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Protestors March, Demand Info In Freddie Gray Death – Video

Protestors March, Demand Info In Freddie Gray Death
Hundreds of protesters turned out to march Saturday for Freddie Gray, the man who died after suffering a spinal cord injury while in police custody. Follow Jasmine Bailey:

By: Newsy

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Protestors March, Demand Info In Freddie Gray Death - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Mayo Clinic Using Regenerative Medicine to Find Answers for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome – Video

Mayo Clinic Using Regenerative Medicine to Find Answers for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
At Mayo Clinic, nearly 60 physicians, scientists and other experts are working collaboratively to find and apply innovative solutions for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) as part of the...

By: Mayo Clinic

See the original post here:
Mayo Clinic Using Regenerative Medicine to Find Answers for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Dr. David Haas talks about holistic medicine – Video

Dr. David Haas talks about holistic medicine
What is holistic medicine? Dr. David Haas talks about his weightloss experience. David Haas MD, FAARM, ABAARM is a Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist with a sub-speciality in child psychiatry....

By: David Haas

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Dr. David Haas talks about holistic medicine - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Cellogica Review Look Younger Than Ever With Cellogica – Video

Cellogica Review Look Younger Than Ever With Cellogica
Read Terms And Condition First Before Claiming Your Cellogica Risk free Trial Here: Read More About Cellogica here: ...

By: Mil.Inc

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Cellogica Review Look Younger Than Ever With Cellogica - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica – Video

Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica
Read Terms And Condition First Before Claiming Your Cellogica Stem Cell Risk Free trial: Read More About Cellogica Stem Cell Here:

By: Mil.Inc

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Cellogica Stem Cell Review Gain A Healthy And Vibrant Looking Skin With Cellogica - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Fat Stem Cell Therapy

AUTOLOGOUS Adipose Stem Cells

Stem Cell Therapy is not a new technology. As a matter of fact it has been around for more that 60 years now. The problem is most people know it as a bone marrow transplant. And well when you finish saying that people are already screaming "That's Painful". A bone marrow transplant essentially extracts stem cells from your own bone marrow and then returns them back to you. It has been used to help people suffering from conditions like Leukemia and Lymph Node Cancer.

How does it work? Stem Cells hone in on "chemokine" signals that are secreted by injury. When they arrive they alert regenerative cells to go to work and repair the damage, or grow tissue.

At birth, the human body has around 80 million active stem cells working. At age 40 we have less than 25 million active stem cells working. Therefore it takes longer for the body to heal and in some cases damage is often ignored. This is the aging or degeneration process of the body.

In 1998 a little known about Bio Tech Company discovered that there was an enormous amount of stem cells in abdominal fat, commonly referred to as Adipose fat. In fact there are about 1-2 million stem cells and regenerative cells in 1 cc of abdominal fat. Bone marrow contains less than 10% of that. The stem cells in the abdomen are in a dormant or inactive state. The challenge lay only in how to activate them.

In early 2000 the problem had been solved. A special separation process was used to isolate stem cells from abdominal fat and a perfected heliotherapy process activated the stem cells. These super-charged stem cells were now ready to go to work healing your body.

Fat Stem Cell Therapy has been used for over a decade now as therapy for a variety of medical problems as well as an alternative to painful cosmetic surgery. Fat Stem Cell Therapy can help patients suffering from medical conditions such as, Osteoarthritis, Pulmonary Disease, and Diabetes Type II, as well as some Cosmetic Procedures like Face Lifts, Breast Augmentation, and Anti-Aging.

Infinite Horizons Medical Center and its association with a leading Bio Tech company are able to deliver these high tech therapies with precision, expertise and a level of care which rivals any in the world. These painless medical procedures uses the clients' own adult stem cells to treat clients' medical problems. The procedures themselves take roughly 3.5 - 7 hours to complete.

The procedure involves extracting autologous adipose stem cells, enriching them, activating the enriched stem cells and finally returning these stem cells back into the clients' body. The procedure only requires a local anesthetic, is 100% safe, 100% effective and there is a 0% chance of rejection. For more detailed information see our procedure page.

Infinite Horizons Medical Center has put together an incredible program for clients in search of medical treatment with fat stem cell therapy for, Pulmonary Disorders, like IPF or COPD, Diabetes Type II and Osteoarthritis. It has also put together special programs with fat stem cell therapy for cosmetic procedures like Anti-Aging, Breast Augmentation and Face Lifts.

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Fat Stem Cell Therapy

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Research update: First pre-clinical gene therapy study to …

Media Contact: Monica Coenraads Executive Director, RSRT monica@rsrt.org203.445.0041

August 20, 2013

[Spanish Translation] [German Translation]

The concept behind gene therapy is simple: deliver a healthy gene to compensate for one that is mutated. New research published today in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests this approach may eventually be a feasible option to treat Rett Syndrome, the most disabling of the autism spectrum disorders. Gail Mandel, Ph.D., a Howard Hughes Investigator at Oregon Health and Sciences University, led the study. The Rett Syndrome Research Trust, with generous support from the Rett Syndrome Research Trust UK and Rett Syndrome Research & Treatment Foundation, funded this work through the MECP2 Consortium.

In 2007, co-author Adrian Bird, Ph.D., at the University of Edinburgh astonished the scientific community with proof-of-concept that Rett is curable, by reversing symptoms in adult mice. His unexpected results catalyzed labs around the world to pursue a multitude of strategies to extend the pre-clinical findings to people.

Todays study is the first to show reversal of symptoms in fully symptomatic mice using techniques of gene therapy that have potential for clinical application.

Rett Syndrome is an X-linked neurological disorder primarily affecting girls; in the US, about 1 in 10,000 children a year are born with Rett. In most cases symptoms begin to manifest between 6 and 18 months of age, as developmental milestones are missed or lost. The regression that follows is characterized by loss of speech, mobility, and functional hand use, which is often replaced by Retts signature gesture: hand-wringing, sometimes so intense that it is a constant during every waking hour. Other symptoms include seizures, tremors, orthopedic and digestive problems, disordered breathing and other autonomic impairments, sensory issues and anxiety. Most children live into adulthood and require round-the-clock care.

The cause of Rett Syndromes terrible constellation of symptoms lies in mutations of anX-linked gene called MECP2 (methyl CpG-binding protein). MECP2 is a master gene that regulates the activity of many other genes, switching them on or off.

Gene therapy is well suited for this disorder, Dr. Mandel explains. Because MECP2 binds to DNA throughout the genome, there is no single gene currently that we can point to and target with a drug. Therefore the best chance of having a major impact on the disorder is to correct the underlying defect in as many cells throughout the body as possible. Gene therapy allows us to do that.

Healthy genes can be delivered into cells aboard a virus, which acts as a Trojan horse. Many different types of these Trojan horses exist. Dr. Mandel used adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9), which has the unusual and attractive ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. This allows the virus and its cargo to be administered intravenously, instead of employing more invasive direct brain delivery systems that require drilling burr holes into the skull.

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Research update: First pre-clinical gene therapy study to ...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Mesothelioma Gene Therapy Treatments for Veterans – Video

Mesothelioma Gene Therapy Treatments for Veterans
Weitz Luxenberg, PC | 866-468-1553 | What is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is caused by inhalation exposure to asbestos. There is no cure for mesothelioma. Many of...

By: Weitz Luxenberg

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Mesothelioma Gene Therapy Treatments for Veterans - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Meso Gene Therapy – Weaponized Measles – Video

Meso Gene Therapy - Weaponized Measles
Weitz Luxenberg, PC | 866-468-1553 | What is weaponized measles gene therapy? Mesothelioma is caused by inhalation exposure to asbestos. There is no cure for ...

By: Weitz Luxenberg

Meso Gene Therapy - Weaponized Measles - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Hiro Nakauchi Definitive and Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Hiro Nakauchi Definitive and Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Hiro Nakauchi discusses new stem cell therapies at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to inspire innovation that improves pediatric and...

By: Stanford

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Hiro Nakauchi Definitive and Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Nadia Rosenthal Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Nadia Rosenthal Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Nadia Rosenthal discusses the advances in regeneration and the future of regenerative health at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to...

By: Stanford

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Nadia Rosenthal Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Sean Wu Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Sean Wu Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Sean Wu discusses his work engineering stem cells to cure heart disease at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to inspire innovation that...

By: Stanford

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Sean Wu Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Tony Oro Definitive and Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Tony Oro Definitive and Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Tony Oro discusses therapeutic reprogramming at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to inspire innovation that improves pediatric and...

By: Stanford

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Tony Oro Definitive and Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Martin Andrews Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Martin Andrews Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Martin Andrews discusses bringing gene therapy to patients and targeting rare diseases at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to inspire...

By: Stanford

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Martin Andrews Definitive Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

gene therapy – FierceBiotech

Celladon's lead program--as well as its stock price--crashed after the biotech announced Sunday evening that its heart therapy Mydicar failed the primary and secondary endpoints in a Phase IIb trial, losing out in a full lineup of efficacy tests.

A biotech with deep roots in the European gene therapy field has successfully tested a new approach to creating a personalized treatment for a rare disorder of the immune system.

Two months after tying the Big Pharma collaboration knot with Sanofi, Cambridge, MA-based gene therapy startup Voyager Therapeutics has rolled out a $60 million venture round that appears to set the stage for an upcoming IPO.

MultiVir, a developer of viral vectors to deliver anticancer gene therapy, just filed for a $70 million IPO with the Securities and Exchange Commission as it seeks funding for clinical trials of its Phase I/II lead candidates for colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer, and to take the first FDA-approved gene therapy to the market.

February 11, 2015

Sanofi subsidiary Genzyme is tying up with gene therapy upstart Voyager Therapeutics, gambling $100 million upfront on the hot field and promising up to $745 million in milestones for their partnership on a full slate of development programs.

Bluebird bio nabbed the FDA's breakthrough drug title for LentiGlobin BB305 as a new treatment for beta-thalassemia major, putting one of the industry's top experimental gene therapies back squarely in a promising spotlight.

Spark Therapeutics, at work on one-time treatments for rare diseases, pulled off a $161 million IPO, pricing above its range and keeping biotech's Wall Street hot streak rolling.

Cashing in on the current enthusiasm in venture circles for gene therapy upstarts, ReGenX has snagged a $30 million round that will finance a round of new hires as it sets sail for the clinic with lead programs for rare diseases of the central nervous system.

Just weeks after Novartis and Atlas Venture announced the launch of an upstart player in the fast-emerging field of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, the pharma giant has stepped back up to formally hammer out a partnership development deal and throw its enormous resources behind the biotech.

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gene therapy - FierceBiotech

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer – Video

Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer
Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine researcher Michelle Monje, MD, PhD, has found that normal brain activity creates factors that promote the growth of a brain...

By: institutesofmedicine

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Researchers find that brain activity promotes the growth of brain cancer - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. – Video

Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D.
Barbara describes her outcome seven months after her stem cell injections for her arthritic knees by Harry Adelson, N.D.

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

Continued here:
Arthritic knees; 7 months after stem cell therapy by Harry Adelson, N.D. - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetics (PCB 3063) Review – Video

Genetics (PCB 3063) Review
On Friday, May 1, 2015 from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM held by Emory G.

By: SARC Study Union

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Genetics (PCB 3063) Review - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Jessica P – Modern Genetics Debate – Video

Jessica P - Modern Genetics Debate

By: Michael Bruesch

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Jessica P - Modern Genetics Debate - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Matthew Porteus Definitive Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference – Video

Matthew Porteus Definitive Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference
Matthew Porteus discusses correcting mutations that cause childhood genetic diseases at the inaugural Childx Conference, 2015. Childx is a dynamic, TED-style conference designed to inspire...

By: Stanford

See the article here:
Matthew Porteus Definitive Stem Cell & Gene Therapy for Child Health: Stanford Childx Conference - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Mortal Kombat X Review: More Fun Than a Spinal Cord Injury | Bucket Hat Aficionado – Video

Mortal Kombat X Review: More Fun Than a Spinal Cord Injury | Bucket Hat Aficionado
Quick time events? Seriously!? --- SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook: Twitter:...

By: BucketHatAficionado

Mortal Kombat X Review: More Fun Than a Spinal Cord Injury | Bucket Hat Aficionado - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Baltimore Cops Murdered Freddie Gray By Severing 80% Of His Spinal Cord During Arrest – Video

Baltimore Cops Murdered Freddie Gray By Severing 80% Of His Spinal Cord During Arrest
Baltimore police have suspended six officers after the death of a man who was injured while in police custody. Freddie Gray, 25, was critically injured after his arrest April 12. He died early...

By: TheAdviseShowTV

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Baltimore Cops Murdered Freddie Gray By Severing 80% Of His Spinal Cord During Arrest - Video

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Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service – Video

Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service
Regenerative medicine is the idea of rebuilding the tissues that are destroyed by degenerative disease. With regenerative medicine and stem cell biology, doctors are working to determine which...

By: Mayo Clinic

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Mayo Clinic Transplant Center Regenerative Medicine Consult Service - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions – Video

Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions
Dr.P V Mahajan expertise in Stem Cell Therapy | For More details please visit

By: StemRx BioScience

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Stem Cell Treatment for COPD | StemRx Bioscience Solutions - Video

Recommendation and review posted by simmons

Stem Cell Treatment Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell treatment and stem cell therapy may be considered controversial and are, perhaps, viewed as akin to science fiction by some people. However, stem cell treatments have been used regularly in veterinary practice since 2003 for the repair of bone and tissue damage, and have a wealth of research highlighting their efficacy in both humans and other animals. Stem cells are found in plentiful supply in embryonic tissue, but are also found in adult tissues. These cells have the ability to self-renew, giving rise to countless generations of new cells with varying abilities to differentiate into specific cell types. By introducing stem cells into an area of damage or pathology, the body can be encouraged to repair and renew regardless of how old the trauma is. Stem cells also show application for inhibiting the death of cells (apoptosis) through disease, making them candidates for use in treating degenerative illnesses such as Lou Gehrigs disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers.

Stem cells from embryos are considered more flexible in terms of their ability to become either new liver cells, new neurons, new skin cells, and so on, whereas adult stem cells tend to be more restricted to the tissue type from which they were taken. New research is showing that this might not necessarily have to remain the case however, with the plasticity of adult stem cells now under investigation. Stem cell use carries little risk of the resulting tissues being rejected, it appears safe, efficient, and almost endless in its possibilities for application.

Potential Stem Cell Treatments

Conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and cancer, among others, are considered possible candidates for stem cell treatment. Cures for some of these diseases could be closer than previously thought with clinical trials already showing impressive results where stem cells have been used in cases thought intractable. The rapid rate of progression in research and clinical use means that some of the controversial issues, such as the use of embryos as a source of stem cells, have been overcome, with governments around the globe subtly altering their legal policies in order to accommodate new scientific advances. In the US, Bill Clinton was the first president to have to consider the legal issues surrounding stem cells, and subsequent presidents have been forced to readdress the issues time and again in line with medical discoveries. Worldwide, governments have remained generally cautious over the use of this technology but are gradually improving funding access, whilst keeping an eye on the ethics of stem cell treatment, in order to explore the tremendous benefits that appear possible. The credibility of research remains a concern, with some stem cell studies discredited by ethics committees after initial general acceptance of their veracity.

Stem cells may be garnered from living adult donors and, indeed, already are in the case of bone marrow transplants. More usually they are taken from discarded embryos leftover after IVF treatment, or from the placenta after birth. Previously the removal of stem cells resulted in the destruction of these embryos, but now it is possible for scientists to remove the stem cells without this occurring. This development negates some of the criticism faced by the technology from religious groups and ethical bodies over the sanctity of life and the attribution of sentience and autonomy to embryos, gametes, and the foetus. Clearly, some debate remains about these issues in relation to stem cell research, but recent improvements in methodology may remove the need for these considerations completely. Clinicians have demonstrated the possibility of taking adult stem cells and seemingly teaching them to become cells of a different type to their site of removal, effectively returning them to a similar state to that of the embryonic stem cell. Whilst stem cells from embryos remain more reliable and more economical to work with, the use of adult tissue-derived stem cells could revolutionize the research in this field.

As well as stem cell use in pathology and disease, there are also applications in personal aesthetics such as the regeneration of hair follicles and an end to baldness through stem cell treatment. Stem cells are also considered useful in regenerating the skin after injury, without the scarring usually associated with repair. There are reports of paralyzed patients becoming mobile after years in a wheelchair through the use of stem cells injected into the spinal cord, and the rapid disappearance of tumors in brain tissue after stem cells were injected.

Stem cell treatment provides an exciting possibility to change the face of modern medicine, alleviating pain and suffering, and improving the prognosis for millions withe diseases previously thought incurable.

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Stem Cell Treatment Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Research

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
