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Swiss Apple Stem Cells for perfect skin. What do plant …

This active ingredient won the prize in European Innovation Best Active Ingredient in 2008. It is a revolutionary technology designed to protect human skin stem cells with the help of stem cells from a rare Swiss apple. The clinical trials conducted by the company who discovered this ingredient showed that 100% of the participants saw a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles after using a solution containing 2% PhytoCellTech Malus Domestica.

According to the Bible, Adam bit into an apple (coaxed on by us femme fatales) and deprived Earth of Heaven...was he attracted by the delicious taste or did he already know of the amazing youth-boosting properties of this fruit?

PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica is an award-winning patented liposomal preparation, so containing tiny bubbles made out of the same material as cell membranes, based on the stem cells of a rare Swiss apple called Uttwiler Sptlauber that derives from a seedling planted in the middle of the18th century. Uttwiler Sptlauber is an endangered apple variety that is well-known for its ability to be stored for long periods without shrivelling and thus its longevity potential. The apples are rich in phytonutrients, proteins and long-living cells. A novel technology has now been developed enabling the cultivation of rare and endangered species like Uttwiler Sptlauber. Thanks to this technology, plant stem cells can be obtained and incorporated into skin care products to enhance the longevity of skin cells. Not only does it protect the skins own stem cells but has been shown to have excellent age-delaying and anti-wrinkle properties, and is currently one of the most pioneering and exciting ingredients in skin care.

Stem Cells and Longevity

Longevity is related to specific cells called stem cells which have a unique growth characteristic. These cells can make identical copies of themselves as well as differentiate (in other words, split) to become separate, specialised cells. Two basic types of stem cells are present in the human body:

Embryonic stem cells found in blastocysts (structures found in the human pre-embryonic stage) can grow and differentiate into one of the more than 220 different cell types which make up the human body;

Adult stem cells located in some adult tissues can only differentiate into their own or related cell types. These cells act as a repair system for the body but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs such as blood, skin or intestinal tissues.

Research on Stem Cells and Applications

Currently in medicine, adult stem cells are already used particularly in transplant medicine to treat leukemia and severe burns. In the cosmetic field, scientists are focusing their research on adult stem cells located in the skin. They are studying the potential of this type of cells, their functioning and aging. This research is helping us understand how to protect skin stem cells.

Stem Cells in the Human Skin

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Swiss Apple Stem Cells for perfect skin. What do plant ...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Scientists use stem cells to correct skin defects

New research has found evidence that stem cells could be used to correct genetic defects in skin and to treat certain rare diseases.

Three separate studies by scientists in the US, Europe and Japan have raised hopes that the methods could be used to develop treatments for a range of problems, including epidermolysis bullosa.

It is a disorder wheresufferers are born with extensive blistering and patches of missing skin.

They areleft with extremely fragile skin for all of their lives.

In the first study, the researchers used Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) - adult cells that are reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state.

The scientists took diseased cells from three adult patients withepidermolysis bullosa.

The researchers converted the cells into iPSCs and used specialist tools to edit and fix the mutation in the genetic code responsible for defective collagen protein production, which causes the condition.

They then grew pieces of human skin that produced the correct collagen, and grafted them into mice where they lasted for three weeks.

It i's hoped the risk of rejection in humans will be minimal because the skin is made from the patient's own cells.

A second study confirmed these findings in the lab, showing that it is possible to genetically correct iPSCs from mice with epidermolysis bullosa and use the repaired cells to heal blistered skin.

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Scientists use stem cells to correct skin defects

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Ageless Derma Introduces Their Latest Innovation: Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask

Irvine, California (PRWEB) November 27, 2014

The Ageless Derma skin care company has just released their latest development in the form of a facial mask that exfoliates skin with ingredients such as apple stem cells to renew the complexion and correct texture and tone. The companys Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask incorporates the cells of a long-living rare apple with other revitalizing ingredients from nature to result in a gentle mask that is effective and calming.

The Swiss apple, Malus Domestica, has its beginnings that go as far back as 18th century Switzerland. Ageless Derma recognized the importance of this plants stem cell extract for its ability to keep the fruit fresh for extended periods of time without wrinkling or shriveling. The Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask contains the scientific advances that come from the cultivation of these stem cells, having incorporated it into a powerful and effective facial mask to rejuvenate skin and keep wrinkles at bay.

The Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask contains other natural ingredients that work together to keep skin at its purest and return youthful life to the complexion. Kaolin Clay from the earth absorbs toxins that can enter the skins surface due to environmental pollutants in the air. The clay helps draw out grime and purify skin. Sweet Almond Oil nourishes skin, and adds much needed moisture and smoothness. Safflower Oil improves the texture of skin; especially skin that has become roughened with time and sun exposure. The Safflower Oil in Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask also locks in moisture and tones skin for a flawless and radiant complexion.

Ageless Derma added fruit extracts to the Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask for added health and radiance. Pumpkin Fruit Ferment, Pineapple Enzyme, and Papaya Enzyme make this mask luscious and plush. Age-defying antioxidants are also included, with Green Tea Extract and Aloe Leaf Extract added for soothing and fighting free radicals.

The developers at Ageless Derma Skin Care know they are making something extraordinary happen. Their line of physician-grade skin care items incorporates an important philosophy: promoting overall skin health by delivering the most cutting-edge biotechnology and pure, natural ingredients to all of the skin's layers. This attitude continues to resonate to this day with the companys founder, Dr. Farid Mostamand, who nearly a decade ago began his journey to deliver the best skin care alternatives for people who want to have healthy and beautiful looking skin at any age. About this latest Ageless Derma product, Dr. Mostamand says, This natural enzymatic Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask gently exfoliates dead skin cells that are blocking new cell turnover for a renewed and radiant complexion. This is accomplished without the use of unnatural chemicals that can harm your skins delicate balance.

Ageless Derma products are formulated in FDA-approved Labs. All ingredients are inspired by nature and enhanced by science. Ageless Derma products do not contain parabens or any other harsh additives, and they are never tested on animals. The company has developed five unique lines of products to address any skin type or condition.

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Ageless Derma Introduces Their Latest Innovation: Swiss Apple Stem Cell Mask

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Tremendous progress in the development of skin stem cell treatments for butterfly children

27.11.2014 - (idw) IMBA - Institut fr Molekulare Biotechnologie der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften GmbH

Scientists at IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna have made a major advancement towards a future therapy for butterfly children. A treatment with fibroblasts generated from induced pluripotent stem cells has been highly successful in mice. The next step is to establish this method in humans. Butterfly children suffer from Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a debilitating skin disease. It is caused by a genetic defect that leads to a deficiency or complete lack of various structural proteins. In one particularly severe form, the protein collagen 7 is either missing or present only in insufficient amounts. If that bond is missing, the skin forms blisters or tears at the slightest mechanical pressure, leading to wounds and inflammation that require extensive treatment with creams and bandages. Often these constant lesions also lead to aggressive forms of skin cancer.

Presently there is no cure for this disease. But there are promising approaches that could lead to successful treatments in the future. One of them is a method called fibroblast injection. In this procedure, fibroblasts are injected between the layers of the skin, where they can produce the necessary collagen 7.

Researchers at IMBA under the leadership of Arabella Meixner have now been successful in developing this method to treat mice affected by EB. The individual steps of this treatment have been worked out and carefully tested in many years of laboratory work, and the results have now been published in the scientific journal Science Translational Medicine.

First the scientists returned skin cells of the diseased mice to the stem cell stage and then repaired the genetic defect, the root cause of the disease. Then the researchers transformed stem cells back into fibroblasts.

Before the repaired fibroblasts could be reintroduced into the organism, measures to prevent inflammation or rejection were necessary. In this study the researchers conducted a type of toxicity test, and the results were very promising. After several months of observation, no adverse immune reactions occurred, and the risk of skin cancer did not increase. That is an important consideration because butterfly children already have a greatly increased risk of skin cancer.

The next step is to establish this skin stem cell treatment in humans. To achieve that, the IMBA scientists intend to look for partners with clinical experience. For severe forms of Epidermolysis Bullosa, a systemic application needs to be developed to spread the cells throughout the entire body via the bloodstream to reach epithelial tissues that are more difficult to access, for example the mucous membranes in the mouth or bowels. Often in butterfly children with milder forms of the disease, only certain areas of the skin are affected. The skin stem cell therapy with local injections successfully tested on mice could lead to a valuable treatment method in the very near future.

The project conducted by IMBA scientists was initiated by the patient organization DEBRA Austria, and has had the financial support of the association and of other generous supporters since 2009. DEBRA's mission is to ensure that butterfly children receive competent specialized medical care and to promote research into options to relieve and cure EB. Further thanks also go to our funding and cooperation partners sterreichische Lotterien and FK Austria Wien.

Original publication: Wenzel et. al., iPSC-based cell therapy for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. Science Translational Medicine. 2014.

Scientific Contact: Dr. Arabella Meixner, Research Lead Tel. +43 664 2018084 Weitere Informationen:

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Tremendous progress in the development of skin stem cell treatments for butterfly children

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Blistering skin disease may be treatable with 'therapeutic reprogramming,' researchers say



Contact: Krista Conger 650-725-5371 Stanford University Medical Center @sumedicine

Induced pluripotent stem cells made from patients with a form of blistering skin disease can be genetically corrected and used to grow back healthy skin cells in laboratory dishes, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found. They've termed the new technique "therapeutic reprogramming."

The skin cells formed normal human skin when grafted onto the backs of laboratory mice, they said.

The findings represent a major advance in the battle against the disease, epidermolysis bullosa, in which the top layer of skin, called the epidermis, sloughs off with the slightest friction, leaving open wounds that are difficult to heal. Severely stricken children who survive into their late teens or early 20s often die from invasive squamous cell carcinoma, a skin cancer that can arise during repeated cycles of skin wounding and healing.

"Epidermolysis bullosa is a truly horrible, debilitating skin disease in which the top layer of skin is not properly anchored to the underlying layers," said Anthony Oro, MD, PhD, professor of dermatology. "When they are born, the trauma of birth rips away their skin, and they continue to suffer severe skin wounds that require constant bandaging and medical attention throughout their lives."

Stanford has one of the largest epidermolysis bullosa clinics in the world, with an extremely active and engaged population of patients and their families eager to help researchers. The Stanford Department of Dermatology has been working to find new treatments for the disease for over 20 years. The latest advance, in which researchers replaced the mutated, disease-causing gene in the donor-made induced pluripotent stem cells with a healthy version, was funded by an $11.7 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

New avenue of treatment

"This treatment approach represents an entirely new paradigm for this disease," Oro said. "Normally, treatment has been confined to surgical approaches to repair damaged skin, or medical approaches to prevent and repair damage. But by replacing the faulty gene with a correct version in stem cells, and then converting those corrected stem cells to keratinocytes, we have the possibility of achieving a permanent fix -- replacing damaged areas with healthy, perfectly matched skin grafts."

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Blistering skin disease may be treatable with 'therapeutic reprogramming,' researchers say

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Cancer Research UK, Illumina sign sequencing technology deal for lung cancer trial

PBR Staff Writer Published 27 November 2014

Cancer Research UK has signed a supply agreement with Illumina to use its gene sequencing technology in a Phase IIa lung cancer clinical trial in the UK that aims to advance personalized medicine.

As part of the deal, Illumina will provide its research use only Nextera Rapid Capture Enrichment kits and NGS technology to a multi-arm, early-stage National Lung Matrix Trial being run by Cancer Research UK.

The National Lung Matrix trial is being conducted by Cancer Research UK and professor Gary Middleton is its chief investigator.

Cancer Research UK head of Stratified Medicine Dr Ian Walker said: "Personalising cancer treatments, by matching patients with the targeted treatments that are most likely to work for them, could transform the lives of people with the disease.

"Genetic sequencing will provide the information that allows us to routinely pair-up patients with this more targeted approach. This is at the very heart of the vision for precision cancer medicine."

"This collaboration will help our researchers to quickly identify the genetic faults underpinning a patient's cancer. The goal is to then use this information to deliver what we hope will be an effective treatment."

The results will allow investigators to stratify patients and place them into the most appropriate arm of the trial.

In order to provide the targeted treatments for each arm of the Matrix Trial, AstraZeneca and Pfizer are also partnering with Cancer Research UK.

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Cancer Research UK, Illumina sign sequencing technology deal for lung cancer trial

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Research on a rare cancer exposes possible route to new treatments



Contact: Linda Aagard 801-587-7639 University of Utah Health Sciences @UofUHealthCare

SALT LAKE CITY--Researchers from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U) discovered the unusual role of lactate in the metabolism of alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), a rare, aggressive cancer that primarily affects adolescents and young adults. The study also confirmed that a fusion gene is the cancer-causing agent in this disease. The research results were published online in the journal Cancer Cell Nov. 26, 2014.

ASPS tumor cells contain a chromosomal translocation--strands of DNA from two chromosomes trade places. The two strands fuse together to create a new gene, ASPSCR1-TFE3 that functions differently than either "parent" gene.

For the study, Kevin B. Jones, MD, an HCI investigator and assistant professor in the Department of Orthopaedics at the U of U, and his research team activated the ASPSCR1-TFE3 gene in mice. The cancer was completely penetrant; every mouse with the activated fusion gene developed a tumor.

"The mouse tumors were remarkably similar to human ASPS tumors," said Jones. "The fusion gene not only initiates a cancer in the mouse, it initiates all the features we associate with this cancer in humans, including nearly identical RNA profiles." This is especially important in the study of sarcoma, as few human cell lines exist.

Jones said one surprising finding of the study was the location of the tumors in mice. In humans, most ASPS tumors occur in skeletal muscle, but all the mouse tumors occurred within the skull--"not necessarily in brain tissue, but within the environment of the cranium.

"The two places where we found most of the mouse tumors--inside the brain and inside the orbit of the eye--had the highest concentrations of lactate," said Jones. "The tissues where ASPS occurs in humans, the skeletal muscles, also have high concentrations of lactate."

Most cancer cells generate their energy in a process called glycolysis, in which they rapidly but inefficiently consume glucose. This process creates lactate as a waste product that the cancer cells push out into their surroundings.

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Research on a rare cancer exposes possible route to new treatments

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Bioengineering study finds two-cell mouse embryos already 'talking' about their future

Bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have discovered that mouse embryos are contemplating their cellular fates in the earliest stages after fertilization when the embryo has only two to four cells, a discovery that could upend the scientific consensus about when embryonic cells begin differentiating into cell types. Their research, which used single-cell RNA sequencing to look at every gene in the mouse genome, was published recently in the journal Genome Research. In addition, this group published a paper on analysis of "time-course"single-cell data which is taken at precise stages of embryonic development in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Until recently, we haven't had the technology to look at cells this closely," said Sheng Zhong, a bioengineering professor at UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, who led the research. "Using single-cell RNA-sequencing, we were able to measure every gene in the mouse genome at multiple stages of development to find differences in gene expression at precise stages."

The findings reveal cellular activity that could provide insight into where normal developmental processes break down, leading to early miscarriages and birth defects.

The researchers discovered that a handful of genes are clearly signaling to each other at the two-cell and four-cell stage, which happens within days after an egg has been fertilized by sperm and before the embryo has implanted into the uterus. Among the identified genes are several genes belonging to the WNT signaling pathway, well-known for their role in cell-cell communications.

The prevailing view until now has been that mammalian embryos start differentiating into cell types after they have proliferated into large enough numbers to form subgroups. According to the co-authors Fernando Biase and Xiaoyi Cao, when the first cell fate decision is made is an open question. The first major task for an embryo is to decide which cells will begin forming the fetus, and which will form the placenta.

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health (DP2OD007417) and the March of Dimes Foundation.

Zhong's research in the field of systems or network biology applies engineering principals to understand how biological systems function. For example, they developed analytical methods to predict personal phenotypes, which refer to the physical description of an individual ranging from eye and hair color to health and disposition, using an individual's personal genome and epigenome. Epigenome refers to the chemical compounds in DNA that regulate gene expression and vary from person to person. Predicting phenotypes with genome and epigenome is an emerging area of research in the field of personalized medicine that scientists believe could provide new ways to predict and treat genetic disorders.

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The above story is based on materials provided by University of California - San Diego. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

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Bioengineering study finds two-cell mouse embryos already 'talking' about their future

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetics & Breast Cancer | Beaumont Cancer Institute – Video

Genetics Breast Cancer | Beaumont Cancer Institute

By: BeaumontHospitals

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Genetics & Breast Cancer | Beaumont Cancer Institute - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith


This is a ONE WEEK review for Koily Gene from Curl Genetics C O N T A C T F O L L O W M E instagram | @shakemykinks_ I N F O R M A T I O N The hair I received is...

By: Idara W

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Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

NewLink Genetics Corp (NLNK) Stock Chart Technical Analysis for 11-26-14 – Video

NewLink Genetics Corp (NLNK) Stock Chart Technical Analysis for 11-26-14
Join My Private Trading Team - Learn to Use Charts - Learn how to read stock charts and identify technical patterns as ClayTrader...

By: ClayTrader

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NewLink Genetics Corp (NLNK) Stock Chart Technical Analysis for 11-26-14 - Video

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Meet Shoukhrat Mitalipov – Video

Meet Shoukhrat Mitalipov
He #39;s using breakthrough gene therapy techniques to cure disease. Learn more at

By: OHSUvideo

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Meet Shoukhrat Mitalipov - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

World's most expensive medicine Glybera goes on sale with $1m price tag

The western worlds first gene therapy drug is expected to go on sale in Germany next year. Photograph: Eliseo Fernandez/Reuters

The western worlds first gene therapy drug is set to go on sale in Germany, with a price tag that could amount to an 870,000 cost to treat a single patient.

Glybera, a treatment for the rare genetic condition lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), which clogs the blood with fat, has been developed by Dutch biotech firm UniQure and Italian marketing marketing partner Chiesi. It is undergoing an assessment of benefits by Germanys federal joint committee, which will report by April 2015.

But the company is seeking a retail price of 53,000 (42,000) per phial, which equates to 1.1m (870,000) for a course of treatment for a typical LPLD patient. This price will be subject to a discount under Germanys drug pricing system.

A Chiesi spokeswoman confirmed the launch price and added that a final figure would be set after the German authorities gave their verdict and negotiations are held with health insurance funds. First commercial treatments are expected in the first half of 2015, she said.

UniQure, which will get a net royalty of between 23% and 30% on sales, said EU pricing was a matter for its Italian partner, although the Dutch firm does plan to discuss Glybera pricing during an investor meeting in New York next month.

With only 150 to 200 patients likely to be eligible for Glybera across Europe, the impact on healthcare budgets will be small, even at a very high price but this case will be watched closely as a benchmark for future gene therapies.

UniQure also has plans to seek approval for Glybera in the United States, which it hopes to get in 2018.

Although there is already a gene therapy for cancer on the market in China, that has not been rolled out to other countries, making Glybera a first for the west.

Proponents of the gene-fixing technology insist it stacks up as a cost-effective treatment, despite the high cost, as it could permanently cure many patients.

Originally posted here:
World's most expensive medicine Glybera goes on sale with $1m price tag

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

First gene therapy drug sets million-euro price record

FRANKFURT/LONDON The Western worlds first gene-therapy drug is set to go on sale in Germany with a price of 1.1 million ($1.4 million), a new record for a medicine to treat a rare disease.

The sky-high cost of Glybera, from the Dutch biotechnology firm UniQure and its unlisted Italian marketing partner, Chiesi, shows how targeted therapies to fix faulty genes may upend the conventional pharmaceutical business model.

After a quarter of a century of experiments and several setbacks, gene therapy is finally throwing a lifeline to patients by inserting corrective genes into malfunctioning cells but paying for it poses a challenge.

The new drug fights an ultra-rare genetic disease called lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), which clogs the blood with fat. The medicine was approved in Europe two years ago, but its launch was delayed to allow for the collection of six-year follow-up data on its benefits.

Now Chiesi has filed a pricing dossier with Germanys Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), which will issue an assessment of the drugs benefits by the end of April 2015. The company is seeking a retail price of 53,000 (66,000) per vial, or 43,870 ($54,800) ex-factory.

That equates to 1.11 million for a typical LPLD patient, who will need 42 injections from 21 vials. This price will be subject to a standard 7 percent discount under Germanys drug pricing system.

Under German rules, the launch price for a new drug is valid for the first 12 months.

A Chiesi spokeswoman confirmed the launch price. She added that a final figure would be set after the G-BA gives its verdict and negotiations are held with statutory health insurance funds.

First commercial treatments are expected in the first half 2015, she said.

UniQure, which will get a net royalty of between 23 and 30 percent on sales, said EU pricing is a matter for its Italian partner, although the Dutch firm does plan to discuss Glybera pricing during an investor meeting in New York on Dec. 1.

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First gene therapy drug sets million-euro price record

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith | First gene therapy drug sets price record

London - The Western world's first gene therapy drug is set to go on sale in Germany with a 1.1m ($1.4m) price tag, a new record for a medicine to treat a rare disease.

The sky-high cost of Glybera, from Dutch biotech firm UniQure and its unlisted Italian marketing partner Chiesi, shows how single curative therapies to fix faulty genes may upend the conventional pharmaceutical business model.

After a quarter century of experiments and several setbacks, gene therapy is finally throwing a life-line to patients by inserting corrective genes into malfunctioning cells - but paying for it poses a challenge.

The new drug fights an ultra-rare genetic disease called lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD) that clogs the blood with fat. The medicine was approved in Europe two years ago but its launch was delayed to allow for the collection of six-year follow-up data on its benefits.

Now Chiesi has filed a pricing dossier with Germany's Federal Joint Committee, or G-BA, which will issue an assessment of the drug's benefits by the end of April 2015. The company is seeking a retail price of 53 000 per vial, or 43 870 ex-factory.

That equates to 1.11m for an typical LPLD patient, averaging 62.5 kg in clinical trials, who will need 42 injections from 21 vials. This price will be subject to a standard 7% discount under Germany's drug pricing system.

Under German rules, the launch price for a new drug is valid for the first 12 months.

A Chiesi spokeswoman confirmed the launch price, in response to inquiries from Reuters, prompted by information from health insurance sources. She added that a final figure would be set after the G-BA gives its verdict and negotiations are held with statutory health insurance funds.

"First commercial treatments are expected in the first half 2015," she said.

UniQure, which will get a net royalty of between 23 and 30% on sales, said EU pricing was a matter for its Italian partner, although the Dutch firm does plan to discuss Glybera pricing during an investor meeting in New York on December 1.

See more here: | First gene therapy drug sets price record

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

117.36 /$ (1 p.m.)

FRANKFURT/LONDON The Western worlds first gene-therapy drug is set to go on sale in Germany with a price of 1.1 million ($1.4 million), a new record for a medicine to treat a rare disease.

The sky-high cost of Glybera, from the Dutch biotechnology firm UniQure and its unlisted Italian marketing partner, Chiesi, shows how targeted therapies to fix faulty genes may upend the conventional pharmaceutical business model.

After a quarter of a century of experiments and several setbacks, gene therapy is finally throwing a lifeline to patients by inserting corrective genes into malfunctioning cells but paying for it poses a challenge.

The new drug fights an ultra-rare genetic disease called lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), which clogs the blood with fat. The medicine was approved in Europe two years ago, but its launch was delayed to allow for the collection of six-year follow-up data on its benefits.

Now Chiesi has filed a pricing dossier with Germanys Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), which will issue an assessment of the drugs benefits by the end of April 2015. The company is seeking a retail price of 53,000 (66,000) per vial, or 43,870 ($54,800) ex-factory.

That equates to 1.11 million for a typical LPLD patient, who will need 42 injections from 21 vials. This price will be subject to a standard 7 percent discount under Germanys drug pricing system.

Under German rules, the launch price for a new drug is valid for the first 12 months.

A Chiesi spokeswoman confirmed the launch price. She added that a final figure would be set after the G-BA gives its verdict and negotiations are held with statutory health insurance funds.

First commercial treatments are expected in the first half 2015, she said.

UniQure, which will get a net royalty of between 23 and 30 percent on sales, said EU pricing is a matter for its Italian partner, although the Dutch firm does plan to discuss Glybera pricing during an investor meeting in New York on Dec. 1.

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117.36 /$ (1 p.m.)

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

2nd International Conference on PredictivePreventive & Personalized Medicine & MolecularDiagnostics – Video

2nd International Conference on PredictivePreventive Personalized Medicine MolecularDiagnostics
2nd International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine Molecular Diagnostics will be organized during November 3-5, 2014, at Emba...

By: omicsgroupconference

Continued here:
2nd International Conference on PredictivePreventive & Personalized Medicine & MolecularDiagnostics - Video

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ND|spinal cord injury|12 – Video

ND|spinal cord injury|12

By: khloody alahmary

ND|spinal cord injury|12 - Video

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ND|spinal cord injury|15 – Video

ND|spinal cord injury|15

By: khloody alahmary

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ND|spinal cord injury|15 - Video

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ND|spinal cord injury|4 – Video

ND|spinal cord injury|4

By: khloody alahmary

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ND|spinal cord injury|4 - Video

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Clinical Trials for MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Video

Clinical Trials for MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Stem Cell Institute and Medistem Panama founder, Neil Riordan, PhD discusses clinical trials for multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis using umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal...


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Clinical Trials for MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Video

Recommendation and review posted by simmons

Pain and itch in a dish: Scientists convert human skin cells into sensory neurons

A team led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has found a simple method to convert human skin cells into the specialized neurons that detect pain, itch, touch and other bodily sensations. These neurons are also affected by spinal cord injury and involved in Friedreich's ataxia, a devastating and currently incurable neurodegenerative disease that largely strikes children.

The discovery allows this broad class of human neurons and their sensory mechanisms to be studied relatively easily in the laboratory. The "induced sensory neurons" generated by this method should also be useful in the testing of potential new therapies for pain, itch and related conditions.

"Following on the work of TSRI Professor Ardem Patapoutian, who has identified many of the genes that endow these neurons with selective responses to temperature, pain and pressure, we have found a way to produce induced sensory neurons from humans where these genes can be expressed in their 'normal' cellular environment," said Associate Professor Kristin K. Baldwin, an investigator in TSRI's Dorris Neuroscience Center. "This method is rapid, robust and scalable. Therefore we hope that these induced sensory neurons will allow our group and others to identify new compounds that block pain and itch and to better understand and treat neurodegenerative disease and spinal cord injury."

The report by Baldwin's team appears as an advance online publication in Nature Neuroscience on November 24, 2014.

In Search of a Better Model

The neurons that can be made with the new technique normally reside in clusters called dorsal root ganglia (DRG) along the outer spine. DRG sensory neurons extend their nerve fibers into the skin, muscle and joints all over the body, where they variously detect gentle touch, painful touch, heat, cold, wounds and inflammation, itch-inducing substances, chemical irritants, vibrations, the fullness of the bladder and colon, and even information about how the body and its limbs are positioned. Recently these neurons have also been linked to aging and to autoimmune disease.

Because of the difficulties involved in harvesting and culturing adult human neurons, most research on DRG neurons has been done in mice. But mice are of limited use in understanding the human version of this broad "somatosensory" system.

"Mouse models don't represent the full diversity of the human response," said Joel W. Blanchard, a PhD candidate in the Baldwin laboratory who was co-lead author of the study with Research Associate Kevin T. Eade.

A New Identity

For the new study, the team used a cell-reprogramming technique (similar to those used to reprogram skin cells into stem cells) to generate human DRG-type sensory neurons from ordinary skin cells called fibroblasts.

Excerpt from:
Pain and itch in a dish: Scientists convert human skin cells into sensory neurons

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Advanced CRISPR Cas9 Genetic Engineering – Video

Advanced CRISPR Cas9 Genetic Engineering
The CRISPR Cas9 system has been harnessed to create a simple, RNA programmable method to mediate genome editing in mammalian cells, and can be used to genera...

By: William Orfanos

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Advanced CRISPR Cas9 Genetic Engineering - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Gene therapy HBOT 2014 – Video

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Gene therapy HBOT 2014
Dr. Paul G. Harch lectures on Gene therapy in the treatment of Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy at the 9th Hyperbaric Medicine International Symposium [HBOT2014] Th...

By: HarchHBOT

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Gene therapy HBOT 2014 - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Health Beat: Gene therapy: From bench to bedside: Blindness


In bright daylight, 10-year-old Mark DeVoe has no trouble seeing his friends, but inside, or even in the shade, Mark's eyes sometimes don't work.

"I have trouble seeing like, trees, when the road ends, and when there's like a drop there," Mark said.

At age six, Mark's doctors diagnosed him with the genetic condition choroideremia, which causes people to progressively lose vision until they are completely blind.

"I don't know what it's like to live in darkness, but I've seen it," said Susan DeVoe, Mark's mother.

Susan is a carrier of the blindness gene. Mark's grandfather has the condition.

"Watching my father go blind was devastating. I was a little girl. You know, you count on daddy to do things, and daddy couldn't do them," she recalled.

Dr. Jean Bennett is one of two U.S. researchers preparing to test a gene therapy for choroideremia in humans.

"I think gene therapy holds a huge promise for developing treatments for blinding diseases," said Bennett, ophthalmologist and molecular geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania.

Researchers will use a virus, carrying a normal choroideremia gene and inject the virus just under the retina. The gene should begin to work in a few weeks.

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Health Beat: Gene therapy: From bench to bedside: Blindness

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith
