You Can Get Pregnant "Right Away" Once Your IUD Is Removed Here’s What You Should Know – POPSUGAR
Intrauterine devices, more commonly known as IUDs, are the most effective and reversible forms of birth control, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. If you've decided to use an IUD as your birth control method, you're probably wondering if the insertion process is painful, how long you can have it in, and how soon you can get pregnant if you decide to have it removed. To answer the latter, POPSUGAR enlisted Leah Millheiser, MD, ob-gyn, FACOG, and director of the female sexual medicine program at Stanford Health Care.
As a refresher, "An IUD is a tiny device that's placed in your uterus to prevent pregnancy," Planned Parenthood explains. It's a small piece of plastic that's shaped like a "T," and there are five different FDA-approved brands available in the US: Paragard, Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla.
Brand aside, there are two types of IUDs you can choose from: copper, such as the Paragard, or hormonal, such as the Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla options. The Paragard IUD is wrapped in copper, which acts as a spermicide, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and can prevent pregnancy for up to 12 years.
According to Planned Parenthood, the hormonal IUDs release the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. "The progestin causes cervical mucus to thicken and the lining of the uterus to thin," according to the HHS. Because of this, the sperm is unable to reach and fertilize the egg. The Mirena and Liletta IUDs work for up to seven years, Kyleena works for up to five years, and Skyla works for up to three years.
Planned Parenthood said, "IUDs are one of the best birth control methods out there more than 99 percent effective," but if you're considering having a child or switching your birth control method, here's what you need to know about how quickly you can get pregnant.
"You can get pregnant right away," Dr. Millheiser said. Whether you have a hormonal IUD or a copper IUD, neither prevents ovulation, she explained. "Essentially, you can get it taken out and get pregnant very quickly," she added. If you have a hormonal IUD inserted, your fertility should return within a month, according to Dr. Millheiser. "We [ob-gyns] tell people it's, for the most part, an immediate return to fertility. So, when you're due to ovulate, you're going to ovulate."
If you're wondering why you can get pregnant so quickly, it's because the primary method of the IUD is to prevent the sperm and the egg from meeting and fertilizing in the fallopian tube, Dr. Millheiser explained. If the egg does get fertilized, the IUD prevents it from sticking to the uterine wall, she said.
Even though the IUD is the most effective form of birth control, aside from abstinence, it's important you check your IUD, making sure you can feel the two strings that hang down into your vaginal canal to prevent pregnancy. There's a possibility you may not be able to feel your strings, and in that case, you should use a backup form of birth control and/or contact your medical provider to make sure your IUD hasn't fallen out of your uterus or perforated your cervix or uterus.
If you're interested in learning more about the birth control methods available to you, consult your medical provider or a local sexual healthcare clinic.
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You Can Get Pregnant "Right Away" Once Your IUD Is Removed Here's What You Should Know - POPSUGAR
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
From the Editor: Research is imperative to finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes – Colorado Springs Gazette
My niece was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 12. The previously robustly healthy girl was suddenly hungry all the time, extremely thirsty, losing weight, feeling fatigued, experiencing vision changes and generally not feeling well.
One day it all came to a head and her parents rushed her to the emergency room. After a very long and scary day of tests, the reason behind all those symptoms became clear. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder (meaning your immune system attacks the bodys own cells) that results from the bodys inability to produce insulin, a hormone that turns food into energy. It affects 1.3 million people in the U.S. and is on the rise, according to the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, one of the largest diabetes research facilities in the world.
If you have Type 1, your pancreas isnt making enough or any insulin. The exact cause of Type 1 diabetes is unknown. Risk factors for Type 1 in children include family history, genetic susceptibility and race (its more common in white children), according to the Mayo Clinic. However, most (90%) of children with diabetes do not have a family member with the disease and often go undiagnosed until they are very sick, according to the BDC. Type 1 can strike children and adults out of the blue, and, while manageable through insulin therapy, can be difficult to manage.
Type 2 diabetes is the kind thats preventable through lifestyle changes such as weight loss. If you have Type 1 you are insulin-dependent for life. There is no cure.
My niece, who is now 17, was a once a happy-go-lucky girl who was afraid of getting a shot at the doctor. Now she literally carries a burden with her wherever she goes, using an insulin pump that supplies her with the right amount of insulin. Some people have to self-inject insulin the old-school way. The pump is a newer technology that some people with Type 1 use in tandem with constant blood-glucose monitoring and carbohydrate counting (to determine how much insulin is needed).
Its a daily science experiment in which the patient is the guinea pig. Blood sugar has to be frequently monitored to make sure the pump is operating correctly. The site where its attached to the body (typically a fatty spot such as hip or upper arm) can get scar tissue buildup, and must be changed regularly. The wearer must pre-bolus or manually pump insulin to balance out a high-glycemic meal. Theres no taking a day off its a constant vigil without which the pump user can go high or low on blood sugar. Either way is bad for the body, and can be dangerous.
These are tough lessons for anyone to manage on a daily basis, let alone a child. When my niece was diagnosed, her parents were happy to have an answer for all the health issues shed been having. But now they had to learn quickly how to manage her disease.
Fortunately, the Barbara Davis Center provides instruction. The center cares for 3,600 children and 2,400 adults with diabetes in the Rocky Mountain region, per its website. Its financially supported by the Childrens Diabetes Foundation, established by Barbara and Marvin Davis in 1977. Important research is also conducted at the center.
That research there are currently 81 studies being done at Barbara Davis Center is paramount to finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes. The center also supports free Autoimmunity Screening for Kids for undiagnosed celiac disease and Type 1 diabetes in Colorado children ages 1-17. For more information and to find an ASK screening location, visit or call the hotline, 303-724-1275.
Last Sunday I joined about 10 other family members and friends (and thousands of others) on my nieces team at the JDRF One Walk in Denver. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation raised more than $550,000 from the Denver walk alone. There are 200 JDRF walks nationwide this year, including one at Rock Ledge Ranch in Colorado Springs on Oct. 12. The foundation has raised more than $2 billion to date to fund research to create a world without Type 1.
JDRF funds research that transforms the lives of people with T1D. We want a cure, and we wont stop until we find one but we need your help. Along the way, we will continue to drive scientific progress that delivers new treatments and therapies to help people with T1D stay healthy and live longer, states
Some of JDRFs goals are to create a future that holds treatment options such as the artificial pancreas and beta-cell replacement. And, ultimately, prevention of Type 1 diabetes, so kids like my niece can stop worrying about their health and get back to being kids.
Michelle Karas has called the Pikes Peak region home for more than four years. She became editor of Pikes Peak Newspapers in June. Contact Michelle with letters to the editor, guest columns or story ideas at
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From the Editor: Research is imperative to finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes - Colorado Springs Gazette
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Take slow, steady approach to beat stubborn belly fat –
Mark Mahoney(Photo: Mark Mahoney)
As we move toward the beginning of fall, the issue of understanding the importance of reducing belly fat through a healthier lifestyle can lead to an improved quality of life. Why is it important to address excess belly (or visceral) fat? And, what are some simple tips to consider for addressing this health problem? Taking proactive steps now can prove beneficial to your future longevity.
Visceral fat is stored in a person's abdominal cavity and is also known as 'active fat' as it influences how hormones function in the body. An excess of visceral fat can, therefore, have potentially dangerous consequences. Because visceral fat is in the abdominal cavity, it is close to many vital organs, such as the pancreas, liver, and intestines.
The higher the amount of visceral fat a person stores, the more at risk they are for certain health complications which may include many-varied negative health conditions such as heart attacks, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, heightened blood pressure, stroke, breast and colorectal cancer and Alzheimers disease.
Get more fiber:You dont have to consume a bag of prunes. Leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and beans are all good for keeping away the fat that stays deep in your belly. Thats called visceral fat, and its the most dangerous kind because it can wrap around major organs, including your liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
Forget these two things:There are no super foods that burn off visceral fat. And you cant tone it away with specific moves like crunches. Instead, look for ways to improve your eating habits and add activity every day. Think about your average week. Where might you be able to make some changes?
Limiting saturated fats:While anyone can have too much visceral fat, its more likely if youve got a lot of weight to lose. As you start to take those pounds off, it will help your whole body, including belly fat thats hidden out of your sight.
Limit the saturated kind thats in animal foods, coconut and palm oils, and full-fat dairy. Keep the portions of those foods smaller than you might normally do, for instance. And check nutrition labels to see how many calories and how much fat is in a serving. Look for fats that are better for you, too, like those from plant foods or fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel that are rich in omega-3s.
Sleep: An important formula:When it comes to weight gain, shut-eye is a bit like porridge: Too little less than 5 hours may mean more belly fat. But too much more than 8 hours can do that, too. Just right seems to be around 6-8 hours. If you dont sleep that much now, or if you tend to toss and turn, try to go to bed a little earlier, relax before bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, and try not to text and email right before you turn in.
Forget the quick fix:Sorry, but cosmetic surgery isnt the solution here. Liposuction doesnt reach inside the abdominal wall. So it cant get rid of visceral belly fat. Likewise, crash diets arent the solution, either. Youre too likely to go off them. The slower, steadier option lifestyle changes that you can commit to for a long time really is the best bet.
Keep calm:Are you stressed out? That can make you eat more fat and sugar, and unleash the stress hormone cortisol, which can boost belly fat. Stress also can make you sleep less, exercise less, and drink more alcohol which can add belly fat, too. Its a great reason to take up meditation, work out, listen to music you love, or find other healthy ways to unwind and relax.
Rethink your drink:Whether its a latte, a regular soda, a mug of beer, or a glass of wine, its got calories. And when youre trying to unwind the numbers on the scale, water (or a smaller glass of your favorite beverage) might be a better choice. If you drink alcohol, remember that it just might make you throw your willpower out the window when you order your meal, too.
Dont smoke:As if you need another reason to quit. Smoking makes you more likely to store fat in your belly, rather than your hips and thighs. And thats bad. Oh, and its also a cause of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. And you get the idea. If youve tried before, try again. Tell your doctor, so you can get pointers on what might help you quit for good.
Weight gain around the middle can have negative health affects. Recommendations include adopting a whole-foods diet cutting out processed, refined, stripped-of-fiber carbs and advocating healthy fats and lean proteins.(Photo: Martinina, Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Importance of waist size:A good method is to measure your waist. If youre a woman, you want that number to be 35 inches or less. Men can go up to 40 inches. You may lower your chance of having a heart attack, a stroke, or possibly certain types of cancer. A tape measure cant check on visceral fat. But along with the scale, it can help you track your weight loss.
Dont try to outrun it:Research shows that a few quick bursts of high-intensity exercise such as a 30-second sprint or intense pull-up sets may be more effective, and easier to fit into your schedule than long runs. You can add bursts of higher intensity to any workout. Just speed up or work harder for a brief time, then drop back to a mellower pace, and repeat.
Weights:Think about hitting the gym instead of the trail. In one study, healthy middle-aged men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training gained less abdominal fat than men who spent the same time doing aerobic exercises, such as biking. Strength training is also good for women and it wont make you bulky. You still need to do some cardio, but make sure strength training is in the mix.
Visceral fat is fat that we cannot see, so it is not always easy to know whether a person has an excess of it. Because the associated health risks can be severe, it is essential for those who suspect their visceral fat levels are high to seek advice from a health professional.
Usually, it is possible to avoid high levels of visceral fat by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Those who do store dangerous amounts of visceral fat can reduce their levels by making positive changes to their lifestyle. Three important changes include eating a nutritious, low-fat diet, undertaking appropriate types of exercise, and lowering stress levels.
Additional in-depth information on addressing visceral fat can be found at the following sites:
Thanks to Medical News Today and the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Health for much of the content here.
Consult a qualified health professional before undertaking any specific type of high intensity exercise and if you have any questions related to increasing your physical activity level.
Mark A. Mahoney, Ph.D. has been a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) for over 35 years and completed graduate studies in Nutrition & Public Health at Columbia University. He can be reached at
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Take slow, steady approach to beat stubborn belly fat -
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Losing weight not always good, could be a sign of ailment- when to see a doctor – Times Now
Unexplained weight loss: 5 reasons youre losing weight without trying; when to see a doctor  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images
New Delhi: Many people who want to get fitter and leaner find it hard to shed those extra pounds. On the other hand, there are some people who have unexplained weight loss, which can be a cause for concern. While the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight go far beyond improved health and appearance, losing weight without trying may signal an underlying condition. Health experts warned that unintentional weight loss can be a symptom of a serious illness, including heart failure, diabetes or cancer.
Anybody can experience unexplained weight loss especially after a life-changing or stressful event. But, in older people, losing weight of even less than 5 per cent of the body weight or 10 pounds may indicate that something isnt just right, as per Cleveland Clinic. Below are some reasons why unexplained weight loss could be a serious problem.
Congestive heart failure
Weight loss can be a sign of congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition in which the heart cant pump enough blood and oxygen to the bodys tissues. Heart failure is associated with weight loss as the inflammation in the damaged heart tissue can also increase the bodys metabolism. Other symptoms of CHFinclude:
Often people with type 1 diabetes, prior to diagnosis, have unexplained weight loss - although it can also affect people with type 2 diabetes. According to the, insufficient insulin stops the body from getting glucose from the blood and into the cells of the body to use as energy. Hence, the body begins to burn fat and muscle for energy, which leads to a reduction in overall body weight. Other symptoms of type 1 diabetes are:
Unexplained weight loss of 10 pounds or more could be one of the first signs of cancer, as per the American Cancer Society. In fact, 40% of people experienced weight loss when first diagnosed with cancer, a group of diseases that cause abnormal cells to divide and spread uncontrollably, destroying body tissue. Unusual weight loss is common especially in cancers of the pancreas, lung, stomach, and oesophagus. Other early symptoms of cancer include -
Hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, is a condition in which your thyroid gland produces too much of thyroxine, a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland into the bloodstream. It can accelerate your bodys metabolism, causing your body to burn calories quickly despite having a good appetite. This can result in unintentional weight loss. Other symptoms of an overactive thyroid include:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COPD is an umbrella term used to describe chronic inflammatory lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, causing obstructed airflow from the lungs. And that effort to breathe burns a lot of calories - way more than someone with healthy lungs, Albert Rizzo, MD, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Christiana Care Health System, told WebMD. The Cleveland Clinic said damaged lungs can burn as much as 10 times more calories than normal, healthy lungs, which can lead to unintentional weight loss.
Other symptoms of COPD include:
Apart from this, there are many other health conditions that can cause unusual weight loss such as - tuberculosis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, etc.
The fact is its quite normal for anybody to experience weight fluctuations. However, if youre losing weight without changing your habits or trying through diet/exercise, it may signal something more serious. It is advisable to seek medical help if a person is experiencing a 5% weight loss of their body weight in 6-12 months.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.
Losing weight not always good, could be a sign of ailment- when to see a doctor - Times Now
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Next Big Thing | Major Giants DSM, Novartis, Roche, Johnson & Johnson – Industry News Stock
HTF MI recently introduced new title on Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Study 2016-2026, by Segment (Vitamin, Antibiotics), by Market (Hospital, Clinic), by Company (Teva Active Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, DSM,) from its database. The report provides study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status to 2025. The Report gives you competition analysis of top manufacturer with sales volume, price, revenue (Million USD) and market share, the top players including Teva Active Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, DSM, Novartis, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Reddy s, Pfizer, Bayer, BASF, Cambrex, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Lonza group, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Aurobindo pharma
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In this report Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) market classified on the basis of product, end-user, and geographical regions. The report includes in-depth data related to revenue generation region wise and major market players in the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) market.
In order to get a deeper view of Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.
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Prominent top manufacturers Included In Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market with sales volume, price, revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players including Teva Active Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, DSM, Novartis, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Dr. Reddy s, Pfizer, Bayer, BASF, Cambrex, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Lonza group, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Aurobindo pharma
The Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Is Classified On The Basis Of User/Application: Vitamin, Antibiotics, Antipyretic & Analgesic, Hormone, Amino Acid, Nervus Centralis, Others
The Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Is Classified On The Basis Of Product Type: Hospital, Clinic, Others
The Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) is classified on The basis Of Region such as: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific etc
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Key questions answered in this comprehensive study Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Study 2016-2026, by Segment (Vitamin, Antibiotics), by Market (Hospital, Clinic), by Company (Teva Active Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, DSM)
What will the market size be in 2023 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market space? What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market? What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) market? Get in-depth details about factors influencing the market?
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Table of Contents Introduction of Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Product Overview and Scope of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Classification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) by Product Category Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market by Application/End Users Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market by Region Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Competition by Players/Suppliers Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Sales (Volume) and Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018) Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Sales (Volume) and Revenue (Value) by Type [Hospital, Clinic, Others] (Product Category) (2013-2018) Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Sales (Volume) by Application i.e. Vitamin, Antibiotics, Antipyretic & Analgesic, Hormone, Amino Acid, Nervus Centralis, Others (2013-2018) Global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Manufacturing Cost Analysis Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders Market Effect Factors Analysis Market Size (Value and Volume) Forecast (2018-2025) Research Findings and Conclusion Appendix
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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market Next Big Thing | Major Giants DSM, Novartis, Roche, Johnson & Johnson - Industry News Stock
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Weight Loss Efforts When All Else Failed – Boston Sports Extra
We often complain about our body fat, especially if it is hard to lose. In our complaining, we fail to realize that body fat is needed for the human body to regulate several bodily functions. Fat cells can be found in the arms, thighs, buttocks, and in the belly surrounding the organs. These fat cells are located in these areas of the body storing energy to be used at a later time. More than that our body fat is needed to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Also, what most people dont know is that having a healthy amount of body fat is required for blood sugar regulation. Body fat is also needed for the regulation of human growth hormone. Having a healthy amount of body is important for the human body. Then again, for every benefit of body fat, there is a health risk. According to the American Council on Exercise, having a body fat percentage higher than the recommended range could put a person at risk for over half a dozen health conditions. That is why it is important to lose excess body fat reducing the chances of developing a health condition. However, for some this can be easier said than done as body fat is not always easy to lose. By eating smart, balancing your hormones, and making behavioral changes it can be possible to lose body fat when previous methods have failed.
When losing weight is presenting as a challenge there are 5 scientifically proven ways that can help by reducing body fat. By employing these practices long-term it is possible to lose the desired amount of body fat and keep it off.
It is not easy to be appreciative of what our body fat does for us when there are several reasons why to much body fat can be harmful to our health. It can be even harder on those trying to lose weight are having difficulty in losing body fat. Losing body fat is not always easy, but can become possible by using any one of the 5 weight loss techniques listed above. All 5 of these techniques focus on managing ones hormones, controlling behavior, and changing the way a person thinks to improve the chances of weight loss. They have all been scientifically proven to increase the chances of losing body fat in order to lose weight, even if previous attempts at weight loss have failed.
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5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Weight Loss Efforts When All Else Failed - Boston Sports Extra
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
My husband had better be a sapiosexual like Mark Ronson – The Times
September 25 2019, 12:01am,The Times
Carol Midgley
Aside from that other big story (something about Boris Johnson?) youll have noticed that primary pupils are being given self-touching lessons. They are being taught that stimulating their private parts is not dirty, but really very normal, although not in class when everyone is watching.
Madness. I mean, what a waste of time. Because as any parent of a teenage boy will confirm, they work all that stuff out pretty damn well by themselves. Give it a few years, head teachers, and they may not be acing maths, but theyll certainly be achieving an A* in onanism with all the happy socks under the bed to prove it. So relax. Save a few quid on your budgets. Because its balls.
But then so much of
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My husband had better be a sapiosexual like Mark Ronson - The Times
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
The influence of contraceptives on cognitive ability – Innovation Origins
The neurobiologist Belinda Pletzer from the University of Salzburg is researching the psychological effect of the contraceptive pill. She is focusing on the neurobiological effects on the structures inside the brain and whether these are reversible. She is particularly interested in puberty as one of the most sensitive phases of brain development.
There are about 9000 known studies on health risks and side effects of the pill. In addition to physical symptoms such as weight gain, high blood pressure and thrombosis, the psychological effects have also been studied. Until now, however, only about fifteen studies have explored the influence that the contraceptive pill has on the brain. As she has studied amongst other things biology and psychology, observing the causes of psychological effects on the brain is also an appropriate method for Pletzer.
In her study, the researcher is looking at contraceptives which contain two different active ingredients:
Women react very differently emotionally when taking the various birth control pills available. Pletzer adds:
For some women, using these may cause depressive moods. For others, they have a stabilizing effect. After all, some birth control pills are prescribed for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as well.
PMS refers to complex physical and emotional discomfort associated with a womans menstrual cycle.
The project aims to reveal what distinguishes women who can tolerate the contraceptive pill easily, from women who cannot. It also aims to study how the various contraceptives affect the brain during sensitive periods of the brains development, such as puberty.
The tests are carried out using fMRI scans at the Christian Doppler Clinic. The test subjects have to solve various cognitive problems and their scans must be recorded in order to determine whether taking the pill alters the brain structure or brain activity.
The tests are performed before, during and after taking contraceptives. After a contraceptive pill has been discontinued, a check is carried out to see whether the effect is reversible.
Pletzer works at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience in Salzburg. Her project was awarded a 1.5 million ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. The exceptional 36-year-old researcher studied biology, psychology, philosophy and mathematics and has two doctorates. She is also the mother of four children. The funding runs for five years and will allow her to conduct a comprehensive study with 300 test subjects.
An interview with Belinda Pletzer:
When we talk about the psyche, we think about emotional well-being. We have known since the 1960s that the pill has an effect on the psyche. There are also studies on this, but the results are contradictory. Some studies have found an increase in depression, whereas others have shown stabilizing effects on emotional well-being. Both have merit, women have different reactions. These effects have been observed by gynecologists and proven in studies.
I am concerned with the neurobiological structures in the brain and as of yet there are practically no relevant studies on this. For example, there are studies that examined in group comparisons whether the brain structure of women who take the pill differs from that of those who do not. This is questionable from a methodological point of view. Every person is different.
We are conducting a longitudinal study and comparing the development of womens brain structure before, during and after use of the pill.
Because there are scarcely any studies in this field, we are trying to cover cognition in as comprehensibly as possible. As a general rule, these are the aspects spatial, verbal and memory. We test:
For facial recognition, we did a preliminary study wherein we were able to show that facial recognition skills are improved when taking certain types of contraceptive pills. Face recognition has a correlation with the gray mass in the area of the brain responsible for face recognition.
Separately from us, another group looked at brain activity, which is also correlated. The longer women take the pill, the greater its effect.
Face recognition should be included in studies that examined the influence of the contraceptive pill on memory. In fact, and with a considerable amount of circumspection, it could be said that the common denominator among the few available studies is that taking the contraceptive pill seems to slightly improve memory function.
This does not mean that taking the contraceptive pill is either good or bad, but merely that it may have an effect. As every woman reacts differently to using the pill and there are still very few relevant studies, it is not yet possible to make recommendations.
Our hypotheses are based on findings concerning the effect of endogenous hormones on the brain. We have looked at a number of brain regions that have consistently responded to hormones in a similar way across a variety of studies and in different test subjects. When estradiol levels rise, there is more gray matter and more activity in the hippocampus. As the pill usually contains a very strong synthetic estrogen (ethylene estradiol), we can expect a very similar effect. But this still has yet to be proven.
Note: estradiol is a sex hormone and the most effective natural estrogen (estrogen) in comparison with estrone and estriol. It is produced mainly in the ovarian follicles.
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The influence of contraceptives on cognitive ability - Innovation Origins
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
20 Small Things That Supercharge Weight Loss – CafeMom
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20 Small Things That Supercharge Weight Loss - CafeMom
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
CRISPR Tool Opens Up a New Frontier of Genome Engineering Technologies – Technology Networks
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have used a previously unexplored CRISPR technology to accurately regulate and edit genomes in human cells.
With this new approach, the researchers hope to dramatically expand the CRISPR-based tools available to biomedical engineers, opening up a new and diverse frontier of genome engineering technologies.
In a study appearing on Sept. 23 in Nature Biotechnology, Charles Gersbach, the Rooney Family Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Duke, and Adrian Oliver, a post-doctoral fellow in the Gersbach lab who led the project, describe how they successfully harnessed Class 1 CRISPR systems to turn target genes on and off and edit the epigenome in human cells for the first time.
CRISPR-Cas is a defense system in which bacteria use RNA molecules and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins to target and destroy the DNA of invading viruses. The discovery of this phenomenon and the repurposing of the molecular machinery set off a genome-editing revolution as researchers learned how to wield the tool to specifically target and edit DNA in human cells.
CRISPR-Cas9, the most commonly used genome editing tool today, is categorized as a Class 2 CRISPR system. Class 2 systems are less common in the bacterial world, but they are theoretically simpler to work with, as they rely on only one Cas protein to target and cleave DNA.
Class 1 systems are not so simple, relying on multiple proteins working together in a complex called Cascade (CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defense) to target DNA. After binding, Cascade recruits a Cas3 protein that cuts the DNA.
"If you were to look at the individual CRISPR systems of all the bacteria in the world, nearly 90 percent are Class 1 systems," said Gersbach. "CRISPR-Cas biology is an incredible source for biotechnology tools, but until recently everyone has only been looking at a small slice of the pie."
To demonstrate the capabilities of the Class 1 system, Oliver attached gene activators to specific sites along a type I E. coli Cascade complex and targeted the system to bind gene promoters, which regulate gene expression levels. Because she did not include the Cas3 protein in the experiment, there was no cutting of the DNA and no change to underlying DNA sequence. The experiment showed that the Cascade activator not only binds to the correct site and can turn up the levels of the target gene, but does so with accuracy and specificity comparable to CRISPR/Cas9.
Oliver repeated the process using type I Cascade complexes from an additional bacterial strain that was particularly robust in working at a variety of target sites. She also showed that the activator domain could be swapped for a repressor to turn target genes off. Again, the researchers noted accuracy and specificity comparable to CRISPR/Cas9 methods.
"We have found Cascade's structure to be remarkably modular, allowing for a variety of sites to attach activators or repressors, which are great tools for altering gene expression in human cells," Oliver said. "The flexible nature of Cascade makes it a promising genome engineering technology."
Gersbach and Oliver were encouraged to investigate the more complicated Class 1 CRISPR systems by their collaborators at nearby North Carolina State University, Professors Rodolphe Barrangou and Chase Beisel, who is now at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany. Barrangou is a microbiologist who has studied the natural biology of diverse CRISPR defense mechanisms for nearly two decades, and Beisel is a chemical engineer who has worked with Barrangou on engineering microorganisms with Class 1 CRISPR systems. They were both curious whether Gersbach's lab could use these systems in human cells similar to their work with Cas9.
"This work and the resulting technologies are a fantastic example of how collaboration across disciplines and across universities in the North Carolina Research Triangle can be highly innovative and productive" says Barrangou, the Todd R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Professor in Probiotics Research at North Carolina State University.
Now, the team is optimistic that their study, and the related work of others in the field, will incentivize new research into Class 1 CRISPR systems.
"The purpose of this project was to explore the diversity of CRISPR systems," said Gersbach. "There have been thousands of papers about CRISPR-Cas9 in the last decade, and yet we're constantly learning new things about it. With this study we're applying that mindset to the other 90% of what's out there."
So far, the team has shown that these Class 1 systems are comparable to to CRISPR-Cas9 in terms of accuracy and application. As they consider future directions, they are curious to explore how these systems differ from their Class 2 counterparts, and how these differences could prove useful for biotechnology applications.
The team is also interested in studying how Class 1 systems could address general challenges for CRISPR-Cas research, especially issues that complicate potential therapeutic applications, like immune responses to Cas proteins and concurrently using multiple types of CRISPR for different genome engineering functions.
"We know CRISPR could have a big impact on human health," said Gersbach. "But we're still at the very beginning of understanding how CRISPR is going to be used, what it can do, and what systems are available to us. We expect that this new tool will enable new areas of genome engineering."
Reference: Pickar-Oliver. 2019.Targeted transcriptional modulation with type I CRISPRCas systems in human cells. Nature Biotechnology. DOI:
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CRISPR Tool Opens Up a New Frontier of Genome Engineering Technologies - Technology Networks
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
University of California awarded 15th U.S. CRISPR-Cas9 patent – UC Berkeley
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today granted the University of California (UC) and its partners, the University of Vienna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, a new CRISPR-Cas9 patent, bringing the teams continually expanding patent portfolio to 15.
Jennifer Doudna, co-inventor of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, in 2014, with a model of the complex on her computer screen. (UC Berkeley photo courtesy of Cailey Cotner)
U.S. Patent 10,421,980 covers compositions of certain DNA-targeting RNAs that contain RNA duplexes of defined lengths that hybridize with Cas9 and target a desired DNA sequence. The patent also covers methods of targeting and binding a target DNA, modifying a target DNA, or modulating transcription from a target DNA wherein the method comprises contacting a target DNA with a complex that includes a Cas9 protein and a DNA-targeting RNA.
In the coming months, based on applications allowed by the USPTO, UCs CRISPR-Cas9 patent portfolio will increase to 18. Together, these patents cover compositions and methods for CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing, including targeting and editing genes and modulating transcription in any setting, such as within plant, animal and human cells.
With every patent that issues, UC strengthens its position as the leader in CRISPR-Cas9 intellectual property in the United States, said Eldora Ellison, the lead patent strategist on CRISPR-Cas9 matters for UC and a director at Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox. We are steadfast in our commitment to developing a comprehensive patent portfolio that protects the groundbreaking work of the Doudna-Charpentier team on CRISPR-Cas9.
The team that invented the CRISPR-Cas9 DNA-targeting technology included Doudna and Martin Jinek at UC Berkeley; Charpentier, then at Umea University in Sweden and now director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Germany; and Krzysztof Chylinski of the University of Vienna. The methods covered by todays patent, as well as the other methods claimed in UCs previously issued patents and those set to issue, were included among the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology work disclosed first by the Doudna-Charpentier team in its May 25, 2012, priority patent application.
Doudna is a UC Berkeley professor of molecular and cell biology and of chemistry, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and holder of the Li Ka Shing Chancellors Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences. She also is executive director of the Innovative Genomics Institute, a faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco.
Additional CRISPR-Cas9 patents in this teams portfolio include 10,000,772; 10,113,167; 10,227,611; 10,266,850; 10,301,651; 10,308,961; 10,337,029; 10,351,878; 10,358,658; 10,358,659; 10,385,360; 10,400,253; 10,407,697; and 10,415,061. These patents are not a part of the PTABs recently declared interference between 14 UC patent applications and multiple previously issued Broad Institute patents and one application, which jeopardizes essentially all of the Broads CRISPR patents involving eukaryotic cells.
International patent offices have also recognized the pioneering innovations of the Doudna-Charpentier team, in addition to the 15 patents granted in the U.S. so far. The European Patent Office (representing more than 30 countries), as well as patent offices in the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and other countries, have issued patents for the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in all types of cells.
University of California has a long-standing commitment to develop and apply its patented technologies, including CRISPR-Cas9, for the betterment of humankind. Consistent with its open-licensing policies, UC allows nonprofit institutions, including academic institutions, to use the technology for non-commercial educational and research purposes.
In the case of CRISPR-Cas9, UC has also encouraged widespread commercialization of the technology through its exclusive license with Caribou Biosciences, Inc. of Berkeley, California. Caribou has sublicensed this patent family to numerous companies worldwide, including Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. for certain human therapeutic applications. Additionally, Dr. Charpentier has licensed the technology to CRISPR Therapeutics AG and ERS Genomics Limited.
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University of California awarded 15th U.S. CRISPR-Cas9 patent - UC Berkeley
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
California man pleads with scientists to ‘CRISPR me’ – STAT – STAT
On one level, Malakkar Vohryzek always knew what was wrong with him. For as long as he can remember hes now 43 the sun has been his enemy, making angry-looking moles pop up on his white-as-a-fish-belly skin like toxic mushrooms after a downpour.
At age 9, he bit one off. Since his teens he has had moles removed as regularly as other kids got haircuts, hoping to catch the growths before they became malignant. Because of his skins extreme sensitivity to sunlight, he takes every UV-blocking precaution, from SPF 60 sunscreen and hats and other cover-ups to, as a 19-year-old, working the graveyard shift as a waiter at Dennys so he could commute in darkness.
But there is no name for what Vohryzek has, and no cure. There is no known inherited genetic mutation that might explain why just a few ultraviolet rays make his skin cells proliferate wildly, forming moles. One of these days, Vohryzek is convinced, hell overlook one, or wait too long before seeing a dermatologist, and hell wake up with malignant melanoma. That cancer, if it metastasizes, is usually fatal.
Vohryzek, a legal researcher and IT consultant in southern California, has therefore taken matters into his own hands. For the last few months, he has blitzed scientists, biotechnology companies, and biohackers as far away as Sendai, Japan, with email pleas to please CRISPR him. I just want to live, Vohryzek told STAT in an interview.
It was perhaps inevitable that the campaign to give patients the right to try experimental drugs before FDA approval enshrined in a 2018 law would combine with unbounded optimism about the potential curative power of genome-editing technology to send someone like Vohryzek on this quest. In California, lawmakers were so concerned about people biohacking themselves or others with unproven therapies that they passed a law this summer banning it.
Id expect to see more people like Vohryzek, said bioethicist Alison Bateman-House of New York University, an expert on avenues for patients to access experimental therapies. Although parents are increasingly asking scientists for access to experimental compounds that have never even been tested in animals, in order to save their children from a devastating disease, there are likely to be even more such pleas for genetic technologies.
Its so intuitively simple: replace or correct a gene thats not functioning properly, Bateman-House said. There is so much hype, more and more people will think, I want that.
In his early 30s, Vohryzek became increasingly frantic about UV-induced DNA damage, which he fears is worsening with age. Hed spent much of his 20s in federal prison for distributing LSD, after which he legally changed his first name to a bastardization of the Arabic (malak al qur) and Hebrew for Angel of Truth and took his mothers last name. After his release, he found that moles were erupting with frightening frequency, especially on his arms.
In 2017, he read that biohacker Josiah Zayner, who sells genetic engineering kits and lessons through his company The Odin, injected himself with a purportedly muscle-boosting CRISPR cocktail onstage at a biotechnology conference. That inspired me, Vohryzek said though Zayners stunt didnt work and he began combing genetics papers for research on radiation protection.
Earlier this year, he happened on a gene that he believes will save him, one from the tiny, rotund, eight-legged water bear aka moss piglet, aka tardigrade which protects it from the damaging effects of radiation. A study from Japan reported that scientists had sequenced the genome of Ramazzottius varieornatus, a species of the famously resilient tardigrade, and identified a previously unknown gene. It turned out to code for a protein they called Dsup (for damage suppressor).
What caught Vohryzeks eye was what happened when Takuma Hashimoto of the University of Tokyo and his colleagues slipped the tardigrade gene into human cells growing in lab dishes and then bombarded them with X-rays. Photon for photon, X-rays are hundreds of times more powerful than the suns ultraviolet rays. Human cells genetically engineered to express tardigrade Dsup withstood 40% more radiation than regular human cells.
Dsup works by minimizing the harm to genes, apparently, by encasing cells DNA, much like a lead shield in a nuclear reactor. As a result, radiation doesnt break the strands of the double helix a breach that can trigger cancer. Dsup, Vohryzek thought, could protect him from solar UV and therefore melanoma.
For the last few months, he has been asking scientists and companies if theyll give him the biological supplies he would need he isnt always clear on what those might be to receive the tardigrade gene, using CRISPR or some other technology to slip it into his cells.
Hashimotos experiment, Vohryzek told STAT, demonstrates that Im not proposing something insane. I want to participate in [the] use of CRISPR on full genome gene insertion.
In July, he emailed his request to Hashimoto, explaining that he will die soon from skin cancer unless he receives the Dsup gene. If you know a team that can [use] CRISPR to insert the Dsup production into my genome, Vohryzek promised, he would sign an agreement not to hold them responsible for any mishaps. If the experiment killed him, he said, he would donate his body to science so researchers could figure out what happened.
In fact, genome editing technologies such as CRISPR only tweak what already exists in a genome. It can alter a DNA letter, or nucleotide, to transform the gene from a disease-causing form to a healthy one. It can snip out regions from the former, disabling them and leaving only the healthy version (people inherit two copies of every gene, one from mom and one from dad). It can insert a few nucleotides in place of a misspelled, disease-causing segment.
But it cannot insert a completely novel gene. Thats called genetic engineering. Although there are now two approved gene therapies in the U.S., for a form of blindness and for spinal muscular atrophy, this intervention is considered less precise and more prone to problems than genome editing.
None of that has dampened Vohryzeks interest. Although his chief motivation is avoiding melanoma I just know that eventually the roll of the genetic dice will come up snake eyes, and I will die, he said he also believes that becoming a human guinea pig would advance science.
CRISPR science has the potential to save billions of lives, and end misery for billions more, he said. I have hundreds of reasons to willingly contribute my own body for furthering its research, and no reason at all not to.
He has received almost no replies to his requests, and the ones hes gotten have hardly been encouraging. While technically feasible there are many ethical and legal implications to attempting this, wrote an executive at the genetics supply company Atum. Im not sure what sort of help we can give you with this project. To be honest, it seems more like a science fiction project than a commercially viable product. We deal mostly with the latter.
It seems unlikely that any academic or biotech scientists will grant Vohryzeks wish. On the other hand, the birth of CRISPR babiesalso seemed unlikely, until scientist He Jiankui produced two of them in China last year. Just as that bombshell sent tremors through legitimate developers of CRISPR therapies, so could a rogue researcher putting a water bear gene into Vohryzek, said NYUs Bateman-House: Im very worried about systemic ramifications, including shutting down gene therapy everywhere.
None of the biohacker collectives contacted by STAT said it had been asked by patients for help with do-it-yourself genome editing, but Bateman-House suspects that it is just a matter of time. Earlier this month, Vohryzek asked a friend who was attending a biohackers gathering in Las Vegas to see whether any of them might be willing to give him the Dsup gene, though he said he would prefer the professionals to a garage DIYer. In November, he plans to attend a meeting of a DIY collective in Seattle to see if my experimental treatment is feasible for them.
If I die of melanoma, it wont help anyone, he said. If I die because of an experimental treatment, it will at least help science.
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California man pleads with scientists to 'CRISPR me' - STAT - STAT
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Is CRISPR Therapeutics a Buy? – Motley Fool
In the volatile world of biotech, investors can find a number of promising markets that could see significant growth in the years to come. Gene editing is one of these markets that has tremendous potential for growth, with some research reports showing the sector could reach $9.66 billion by 2025. Considering that in 2018, the gene-editing market was worth only $3.7 billion; this works out to an impressive 14.7% annual growth rate.
While few biotech stocks are developing gene-editing therapies, the complexity of the subject matter can make it difficult for investors to categorize where an individual company stands in relation to its competition.CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ:CRSP)has a head start. Having developed the CRISPR Cas9 gene-editing technology, CRISPR has quickly made a name for itself in the biotech world. Since then, CRISPR Therapeutics has earned a market cap of $2.65 billion despite only having a handful of early clinical trials to show at the moment.
Amid this wave of excitement, shares of CRISPR have risen by 61.8% so far in 2019. While CRISPR will have to clear a few hurdles before its gene-editing drugs can hit the markets, there's a strong case to be made for this stock becoming a leader in the space. Let's take a look at some of the main therapies CRISPR is developing at the moment and how exactly it compares to its competition.
CRISPR's main strategy with its gene-editing technology has been to target major genetically based disorders. Its flagship drug, an anti-sickle cell medication known as CTX001, is undergoing a phase 1 clinical trial that, if successful, would be highly lucrative for the company. Approximately 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with sickle cell disease currently, with children being especially vulnerable to the condition.
At the moment, there's no cure for the disease, and researchers are currently exploring the possibility of bone marrow transplants as a therapeutic option. A gene-editing drug that could treat sickle cell anemia would be a home run for CRISPR if it were approved for human use.
Earlier this year, CRISPR announced the first sickle-cell patient had been treated with CTX001 in its clinical trial, and the research team is waiting to see if there are any long-term effects of the treatment. Although CRISPR has said that the clinical trial could be concluded in 2022 and a potential rollout could quickly follow, in the world of clinical trials, that's still plenty of time for things to change.
CRISPR also has a number of early-stage clinical trials underway for its cancer immunotherapies. CTX110 is a drug that is being tested as a potential treatment against cancerous tumors, while CTX120 and CTX130 are other candidate drugs for various cancer types. Cancer immunology is an already-massive market that's estimated to grow to $126.9 billion by 2026, representing a 9.6% compound annual growth rate. However, there's already a fair bit of competition in this space.
Specifically, CTX110 is what's referred to as an allogeneic chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy. Healthcare giantsGilead (NASDAQ:GILD) and Novartis (NYSE:NVS) have their own CAR-T therapies, but the problem they face is that this treatment is extremely expensive for patients, not to mention being quite slow.
CAR-T therapies require scientists to remove immune cells from a patient, teach those cells to better fight cancer cells, and then reintroduce them into the patient's system. Understandably, this is both time-consuming and expensive, with treatments costing hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient.
One solution to these problems is to develop CAR-T drugs from donor cells. This process, referred to as allogeneic, could lead to complications from patients whose immune systems react against or even reject the donor cells. This is where CRISPR comes in, as its gene-editing technology can significantly minimize the chance of rejection.
Ananalyst at Needham named Alan Carr said,"An off-the-shelf allogeneic product presents several advantages and we believe CRISPR is uniquely positioned to succeed in the space, given rights are wholly owned and the simplicity and flexibility of CRISPR technology to make multiple simultaneous edits."
While the market for gene-editing technology is excellent, the last question worth asking is where CRISPR Therapeutics stands in comparison to its rivals. CRISPR's potential competitors include Intellia Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NTLA) and Editas Medicine (NASDAQ:EDIT), both companies working in the gene-editing field. The latter is developing its own sickle cell treatment to rival CTX001. However, Editas is also working on a gene-editing drug called EDIT-101 that would help babies with protein deficiencies in their retinas leading to blindness. So while there is some overlap between the two companies, there are also areas in which the two aren't in direct competition.
CRISPR also enjoys a cushier financial position than the other two companies, with $427.9 million in cash reserves compared to Editas' $317.9 million and Intellia's $275.8 million. However, CRISPR Therapeutics doesn't have as strong an intellectual-property portfolio as some of its competitors; Editas owns more than 70 issued patents and 600 pending patent applications, not to mention the rights to technology owned by institutions such as MIT and Harvard.
Overall, it's hard to say which gene-editing company will end up reigning supreme in the years to come. I would take a shotgun approach, investing a little in most of the promising gene-editing biotech stocks in the market right now while acknowledging that many will likely fail. CRISPR Therapeutics definitely makes the list of gene-editing stocks worth buying, although only for investors willing to jump into a high-risk, high-reward type of investment.
See the original post here:
Is CRISPR Therapeutics a Buy? - Motley Fool
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Clunky CRISPR Flaunts Smooth Moves in Gene Regulation – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Sleek CRISPR systems get almost all the attention. They rely on single-protein nucleases instead of multiunit effectors, which are, presumably, too unwieldy for gene engineering applications. Yet CRISPR jumbles have been given a tumble by scientists at Duke University. Led by Charles Gersbach, PhD, the Rooney Family associate professor of biomedical engineering and Adrian Oliver, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow, these scientists used a multiunit effector system to turn target genes on and off in human cells.
Specifically, the scientists used a class 1 CRISPR-Cas system called Cascade (CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defense). And as if it wasnt clunky enough already, the scientists tacked on a couple of extrasactivation and repression domains. The system, however, omitted the Cas enzyme that would have ordinarily been present.
In this case, the Cas enzyme would have been Cas3, a sort of molecular shredder. Leaving it out seemed a good idea, since the scientists were experimenting with gene regulation, something rather more delicate than shredding.
Using modified versions of Cascade systems from Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes, the scientists achieved both DNA targeting and transcriptional control. They presented their findings in a paper (Targeted transcriptional modulation with type I CRISPRCas systems in human cells) that appeared September 23 in Nature Biotechnology.
We validate Cascade expression, complex formation, and nuclear localization in human cells, and demonstrate programmable CRISPR RNA (crRNA)-mediated targeting of specific loci in the human genome, the articles authors wrote. By tethering activation and repression domains to Cascade, we modulate the expression of targeted endogenous genes in human cells.
Class 1 CRISPR systems, which include the type I CRISPR-Cas system in the current study, represent about 90% of all CRISPR systems in nature. Yet these systems remain largely unexplored for genome engineering applications. By demonstrating the potential of repurposed type I CRISPR-Cas systems, the Duke scientists hope to open a new and diverse frontier of genome engineering technology.
We have found Cascades structure to be remarkably modular, allowing for a variety of sites to attach activators or repressors, which are great tools for altering gene expression in human cells, said Oliver, the lead author of the study. The flexible nature of Cascade makes it a promising genome engineering technology.
[Our purpose] was to explore the diversity of CRISPR systems, added Gersbach, the studys senior author. There have been thousands of papers about CRISPR-Cas9 in the last decade, and yet were constantly learning new things about it. With this study, were applying that mindset to the other 90% of whats out there.
So far, the Duke team has shown that Class 1 systems are comparable to CRISPR-Cas9 in terms of accuracy and application. Going forward, the team intends to explore how these systems differ from their Class 2 counterparts, and how these differences could prove useful for biotechnology applications.
The team is also interested in studying how Class 1 systems could address general challenges for CRISPR-Cas research, especially issues that complicate potential therapeutic applications, like immune responses to Cas proteins and concurrently using multiple types of CRISPR for different genome engineering functions.
We know CRISPR could have a big impact on human health, noted Gersbach. But were still at the very beginning of understanding how CRISPR is going to be used, what it can do, and what systems are available to us. We expect that this new tool will enable new areas of genome engineering.
See the article here:
Clunky CRISPR Flaunts Smooth Moves in Gene Regulation - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Viewpoint: How organic industry opposition to CRISPR gene editing encourages pesticide use – Genetic Literacy Project
The increasing popularity of organic food is driven largely by consumers hoping to avoid pesticide exposure. When the Soil Association, a UK-based organic advocacy group, asked consumers why they didnt buy conventional foods, 95 percent of them said they did so because of pesticides. Despite the fact that organic growers do indeed utilize pesticides some of which can be very harmful to human health and wildlife the organic food movement has done its utmost to promote the myth of chemical-free natural agriculture, contrasting it with the idea that conventional farmers rely on a bevy of toxic substances to grow their crops. Organic Consumers Association (OCA) International Director Ronnie Cummins summed up this false dichotomy in a 2014 article for EcoWatch:
Organic farming prohibits the use of toxic pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones and climate-destabilizing chemical fertilizers . Consumers are concerned about purchasing foods with high nutritional value and as few as possible synthetic or non-organic ingredients. Organic foods are nutritionally dense compared to foods produced with toxic chemicals, chemical fertilizers and GMO seeds.
Although synthetic pesticides are generally not allowed in organic farming, natural substances that control pests are not only permitted but required, because bugs will eat organic and conventional crops without hesitation. Cummins doesnt include that important clarification, though the problem with his argument isnt so much the sleight of hand but that its at complete odds with reality.
As crop biotechnology continues to advance, conventional farmers are gaining access to new tools that drastically cut pesticide use. This downward trend in chemical dependency goes back to the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops in the 1990s, and will only accelerate as more gene-edited crops and animals reach the market in the near future. The organic industry, meanwhile, continues to sit out this sustainability revolution for ideological and economic reasons, which ultimately encourages pesticide use.
Mother Natures toxic chemicals
There is a common misconception that natural substances are inherently safer than the chemicals scientists synthesize in the lab, leading to the belief that synthetic pesticides used in conventional agriculture must pose an elevated threat to human health. The organic movement has found this misconception helpful in its crusade against modern farming techniques, even in the face of evidence that both synthetic and natural pesticides can be toxic. According to Charlotte Vallaeys, food and farm policy director at the Cornucopia Institute, a non-profit organic activist group:
There was just no way that truly independent scientists . would ignore the vast and growing body of scientific literature pointing to serious health risks from eating foods produced with synthetic chemicals.
What the Cornucopia Institute seems less eager to discuss is the long list of USDA-approved substances that can be used in organic farming. Some of the products would surprise many organic food consumers, since these chemicals can be dangerous. Lime sulfur, for instance, is used to control fungi, bacteria and insects living in or dormant on the surface of bark of deciduous trees, which lose their leaves seasonally.
Lime sulfur solutions are highly alkaline and corrosive to living things; they can cause blindness through eye contact. Organic farmers growing apples and pears whose orchards are infected with fire blight can use peracetic acid to control infestation. Exposure to peracetic acid can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory system; high acute and long-term exposure can cause permanent lung damage. There have been cases of occupational asthma resulting from the use of peracetic acid. Boric acid powder can also be used in organic farming for pest control, as long as it does not come into direct contact with crops. It is poisonous if ingested and long-term exposure can cause kidney damage.
Copper sulfate can also be used in organic farming as a fungicide, and is extensively utilized in grape orchards. According to the EPA, DANGER must appear on the labels of all copper sulfate products that contain 99% active ingredient in crystalline form. Cornell Universitys Toxicology Network summary of copper sulfate poisoning explains why that is:
Some of the signs of poisoning, which occur after 1-12 grams of copper sulfate are swallowed, include a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sweating and shockInjury to the brain, liver, kidneys and stomach and intestinal linings may also occur in copper sulfate poisoning. Copper sulfate can be corrosive to the skin and eyesCopper sulfate is very toxic to fishDirect application of copper sulfate to water may cause a significant decrease in populations of aquatic invertebrates, plants and fish.
The EU has deemed copper fungicides to be such a potential hazard to humans and the environment that it is phasing them out. In October 2018, the European Food Safety Authority released fresh data that re-affirmed the toxicity of copper compounds that are used in organic farming. In October 2018, the European Union (EU) noted:
Copper compounds, including copper sulfate, are authorized in the EU as bactericides and fungicides, even though it is a substance of particular concern to public health or the environment, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Copper compounds are candidates for substitution and their use is being phased out and replaced.
Biotechnology exposes a bigger problem
The organic food movement has a bigger problem than the obvious double standard it relies on to attack synthetic chemicals. Biotechnology has drastically cut pesticide use over the past 25 years. But since activists like OCAs Cummins also oppose crop biotech, they have twisted themselves in knots trying to justify two clearly contradictory positions.
For example, one of the most common insecticides used in organic farming is Bacilllus thuringiensis (Bt), a natural bacterium found in the soil. Yet when Bt is spliced into a seed to create genetically modified corn, soybean, cotton and brinjal (a type of eggplant), the organic movement vehemently objects, claiming that these insect-resistant crops are dangerous to human health and the environment. Both claims have been thoroughly debunked by years of research.
Instead of criticizing GM Bt crops, the organic movement should be applauding their cultivation, which has led to a substantial reduction in the use of pesticides. Farmers in India who grow Bt cotton, for example, have seen their use of pesticides decline by more than 60 percent. A June 2019 study on the introduction of Bt brinjal in Bangladesh similarly noted the crop provides essentially complete control of the eggplant fruit and shoot borer, dramatically reduces insecticide sprays, provides a six fold increase in grower profit, and does not affect non-target arthropod biodiversity. Overall, GM crops are responsible for a 37 percent decline in pesticide use worldwide, and the widespread adoption of Bt technology has been an enormous part of that development.
Other biotech innovations are poised to cut agricultural pesticide use even more. New gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR may enable researchers to manipulate the genetics of insect populations to provide a chemical-free pest control method. University of California, San Diego researchers explored one possible approach in a January 2019 study:
Using the CRISPR gene-editing tool, researchers have developed a new way to control and suppress populations of insects, potentially including those that ravage agricultural crops and transmit deadly diseases. The precision-guided sterile insect technique (PGSIT) alters key genes that control insect sex determination and fertility. When PGSIT eggs are introduced into targeted populations, only adult sterile males emerge resulting in a novel, environmentally friendly and relatively low-cost method of controlling pest populations in the future.
Editing the genome of insects that damage important crops and fortifying the natural defenses of plants could allow farmers to markedly reduce pesticide use. CRISPR-edited apples can be protected against fire blight disease, for instance, without the use of peracetic acid. The organic food movement should welcome such developments, but it continues to oppose them because of scientifically unwarranted concerns that crop biotechnology might be hazardous to human health and the environment.
Ideological considerations, like extreme distrust of corporations, partially explain why anti-GM activists continue to perpetuate unfounded fears of genetic modification and mislead the public about the use of pesticides in organic farming. But economics offers some insight as well, as the organic food movement needs to justify the high cost of organically grown food. It does so by disparaging conventionally grown and genetically engineered crops by raising non-existent health and environmental concerns.
According to former Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman, the organic label is a marketing tool. It is not a statement about food safety. Nor is organic a value judgment about nutrition or quality. Such a fact is clear to anyone who takes the time to look at the evidence. Molecular biologist Louis Hom offers an important explanation of why many in the organic movement are so reluctant to acknowledge the veracity of Glickmans uncontroversial statement:
For obvious reasons, organic farmers have done little, if anything, to dispel the myth that organic = chemical/pesticide-free. They would only stand to lose business by making such a disclosure.
Steven E. Cerier is a freelance international economist and a frequent contributor to the Genetic Literacy Project
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
World’s favorite banana faces extinction. Are GMOs, CRISPR the final hope? – Genetic Literacy Project
The race to engineer the next-generation banana is on. The Colombian government confirmed [in August] that a banana-killing fungus has invaded the Americas the source of much of the worlds banana supply. The invasion has given new urgency to efforts to create fruit that can withstand the scourge.
Scientists are using a mix of approaches to save the banana. A team in Australia has inserted a gene from wild bananas into the top commercial variety known as the Cavendish and are currently testing these modified bananas in field trials. Researchers are also turning to the powerful, precise gene-editing tool CRISPR to boost the Cavendishs resilience against the fungus, known as Fusarium wilt tropical race 4 (TR4).
In an attempt to make biotech bananas more palatable to regulators, [James Dale, a biotechnologist at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia] is . editing the Cavendishs genome with CRISPR to boost its resilience to TR4, instead of inserting foreign genes.
Specifically, hes trying to turn on a dormant gene in the Cavendish that confers resistance to TR4 the same gene that he identified in M. acuminate. But the work is still in its early stages. Itll be a couple of years before these get into the field for trials, Dale says.
Read full, original article: CRISPR might be the bananas only hope against a deadly fungus
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World's favorite banana faces extinction. Are GMOs, CRISPR the final hope? - Genetic Literacy Project
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Editing Muscle Stem Cells with CRISPR Treats Mouse Model of Muscular Dystrophy – DocWire News
A research team from the University of Missouri School of Medicine has recently used CRISPR to edit a genetic mutation that contributes to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This rare and debilitating genetic disorder is characterized by loss of muscle mass and physical impairment. By using this powerful gene-editing technology, these MU School of Medicine researchers have successfully treated mouse models of the disease. This work was published this summer in the journal Molecular Therapy.
Those with DMD possess a specific mutation that hinders the production of the dystrophin protein, which contributes to the structural integrity of muscle tissue. In the absence of this protein, the muscle cells weaken and eventually die. Pediatric patients with the condition often lose their ability to walk and can even lose the function of muscles that are essential for respiration and heart contractions.
Research has shown that CRISPR can be used to edit out the mutation that causes the early death of muscle cells in an animal model, explained senior author Dongsheng Duan, PhD, Margaret Proctor Mulligan Professor in Medical Research in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the MU School of Medicine. However, there is a major concern of relapse because these gene-edited muscle cells wear out over time. If we can correct the mutation in muscle stem cells, then cells regenerated from the edited stem cells will no longer carry the mutation. A one-time treatment of the muscle stem cells with CRISPR could result in continuous dystrophin expression in regenerated muscle cells.
Working alongside other researchers from MU, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Duke University, Duan aimed to genetically modify muscle stem cells in mice. These scientists first edited the gene using an adeno-associated virus known as AAV9. Being this specific viral strain was recently approved by the FDA in treating spinal muscular atrophy, the researchers saw it as a viable candidate in treating DMD.
We transplanted AAV9 treated muscle into an immune-deficient mouse, said lead author Michael Nance, an MD-PhD program student in Duans lab. The transplanted muscle died first then regenerated from its stem cells. If the stem cells were successfully edited, the regenerated muscle cells should also carry the edited gene.
Upon analyzing the regenerated muscle tissue, the researchers found that its cells contained the edited gene, supporting their reasoning. The team then tested whether the muscle stem cells in mice with DMD could be genetically edited using CRISPR. These findings also supported their hypothesis, with the stem cells in the diseased tissue sustaining these edits and the regenerated cells successfully producing dystrophin.
This finding suggests that CRISPR gene editing may provide a method for lifelong correction of the genetic mutation in DMD and potentially other muscle diseases, explained Duan. Our research shows that CRISPR can be used to effectively edit the stem cells responsible for muscle regeneration. The ability to treat the stem cells that are responsible for maintaining muscle growth may pave the way for a one-time treatment that can provide a source of gene-edited cells throughout a patients life.
Duan and colleagues hope that future research will help this stem cell CRISPR therapy become a revolutionary treatment for children with DMD.
Editing Muscle Stem Cells with CRISPR Treats Mouse Model of Muscular Dystrophy - DocWire News
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Locus Biosciences selected by FierceBiotech as one of its “Fierce 15” Biotech Companies of 2019 – P&T Community
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Sept. 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Locus Biosciences today announced that it has been named by FierceBiotech as one of 2019's Fierce 15 biotechnology companies, designating it as one of the most promising private biotechnology companies in the industry.
"This year has seen unrivalled scientific talent in the early-stage life sciences world and it has been a pleasure for us at FierceBiotech to speak to all 15 winners and hear their passion, progress and panache," said Ben Adams, senior editor of FierceBiotech. "Each company brought something different, exciting and potentially life-changing for a myriad of patients around the world across a host of diseases and disorders, using cutting-edge science, top-notch teams and a drive to genuinely make the world a better place, despite the risks and challenges that, as ever in biotech, lay ahead."
Locus Biosciences develops CRISPR-engineered precision antibacterial products to address critical unmet medical needs in antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections and microbiome-related disease. Locus is the world leader in CRISPR-engineered bacteriophage therapeutics, uniquely leveraging the powerful Type I CRISPR-Cas3 system to specifically destroy the DNA of target bacteria cells, quickly killing them. This DNA-shredding technology is the most potent mechanism of action known for driving cell death using CRISPR and is distinct from the Cas9 systems widely used in gene editing.
"We are proud to be named to the 2019 Fierce 15 list," said Paul Garofolo, CEO of Locus. "FierceBiotech has a phenomenal track record of identifying private biotechnology companies that are on the cusp of rapid growth and value creation, and we are pleased to be recognized along with the other promising companies on the list this year."
The Fierce 15 celebrates the spirit of being "fierce" championing innovation and creativity, even in the face of intense competition. Every year FierceBiotech evaluates hundreds of private companies from around the world for its annual Fierce 15 list, which is based on a variety of factors such as the strength of its technology, partnerships, venture backers and a competitive market position. This is FierceBiotech's 17th annual Fierce 15 selection.
About Locus Biosciences Locus Biosciences is an emerging biotechnology company developing CRISPR Cas3-engineered precision antibacterial products. Its novel approach leverages an adaptive immune system present in many bacteria called the CRISPR-Cas system to engineer bacteriophages that precisely kill target bacteria while leaving non-targeted beneficial bacteria unharmed. Locus is rapidly moving its lead programs into clinical development for infectious disease and microbiome indications. For more information about Locus visit
About FierceBiotech FierceBiotechis the biotech industry's daily monitor, an email newsletter and web resource providing the latest biotech news, articles, and resources related to clinical trials, drug discovery, FDA approval, FDA regulation, patent news, pharma news, biotech company news and more. More than 150,000 top biotech professionals rely on FierceBiotech for an insider briefing on the day's top stories. Signup is free at
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Locus Biosciences selected by FierceBiotech as one of its "Fierce 15" Biotech Companies of 2019 - P&T Community
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Magnetic sorting and genomic technique for drug discovery – The Engineer
Canadian researchers bring together microfluidic and genomic technologies for drug discovery in cancer and regenerative medicine
The project, which also involved electrical engineers, is aimed at searching the human genome for genes, and the associated protein products, that can be targeted by drugs to treat a variety of illnesses. This is normally a very lengthy task, but research leaders Shana Kelley and Jason Moffat of the University of Toronto reasoned that combining the techniques they were working on respectively, a magnetic sorting technique and gene-editing using CRISPR might speed the process up. As they report in a paper in Nature Biomedical Engineering, their hunch was correct.
Both researchers were working on a large multi-centre project called Medicine by Design, with Kelley, a pharmacist, leading a team that was building microfluidic devices which use tiny magnets incorporated into cells to sort large mixed populations of cells. Moffat, a cellular and biomedical research specialist, was using CRISPR, a powerful technique for identifying and manipulating specific genes in cells, to study how the bodys immune system is triggered to attack certain cells but not others. A conversation in a corridor led researchers to combine their research strands, resulting in what Kelley calls an engine for the discovery of new therapeutic targets in cells.
The teams paper describes how they used CRISPR to reveal promising drug targets by switching off genes that produce proteins that help cancer to spread. Using techniques developed by Kelley, the researchers bound tiny magnetic particles to the target proteins which reside on the surface of the cells that produce them, and funnelled the entire population of cells into a device about half the size of a credit card, streaked with strips of magnetic material that capture the marked cells into collection channels corresponding to the amount of magnetic material on the surface, which corresponded to the concentration of the target protein.
To test the method, they focused on cancer immunotherapy, a technique which tricks the immune system into attacking mutated cancer cells (normally, these would be ignored, leading to growth and spread of the cancer). Using CRISPR, they identified a gene that produces a protein known as CD47, which signals immune cells not to attack cancer cells often hijack this process to escape detection. Previous research had indicated that blocking CD47 directly with drugs leads to harmful side effects, so just tricking the cell to produce less might be a more effective treatment. The CRISPR screen identified an enzyme that helps camouflage the protein from the immune system, and could be blocked with an off-the-shelf drug, and the microfluidic device successfully sorted cells with the gene producing the enzyme from a mixed population of cells.
As many as one billion cells can travel down this highway of magnetic guides at once and we can process that in one hour, says Kelley. Its a huge gamechanger for CRISPR screens. Using current sorting techniques, which employ fluorescent markers picked out by lasers, the same sorting procedure would take 20-30 hours, making drug discovery an expensive and arduous task.
Kelley and Moffat also hope the technique can be used in regenerative medicine, to identify genes that activate stem cells to transform into specific cell types, which would make it easier to harvest the right sort of cells for therapies.
Magnetic sorting and genomic technique for drug discovery - The Engineer
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Inspired guesswork goes head-to-head with number crunching for Nobel predictions – Chemistry World
Organic synthesis is going up against biochemistry for this years predictions of who will take home chemistrys most coveted award the chemistry Nobel prize. With just two weeks until the laureates are announced, Web of Sciences citation data analysis team has put forward cycloaddition reactions, Southern blot gene analysis, and protein and DNA sequencing as their chemistry Nobel champions.
Community polls, however, favour scientists such as lithium-ion battery icon John Goodenough, MOF maven Omar Yaghi and discoverer of the Crispr gene-editor Jennifer Doudna names that have repeatedly come up when discussing chemistrys most prestigious award.
Web of Science analysed 47 million papers in its database, selecting their candidates from the authors of the 0.01% of studies that have been cited more than 2000 times. Now in its 17th year, Web of Sciences analysis has successfully predicted 50 Nobel laureates (although not usually the year that they receive the prize), including Fraser Stoddart (2016 prize) and Martin Karplus (2013 prize). Twenty-nine citation laureates won their prize within two years of being listed.
Web of Sciences prediction for the chemistry Nobel this year are Rolf Huisgen and Morten Meldal for developing their eponymous cycloaddition reactions, Edwin Southern for his single gene analysis method the Southern blot, and Leroy Hood, Marvin Caruthers and Michael Hunkapiller for protein and DNA sequencing and synthesis.
Web of Sciences physics prize predictions include some chemistry themes, too. Suggestions include Tony Heinz, who uncovered the properties of 2D materials including graphene and molybdenum sulfide, John Perdews work on advancing density functional theory for electronic structure calculations and Artur Ekert for work on quantum computing.
For the physiology or medicine Nobel, Web of Science suggests Hans Clevers discovery of a biochemical signalling pathway that plays a role in stem cells and cancer, John Kapplers and Philippa Marracks research into the immune systems self-tolerance, and optogenetics using light to control living cells developed by Karl Deisseroth, Ernst Bamberg and Gero Miesenbck.
Meanwhile, by harnessing the wisdom of the crowd, a Chemistry Views polls most popular predictions for the next chemistry laureate are Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, the developer of atom transfer radical polymerisation, astrochemist Ewine van Dishoeck, who hunts interstellar molecules, and (again) MOF pioneer Omar Yaghi. Matyjaszewski and Yaghi were community favourites in last years poll.
Honorary society Sigma Xi is currently running a contest that pits Jennifer Doudnas Crispr against James Tours molecular electronics, while Allen Bards scanning electrochemical microscope is facing-off against Stuart Schreibers biochemical signal transduction. Carolyn Bertozzis bio-orthogonal chemistry is going head-to-head with Jean Frechets molecular dynamics simulations, while John Goodenoughs lithium-ion batteries will battle bioinorganic chemistry pioneered by Harry Gray and Stephen Lippard.
Several of these names have appeared in past chemistry Nobel predictions. Last year, Inside Science suggested Doudna alongside Crispr co-discoverer Emmanuelle Charpentier. They also put forward Barry Sharpless as a possible repeat winner. He won the chemistry prize in 2001 for asymmetric oxidation reactions but could win again for developing click chemistry reactions.
Goodenoughs name has become a staple of chemistry Nobel predictions. In 2017, scientist and blogger Ashutosh Jogalekar suggested Goodenough might win the prize together with Stanley Whittingham. Lithium-ion batteries also won Nature Chemistry editor Stuart Cantrills Twitter poll of Nobel hopefuls last year.
The winners of the chemistry Nobel prize will be announced on Wednesday 9 October and Chemistry World will be live blogging the event. The physiology or medicine prize will be awarded on Monday and physics on Tuesday.
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Inspired guesswork goes head-to-head with number crunching for Nobel predictions - Chemistry World
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Growth Dynamics on Global CRISPR Technology Market Detailed Insights on Upcoming Trends 2019 – ScoopJunction
The new report has been added to Reportocean.coms offering. For more info click here @
This ready to use report offers you detailed insight into the global crispr technology industry with market size, in value terms, estimated at USD million/billion for the period. It also provides the projected growth rate for the next 56 years along with forecast market value. The study includes estimation of market size, detailed profile of products/services, SWOT of manufacturers/providers, their strategies, and recent developments in the industry. In brief the Global CRISPR Technology Market 2019 research report by Report Ocean offers industry data, trends, qualitative information, and competitive landscape, not easily accessible, and culled from multiple sources so that it acts as a ready recknor for you. The report is in-depth, authentic, exhaustive and very exclusive.
Takeaways from the Report:
You will learn about the market drivers for the projected period
You will get to know about the headwinds hampering the market growth
You will be exposed to the segment-region-wise analysis of major geographical areas, viz, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest
You will know the market size at the country level
You will get detailed insight into the strategic and actual happenings of the key players in the crispr technology industry, including research and developments, collaboration, working partnership, and other acts, product launches, etc.
You will be provided details of various segments
You will also be enlightened about the value and supply chain analysis of the market
Parameters for the Study:
The exhaustive study has been prepared painstakingly by considering all possible parameters. Some of these were
Consumers options and preferences
Consumer spending dynamics and trends
Market driving trends
Projected opportunities
Perceived challenges and constraints
Technological environment and facilitators
Government regulations
Other developments
Research Methodology:
While preparing the study of global crispr technology market for the reference year, we took recourse to collect qualitative and quantitative information based on primary sources (nearly 80% weightage) through personal interactions, and secondary research, along with consultation with industry level professionals and experts. Historical trends and current market estimates were arrived at and analyzed to predict the likely direction in which the market will move in the next 56 years.
The report also studies the varying trends of diverse segments and subcategories, presented geographically, based on primary and secondary research. These are cross-checked by interviewing the key level decision-makers, such as CEOs, VPs, Directors, etc. of the relevant companies at the top and mid-size segments; this leads to gaining of more profound insights into the market and industry performance, which in turn authenticates and substantiates the findings.
Secondary research mainly focused on identifying, collecting, collating, and analyzing information needed for an extensive, market-oriented, commercial, and client-friendly study of the crispr technology market. This result also led to generating information about the major players, market classification, and segmentation according to the industry trends, geographic locations, and technological developments related to the market. Our team of field force and deck-based researchers gathered information from various credible sources such as annual reports of the companies, filings with regulatory agencies, journals, white paper, corporate presentations, company websites, paid database, and many more. In addition to sources like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Report Linker, we used our in-house database to generate a very very trustworthy report.
We followed, concurrently, both the Bottom-Up approach and Top-Down approach. Under the former, we assessed the market size of individual markets by performing primaries and secondaries of major countries which hold around 7580% of the regional market share. Then we extrapolated the same to derive the projected size of any specific region such as Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, etc. Under the latter approach, first, we estimated the size of the global market and then broke it down at specific country level. After performing both the processes, we invoke gap analysis, where we identify the deviation/differences in market size at the country, regional, and global level. Then through having relook at data sources, data, and analytics we rework on the report so that no gap remained. Ultimately both the approaches should yield the same output
The report, in short, is very rigorously prepared and is as authentic and reliable as it can be.
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Global CRISPR Technology Market valued approximately USD 449.6 million in 2017 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 25 % over the forecast period 2018-2025. Increasing availability of government and private funding and growing adoption of CRISPR technology are some key trends that are responsible for the wide adoption of CRISPR Technology globally. As per the Congressional Research Service (US), CRISPR-related research funding by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grew from $5.1 million in FY2011 to $603 million in FY2016, such high funding in the CRISPR has set the scientific foundation for advanced gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-CAS 9. Moreover, between the periods of 2006-2016 (FY) as per National Institute of Health (NIH) approximately $981 million was funded by the NIH for CRISPR related researches. Further in 2017, as per the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the DARPA has announced to invest $65 million over the course of next four years till 2021 in order to make CRISPR Gene Editing Safer and to counter bioterrorism threats. According to Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the biopharmaceutical R&D expenditure in the United States grew in 2014 was ~$53.5 billion which grew up-to $58.8 billion in 2015. Similarly, according to the Gov.UK in 2017, UK government recently opened its doors to develop drug discovery by investing around $7.16 million that would help businesses to meet and understand the challenges involved in developing drugs. By use of CRISPR, several drugs can be developed which can enhance the effectiveness and quality of medicines and vaccines available in the market for various blood disorders and heart diseases. As a result, the adoption of CRISPR technology would increase thereby, aiding the growth of the market. However, high cost associated with CRISPR technology and presence of alternative technologies are the major factors that impede the growth of global CRISPR Technology market.
The leading Market players mainly include-
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Merck KGaA
Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)
Horizon Discovery Group
Agilent Technologies
Cellecta, Inc.
GeneCopoeia, Inc.
New England Biolabs
Origene Technologies, Inc.
On the basis of segmentation, the CRISPR technology market is segmented into product & services, application and e..continue..
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Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Analyst Views in Focus on Shares of CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP) – Blackwell Bulletin
Watching some recent stock price activity for CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP), we have seen shares trading near the $47.7 level. Investors have a wide range of tools at their disposal when undertaking stock research. Investors will often monitor the current stock price in relation to its 52-week high and low levels. The 52-week high is currently $52.56, and the 52-week low is presently $22.73. When the current stock price is trading close to either the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay increased attention to see if there will be a breakthrough that level. Taking a look at some previous stock price activity, we can see that shares have moved 66.96% since the beginning of the year. Pulling the focus closer to the last 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 2.12%. Over the past 5 trading days, the stock has moved -3.97%.Over the past 12 weeks, the stock has seen a change of -0.02%.
Investors may be searching high and low for the next breakout winner in the stock market. As companies continue to release quarterly earnings reports, investors will be looking for stocks that have the potential to move to the upside in the coming months. Tracking earnings can be a good way for investors to see how the company is stacking up to analyst estimates. Some investors prefer to track sell-side estimates very closely. Others prefer to do their own research and make their own best guesses on what the actual numbers will be. A solid earnings beat may help ease investor worries if the stock has been underperforming recently. On the flip side, a bad earnings miss may cause investors to take a much closer look at what the future prospects look like for the company.
Investors might be paying attention to what Wall Street analysts think about shares of CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP). Taking a peek at the current consensus broker rating, we can see that the ABR is 2.07. This average rating is provided by Zacks Research. This simplified numeric scale spans the range of one to five which translates brokerage firm Buy/Sell/Hold recommendations into an average broker rating. A low number in the 1-2 range typically indicates a Buy, 3 indicates a Hold and 4-5 represents a consensus Sell rating. In terms of the number of analysts that have the stock rated as a Buy or Strong Buy, we can see that the number is currently 9.
Shifting the focus to some earnings data, we have noted that the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP) is -0.95. This EPS estimate consists of 6 Wall Street analysts taken into consideration by Zacks Research. For the previous reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of -1.01. Sell-side analysts often provide their best researched estimates at what the company will report. These estimates hold a lot of weight on Wall Street and the investing community. Sometimes these analyst projections are spot on, and other times they are off. When a company reports actual earnings results, the surprise factor can cause a stock price to fluctuate. Investors will often pay added attention to a company that has beaten estimates by a large margin.
Looking at some analyst views on shares of CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP), we note that the consensus target price is resting at $67.94. This is the consensus target using estimates provided by the covering analysts polled. Sell-side analysts often produce target estimates for the companies that they track closely. Price target estimates can be calculated using various methods, and this may cause some analyst estimates to be drastically different than others. Many investors will track stock target prices, especially when analysts update the target price projections.
Investors have various approaches they can take when deciding what stocks to stuff the portfolio with. Some investors may choose to use fundamental analysis, and some may choose to use technical analysis. Others may employ a combination of the two approaches to make sure no stone is left unturned. Investors looking for bargains in the market may be on the lookout for the stock that offers the best value. This may involve finding stocks that have fallen out of favor with the overall investing community but still have low PE ratios and higher dividend yields. Whatever approach is used, investors may benefit greatly from making sure that all the homework is done, and all of the angles have been examined properly.
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Analyst Views in Focus on Shares of CRISPR Therapeutics AG (:CRSP) - Blackwell Bulletin
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Male Hypogonadism Market estimated to exceed US$ 3300 Mn by 2026-end – Wolf Mirror
According to Persistence Market Researchs new report, globalmale hypogonadism marketis slated to exhibit a steady expansion throughout the forecast period (2017-2026). Revenues from the global market for male hypogonadism are estimated to exceed US$ 3,300 Mn by 2026-end.
Governments Taking Initiatives to Spread Awareness about Male Hypogonadism Therapeutics
Lack of sex hormones, usually referred to as male hypogonadism has resulted into many health risks that include osteoporosis, heart disease, and cardiovascular diseases on the back of thinning of bones. Global male hypogonadism market comprises several patented brands that currently have high market penetration. Proliferation in geriatric population in tandem with rising incidences related to rheumatoid arthritis and obesity have been primary factors affecting prevalence of male hypogonadism globally. Mounting incidences of testosterone deficiency in male population is a key factor that prevalence of male hypogonadism has surged worldwide. Several governments around the world have been taking initiatives to spread the awareness on hypogonadism treatment procedures, for example testosterone replacement therapy (TST), in order to relieve the painful burden on patients and their families.
As low testosterone levels are increasingly associated with exacerbation of chronic conditions, it further results into disorders apropos to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Advent of TST has however enabled reduction in cases of male hypogonadism considerably. With growing awareness related to its treatment among patients, the market is likely to gain an uptick during the forecast period. Rising availability of the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) has further sustained the market expansion. The development and high availability of SARMs has led toward the provision of improved treatment procedure to patients having androgen deficiencies, thereby influencing the market growth.
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North America will continue to Dominate Global Male Hypogonadism Market
North America will continue to dominate the global male hypogonadism market, with more than one-third revenue share during the forecast period. In addition, revenues from the male hypogonadism market in North America will exhibit the fastest expansion through 2026, as compared to those from all the other regional segments comprised in the report. Europe and Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) are also expected to remain lucrative for the male hypogonadism market. The market in APEJ will ride on a slightly higher CAGR than that in Europe through 2026.
Topical gels are expected to remain the most lucrative among drugs available for treatment of male hypogonadism globally, with sales projected to register the fastest expansion through 2026. Injectables will also remain a major revenue contributor to the market. Sales of injectable and transdermal patches are poised to reflect an equal CAGR through 2026.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy to Remain Preferred among Patients
Based on therapy, testosterone replacement therapy is expected to remain preferred among patients with male hypogonadism worldwide. Roughly 66% revenue share of the market is expected to be held by revenues from testosterone replacement therapy by 2026-end. Revenues from gonadotropin replacement therapy will remain slightly more than half revenues gained from testosterone replacement therapy throughout the forecast period.
Klinefelters syndrome is expected to remain the most prevalent disease type observed in the male hypogonadism market, and revenues from treatment of this disease will exceed US$ 1,800 Mn by 2026-end. Kallmann Syndrome and Pituitary Adenomas among disease types will also account for major revenue shares of the market by 2026-end.
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Nature of global male hypogonadism market has been observed to be highly competitive. This can be mainly attributed to occupancy of many small as well as large suppliers. New companies entering the male hypogonadism market are leveraging opportunities related to treatment developments and innovations. Strategic alliances are likely to remain strong among vendors for producing and marketing drugs worldwide, thereby increasing their market reach. Active market players listed by PMRs report include Astrazeneca Plc., Merck & Co. Inc., Laboratories Genevrier, Bayer AG, Endo International Plc., Allergan Plc., Ferring, Finox Biotech, AbbVie Inc., Eli Lilly and Company Ltd., Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., and IBSA Institut Biochimque.
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Male Hypogonadism Market estimated to exceed US$ 3300 Mn by 2026-end - Wolf Mirror
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
Global Male Hypogonadism market 2019 Expected to Grow faster according to new research report – Commerce Gazette
The prime objective of Global Male Hypogonadism Market 2019-2023 report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing.
Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the Male Hypogonadism market report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
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Lack of sex hormones, generally referred to male hypogonadism, results into several health risks such as osteoporosis and heart disease, owing to thinning of bones. The global market for male hypogonadism comprises several patented brands with high market penetration. Growth in geriatric population along with rising incidences of rheumatoid arthritis and obesity are primary factors influencing prevalence of male hypogonadism.
By Market Players:Endo International Plc, Eli Lilly and Company Ltd., AbbVie, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Merck KGaA, Allergan Plc, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Ferring B.V.
By TherapyTestosterone Replacement Therapy, Gonadotropin Replacement Therapy ,
By Drug TypeTopical Gels, Injectables, Transdermal Patches, Others ,
By Disease TypeKlinefelters Syndrome, Pituitary Adenomas, Kallmann Syndrome, Other Types
The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. The historical data from 2012 to 2017 and forecast data from 2018 to 2023.
The growth factors of the market are discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail. Data and information by manufacturer, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
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Key pointers of the Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Industry OverviewChapter 2 Production Market AnalysisChapter 3 Sales Market AnalysisChapter 4 Consumption Market AnalysisChapter 5 Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison AnalysisChapter 6 Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison AnalysisChapter 7 Major Material AnalysisChapter 8 Major Type AnalysisChapter 9 Industry Chain AnalysisChapter 10 Global and Regional Market ForecastChapter 11 Major Manufacturers AnalysisChapter 12 New Project Investment Feasibility AnalysisChapter 13 ConclusionsChapter 14 Appendix
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Global Male Hypogonadism market 2019 Expected to Grow faster according to new research report - Commerce Gazette
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Male Hypogonadism Market Size(Value and Volume) by 2025 – ScoopJunction
Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Snapshot
Hypogonadism in males refers to a condition in the male body where the testes show a significantly reduced level of functioning than normal. The overall result of male hypogonadism is a reduction in the rate of biosynthesis of male sex hormones. This state is more commonly known as interrupted stage 1 puberty. Hypoandrogenism, or the low androgen or testosterone level in a male can vary in severity from person to person. It is often the cause of partial or complete infertility. There are multiple forms of male hypogonadism and even more ways to classify them. Most endocrinologists commonly classify male hypogonadism on the basis of the level of defectiveness of the male reproductive system.
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In many cases, doctors also measure the level of gonadotropins to classify a patient between primary and secondary male hypogonadism. Primary male hypogonadism refers to the cause of the condition being due to defective gonads. There are different types of primary male hypogonadism, including Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome. Secondary male hypogonadism is caused by defects in pituitary or hypothalamic glands. They include Kallmann syndrome and hypopituitarism.
Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Overview
Male Hypogonadism refers to a clinical condition, wherein the testes fail to produce enough testosterone leading to delayed puberty or incomplete development. The condition is related to impaired development of muscle mass, development of breast tissues, impaired body hair growth, and lack of deepening of the voice.
The male Hypogonadism market can be segmented by therapy, type, drug delivery, and geography.
The report presents an in-depth analysis of the global male hypogonadism market with current trends and future estimates to explain the imminent investment pockets. The quantitative analysis of the market for the forecast period from 2017 to 2025 will enable stakeholders to capitalize on the prevailing growth opportunities.
Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Trends and Opportunities
The top driver of the male hypogonadism market includes rising prevalence of testosterone deficiency among men, increasing infertility rates, and increasing awareness among individuals about hypogonadism treatment due to awareness drives organized by several governments across the world. Moreover, high risk of hypogonadism among the geriatric population with obesity and diabetes, and increasing prevalence of chronic disorders among the geriatrics are further expected to boost the markets growth.
However, factors such as high side effects of testosterone products are challenging the growth of testosterone replacement therapy market. Top players in the market are focused on research and development to introduce newer products with fewer or negligible side effects and improved results. For example, LPCN 1111, a product which is under development from Lipocine Inc., is a newer testosterone prodrug that utilizes Lipral technology for enhanced systemic absorption and for enhanced solubility of testosterone. Nevertheless, technological advancements are anticipated to extend new opportunities to the markets growth.
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Global Male Hypogonadism Market: Regional Overview
The global male Hypogonadism market can be analyzed with respect to the regional segments of North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America held the majority share of the global market in the recent past and is expected to retain its dominant position in the near future. This is mainly due to the rise in the number of individuals suffering from primary and secondary conditions of hypogonadism, and rising awareness among individuals about treatment options for the condition. Moreover, the presence of ultra-modern healthcare infrastructure and increasing popularity of technologically advanced products are expected to offer new opportunities for top players in this market. The region is closely followed by Europe.
Asia Pacific is expected to offer lucrative opportunities to this market due to the modernization of the healthcare infrastructure in the emerging economies of India and China and the increasing awareness about the treatment for the condition. In Asia Pacific, the increasing prevalence of hypogonadism and infertility rates along with the rising geriatric population base with diabetes and obesity are propelling the growth of this market. China, Taiwan, and Malaysia are some of the countries that display the highest rate of male hypogonadism.
Major Companies Mentioned in Report
Some of the key players in the male Hypogonadism market include AbbVie Inc., Astrazeneca plc, Eli Lilly and Company Ltd., Merck & Co. Inc., SA, Finox Biotech, Laboratories Genevrier, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Allergan plc, Bayer AG, Endo International plc, IBSA Institut Biochimque, and Ferring.
Key players are focused on product approval for growth considerations and to cater to the changing demand of the industry. The introduction of innovative and technologically advanced products is also the focus of key players to increase their market share and for serving patients in a better manner.
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Male Hypogonadism Market Size(Value and Volume) by 2025 - ScoopJunction
Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith