in any academic publications.

By switching power dynamics, were hoping to get genomic researchers to work with us, instead of against us, says Tsosie.

Follow this link:
On National DNA Day, scientists are trying to take the colonialism out of genetics - Massive Science

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Earthy funk lures tiny creatures to eat and spread bacterial spores – Science News

The master chemists known asStreptomyces bacteria have turned a compoundrich with the tangy odor of moist soil into a hitchhiking scam.

This group of bacteria, the inspirationfor streptomycin and other antibiotics, can release a strong, earthy whiff of whatscalled geosmin. Its not just an everyday scent for them. Some bacterial genes thatregulate spore-making also can trigger geosmin production, an internationalresearch team reports April 6 in NatureMicrobiology. When bacteria start making spores, geosmin wafts into thesoil and attracts hungry little arthropods called springtails. They feast onthe bacteria, inadvertently picking up spores that hitchhike to new territory, says Klas Flrdh, a microbiologist atLund University in Sweden.

Geosmin floats off manyenvironmental microbes, including virtually all Streptomyces. People as well as many other animals can detect lowconcentrations of it. For instance, the common Drosophila lab fruit fly dedicates a circuit in its sensory wiringjust to detecting geosmin, which the flies find repellant. That kind of disgustmight help animals avoid microbially contaminated food. Various springtails,however, flock to the smell.

Springtails aboundin soil (SN: 1/19/14). The springpart of their name comes from a prong latched against the body that snaps looseto smack the ground in a crisis, bouncing the springtail up and away fromdanger.

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Scuttling specks ofspringtails showed up in unusual numbers when coauthor Paul Becher set out bitsof Streptomyces bacteria formingspores under shrubbery at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences inAlnarp. A springtail can smell the bacterial geosmin, Becher, Flrdh andcolleagues say after testing the antenna sensitivity of a pale, all-female kindpopular in labs, Folsomia candida.

Genetics linked the alluringgeosmin odor to the bacterial phase of making spores. During that phase, a Streptomyces usual thready networkstarts pushing up spore-making structures. Like skyscrapers, says Flrdh witha microbiologists sense of tall. Lab F.candida springtails readily grazed on these micro skyscrapers, and tests confirmedthat spores from the bacteria stuck to the springtail bodies. Spores can alsospread from fecal pellets.

The idea of feasting springtailsthat disperse bacterial spores echoes what scientists already know about thelittle arthropods eating fungi and giving a lift to their spores, even some thatare dangerous to other arthropods, says microbiologist Valeria Agamennone, whowasnt involved in the new research. (She did her dissertation on springtailsbefore joining the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research inZeist.) Springtails, she says, may share a long and intimate history withbacteria. She and colleagues have even found some penicillin-making genes that couldhave originated in bacteria but now mingle with springtail genes.

The new work on bacterial luresmakes a delightful paper, says Keith Chater, who worked extensively on Streptomyces at the John Innes Center inNorwich, England, before retiring. In along-ago chat with a journalist, Chater off-handedly mused that geosmin frommoisture-loving bacteria might let camels sniff their way to water in a desert.The idea took on a life of its own, he laments after seeing it repeated moredefinitively than he meant it. As a bacterial geneticist, he never testedcamels. At least now, a somewhat similar geosmin-sniffing tale has turned upwith actual data.

See original here:
Earthy funk lures tiny creatures to eat and spread bacterial spores - Science News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Letters to the editor, April 23, 2020 | Opinion – Idaho Press-Tribune

Support Adams My name is Micheal Goodwin and I am writing in support of Benjamin Adams for the House of Representatives. Ben and I served for several years in the Marines Corps together and in that time, I learned much about him. His moral compass and ethical willpower are unparalleled and will lead to him being a shining light in the current system. I have seen him miss critical appointments to ensure a handicapped woman makes it to hers on time, this might seem light a small gesture, but Ben puts this level of care into everyone he meets and it truly does separate him from the rest. His personal experience with various countries economies and societal structures leads to him having a varied viewpoint when poised with choices that impact citizens. Michael Goodwin, Zanesville, Ohio Immunity Because now we never know who might infect us with COVID-19, the current recommendations to stay home, avoid crowds, wear face masks, wash your hands, dont touch your face, stay 6 feet apart, are all well advised in our current emergency. It is time to get on with what we have and know will work. Why wait for a vaccine which may be of dubious effectiveness, and only lasts 3 months like our current flu vaccines?The only real time way that can be done is massive testing to identify the spreaders, those who are infected and dont know it, and those who are incubating and spreading infection and do not yet know it, and carriers if we find out there is such a thing. That means testing everyone, not just those who are suspiciously sick, or those referred by a doctor, or those identified as a contact of an infectious case, but EVERYONE. Everyone. In a perfect world, we would test everyone in Idaho tomorrow, and every other State would do the same. We would find most of the now unknown spreaders who could be isolated. Our District Health Departments have vast experience in identifying and isolating infectious people. Recent data estimates that every infectious COVID-19 person infects 5.7 other people. If testing takes a Manhattan type project, get on with it. As far as those immune are concerned, we dont know what that entails yet. It may be incomplete, or very transient. What if it only lasts three months? If COVID-19 immunity is that short, in six months you can get it again, attenuated maybe, maybe not. Society-wise, the American handshake greeting is probably gone. The European cheek kissing should be. Fritz Dixon, Meridian Hoffman Its time to fire Wayne Hoffman. For far too long, the president of the Idaho Free-Dumb Foundation has been a regular columnist for the Idaho Press. While we are all entitled to our opinions, the Idaho Press should not be providing a weekly platform for the views of a man bent on endangering the lives of the elderly, those with chronic health conditions and cancer. Hoffman argues that his freedom trumps the lives of those who could die should they contract COVID-19. And now his organization is organizing mass protests in three cities around the state on the false premise that the Governors stay-home order is unconstitutional. It is not. Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, a conservative Republican, reaffirms the Governors authority in a series of FAQs on the AGs website. ( Hoffman and the IFF have crossed a line of decency and common sense with their latest rants against big government. If he wants his opinions to appear in the paper every week, he should buy the advertising space and support local journalism at the same time. Stay well, because Wayne Hoffman doesnt care if you live or die. Dave Fotsch, Boise Records Falsifying records is never the right answer. When a document such as a birth certificate begins to be used in a way beyond what was originally intended, it needs to be reformatted in such a way that the new use is implemented without compromising the factual integrity necessary for the original purpose. Idaho should develop a new Birth & Identity Certificate that shows the genetic information (sex, biological parents) that does not change and meets the original purpose of the birth certificate, and the social information (gender preference, and family structure such as adoptive parents or two mothers) which is changeable and reflects the lived reality. This would give a more complete and current picture of an individual. The genetic section would show the foundation laid, the cards that were dealt, while the social section would show what the building looks like, how the hand is being played. The new certificate would be both a historical and a dynamic portrayal of the person. After all, we are all products of our genetics and our social environment. Should we not have a document that records the journey? Daryl Yandell, Nampa Thanks to teachers School closures during the pandemic had an unexpected consequence: a new respect for teachers and their skills. We talk a lot about a home-school partnership. Now we see it in action as parents monitor students daily learning activities and teachers find new ways to get meaningful instruction to those students. This comes at a critical time in a school year. The last quarter is when teachers bring together all the elements of the years study. Its when careful questioning is needed to gauge each students comprehension. Its a last effort to cement the concepts needed for a successful transition to the next grade. Its best done in person. But thats not possible now and teachers are building and delivering instruction in an entirely new way. There are limits to technologys capacity to meet individual student needs. A computer does not replace a skilled teacher (and no one ever goes back years later to thank a machine). Still, with a choice between no teaching and new technology-based teaching, Idahos teachers are finding new ways to give students a years worth of education. Teachers are also aware that for many students, school is the safest part of their lives, where they find warmth, food, acceptance and success. They long to return to the comfort of their schools, classrooms, and teachers. Schools are making extraordinary efforts to ensure that hungry children are fed and stay-at-home children are taught. The teaching profession has not been a rewarding one for the past couple of decades, and fewer young people are preparing for teaching careers. Now is the time to show that we deeply appreciate those who provide essential services: paramedics and firefighters, nurses, physicians, and, yes, teachers. I take every opportunity to thank teachers for their work, and I hope you will, too. Marilyn Howard, Eagle Vote for Ben I am writing this letter in support of Ben Adams as Nampa state House representative. I became acquainted with Ben as neighbors while serving in the Marine Corps myself, and though I did not serve with him on the battlefield, I can attest to his character and his dedication to serving his community. Getting to know Ben and his family really helped my wife and I adjust to the military lifestyle, and it is our pleasure to have them as friends to this day. As a fellow liberty-minded conservative who believes in the Constitution, I know Ben will fight for the best interest of the people of Nampa. He is a fighter at heart and does not give up easily. It takes great courage to run for public office, but I would expect nothing less from such an exemplary leader. I trust Bens judgement both in the field, and in office, and so it is my honor to endorse and support his candidacy. Erik Kelley, Asheville, North Carolina Fairness I have great sadness for Lindsey Hecox, identifying as a female doesnt make it so. I could identify as a rock, but it doesnt make me a rock. Your muscle and strength is totally different from a females giving you an advantage which will cost female athletes scholarships. Does that seem fair to you? Faye Weis, Nampa Power The media has us all convinced that we will die if we go outside without a mask on. The Governor has made you board up your business, your dreams, your livelihood. Im asking all the restaurant and bar owners to take a stand, and open up your doors on May 1st. I assure you that your business will be packed soon after the word gets around. I urge you to do this regardless of how Little support you get from the statehouse. We are to the point where the cure is now worse than the disease. Take a stand and dont let them crush your business, your hard work, your employees, your dreams. The first amendment declares that we have the right to peacefully assemble. The statehouse has no power to waive that right. Skip Gantner, Boise Hoffman Wayne Hoffman and his Freedom Foundation has been the the forefront of urging people to ignore Governor Littles stay at home orders. Wayne was once a real newspaper reporter and might have turned out all right if he hadnt attended so many of Ralph Smeeds Sunday Morning Breakfast and Libertarian Indoctrination meetings. Wayne Cornell, Caldwell

Support Adams

My name is Micheal Goodwin and I am writing in support of Benjamin Adams for the House of Representatives. Ben and I served for several years in the Marines Corps together and in that time, I learned much about him. His moral compass and ethical willpower are unparalleled and will lead to him being a shining light in the current system. I have seen him miss critical appointments to ensure a handicapped woman makes it to hers on time, this might seem light a small gesture, but Ben puts this level of care into everyone he meets and it truly does separate him from the rest. His personal experience with various countries economies and societal structures leads to him having a varied viewpoint when poised with choices that impact citizens.

Michael Goodwin, Zanesville, Ohio


Its time to fire Wayne Hoffman. For far too long, the president of the Idaho Free-Dumb Foundation has been a regular columnist for the Idaho Press. While we are all entitled to our opinions, the Idaho Press should not be providing a weekly platform for the views of a man bent on endangering the lives of the elderly, those with chronic health conditions and cancer. Hoffman argues that his freedom trumps the lives of those who could die should they contract COVID-19. And now his organization is organizing mass protests in three cities around the state on the false premise that the Governors stay-home order is unconstitutional. It is not. Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, a conservative Republican, reaffirms the Governors authority in a series of FAQs on the AGs website. ( Hoffman and the IFF have crossed a line of decency and common sense with their latest rants against big government. If he wants his opinions to appear in the paper every week, he should buy the advertising space and support local journalism at the same time. Stay well, because Wayne Hoffman doesnt care if you live or die.

Dave Fotsch, Boise


Because now we never know who might infect us with COVID-19, the current recommendations to stay home, avoid crowds, wear face masks, wash your hands, dont touch your face, stay 6 feet apart, are all well advised in our current emergency.

It is time to get on with what we have and know will work. Why wait for a vaccine which may be of dubious effectiveness, and only lasts 3 months like our current flu vaccines?The only real time way that can be done is massive testing to identify the spreaders, those who are infected and dont know it, and those who are incubating and spreading infection and do not yet know it, and carriers if we find out there is such a thing.

That means testing everyone, not just those who are suspiciously sick, or those referred by a doctor, or those identified as a contact of an infectious case, but EVERYONE.

Everyone. In a perfect world, we would test everyone in Idaho tomorrow, and every other State would do the same. We would find most of the now unknown spreaders who could be isolated. Our District Health Departments have vast experience in identifying and isolating infectious people. Recent data estimates that every infectious COVID-19 person infects 5.7 other people. If testing takes a Manhattan type project, get on with it.

As far as those immune are concerned, we dont know what that entails yet. It may be incomplete, or very transient. What if it only lasts three months? If COVID-19 immunity is that short, in six months you can get it again, attenuated maybe, maybe not.

Society-wise, the American handshake greeting is probably gone. The European cheek kissing should be.

Fritz Dixon, Meridian


Falsifying records is never the right answer. When a document such as a birth certificate begins to be used in a way beyond what was originally intended, it needs to be reformatted in such a way that the new use is implemented without compromising the factual integrity necessary for the original purpose. Idaho should develop a new Birth & Identity Certificate that shows the genetic information (sex, biological parents) that does not change and meets the original purpose of the birth certificate, and the social information (gender preference, and family structure such as adoptive parents or two mothers) which is changeable and reflects the lived reality. This would give a more complete and current picture of an individual. The genetic section would show the foundation laid, the cards that were dealt, while the social section would show what the building looks like, how the hand is being played. The new certificate would be both a historical and a dynamic portrayal of the person. After all, we are all products of our genetics and our social environment. Should we not have a document that records the journey?

Daryl Yandell, Nampa

Thanks to teachers

School closures during the pandemic had an unexpected consequence: a new respect for teachers and their skills.

We talk a lot about a home-school partnership. Now we see it in action as parents monitor students daily learning activities and teachers find new ways to get meaningful instruction to those students.

This comes at a critical time in a school year. The last quarter is when teachers bring together all the elements of the years study. Its when careful questioning is needed to gauge each students comprehension. Its a last effort to cement the concepts needed for a successful transition to the next grade. Its best done in person.

But thats not possible now and teachers are building and delivering instruction in an entirely new way. There are limits to technologys capacity to meet individual student needs. A computer does not replace a skilled teacher (and no one ever goes back years later to thank a machine). Still, with a choice between no teaching and new technology-based teaching, Idahos teachers are finding new ways to give students a years worth of education.

Teachers are also aware that for many students, school is the safest part of their lives, where they find warmth, food, acceptance and success. They long to return to the comfort of their schools, classrooms, and teachers. Schools are making extraordinary efforts to ensure that hungry children are fed and stay-at-home children are taught.

The teaching profession has not been a rewarding one for the past couple of decades, and fewer young people are preparing for teaching careers. Now is the time to show that we deeply appreciate those who provide essential services: paramedics and firefighters, nurses, physicians, and, yes, teachers. I take every opportunity to thank teachers for their work, and I hope you will, too.

Marilyn Howard, Eagle

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Vote for Ben

I am writing this letter in support of Ben Adams as Nampa state House representative. I became acquainted with Ben as neighbors while serving in the Marine Corps myself, and though I did not serve with him on the battlefield, I can attest to his character and his dedication to serving his community. Getting to know Ben and his family really helped my wife and I adjust to the military lifestyle, and it is our pleasure to have them as friends to this day. As a fellow liberty-minded conservative who believes in the Constitution, I know Ben will fight for the best interest of the people of Nampa. He is a fighter at heart and does not give up easily. It takes great courage to run for public office, but I would expect nothing less from such an exemplary leader. I trust Bens judgement both in the field, and in office, and so it is my honor to endorse and support his candidacy.

Erik Kelley, Asheville, North Carolina


I have great sadness for Lindsey Hecox, identifying as a female doesnt make it so. I could identify as a rock, but it doesnt make me a rock. Your muscle and strength is totally different from a females giving you an advantage which will cost female athletes scholarships. Does that seem fair to you?

Faye Weis, Nampa


The media has us all convinced that we will die if we go outside without a mask on. The Governor has made you board up your business, your dreams, your livelihood.

Im asking all the restaurant and bar owners to take a stand, and open up your doors on May 1st. I assure you that your business will be packed soon after the word gets around. I urge you to do this regardless of how Little support you get from the statehouse. We are to the point where the cure is now worse than the disease. Take a stand and dont let them crush your business, your hard work, your employees, your dreams. The first amendment declares that we have the right to peacefully assemble. The statehouse has no power to waive that right.

Skip Gantner, Boise


Wayne Hoffman and his Freedom Foundation has been the the forefront of urging people to ignore Governor Littles stay at home orders. Wayne was once a real newspaper reporter and might have turned out all right if he hadnt attended so many of Ralph Smeeds Sunday Morning Breakfast and Libertarian Indoctrination meetings.

Wayne Cornell, Caldwell

Letters to the editor, April 23, 2020 | Opinion - Idaho Press-Tribune

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

How Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Struggle to Become Adult Women In Their Own Right (Part 1 and 2) –

There are certain milestones a woman never forgets. Her first kiss. The day she lost her virginity. Her first menstrual period. The day she became A Woman.

I remember my first period with a shudder becomes of one unhappy detail: I was wearing mens underwear when it happened. It was my mother who forced me to wear mens boxers against my furious protests. What should have been a beautiful feminine moment was warped because I was unhappily wearing ugly, blue, mens boxer shorts that I hated.

I reference that story because it perfectly illustrates the struggle the daughter of a narcissistic mother undergoes to achieve adulthood and womanhood with Mom fighting her, tooth-and-nail, every step of the way.

Your Narcissistic Mother is The Woman.

Youre justfemale.

No matter how experienced, how successful, how old, how wrinkled you become, she is The Woman. Mother Superior. She will never look you in the eye, grasp your hand and acknowledge you as an equal nor as an adult nor as an Equal Adult Woman.

My grandmother never acknowledged my mother as her equal. My mother never acknowledged me as her equal. They both demanded the role of superior female dominating the inferior female and succeeded.

Take motherhood out of the equation. View the quagmire in which youre mired as just two unrelated women. When you take the Cult of Motherhood out of scenario, woman-on-woman abuse will make your stomach churn.

Your mother set the agenda for you before you were born. Some of you ladies were pigeonholed as your mothers scapegoat. Other daughters were born to give their mothers the vicarious life she always dreamed of living.

Some of you were designated to be your mothers covert incest pseudo-spouse. Like me, you were forced to spoon with your mother, to submit to having her wash your genitals when you were old enough to do it for yourself and to have no privacy and no lock on your bedroom door. She waltzed in and out of the most private areas of your life, irregardless of your age. My mother was the first person to touch my breast. I was fifteen years old.

I was assigned the role of Mothers Friend. She wasnt much good at making or keeping friends, so she gave birth to her lifelong friend, just as her mother had done before her.

I was my mothers only friend and, for much of my life, she was my only friend. She made sure of that. It only took a hint or two and I would kick my girlfriends to the curb to please my mother and avoid shaming, censure and furious pouting. Love-bombing will make you do that.

But it was friendship with a twist: she called the shots. This friend could destroy me for the smallest infraction, real or imagined, of her rules.

A controlling mother can be understood. A controlling friendship can be terminated. But when Control, Friendship and Motherhood are combined it forms a toxic mixture from which a good daughter cannot escape.

Because of this cringeworthy experience, I can never have a female friend. The very thought makes me want to vomit. I am terrified of women, especially those older than me.

Your mother isnt just The Woman. Actually, she owns you: heart, soul, body, relationships, sexuality, financeseverything.

Oh! You think I meant that symbolically? Hyperbolically?

Honey, I mean it literally. Practically. Exactly as written.

You do not belong to yourself. You belong to your Narcissistic Mother.

If you have it, she owns it. It is herslock, stock and barrel. She may dole out a facet of yourself to youtemporarily. But she can snatch it back at any moment, for any reasonor none at all. Youre merely a marionette dancing while she pulls your strings.

This godlike status was instilled in me from babyhood. If I was naughty, I went flying to my mother to confess and be forgiven. She demanded I narc on myself which I faithfully did, regardless of how much she would yell at me before pronouncing unto me the Forgiveness of Mother. With her seeming ability to look into my soul and ferret out sin (real, projected or imagined), she owned my soul, my spirituality, my Eternal Fate.

Growing up changesbupkis. You may be an adult woman numerically but your mother still controls everything.She decides when and if you can have privacy when youre bathing or dressing (you cant.) She controls if you can shave and exactly which parts of yourself youre allowed to shave. She controls your hair, makeup, nail color. She dictates what style of shoes and clothes you may wear. (You cant have that. It looks too good on you.) She may confiscate your make-up, your nail clipper or forbid you from touching your own face, as my parents did.

She will hold up your mail to the light as my Mom laughed about doing. She will demand your passwords. She will read your emails. She controls where you go, when you go, if you go and with whom you go. A good rule of thumb is that if Mom doesnt do XY, then youre not allowed to do XY either. For me, that meant things like staying out past dusk or driving freeways or moving out of Mommys home into a home of my own.

She may tell you what jobs to keep and which jobs to quit. And if youre allowed to date at all, she decides who you may go out with and when you will dump himno cogent reason required.

If you take the mother part out of this dynamic, its freaking creepy. One adult woman so completely dominating another adult woman requires strong words like violation.

Its entirely possible you may have a lovely relationship with your (engulfing) narcissistic mother as a little girl.

But when puberty hits! All Hell will break loose. You dont merely become a woman with your first menstrual period. Oh no! You become The Other Woman. A threat. The competition.

I remember when it happened for me. One day I was struggling to adjust to that fakakta training bra and the next day Mom was taking me aside and telling me that I was no longer allowed to hug my father. Hes a man and youre a woman, she said, smiling smarmily. Duggar-style hugs only, please, and if he does accidentally bump your breastswhich began to happen at puberty and became an almost daily accidental attempt in my late twentiesshe told me to always tell her. Then the victim could be angrily lectured and blamed every time I failed to protect myself.

Thus the father/daughter relationship that should never have been sexualized was sexualized by the woman who shouldve been the last person on Earth to want it to be sexualized: my mother. From then on, every time my father came near me, I seized up with paranoia, with guilt. Helluva way to live.

The onset of menstruation made it all worse. Puberty put me squarely in the crosshairs for every insane accusation Mom could dream up while Dad withdrew his love and approval of me due to my dermatillomaniathe only stress relief I had to keep me sane. I was desperate to win back his smile which only further convinced my mother that I was being inappropriate to her husband, my biological father. It was a suspicion she never quite forgot, never stopped accusing me of.

As my god, if she implied I was incestuous, I owned that shame. If she said, you have bad sexual genetics, I humbled myself and repented. She boomeranged between brightly informing me that I was sexual whether you know it or not (as if I didnt know) to accusing me of planning to find ways to flaunt myself for my father. Later, she decided that pregnancy was so dangerous and informed me she was glad I didnt have a husband. It was a wild, crazy-making ride full of implied slut-shaming.

Despite everything, like the educated idiot that I am, I worshiped the ground that woman walked on. Because her personality was so cheerful (unless crossed), her affection was so warm (clingy!) and her smile was sickly-sweet-smarmy, I trusted her implicitly. Even when she was hugging all over my new husband.

She was The Experienced Wife. I was a newbie.

She was The Woman. I was merely female.

I didnt feel right unless I had her approval. It was more cult-like than mother/daughter like.

Ive said it before and Ill say it again: theres nothing children of narcissists need more than a good old fashioned bar/bat mitzvah. The Right of Passage is intrinsic in so many cultures so why have we jettisoned it? If you were raised by narcs that line-in-the-sand signalling the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood just never happened. There was no Coming of Age. You are Never 21. You never know about the Age of Emancipation. Like me, you may have been forced to even give up attending Rites of Passage like your own graduation ceremonies.

There was never a moment when your parent looked you in the eye, grasped your hand and said, Youre my equal as an adult. Youve arrived. I respect you as an equal man/equal woman. My mother gave it lip service, Of course youre an adult but her actions screamed louder than her words.

But now Im forty. To quote Bette Davis in All About Eve:

Lloyd, Im not twentyish.I am not thirtyish. Three months ago,I was forty years old.Forty. Four oh.That slipped out, I hadnt quite made up my mindto admit it.

When my mother failed to acknowledge her only childs fortieth birthday, something went click!

I dont need my mommy anymore.

I dont believe in the godlike image of her anymore. She used your sweetness and cuteness to disguise a shitload of abuse. Frankly, when you look at it all en masse, my mother creeps the hell outta me.

I was one helluva good daughter.

She worked hard to drive me away.

Her loss. Not mine.

I dont need her.

Its time I look myself squarely in the eye, grasp my own hand (metaphorically) and say, You are an Adult Woman in your own right whether your Mommys fragile ego can stand it or not. And youre doing a helluva job running your own life. You dont need herand you havent needed her for twenty years.

There are millions of you ladies out there in the same boat. You email me. You post desperate comments. I read them all. The mother/daughter relationship is probably the most talked about relationship, the hardest to escape, the most painful to endure.

But take motherhood out of the equation. View the quagmire in which youre mired as just two unrelated women. When you take the Cult of Motherhood out of scenario, woman-on-woman abuse will make your stomach churn.

You wouldnt let a female friend treat you that way. You wouldnt tolerate it from a lesbian partner. So why are we letting our mothers violate us like this!?!

Its high time we let Mom attend to her own knittin while we attend to ours. Because thats what it was all about in reality. She positioned us to think we needed her when in reality, she believed she needed us. By sticking around were enabling her faux victimhood. The most loving thing we can do is let Mom sink or swim on her own.

As Mothers Day approaches, I challenge you to do the most bloody, horrifically painful thing Ive ever had to do: cut ties with your narcissistic mother. It flies in the face of nature, but it must be done.

Dont let another woman control you, even if she is your mother.

The rest is here:
How Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Struggle to Become Adult Women In Their Own Right (Part 1 and 2) -

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Top AI Speakers to Have at Your Event – ReadWrite

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term that refers to computer technology and software. Artificial Intelligence primarily appears to be intelligent and can do things that would typically require human intelligence. The technologies for Artificial Intelligence include Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Big Data, Robotics, and more.

You might think of AI as personal digital assistants like Siri, google image recognition, or the future of self-driving cars. The reality is that artificial intelligence is much broader than that. It is used to help diagnose diseases, detect credit card fraud, assist you in making a reservation, and make recommendations on Netflix, Amazon, and Pandora.

As Andrew Ng put it in his 2017 talk, Artificial Intelligence is the New Electricity, Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I dont think AI will transform in the next several years.

Here is a list of the top 20 Artificial Intelligence Speakers to have at your next event.

Noelle is the Vice President of Digital Technology at National Public Radio and a passionate technical evangelist. For more than 20 years, Noelle has been a trainer, architect, and transformer with some of the worlds largest tech companies and has worked on projects ranging from conversational Artificial Intelligence to cloud transformation. Prior to joining NPR, she worked at Microsoft and Amazon.

Max is a Professor at MIT doing physics & AI research and the best-selling author of Life 3.0: Being Human in The Age of Artificial Intelligence. Max speaks on subjects ranging from precision cosmology, the ultimate nature of reality, and what will happen once machines outsmart us at all tasks.

Yoshua is a Machine learning researcher and Full professor at Universit de Montral. Recognized as one of the worlds leading experts in artificial intelligence and a pioneer in deep learning, he speaks about the social impacts of AI and for the Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence.

Neil is an IBM Master Inventor, United Nations Artificial Intelligence subject matter expert, and Faculty at UC Irvine. He speaks on The Hype and the Real Power of AI, Responsible AI, and AI for Social Good.

Cathy is a leading female futurist specializing in the impact emerging technology is having on communications and business. For 2 straight years in a row, LinkedIn has named her one of the Top 10 Technology Voices on the platform globally. Shes a sought after speaker and thought leader, and speaks on subjects ranging from Artificial Humans, Augmented Reality, Brain-Machine Interface, the Augmented Workforce, Virtual Humans, Artificial Intelligence in Business, and Strategic Foresight.

Suzanne is Founder and co-CEO of, previously co-founder of Kindred AI. Suzannes dream is to create robots that are indistinguishable from humans and is an expert on topics ranging from AI, superconducting microprocessors and quantum machine learning.

Lauren is CEO at Pandorabots, Inc. the worlds leading platform for building and deploying artificially intelligent chatbots. She speaks about chatbots and AI at conferences like Mobile World Congress and South by Southwest and for publications like TechCrunch and Quartz.

Nick is a Professor at Oxford University, where he is the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute and director of the Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Center. His talks discuss how to structure our thinking about the really big picture and how the coming machine intelligence revolution will change society and the economy.

Hilary is the founder of Fast Forward Labs and Data Scientist in Residence at Accel Partners. She speaks about Machine learning and AI and its tremendous potential to transform enterprises.

Swami is VP, Machine Learning, Amazon Web Services and is considered a pioneer in cloud computing. He speaks on the adoption of artificial intelligence and data science by making it available for developers, corporations, and laymen alike.

Anita is CEO and Co-founder at Artificial Intelligence for academics and chemists. She speaks on Artificial Intelligence in general, Scientific publishing, running a startup, disrupting entire industries, and all things future of technology with a focus on ethics.

Allie is the US Head of AI Business Development, Startups, and Venture Capital at Amazon. She was recently named Forbes AI Innovator of the Year and LinkedIn Top Voice for Technology. Allie serves as National Ambassador for AAAS and Advancing Women in Product.

Franziska is the Head of Data Science Platforms at Uber. She speaks on AI applications as varied as forecasting, anomaly detection, Natural Language Processing, conversational AI, experimentation, segmentation, and more.

Pranav is the CEO of NEON, which unveiled their artificial humans at this years CES. Before NEON, he was President and CEO, STAR Labs, and best known for his inventions of SixthSense and the Samsung Gear. Pranav speaks on subjects ranging from Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Wearable Computing, Augmented Reality, and Gestural Computing.

Andrew is Founder and CEO of Landing AI and Founder of Author or co-author of over 100 published papers in machine learning, robotics, and related fields, he speaks about Deep Learning and the Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

Taryn is an artist, writer, and producer with more than 700 million views across her online content. One of Taryns current projects is a music album titled I AM AI, composed entirely with artificial intelligence. She recently launched a documentary titled I AM HUMAN that explores the future of humanity + technology.

Gary is CEO and Founder at Robust.AI and Co-author Rebooting AI. He speaks on fields ranging from human and animal behavior to neuroscience, genetics, and artificial intelligence.

Danny is Vice President of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Unity Technologies and previously worked for Uber, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM. He discusses the role of intelligence in biological evolution and learning and demonstrates why a game engine is the perfect virtual biodome for AIs evolution.

Ramses is an Electrical Engineer, neuroscientist, previous CEO of Pharo LLC, and current CEO of Neurable. Ramses speaks on brain-computer interfaces and the race in understanding the brain and how it connects to human-computer interaction.

Jrmeis Vice President of Artificial Intelligence at Facebook with a 20-year involvement in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, big data, and machine learning. As a speaker, he highlights the societal benefits of artificial intelligence, as well as some of the challenges and risks that AI researchers are facing.

Brad is the editor overseeing contributed content at He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase. You can reach him at brad at

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Top AI Speakers to Have at Your Event - ReadWrite

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Male Hypogonadism Market Analysis On Trends and Need 2025 – Latest Herald

Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Snapshot

Hypogonadism in males refers to a condition in the male body where the testes show a significantly reduced level of functioning than normal. The overall result of male hypogonadism is a reduction in the rate of biosynthesis of male sex hormones. This state is more commonly known as interrupted stage 1 puberty. Hypoandrogenism, or the low androgen or testosterone level in a male can vary in severity from person to person. It is often the cause of partial or complete infertility. There are multiple forms of male hypogonadism and even more ways to classify them. Most endocrinologists commonly classify male hypogonadism on the basis of the level of defectiveness of the male reproductive system.

In many cases, doctors also measure the level of gonadotropins to classify a patient between primary and secondary male hypogonadism. Primary male hypogonadism refers to the cause of the condition being due to defective gonads. There are different types of primary male hypogonadism, including Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome. Secondary male hypogonadism is caused by defects in pituitary or hypothalamic glands. They include Kallmann syndrome and hypopituitarism.

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Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Overview

Male Hypogonadism refers to a clinical condition, wherein the testes fail to produce enough testosterone leading to delayed puberty or incomplete development. The condition is related to impaired development of muscle mass, development of breast tissues, impaired body hair growth, and lack of deepening of the voice.

The male Hypogonadism market can be segmented by therapy, type, drug delivery, and geography.

The report presents an in-depth analysis of the global male hypogonadism market with current trends and future estimates to explain the imminent investment pockets. The quantitative analysis of the market for the forecast period from 2017 to 2025 will enable stakeholders to capitalize on the prevailing growth opportunities.

Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Trends and Opportunities

The top driver of the male hypogonadism market includes rising prevalence of testosterone deficiency among men, increasing infertility rates, and increasing awareness among individuals about hypogonadism treatment due to awareness drives organized by several governments across the world. Moreover, high risk of hypogonadism among the geriatric population with obesity and diabetes, and increasing prevalence of chronic disorders among the geriatrics are further expected to boost the markets growth.

However, factors such as high side effects of testosterone products are challenging the growth of testosterone replacement therapy market. Top players in the market are focused on research and development to introduce newer products with fewer or negligible side effects and improved results. For example, LPCN 1111, a product which is under development from Lipocine Inc., is a newer testosterone prodrug that utilizes Lipral technology for enhanced systemic absorption and for enhanced solubility of testosterone. Nevertheless, technological advancements are anticipated to extend new opportunities to the markets growth.

Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Regional Overview

The global male Hypogonadism market can be analyzed with respect to the regional segments of North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America held the majority share of the global market in the recent past and is expected to retain its dominant position in the near future. This is mainly due to the rise in the number of individuals suffering from primary and secondary conditions of hypogonadism, and rising awareness among individuals about treatment options for the condition. Moreover, the presence of ultra-modern healthcare infrastructure and increasing popularity of technologically advanced products are expected to offer new opportunities for top players in this market. The region is closely followed by Europe.

Asia Pacific is expected to offer lucrative opportunities to this market due to the modernization of the healthcare infrastructure in the emerging economies of India and China and the increasing awareness about the treatment for the condition. In Asia Pacific, the increasing prevalence of hypogonadism and infertility rates along with the rising geriatric population base with diabetes and obesity are propelling the growth of this market. China, Taiwan, and Malaysia are some of the countries that display the highest rate of male hypogonadism.

Major Companies Mentioned in Report

Some of the key players in the male Hypogonadism market include AbbVie Inc., Astrazeneca plc, Eli Lilly and Company Ltd., Merck & Co. Inc., SA, Finox Biotech, Laboratories Genevrier, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Allergan plc, Bayer AG, Endo International plc, IBSA Institut Biochimque, and Ferring.

Key players are focused on product approval for growth considerations and to cater to the changing demand of the industry. The introduction of innovative and technologically advanced products is also the focus of key players to increase their market share and for serving patients in a better manner.

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.


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Male Hypogonadism Market Analysis On Trends and Need 2025 - Latest Herald

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

The impact of the coronavirus on the Male Hypogonadism Market Forecasted To Surpass The Value Of US$ XX Mn/Bn By 20682019-2019 – Jewish Life News

The Male Hypogonadism Market globally is a standout amongst the most emergent and astoundingly approved sectors. This worldwide market has been developing at a higher pace with the development of imaginative frameworks and a developing end-client tendency.

Given the debilitating impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on the Male Hypogonadism market, companies are vying opportunities to stay afloat in the market landscape. Gain access to our latest research analysis on COVID-19 associated with the Male Hypogonadism market and understand how market players are adopting new strategies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

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The worldwide Male Hypogonadism market is an enlarging field for top market players,

Company Profiles

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This Male Hypogonadism report begins with a basic overview of the market. The analysis highlights the opportunity and Male Hypogonadism industry trends that are impacted the market that is global. Players around various regions and analysis of each industry dimensions are covered under this report. The analysis also contains a crucial Male Hypogonadism insight regarding the things which are driving and affecting the earnings of the market. The Male Hypogonadism report comprises sections together side landscape which clarifies actions such as venture and acquisitions and mergers.

The Report offers SWOT examination and venture return investigation, and other aspects such as the principle locale, economic situations with benefit, generation, request, limit, supply, and market development rate and figure.

Quantifiable data:-

Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India

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Research objectives and Reason to procure this report:-

Finally, the global Male Hypogonadism market provides a total research decision and also sector feasibility of investment in new projects will be assessed. Male Hypogonadism industry is a source of means and guidance for organizations and individuals interested in their market earnings.

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The impact of the coronavirus on the Male Hypogonadism Market Forecasted To Surpass The Value Of US$ XX Mn/Bn By 20682019-2019 - Jewish Life News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Analysis by Size, Share, Top Key Manufacturers, Demand Overview, Regional Outlook And Growth Forecast to 2026 Cole…


Global Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Segmentation

This market was divided into types, applications and regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by type and application in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you develop your business by targeting niche markets. Market share data are available at global and regional levels. The regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive forces and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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Global Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Regions and Countries Level Analysis

The regional analysis is a very complete part of this report. This segmentation highlights Male Hypogonadism Therapy sales at regional and national levels. This data provides a detailed and accurate analysis of volume by country and an analysis of market size by region of the world market.

The report provides an in-depth assessment of growth and other aspects of the market in key countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. The chapter on the competitive landscape of the global market report contains important information on market participants such as business overview, total sales (financial data), market potential, global presence, Male Hypogonadism Therapy sales and earnings, market share, prices, production locations and facilities, products offered and applied strategies. This study provides Male Hypogonadism Therapy sales, revenue, and market share for each player covered in this report for a period between 2016 and 2020.

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We offer state of the art critical reports with accurate information about the future of the market.

Our reports have been evaluated by some industry experts in the market, which makes them beneficial for the company to maximize their return on investment.

We provide a full graphical representation of information, strategic recommendations and analysis tool results to provide a sophisticated landscape and highlight key market players. This detailed market assessment will help the company increase its efficiency.

The dynamics of supply and demand shown in the report offer a 360-degree view of the market.

Our report helps readers decipher the current and future constraints of the Male Hypogonadism Therapy market and formulate optimal business strategies to maximize market growth.

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Table of Contents:

Study Coverage: It includes study objectives, years considered for the research study, growth rate and Male Hypogonadism Therapy market size of type and application segments, key manufacturers covered, product scope, and highlights of segmental analysis.

Executive Summary: In this section, the report focuses on analysis of macroscopic indicators, market issues, drivers, and trends, competitive landscape, CAGR of the global Male Hypogonadism Therapy market, and global production. Under the global production chapter, the authors of the report have included market pricing and trends, global capacity, global production, and global revenue forecasts.

Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Size by Manufacturer: Here, the report concentrates on revenue and production shares of manufacturers for all the years of the forecast period. It also focuses on price by manufacturer and expansion plans and mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Production by Region: It shows how the revenue and production in the global market are distributed among different regions. Each regional market is extensively studied here on the basis of import and export, key players, revenue, and production.

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Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, market value for regions and countries and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Market Research Intellect

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Tags: Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Size, Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Growth, Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Forecast, Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Analysis

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Male Hypogonadism Therapy Market Analysis by Size, Share, Top Key Manufacturers, Demand Overview, Regional Outlook And Growth Forecast to 2026 Cole...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global Human Immunoglobulin (pH4) for Intravenous Injection (COVID-19) Market to Surpass US$ 99,772.2 Million by 2027 – CMI – Yahoo Finance

SEATTLE, April 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Coherent Market Insights, the global human immunoglobulin (pH4) for intravenous injection (COVID-19) market is estimated to be valued at US$ 43,205.8 million in 2020, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.7% during the forecast period (2020-2027).

Key Trends:

Key trends in the market include viral disease outbreaks, the increasing prevalence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and demand for immune globulin products in the market.

According to the American Cancer Society around 60,530 new cases of leukemia will be diagnosed in the U.S in 2020 out of which 21,040 new cases will be of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

Similarly, according to the Cancer Research UK, around 3,500 new cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were diagnosed in the U.K in 2017.

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Moreover, the growing demand for immune globulin (IG) products is expected to drive the human immunoglobulin (ph4) for intravenous injection (COVID-19) market growth. For instance, on August 12, 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed that demand for immune globulin products has increased in recent years and there is a shortage of Immune Globulin (Subcutaneous) (IGSC) and Immune Globulin (Intravenous) (IGIV) products in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is working closely with manufacturers such as Asceniv, Bivigam, Octagam, Panzyga, Privigen and others of various immune globulin (intravenous) (IGIV) products to help mitigate the supply situation for IG products.

Key Market Takeaways:

Key players operating in market are

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Baxter International Inc., CSL Behring, Bayer AG, Grifols, S.A., Octapharma AG, Shanghai RAAS Blood Products Co., Ltd., Hualan Biological Engineering Inc., China Biologic Products, Inc., Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Boya Bio-Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., ADMA Biologics, Inc., and Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.

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Market Segmentation:

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Healthcare Contract Research Outsourcing is conducted by pharmaceutical and medical device sectors for development of new drugs and medical devices. Clinical trials form the key part of pharmaceutical drug and medical device development and in the current scenario clinical trials are conducted across multiple locations in various geographies. Increasing cost and time required for drug development is expected to propel growth of the global healthcare contract research outsourcing market over the forecast period.

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Androgen replacement therapy (ART), often referred to as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), is a form of hormone therapy, in which androgens, often testosterone, are replaced. ART is often prescribed to counter the effects of male hypogonadism. It typically involves the administration of testosterone through injections, skin creams, patches, gels, or subcutaneous pellets. Testosterone replacement therapy is a promising technology for improving symptoms of hypogonadism and to raise the testosterone level.

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Global Human Immunoglobulin (pH4) for Intravenous Injection (COVID-19) Market to Surpass US$ 99,772.2 Million by 2027 - CMI - Yahoo Finance

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Aytu BioScience Announces Exclusive Distribution Agreement for COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test with Singapore-Based Biolidics Limited – Yahoo Finance

ENGLEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / April 23, 2020 / Aytu BioScience, Inc. (AYTU) (the "Company"), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs, announced the signing of a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with Singapore-based Biolidics, Limited (SGX: 8YY; "Biolidics") to exclusively distribute Biolidics' COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test in the United States.

Under the terms of the Agreement, Aytu will exclusively distribute Biolidics' COVID-19 IgG/IgM rapid antibody test in the United States. Aytu has committed to purchase 500,000 tests within one business day from the date of signing of the Agreement. As an additional component of Aytu's exclusivity, the Company has committed to purchase a minimum of 1,250,000 tests within the first three months of the Agreement.

Biolidics' COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test has been issued Provisional Authorization for distribution by Singapore's Health Science's Authority (HSA), and the product has been authorized for export from Singapore. Biolidics' COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test will be supplied from Biolidics' facility in Singapore.

Aytu will collaborate with Biolidics and lead the U.S. clinical trials processes and plans to complete and obtain U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") 510k regulatory filing clearance of the COVID-19 IgG/IgM rapid test kits.

Josh Disbrow, Chief Executive Officer of Aytu BioScience, commented, "We are pleased to be partnering with Biolidics in distributing this COVID-19 rapid test in the U.S. With the continued call in the United States for increased COVID-19 testing, we are entering this distribution Agreement at an excellent time. We have experienced significant demand for our current COVID-19 rapid test, so adding this test to our product offering will enable us to better meet the high demand in the U.S. We look forward to a productive working relationship with Biolidics and thank them for their confidence in allowing Aytu to take this product to market in the United States."

Incorporated in 2009 and listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, Biolidics Limited is a Singapore-based precision medicine medical technology company with a focus in developing a portfolio of innovative diagnostic solutions to lower healthcare costs and improve clinical outcomes.

About Aytu BioScience, Inc.

Aytu BioScience, Inc. is a commercial-stage specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs. The Company currently markets a portfolio of prescription products addressing large primary care and pediatric markets. The primary care portfolio includes (i) Natesto, the only FDA-approved nasal formulation of testosterone for men with hypogonadism (low testosterone, or "Low T"), (ii) ZolpiMist, the only FDA-approved oral spray prescription sleep aid, and (iii) Tuzistra XR, the only FDA-approved 12-hour codeine-based antitussive syrup. The pediatric portfolio includes (i) AcipHex Sprinkle, a granule formulation of rabeprazole sodium, a commonly prescribed proton pump inhibitor; (ii) Cefaclor, a second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic suspension; (iii) Karbinal ER, an extended-release carbinoxamine (antihistamine) suspension indicated to treat numerous allergic conditions; and (iv) Poly-Vi-Flor and Tri-Vi-Flor, two complementary prescription fluoride-based supplement product lines containing combinations of fluoride and vitamins in various for infants and children with fluoride deficiency. Aytu recently acquired U.S. distribution rights to two COVID-19 IgG/IgM rapid tests. These coronavirus tests are solid phase immunochromatographic assays used in the rapid, qualitative and differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in human whole blood, serum or plasma.

Aytu recently acquired Innovus Pharmaceuticals, a specialty pharmaceutical company commercializing, licensing and developing safe and effective consumer healthcare products designed to improve men's and women's health and vitality. Innovus commercializes over thirty-five consumer health products competing in large healthcare categories including diabetes, men's health, sexual wellness and respiratory health. The Innovus product portfolio is commercialized through direct-to-consumer marketing channels utilizing the Company's proprietary Beyond Human marketing and sales platform.

Story continues

Aytu's strategy is to continue building its portfolio of revenue-generating products, leveraging its focused commercial team and expertise to build leading brands within large therapeutic markets. For more information visit and visit to learn about the Company's consumer healthcare products.

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the Exchange Act. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this presentation, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally written in the future tense and/or are preceded by words such as ''may,'' ''will,'' ''should,'' ''forecast,'' ''could,'' ''expect,'' ''suggest,'' ''believe,'' ''estimate,'' ''continue,'' ''anticipate,'' ''intend,'' ''plan,'' or similar words, or the negatives of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. These statements are just predictions and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual events or results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: our ability to successfully commercialize Healight Platform Technology, our ability to obtain FDA approval for the Healight Platform Technology, the effectiveness of the Healight Platform Technology in treating patients with COVID-19 or other illnesses, our ability to adequately protect the intellectual property associated with the Healight Platform Technology, regulatory delays, the reliability of the Healight Platform Technology in killing viruses and bacteria, market acceptance of UV based medical devices, risks associated with the our COVID-19 rapid tests including our ability to enforce the exclusivity provisions of the distribution agreements, the reliability of serological testing in detecting COVID-19, shipping delays and their impact on our ability to introduce the COVID-19 rapid tests, the ability of the COVID-19 rapid tests to accurately and reliably test for COVID-19, the manufacturers of the COVID-19 rapid tests' ability to manufacture such testing kits on a high volume scale, manufacturing problems or delays related to the COVID-19 Rapid Test, our ability to satisfy any labelling conditions or other FDA or other regulatory conditions to sell the COVID-19 rapid test kits, the demand or lack thereof for the COVID-19 rapid test kits, our ability to obtain additional COVID-19 rapid tests to meet demand, our ability to secure additional tests if the manufactures of the COVID-19 rapid tests are unable to meet demand, the effects of the business combination of Aytu and the Commercial Portfolio and the recently completed merger ("Merger") with Innovus Pharmaceuticals, including the combined company's future financial condition, results of operations, strategy and plans, the ability of the combined company to realize anticipated synergies in the timeframe expected or at all, changes in capital markets and the ability of the combined company to finance operations in the manner expected, the diversion of management time on Merger-related issues and integration of the Commercial Portfolio, the ultimate timing, outcome and results of integrating the operations the Commercial Portfolio and Innovus with Aytu's existing operations, risks relating to gaining market acceptance of our products, obtaining or maintaining reimbursement by third-party payors for our prescription products, the potential future commercialization of our product candidates, the anticipated start dates, durations and completion dates, as well as the potential future results, of our ongoing and future clinical trials, the anticipated designs of our future clinical trials, anticipated future regulatory submissions and events, our anticipated future cash position and future events under our current and potential future collaboration. We also refer you to the risks described in ''Risk Factors'' in Part I, Item 1A of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and in the other reports and documents we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.

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SOURCE: Aytu BioScience, Inc.

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Aytu BioScience Announces Exclusive Distribution Agreement for COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test with Singapore-Based Biolidics Limited - Yahoo Finance

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Cryonics Technology Market Applications and Company’s Active in the Industry – amitnetserver

A recent market study on the global Cryonics Technology market reveals that the global Cryonics Technology market is expected to reach a value of ~US$ XX by the end of 2029 growing at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period (2019-2029).

The Cryonics Technology market study includes a thorough analysis of the overall competitive landscape and the company profiles of leading market players involved in the global Cryonics Technology market. Further, the presented study offers accurate insights pertaining to the different segments of the global Cryonics Technology market such as the market share, value, revenue, and how each segment is expected to fair post the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The following doubts are addressed in the market report:

Key Highlights of the Cryonics Technology Market Report

The presented report segregates the Cryonics Technology market into different segments to ensure the readers gain a complete understanding of the different aspects of the Cryonics Technology market.

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Segmentation of the Cryonics Technology market

Competitive Outlook

This section of the report throws light on the recent mergers, collaborations, partnerships, and research and development activities within the Cryonics Technology market on a global scale. Further, a detailed assessment of the pricing, marketing, and product development strategies adopted by leading market players is included in the Cryonics Technology market report.

The key players covered in this studyPraxairCellulisCryologicsCryothermKrioRusVWRThermo Fisher ScientificCustom Biogenic SystemsOregon CryonicsAlcor Life Extension FoundationOsiris CryonicsSigma-AldrichSouthern Cryonics

Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoSlow freezingVitrificationUltra-rapidMarket segment by Application, split intoAnimal husbandryFishery scienceMedical sciencePreservation of microbiology cultureConserving plant biodiversity

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

The study objectives of this report are:To analyze global Cryonics Technology status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.To present the Cryonics Technology development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Cryonics Technology are as follows:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year 2020 to 2026For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2019 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Global trade impact of the Coronavirus Cryonics Technology Market Applications and Company's Active in the Industry - amitnetserver

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Researchers use cell therapy to recover damaged brain areas in mice that suffered – Mirage News

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Equip investigador.

Researchers from Lund University (Sweeden) and the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona (UBNeuro) have recovered, through cell therapy, the mobility and sensibility of mice that suffered a cardiovascular accident. The results of this study were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Researchers used an ischemic model of ictus in mice to which they transferred stem cells obtained from the skin of a healthy human donor. The cells were reprogramed to become neuronal progenitors of the damaged area of the brain, specifically the brain cortex. Six months after the transplant, researchers could observe how the new cells had repaired the damage that was caused by the cerebrovascular injury. In addition, the sensor and motor problems resulting from the stroke had been reversed as well.

We observed that the fibers of the cells that were put in the cortical area grew and created connections in brain areas that are far from the transplant area, notes Daniel Tornero, researcher in the Laboratory of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in UBNeuro. To identify the transplanted cells, researches used different techniques that enable the monitoring so as to prove the connection in damaged circuits is right. Although there is a lot of work to do -the researcher adds-, the study sheds light on the possibility of replacing the damaged cells for new healthy cells in patients with ictus.

This is the last study of a series of three articles in which the researchers used cell therapy to work on brain healing. Previous studies showed it is possible to transplant nervous cells derived from human stem cells or reprogrammed cells in the brain of mice affected by cardiovascular injuries. However, researchers did not know whether the transformed cells could create new connections in the mice brains and restore the movement and feelings of touch.

The next step is to understand how the transplant affects intellectual functions such as memory, and the potential adverse effects, concludes Tornero.

Article reference:

S. Palma-Tortosa, D. l Tornero, M. Grnning Hansen, E. Monni, M. Hajy, S. Kartsivadze, S. Aktay, O. Tsupykov, M. Parmar, K. Deisseroth, G. Skibo, O. Lindvall, y Z. Kokaia. Activity in grafted human iPS cellderived corticalneurons integrated in stroke-injured rat brain regulatesmotor behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Doi: doi: 10.1073/pnas.2000690117

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Researchers use cell therapy to recover damaged brain areas in mice that suffered - Mirage News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Global Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing Market with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Effect Analysis | likewise Industry is Booming Globaly with Key…

Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing: Regional and Global Market Opportunities Key Competitors, Industry Segments, and Strategic Analysis, 2020-2025

The market study is primarily based on primary and secondary data collected through systematic research approach. The research approach is defined by expert market analysts in line with business consultants and international research standards. Economic, political, and environmental regulations for Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market are examined to draw the conclusion on macroeconomic business environment. The market study also emphasizes on Industry progress in terms of technology, product distribution, product development, and raw material sourcing. The industry attractiveness analysis for different products and applications is explained with appropriate examples. Primary activities and support activities involved in Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market are discussed to get comprehensive outlook on industry value chain. Major strategic decisions and future business plans of key industry participants are discussed in this market study to interpret Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing industry competition in the coming years.

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Key market players across the global Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market include Agilent Technologies, Inc., Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc, Illumina, Inc, Sequenom, Inc, LifeCodexx, Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, PerkinElmer, Inc, Cenata, Natera, Inc, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc etc. The high profile companies in Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market are dedicated to product improvement, value added production, advanced manufacturing facilities and premium product offerings in order to appeal the business on an international level that exhibits the potentials customer base. The market also encompasses international brands functioning through a robust distribution network across diversified markets.

Segment & Regional Analysis

This market study fragments the global market for Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing based on key product types, applications, and regions. The global market for Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing has been divided based on product type as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH), Array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH). Based on application types, the Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market is categorized as Application 1, Application 2, Application 3, Application 4, Application 5. The Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market study examines the market based on key geographies such as Asia Pacific,North America, The Middle East and Africa, Europe, and Latin America.

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The present study also provides competitive analysis in terms of various parameters such as direct competition, indirect competition, strength and weaknesses of major competitors, entry barriers, and opportunity windows. The market study by application includes the analysis on the availability of total customer base and the potential customers across untapped markets. For value chain investigation of the Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing market covers upstream suppliers of raw materials, equipment, downstream marketing channels, client survey, and buyers segments. Market proposals and development trends, which more precisely contain valuable facts and statistics on Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing key types and applications, key market regions and consumption level, key worldwide distributors , contact information for these upstream and downstream participants.

Competitive Analysis

It includes detailed summaries of leading market performers, unique business model analysis, and examination of their latest developments. The data is extract edover primary interviews withtop business executives in addition to analysis of company published annual reports. The market study also delivers a wide-ranging analysis of key tactics employed by major Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing companies and their financial investigation for different geographical regions.

Please Visit the Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing Market Report at:

Important Take aways of Research Report:

1. Market Value and Volume Size for Historical and Forecast Period2. Market Growth Trends for Forecast Period3. Y-O-Y ( Year On Year) Growth Rate for Various Market Segments4. Market Entry Barriers, Opportunities, Possible Threats, and Alternatives5. Qualitative Market Analysis through various tools such as Porters Five Forces Model,SWOT Analysis,and PESTLE Analysis

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Global Mitochondrial Disorders Genetic Testing Market with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Effect Analysis | likewise Industry is Booming Globaly with Key...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Test, test, test: can Britain find a way out of lockdown? – The Guardian

The pay-and-display sign still marks the entrance to the Milton Keynes coronavirus testing hub a cluster of tents in a car park across from a shuttered Toys R Us shop that is the heart of the UKs drive to contain and control the disease.

On Friday afternoon a queue of about 20 cars had formed up on the road outside, carrying key workers from schools, hospitals and care homes.

Men in high-vis jackets working for the accountancy giant Deloitte, which runs the centre, patrolled the street and tried to clear it of anyone not coming to be tested, even though they admitted they had no legal authority to do so.

Those who had arrived had been given the postcode to put into their satnavs but there were almost no signposts to the hub on nearby ring roads or streets, perhaps to keep it a secret from curious locals or passersby.

Less than 24 hours earlier, the health secretary, Matt Hancock desperate to ramp up testing (and then contact tracing) in the hope of getting somewhere near his target of 100,000 tests a day by the end of April had announced that all key workers with symptoms could apply to be checked for coronavirus.

Huge pent-up demand from people would defeat the system within hours of it going live. On Friday morning the testing website could not cope and it told applicants that there were no more tests available, an administrative hitch for which the government swiftly apologised.

Those in the queue on the outskirts of Milton Keynes had, however, logged on before the crash. Several told the Observer they wanted tests as much for their patients, or the people they worked and lived with, as for themselves. Many had signed up in the small hours, including a school key worker who had gone online at 2am to register.

I work around Covid patients, although we wear full PPE, said one nurse who asked not to be named. This is the first opportunity weve had to get tested. Its for my patients as well as myself, so I dont risk infecting them. She had travelled with her sister who works in care, and her parents who are isolating with them. Their fathers diabetes makes him a high risk if he contracts Covid-19.

Once inside the car park the symptom carriers were directed into one of five bays, and greeted by a worker in full protective equipment, holding up a mobile phone number to ring from inside the car. The person on the phone explained how to take the test, and then provided a kit.

You had to get a swab and rub it along the back of your throat and tonsils, and then use the same swab up your nose, said Charlie Dawkins, a pre-school worker who signed up for a test after coming down with a fever and sore chest. Im quite glad we got to do it ourselves, I feel that if someone else did it I would have been sick. We had to keep stopping.

Dawkins had driven for around half an hour with her mother, a key worker in a school who received an email saying she was eligible for tests the previous day. She too registered in the middle of the night.

Dawkins said she found the experience as smooth as testing for a terrifying disease could be ever be. The people were really nice, everyone was so friendly. She has been told to expect results by text or email within 48 hours, linked to a QR code she was given on registration, and scanned when collecting the test kits.

Across the country key workers and their families and friends, some who had worried about their exposure and health for weeks, were going through this extraordinary, novel and anxiety-inducing procedure.

Nic Mitchell, a property and financial services adviser, began developing symptoms a few days ago, which forced her partner, the head engineer at a food processing factory, to go into isolation with her. She has a complex underlying medical condition. A test would help me manage my other underlying conditions better, she said. The symptoms may be related to something else this would help me rule it in or rule it out. Mitchells partner is considered to be an essential worker, so they managed to book a test online.

The nearest centre for her was in Worcester, 22 miles from her home in Cheltenham. Before attending, she said it would be very scary because she hadnt left the house since 4 January when she got back from holiday incredibly ill. Actually, going into the outside world is something that gives me a high level of anxiety, so going 22 miles makes it worse, she added.

When Mitchell arrived at the testing site at Worcester Warriors rugby club just before 3pm on Saturday, she was told that there would be a two and a half hour wait but the centre would shut at 5pm regardless. The only option was to attempt to rebook. They told me they couldnt cope, she said. It was very disappointing.

The tents of the Milton Keynes test centre are visible from nearby roads, normally busy with shoppers and office workers, and now emptied by coronavirus. The silent streets, with the test queue the only sign of life, were a reminder of the abrupt distortion of normality.

The UK government has expanded the criteria for who qualifies for a free test for coronavirus to all essential workers and their families in England up to 10 million people. The list of essential workers is the same as the one used to allow the children of key workers to carry on going to school during the lockdown:

Health and social careFrontline health and social care staff such as doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, as well as support and specialist staff in the health and social care sector. In addition it includes those working in supply chains including producers and distributors of medicines and personal protective equipment.

Education and childcareNursery, teaching staff and social workers.

Key public servicesThose required to run the justice system, religious staff, as well as those responsible for managing the deceased, and journalists providing public service broadcasting.

Local and national governmentAdministrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the Covid-19 response or delivering essential public services.

Food and other necessary goodsThose involved in the production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery of food.

Public safety and national securityPolice, support staff, Ministry of Defence civilian staff and armed forces personnel, fire and rescue staff, and those responsible for border security, prisons and probation.

TransportThose who will keep air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating.

Utilities, communication and financial servicesStaff required to keep oil, gas, electricity, water and sewerage operations running. Staff in the civil nuclear, chemical and telecommunications sectors. Those in postal services and those working to provide essential financial services.

The swabs are not tested on site, because they need sophisticated laboratory processing. Milton Keynes has one of the biggest labs in the country, based at the UK Biocentre, just a few miles from the car park test centre, which handles swabs sent from at least 20 testing centres across the country.

The labs are largely manned by scientists who volunteered to step away from their usual research to carry out testing, which is labour-intensive work.

At Milton Keynes, the scientists operate in pairs working 12-hour shifts, and together can handle around 400 to 500 swabs a day. The labs daily capacity, at full stretch, is around 8,000 tests.

Inside the lab there are three work stations, the first of which is protected by a biosecurity hood, where samples are treated with a solution to kill everything inside. In the second, the viruss genetic material (or the material of anything picked up by the sample) is extracted. In the third, that genetic material is put through a machine that multiplies it, so that there is enough for the test to detect, then checked for coronavirus. The biggest challenge, experts say, is not the science but the logistics of getting the tests in, then scaling up and bringing in robots.

The Milton Keynes lab is part of a centralised approach to testing in the UK that has puzzled many scientists and may have been a key contributor to the slowincrease of testing capacity.

Other countries that have rolled out more rapid testing programmes have relied at least in part on letting existing labs become testing centres with their own teams and equipment, who are able to start testing almost immediately on site.

In the UK, by contrast, authorities have chosen to bring equipment and scientists together in government-established centres, which are slower to get going because logistics and supply issues need to be worked out.

Prof Allyson Pollock, of Newcastle University, says one of the many reasons the UKs reaction has been late and, until now at least, fairly ineffective is that it can no longer respond to local need, because of endless reorganisations and years of austerity. She also says the government is treating this pandemic as a national one, when actually it is a series of local ones, requiring dedicated local responses.

But what angers scientists, health workers, experts and others more is why it was left until so recently when Hancock was already admitting the peak was near for this mass process of testing and contact tracing to be ordered across the country. And why has it all seemed so chaotic and poorly planned?

The criticism of ministers and their advisers is all the greater because they know the UK started on the right road only to halt, change course, then resume when the virus had spread and all that could be achieved was damage limitation.

In early March, during the containment phase, Public Health England (PHE) began testing and contact tracing of the few cases identified. Just under 300 staff were hired at that time. The team, working around the clock, traced 3,500 people and supported the 3% of contacts found to be infected to self-isolate. But tracing was then scaled back when the UK moved to the delay phase.

Governments that have contained larger scale outbreaks once they are under way, perhaps most notably South Korea, which at one point was the worst affected country outside China, have done it through large-scale testing and rigorous tracing of the contacts of infected people.

The fact that we did not carry on and expand testing and tracing to a scale similar to South Korea was unfortunate, says Prof James Naismith, of Edinburgh University. We hit the iceberg without enough lifeboats and came to grief. We did not have the infrastructure in place to maintain a testing programme at that time. South Korea and Germany did. There is no doubt we have lagged behind them.

After the UK stopped its testing and contact tracing, the World Health Organization ordered all countries to test, test, test. But in a vital period last month, the UK resisted. Only recently, as pressure to limit the lockdown has grown from businesses, Conservative MPs and a frustrated public, and as Hancocks testing target looked in danger, has the government completely changed course.

There is dismay among health workers who see daily the effects of Covid-19, that early efforts to ramp up testing (before key workers were included from last Thursday) were suboptimal to say the least.

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, which represents NHS trusts, said: There has been a lot of zig-zagging and veering on what is the policy, who is responsible for mobilising it, what is the plan. When Hancock first announced his target of 100,000 tests a day she says no one really knew how it would work. In our view it was not clear. It was just a number that was put out there. Cordery says it is not clear who the 100,000 should be initially, nor who would be involved in the testing. Should those to be tested include NHS staff, patients, who?

This lack of action was irksome for scientists, who last week pointed to the UKs massive but ignored capacity for carrying out genetic testing. Medical virology, molecular cancer and regional genetic laboratories as well as other academic centres around the country routinely use PCR [polymerase chain reaction] technology, which could easily have been turned to Covid-19 work a long time ago, they say.

Only the US has a greater capacity to do testing, said ProfGerome Breen, of Kings College London. But the NHS has refused to reply to many offers of help from research centres to supply tests. One of these offers came from Breen, a geneticist whose department already carries out PCR testing on a large scale. A month ago we offered to turn our laboratory over to Covid-19 work and test medical staff at Kings College Hospital to find out who might have been infected with the virus. We could have started within a fortnight and would have been doing thousands of tests a day by now. We had a couple of emails from the department but heard nothing from them after that. It was intensely frustrating.

Prof Martin Marshall, the chairman of the Royal College of GPs, suggested GPs should have been able to play a bigger role in referring patients for testing and helping the testing process. This admittedly would have required them to have the correct PPE, which has proved another challenge altogether.

Have they been a bit slow in getting to general practice, understanding the needs of general practice, understanding the PPE needs, for example, which took a time, understanding the role of general practice in identifying vulnerable patients understanding the testing needs for general practice? I think all of that has been slower than we would have liked to see.

Asked if the government knew who it ought to be testing, he said: I think the testing programme has been influenced more by the politics of the availability of testing than it has by the epidemiology of whats required.

You can have a good policy on testing, but you can only deliver it if youve actually got the kit.

This weekend, with the UK passing 20,000 hospital deaths from Covid-19 , and the WHO insisting that testing and contact tracing is essential before life can go back to normal, both are suddenly back at the heart of government policy.

But have the U-turns and the delays cost? And what if the lockdown has to continue for months more because effective testing and contact tracing has not been put in place?

Already business leaders and Conservative MPs are beginning to warn that without an easing of the lockdown based on testing and contact tracing, the economy faces ruin. Last week, the crisis facing small businesses and the need for a balance to be struck between saving lives and saving the economy was raised in a heated, virtual meeting of the 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers.

The former cabinet minister, David Davis, said: There is deep concern among backbenchers about the fate of the vast numbers of small businesses, which will determine how fast we come out of this economic slump. Unless we are very quick and very effective at bringing as many as possible back into work in a few weeks time, the scars of this problem will go on for a decade.

Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee, said: All members of parliament must be receiving representations from businesses large and small needing further assistance or some sense of when they can start to plan for at least a partial release from these measures.

Charles Walker, the committees vice-chair, added: Our inboxes are full of desperate people who own small businesses, some of which are their lives work, who now risk losing everything. We need to have a cabinet minister put in charge of small business.

World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on face masks has remained consistent during the coronavirus pandemic. It has stuck to the line that masks are for healthcare workers not the public.

Wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including Covid-19. However, the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection, and other measures should also be adopted, the WHO has stated.

There is no robust scientific evidence in the form of trials that ordinary masks block the virus from infecting people who wear them. There is also concerns the public will not understand how to use a mask properly, and may get infected if they come into contact with the virus when they take it off and then touch their faces.

Also underlying the WHOs concerns is the shortage of high-quality protective masks for frontline healthcare workers.

Nevertheless, masks do have a role when used by people who are already infected. It is accepted that they can block transmission to other people. Given that many people with Covid-19 do not show any symptoms for the first days after they are infected, masks clearly have a potential role to play if everyone wears them.

Sarah BoseleyHealth editor

-How to make a non-medical coronavirus face mask no sewing required

There is another, even more pressing need to start testing in increasing numbers, says Prof Charles Swanton, of the Francis Crick Institute in London, who is an oncologist and the chief clinician at Cancer Research UK. He said studies of infected hospital patients in Wuhan, in China, where Covid-19 first emerged, indicated that around 40% had contracted the disease inside the hospital. Hospital transmission is a very likely source of ongoing Covid-19 infection in the middle of a lockdown, he said.

For some patients for instance, those with life-threatening cancers this is a very serious issue. Patients are avoiding going to their GPs and GPs are making fewer hospital referrals. There are also 200,000 fewer cancer screenings taking place each week in the UK, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. That, in turn, means there are approximately 2,000 to 2,500 cancer diagnoses being missed each week.

Many scientists now believe reliable testing on a large scale really does offer the UK a route out of its Covid-19 crisis. However, merely reaching a figure of 100,000 tests a day on its own is not enough, warned Naismith.

It wont matter if we can test numbers of that order if we cannot then rapidly trace the contacts of those who are found to be positive and then isolate them. Once a person is found to be positive we will have to trace their contacts very, very quickly within a day and then test them.

Such tracing will inevitably require technological aids mainly by using mobile phones to track a persons movements, said Naismith. Inevitably, that will have privacy issues, he added. However, these will have to be dealt with because testing and tracing offers us the best chance we have for dealing with Covid-19 at the moment.

See more here:
Test, test, test: can Britain find a way out of lockdown? - The Guardian

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Repurpose your sleep masks to keep WFH skin fresh and hydrated all day – Well+Good

Whether youre blasting the heat or AC (or both, because, April), staying inside all day puts you on the fast track to dry skin. Unless youve got a humidifier decorating your WFH space, the air in your home is ripe for sucking the moisture straight out of your face. And while diligently slathering on moisturizer every hour on the hour is certainly one way to hold in the hydration, the easiest method to hydrate skin at home is actually by repurposing your hydrating sleep mask for use during waking hours.

No, were not talking sleeping eye masks. Think of sleep masks, which came to us by way of K-beauty and popularized over the last few years, as a sort of jacket for your skin. Unlike regular masks, they dont need to be washed off, and they create a protective boundary between your skin and environment thats even tougher to permeate than your usual skin products. We recommend using a concentrated mask during the day when working from home, because your skin is so susceptible to losing moisture if you dont adequately hydrate it, says Glow Recipe founder Sarah Lee. Because overnight masks are usually very hydrating with nourishing properties, it really helps to keep that moisture retained throughout the hours. Because of this, its also a great way to maximize the ingredients youre getting from the products youre applying underneath it.

A sleep mask should be the final layer after your usual skin-care routine, and can go on either on top of your moisturizer or in place of it. Scroll through for our favorite picks worth dedicating a spot to in your routine.

This influencer-approved mask is chock full of vitamins (C and E, to be specific) and amino acids that give dull, sleepy skin an instant boost. Its got antioxidants to help protect from free-radical damage, and ceramides to really lock in the moisture it provides.

A combination of watermelon and hyaluronic acid helps to infuse moisture in the skin, and a mixture of AHAs (including glycloic and lactic acids) clear away the top layer of dead skin cells to help moisture penetrate more deeply. The jelly texture is ultra light so that you wont feel like youve got some goopy mask on your face all day long, and can you beat the packaging?

This drugstore beauty buy is not only immensely hydrating (and under $20), but it also leaves behind a pearlescent finish that will make you look luminous while you work. Its formulated with skin-soothing niacinamide and moisture-drawing humectants to hydrate and brighten as it absorbs.

Thanks to its barely-there, water-based formula, this jelly mask absorbs almost immediately into your skin. In addition to highly concentrated mineral water, its also packed with calming and brightening ingredients like orange flower, rose, sandalwood, apricot, and evening primrose. Thirsty pores will drink it right up.

With this mask, youll be waking up, spending your day,and going to sleep beautiful. Its got all kinds of nourishing, natural ingredients like quinoa, mushrooms, and floral stem cells, and is infused with aromatherapy elements to help keep you calm throughout the work day.

See more here:
Repurpose your sleep masks to keep WFH skin fresh and hydrated all day - Well+Good

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Potential Impact of COVID-19 on Cosmetic Skin Care Market to Show Outstanding Growth by 2025 Profiling Global Players Industry Developments, Outlook,…

The global Cosmetic Skin Care market reached ~US$ xx Mn in 2019and is anticipated grow at a CAGR of xx% over the forecast period 2019-2029. In this Cosmetic Skin Care market study, the following years are considered to predict the market footprint:

The business intelligence study of the Cosmetic Skin Care market covers the estimation size of the market both in terms of value (Mn/Bn USD) and volume (x units). In a bid to recognize the growth prospects in the Cosmetic Skin Care market, the market study has been geographically fragmented into important regions that are progressing faster than the overall market. Each segment of the Cosmetic Skin Care market has been individually analyzed on the basis of pricing, distribution, and demand prospect for the Global region.

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Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market, Product Analysis

Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market, Application Analysis

In addition the report provides cross-sectional analysis of all the above segments with respect to the following geographical markets:

Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market, by Geography

Each market player encompassed in the Cosmetic Skin Care market study is assessed according to its market share, production footprint, current launches, agreements, ongoing R&D projects, and business tactics. In addition, the Cosmetic Skin Care market study scrutinizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis.

COVID-19 Impact on Cosmetic Skin Care Market

Adapting to the recent novel COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global Cosmetic Skin Care market is included in the present report. The influence of the novel coronavirus pandemic on the growth of the Cosmetic Skin Care market is analyzed and depicted in the report.

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See the original post here:
Potential Impact of COVID-19 on Cosmetic Skin Care Market to Show Outstanding Growth by 2025 Profiling Global Players Industry Developments, Outlook,...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Sustainably Yours: The importance of understanding and trusting in Science – The Phuket News

In his book 21 Lessons for The 21st Century, historian Yuval Noah Harari begins by writing, In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power. Before the Internet, access to information was relatively limited, and media was concentrated in the hands of a few corporations, which had its problems.

When it comes to supposed facts about COVID-19 posted on the internet, its best to check first with those doing the real checking: scientists. Photo: AFP

Today, with YouTubers, bloggers, and social media at our fingertips, the world is filled with more information than ever. The problem is that much of it is fake news and rumours. Too many voices are clamouring for our attention, but few are fact-checked for accuracy.

Since the spread of COVID-19 began, weve seen snake oil salesmen hawking cures and prophylaxis, and the spread of conspiracy theories about the viruss origins.

In a world where breathing the same air as someone else can kill you, misinformation can be as deadly as the virus. Now more than ever we need to be mindful of what we say, what we post, and how we behave. So, we need to understand and trust in science.

Why Should We Believe in Science?

According to Harvard Professor Naomi Oreskes, author of Why Trust Science?, for several decades there has been an organised campaign to undermine the publics trust in science funded mainly by industries whose financial interests are threatened by its findings.

At its core, science is the study of how the natural world works.

It has a long history of success, and when done correctly it is the single best method of inquiry we have for the pursuit of truth. Because of science, we have aeroplanes, cars, GPS, the Internet, smartphones and modern medicine. The only reason we know that COVID-19 exists is because of science. More importantly, science is a self-policing system of checks and balances that exists to reveal problems and correct inaccuracies.

It begins with the scientific method, something we all learned in school:

Once a scientist has drawn a conclusion, it undergoes rigorous scrutiny by colleagues who are working in the same discipline. This process of scrutiny can lead to rejecting or accepting the hypothesis, redesigning the experiment or finding additional data to support the conclusion. If the claim is valid, the scientist then publishes their work in a reputable scientific journal such as Nature or Science.

Submission of a paper begins the rigorous peer-review process where experts in the same field deliberately challenge the scientists arguments, inspect their data and look for errors in their methodology. So, before a claim is made and the general media gets a hold of it, a study is peer-reviewed and subjected to scrutiny by dozens, if not hundreds of other experts in the same field.

In areas where there is a scientific consensus, such as the relative safety and efficacy of vaccines, or that climate change is anthropogenic, thousands of studies on these topics have been published over decades and reviewed by thousands of scientists in dozens of countries.

Professor Oreskes notes that a critical aspect of scientific judgment is that it is done collectively and not individually. This weeds out personal biases or someone who might have a specific agenda.

Scientific claims are put through a process much like a trial. Questions are posed, data is analysed, and facts are debated before the community comes to a consensus. This process can take years, even decades. So, when your beliefs are founded on scientific consensus, you are relying on the knowledge of dozens if not hundreds, or thousands of experts in their fields.

Because COVID-19 is still so new, there are lots of unknowns. It will take time to review the data and draw definitive conclusions. There remains speculation about how the virus transmits, whether recovered patients acquire sustained immunity, the effect of heat and humidity have on infection rates and the viability of various treatments, among other things. Nevertheless, our reaction to COVID-19 should be grounded in facts, evidence and empirical data rather than, unfounded opinions, suppositions and fears.

Science Makes Mistakes

Like any other human discipline, science has its failures. For example, in 2014, Japanese biologist Haruko Obokata knowingly falsified data regarding the creation of stimulus acquired pluripotent (STAP) cells in mice. If her claim had been valid, it would have revolutionised the production of embryonic stem cells, which are blank cells that can be programmed to become any of 200 different cell types in the human body, including bone, hair, skin or muscle.

However, due to the self-policing nature of science, within days, other biologists in her field refuted her claims after failing to replicate her experiments. Within months, her paper was retracted, and her career ended in disgrace.

Knowing that science sometimes makes mistakes and admits and corrects for them shouldnt make us trust it any less if anything it should make us believe in it more. Especially when compared to other methods of inquiry, which have no process of scrutiny.

The Problem with Intuition

In his book Thinking Fast Thinking Slow, Nobel Prize-winning behavioural economist Daniel Kahneman defined intuition as, Thinking that you know something without knowing why you do. As an example, he poses this problem:

A bat and ball cost $1.10.

The bat costs one dollar more than the ball.

How much does the ball cost?

If you answered 10 cents, you are incorrect. This question confounds 50% of students from some of the best universities in the world.

The correct answer is 5 cents.

Kahneman identifies two methods for problem-solving. System 1 is quick, intuitive, spontaneous and effortless. It instantly helps us to recognise faces, to act when confronted with dangers and to solve simple questions. System 2 is slow, rational, reflective and effortful. It gets into the drivers seat when you focus and concentrate on a complicated problem.

The problems occur when we try to use System 1 to make complex decisions that require System 2. People will often make judgements based on intuition when a given situation is easy to imagine. For example, when asked what the most dangerous method of generating energy is, public opinion is usually most negative toward nuclear. However, on a per terawatt-hour basis, atomic energy has killed far fewer people than oil, coal and even solar. But because most people conflate nuclear power with war, they tend to answer incorrectly.

When our perception of reality is based on stories that people tell us, rather than science, facts and evidence, it leads to poor decisions. In the modern world, we need to learn to think in terms of data as it is a far too complicated a place to always reason by intuition.

Linear Vs. Exponential Thinking

Part of the reason many governments didnt foresee the problems COVID-19 would create is that their leaders are linear thinkers.

As an example, if you take 30 linear steps, you move 30 standard paces from where you started, or about 30 metres. However, if you take 30 exponential steps, one, two, four, eight, sixteen by the time you get to the last step, you end up a billion metres from where your started thats about 26 times around the planet!

Its the reason why at the beginning of March the United States only had 65 infections and by April 14 it had over 500,000.

We are In This Together

Whether we like it or not, we are in this together. The virus doesnt distinguish between race, social class, tourist, expat or Thai.

We must be careful about what we say or post in social media. The virus kills quickly, but misinformation can also kill by influencing people to do foolish things.

For sources of science that have been peer-reviewed or vetted by experts, you can go to the following websites:


The Lancet

Nature Medicine

The New England Journal Of Medicine

The British Medical Journal



When we depend on intuition, gossip, fake news and conspiracy theories to make decisions, we get leaders who make demonstrably poor decisions that lead to disastrous consequences. In this regard many people think of Donald Trump.

To quote John F. Kennedy, We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future.

Science, both literally and figuratively, is that light; to disregard it is to remain in the dark.

See the original post here:
Sustainably Yours: The importance of understanding and trusting in Science - The Phuket News

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
