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Global Stem Cells Group and Revita Life Sciences Announce Joint Venture to Establish a Stem Cell Training Course in …

Miami (PRWEB) April 11, 2014 and Revita Life Sciences have announced plans to present the adipose and bone marrow stem cells course hosted by Himanshu Bansal, M.D., May 22-23 in Delhi.

Revita Life Sciences is a biotech company based in Dehli that specializes in stem cell research, training and clinical applications protocol development in regenerative medicine. Stem Cell specialists from both Global Stem Cells Group and Revita will participate in the two-day training program designed to help medical professionals bring stem cell therapies to the physicians office.

The adipose-derived harvesting, isolation and re-integration training course for the advancement of stem cell procedures is a two-day, hands-on intensive training course developed for physicians and high-level practitioners to learn techniques in harvesting and reintegrating stem cells derived from adipose (fat) tissue and bone marrow. The objective of the training is to bridge the gap between bench science in the laboratory and the doctors office by teaching effective in office regenerative medicine techniques.

For more information, visit the Global Stem Cells Group website, email bnovas(at)regenestem(dot)com, or call 305-224-1858.

About the Global Stem Cell Group: Global Stem Cells Group, Inc. is the parent company of six wholly owned operating companies dedicated entirely to stem cell research, training, products and solutions. Founded in 2012, the company combines dedicated researchers, physician and patient educators and solution providers with the shared goal of meeting the growing worldwide need for leading edge stem cell treatments and solutions. With a singular focus on this exciting new area of medical research, Global Stem Cells Group and its subsidiaries are uniquely positioned to become global leaders in cellular medicine.

Global Stem Cells Groups corporate mission is to make the promise of stem cell medicine a reality for patients around the world. With each of GSCGs six operating companies focused on a separate research-based mission, the result is a global network of state-of-the-art stem cell treatments.

About Revita Life Science:

Revita Life Sciences is a biotechnology company that provides complete support to patients from their first inquiry through stem cell therapy performed by a Revita Life Science specialized physician.

Revitas primary objective is the development of stem cell therapies that target areas of significant unmet or poorly met medical need. Years of research and experience have resulted in substantial improvements in the health and condition of patients suffering from a variety of illnesses through stem cell therapy, even where other treatments have failed.

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Global Stem Cells Group and Revita Life Sciences Announce Joint Venture to Establish a Stem Cell Training Course in ...

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Dispute over Stem Cells: A Timeline

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For more than 40 years government officials have grappled with how to regulate and fund the controversial research

Despite its promise, stem cell research in the U.S. has been stymied, time and again, by bioethical landmines. The explosive debate revolves around the fact that, until recently, the only way to get pluripotent stem cells was to extract them from human embryos left over from in-vitro fertilizationa process that destroyed the five-day-old embryo. The ongoing debate about when life begins has led many to oppose stem cell research on the grounds that it is immoral to destroy something that could eventually grow into a person. On the other hand, promoters argue that the potential to help millions of people with stem cell therapies outweighs the sanctity of cells that are not viable outside the womb and that often go unused. Arguments on both sides are based on personal beliefs that may never be reconciled, so the debate hinges on whether the federal government should fund research that many citizens find morally objectionable. The following box chronicles stem cell research regulation in the U.S.


The Supreme Court legalizes abortion in 1973. The ensuing debate on the ethics of experimenting on fetal tissue prompts Congress to issue a moratorium on federal funding for research on human embryos the following year.


In 1995 President Clinton lifts the ban on funding for study of stem cells left over from in-vitro fertilization, but leaves other restrictions in place. In response, Congress passes the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, prohibiting funding for all research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death, regardless of the source of the embryo.


President George W. Bush announces that federal funding will be made available for research on the approximately 60 existing embryonic stem cell lines, but not new ones. Congress twice votes to loosen the restrictions on funding for research using embryonic stem cells left over from in-vitro fertilization but President Bush vetoes the legislation both times.

In 2009, early in his first term, President Barack Obama removes the ban on federal funding for new stem cell lines but signs an omnibus bill preserving the Dickey-Wicker Amendment. The move retains restrictions against federal funding for the direct creation of new stem cell lines, but opens up funding for research on newly created lines developed with private or state money.

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Dispute over Stem Cells: A Timeline

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Lifeline Skin Care Launches Daily Defense Anti-Aging Skincare Complex Using Groundbreaking Technology and Science to …

Carlsbad, CA (PRWEB) April 10, 2014

Most baby boomers grew up not knowing about the importance of sun protection. The term SPF wasnt even invented until 1962. So lets blame those lines and wrinkles, age spots and skin laxity on the sun! According to the Environmental Protection Agency, as much as 90 percent of skin aging is caused by sun exposure. New ingredients are emerging that are changing the long-held belief that UV skin damage is irreversible. In fact, studies show when the skin is exposed to extracts from human stem cells it helps repair and rejuvenate itself. Lifeline Skin Care, the only line of skin care products in the world based on growth factors from human stem cells, will launch its new Daily Defense Complex in April in spas and physician offices nationwide. The super-potent formula will firm, tone and defend skin and also integrates easily into post-procedure protocols and homecare regimens.

Lifeline Skin Care uses growth factors that have been extracted from human stem cells, said Simon Craw, Ph.D., of International Stem Cell Corporation, the parent company of Lifeline Skin Care. Stem cells have the natural ability to identify and repair damaged cells. In the laboratory, we discovered how stem cells can rejuvenate many different types of cells, including skin cells. The proteins and growth factors that are extracted from these stem cells can reduce the appearance of the signs of aging--lines, wrinkles and loss of radiance.

Dermatologists believe that women dont get serious about anti-aging skin care until theyre in their 30s, when fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. But the 40th birthday is the real game changer, said Dr. Elizabeth Hale of Complete Skin MD in New York City. After age 40, fine lines deepen into full fledged wrinkles, and dark spots and age spots begin to surface. Its at this point that women start to look for more advanced and results-oriented skin care ingredients.

Key ingredients in the new Daily Defense Complex help to repair previous photoaging and protect against future UV damage. Collagen and elastin production have been proven in vitro to increase by 46-55%. Collagen and elastin are two key proteins that make skin appear firmer and younger-looking.

Daily Defense Complex is designed for all skin types but it is particularly recommended for mature or photodamaged skin. It retails for $160.00 and is available from physicians, spas and For more information, please visit

About Lifeline Skin Care Lifeline Skin Care develops, markets and sells advanced topical anti-aging skin care products based on technology developed and patented by International Stem Cell Corporation. The technology uses ingredients that have been extracted from ISCOs human, parthenogenetic stem cells and are known to reduce the visible signs of skin aging. Lifeline is distributed in the USA and internationally through physicians and spas. For more information visit

About International Stem Cell Corporation International Stem Cell Corporation is focused on the therapeutic applications of human parthenogenetic stem cells (hpSCs) and the development and commercialization of cell-based research and cosmetic products. ISCO's core technology, parthenogenesis, results in the creation of pluripotent human stem cells from unfertilized oocytes (eggs) hence avoiding ethical issues associated with the use or destruction of viable human embryos. ISCO scientists have created the first parthenogenetic, homozygous stem cell line that can be a source of therapeutic cells for hundreds of millions of individuals of differing genders, ages and racial background with minimal immune rejection after transplantation. hpSCs offer the potential to create the first true stem cell bank, UniStemCell. ISCO also produces and markets specialized cells and growth media for therapeutic research worldwide through its subsidiary Lifeline Cell Technology (, and stem cell-based skin care products through its subsidiary Lifeline Skin Care ( More information is available at

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Lifeline Skin Care Launches Daily Defense Anti-Aging Skincare Complex Using Groundbreaking Technology and Science to ...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Planaria deploy an ancient gene expression program in the course of organ regeneration

20 hours ago Isolated planarian pharynx: two tissue types in this digestive organ are shown. In red, cilia of the epithelial layer ensheathing the organ are labeled with an antibody against acetylated tubulin. In green, the complex longitudinal and circular muscle fibers are shown as labeled by the anti-myosin heavy chain antibody Tmus-13. Credit: Carrie Adler, Ph.D., Stowers Institute for Medical Research

As multicellular creatures go, planaria worms are hardly glamorous. To say they appear rudimentary is more like it. These tiny aquatic flatworms that troll ponds and standing water resemble brown tubes equipped with just the basics: a pair of beady light-sensing "eyespots" on their head and a feeding tube called the pharynx (which doubles as the excretory tract) that protrudes from a belly sac to suck up food. It's hard to feel kinship with them.

But admiration is another thing, because many planaria species regenerate in wondrous waysnamely, when quartered they reconstruct themselves from the pieces. Sliced through the "waist", they regenerate the missing tail or head; bisected lengthwise, worms duplicate their mirror image. This capacity is not what's surprising, as biologists know that 30% of their body cells are stem cells. The question is, how do stem cells in a planaria fragment know how to generate what's missing?

In the April 15, 2014 issue of the online journal eLife, Stowers Institute for Medical Research Investigator Alejandro Snchez Alvarado and colleagues address that issue by identifying genes worms use to rebuild an amputated pharynx. They report that near the top of the pharynx regeneration hierarchy is a master regulator called FoxA. These findings support an evolutionarily conserved role for FoxA proteins in driving construction of endoderm-derived organs and reveal how stem cells sense loss of a particular structure on a molecular level.

Mammals can deploy adult stem cells to replace skin or immune system cells, among others. But when it comes to re-creating entire structures, amphibian, fish and planarian species are the champs. "When mammals are severely injured, they just heal the wound and call it a day," says Snchez Alvarado, who is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. "But if a salamander loses a limb, it will first heal the wound and then start assembling the missing parts. Right now, the mechanisms cells use to realize what structure is missing and then restore it remain completely mysterious."

To unravel the mystery, the team conducted two "screens". First, they amputated the worm pharynx, which prohibits feeding for about a week as planaria rebuild a new one. Around day 3 post-amputation, the team conducted microarray analysis to identify any gene switched on by amputation and amassed about 350 candidates. To test them, they then fed inhibitory RNAs designed to suppress expression of each gene separately to new batches of worms, repeated the amputations and observed whether worms regained feeding ability. That narrowed the list to 20 candidates that when lost hampered feeding and in most cases interfered with pharynx formation.

According to Carrie Adler, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in the Snchez Alvarado lab who led the study, analysis showed most of the 20 factors either had a generic function in stem cells (which was interesting but not what they were after) or were specifically required for pharynx regeneration. Among the latter, one factor showing a particularly robust effect was a DNA-binding protein called FoxA. "Targeting FoxA completely blocked pharynx regeneration but had no effect on the regeneration of other organs," says Adler.

High resolution microscopy analysis showed that stem cells ramped up FoxA expression soon after they converged on the amputation site. "Currently, we think that FoxA triggers a cascade of gene expression that drives stem cells to produce all of the different cells of the pharynx, including muscle, neurons, and epithelial cells," says Adler. "The next question is how FoxA gets stimulated in the first place in only some stem cells."

Researchers knew previously that during embryogenesis FoxA initiates formation of endoderm-derived organs in species as diverse as mouse and roundworms. The new work suggests that regenerating tissues exploit those evolutionarily ancient gene expression pathways. "Engulfing food is one thing that defines an animal," says Snchez Alvarado. "This means that organisms from humans to flatworms use a common toolbox to build a digestive system, one that has been shared since animals became multicellular."

A fortuitous (in hindsight) setback facilitated the work. As a graduate student studying the roundworm C. elegans, Adler decided to test effects of roundworm anesthetics on flatworms. One, a sodium azide bath, put planaria to sleep but made their pharynxes drop off. Aghast, Adler soon realized that the azide solution (which planaria survived) left a uniform, minimally-destructive lesion. Thus was born the "selective chemical amputation method", allowing large-scale analysis and reliable quantification of results and freeing researchers from tedious hours at a dissecting microscope.

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Planaria deploy an ancient gene expression program in the course of organ regeneration

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

EDITORIAL: London researchers illustrate potential of stem cell therapies

When researchers and, especially, the general public became aware of the potential medical uses of stem cells the possibilities seemed endless. The National Institutes of Health said this: ... a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat a myriad of diseases, conditions, and disabilities, including Parkinsons disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury, burns, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

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EDITORIAL: London researchers illustrate potential of stem cell therapies

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs and Cats – Video

Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs and Cats
Stem Cells are extracted from your pet #39;s fatty tissue, and processed with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into an injectable solution, which is then activated using LED Light technology. Following...

By: Vet4bulldog

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Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs and Cats - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

BIO-Europe Spring: Interview with Matthew Durdy, Cell Therapy Catapult – Video

BIO-Europe Spring: Interview with Matthew Durdy, Cell Therapy Catapult
Matthew Durdy, Chief Business Officer at Cell Therapy Catapult, discusses the role of cell-based therapies in the next generation of healthcare, and strategies companies can use to take their...


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BIO-Europe Spring: Interview with Matthew Durdy, Cell Therapy Catapult - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Stem Cell Therapy Could Transform Parkinson's

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Stem cell therapy is emerging as a promising treatment for Parkinson's disease

Neurosurgeon Ivar Mendez of the University of Saskatchewan often shows a video clip to demonstrate his work treating Parkinson's disease. It features a middle-aged man with this caption: Off medications. The man's face has the dull stare typical of Parkinson's. Asked to lift each hand and open and close his fingers, he barely manages. He tries but fails to get up from a chair without using his hands. When he walks, it is with the slow, shuffling gait that is another hallmark of Parkinson's, a progressive neurological disorder that afflicts an estimated one million Americans, most of them older than 60.

Then the video jumps forward in time. The same man appears, still off medications. It is now eight years since Mendez transplanted dopamine cells from a fetus into the patient's brain. These neurons, which live in a midbrain region called the substantia nigra and secrete the neurotransmitter dopamine to initiate movement, are the ones that die off in Parkinson's. The man has aged, but his energy and demeanor are characteristic of a much younger man. Asked to do the same tasks, he smoothly raises his arms high and flicks his fingers open and shut rapidly. Arms crossed on his chest, he rises from a chair with apparent ease. Then he struts down the hall.

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2014 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.

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Stem Cell Therapy Could Transform Parkinson's

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Tumor-suppressor connects with histone protein to hinder gene expression

A tumor-suppressing protein acts as a dimmer switch to dial down gene expression. It does this by reading a chemical message attached to another protein that's tightly intertwined with DNA, a team led by scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reported at the AACR Annual Meeting 2014.

The findings, also published in the journal Nature on April 10, provide evidence in support of the "histone code" hypothesis. The theory holds that histone proteins, which combine with DNA to form chromosomes, are more intimately involved in gene expression than their general role of facilitating or hindering gene activation suggests.

The researchers found that high expression of the tumor-suppressor ZMYND11 is associated with longer survival for patients with triple-negative breast cancer.

"This study, for the first time, identifies a novel role of a histone variant protein in regulating gene transcription aside from its established roles," said senior author Xiaobing Shi, Ph.D., assistant professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

"We also found that this variant, H3.3, is modified by methylation to create a specific epigenetic landscape that is accommodated by the tumor-suppressing protein ZMYND11. The protein in turn blocks gene activation," Shi said. "This is exactly the type of combined effect predicted by the histone code hypothesis."

Methylation, the attachment of a methyl group to a gene or protein, and other types of histone modifications are considered epigenetic factors, which modify a gene's behavior without changing its DNA coding.

Shi and colleagues found that the protein ZMYND11 "reads" the modified histone H3.3 by connecting to it where a tri-methyl chemical group binds to H3.3. From this position, Shi said, ZMYND11 thwarts a step in gene activation called elongation, inhibiting cancer growth.

ZMYND11 expression shrinks tumors in mice

Extensive structural analysis established that the ZMYND11- methylated H3.3 combination hunkers down in the gene's DNA.

"We knew ZMYND11 was a candidate tumor-suppressor because it's down-regulated in a number of human cancers, including breast cancer," Shi said.

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Tumor-suppressor connects with histone protein to hinder gene expression

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Ap genetic engineering 1 – Video

Ap genetic engineering 1

By: Kelly Bender

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Ap genetic engineering 1 - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

AP genetic engineering 2 – Video

AP genetic engineering 2

By: Kelly Bender

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AP genetic engineering 2 - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

mr i explains: The Process of Genetic Engineering (for KS4) – Video

mr i explains: The Process of Genetic Engineering (for KS4)

By: mr i explains

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mr i explains: The Process of Genetic Engineering (for KS4) - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Therapeutic options and bladder-preserving strategies in bladder cancer



Contact: Vicki Cohn 914-740-2100 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, April 10, 2014Men are three to four times more likely to get bladder cancer than women. The possible causes for this greater risk among men, the importance of early and accurate diagnosis, and the scope of available and emerging surgical, chemotherapeutic, and immunotherapeutic approaches for treating bladder cancer in men are the focus of a comprehensive Review article in Journal of Men's Health, a peer-reviewed publication from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available free on the Journal of Men's Health website.

Coauthors R. Jeffrey Karnes, MD and Christopher Murphy, DO, Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN), offer a detailed discussion of the three main types of malignancy that can derive from the epithelial lining of the bladder in the Review article "Bladder Cancer in Males: A Comprehensive Review of Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder." Each of these types of bladder cancernonmuscle-invasive, muscle-invasive, and metastaticrequires different management strategies. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate surveillance for disease progression and recurrence are critical.


About the Journal

Journal of Men's Health is the premier peer-reviewed journal published quarterly in print and online that covers all aspects of men's health across the lifespan. The Journal publishes cutting-edge advances in a wide range of diseases and conditions, including diagnostic procedures, therapeutic management strategies, and innovative clinical research in gender-based biology to ensure optimal patient care. The Journal addresses disparities in health and life expectancy between men and women; increased risk factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and obesity; higher prevalence of diseases such as heart disease and cancer; and health care in underserved and minority populations. Journal of Men's Health meets the critical imperative for improving the health of men around the globe and ensuring better patient outcomes. Tables of content and a sample issue can be viewed on the Journal of Men's Health website.

About the Societies

Journal of Men's Health is the official journal of the International Society of Men's Health (ISMH), American Society for Men's Health, Men's Health Society of India, and Foundation for Men's Health. The ISMH is an international, multidisciplinary, worldwide organization, dedicated to the rapidly growing field of gender-specific men's health.

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Therapeutic options and bladder-preserving strategies in bladder cancer

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Scarless wound healing — applying lessons learned from fetal stem cells



Contact: Vicki Cohn 914-740-2156 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, April 10, 2014In early fetal development, skin wounds undergo regeneration and healing without scar formation. This mechanism of wound healing later disappears, but by studying the fetal stem cells capable of this scarless wound healing, researchers may be able to apply these mechanisms to develop cell-based approaches able to minimize scarring in adult wounds, as described in a Critical Review article published in Advances in Wound Care, a monthly publication from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers and an Official Journal of the Wound Healing Society. The article is available free on the Advances in Wound Care website.

Michael Longaker, Peter Lorenz, and co-authors from Stanford University School of Medicine and John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, describe a new stem cell that has been identified in fetal skin and blood that may have a role in scarless wound healing. In the article "The Role of Stem Cells During Scarless Skin Wound Healing", the authors propose future directions for research to characterize the differences in wound healing mechanisms between fetal and adult skin-specific stem cells.

"This work comes from the pioneers in the field and delineates the opportunities towards scarless healing in adults," says Editor-in-Chief Chandan K. Sen, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Director of the Comprehensive Wound Center and the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell-Based Therapies at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH.


About the Journal

Advances in Wound Care is a monthly journal published online and in print that reports the latest scientific discoveries, translational research, and clinical developments in acute and chronic wound care. Each issue provides a digest of the latest research findings, innovative wound care strategies, industry product pipeline, and developments in biomaterials and skin and tissue regeneration to optimize patient outcomes. The broad scope of applications covered includes limb salvage, chronic ulcers, burns, trauma, blast injuries, surgical repair, skin bioengineering, dressings, anti-scar strategies, diabetic ulcers, ostomy, bedsores, biofilms, and military wound care. Complete tables of content and a sample issue may be viewed on the Advances in Wound Care website.

About the Publisher

Scarless wound healing -- applying lessons learned from fetal stem cells

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

[WoHIT] Use of various types of genetic tests in clinical practice set to be a major innovation

In order to give patients the most appropriate care, personalised medicine needs to take into account a wide variety of genetic information.

Interview with Mark Hoffman, Director of the Center for Health Insights at the University of Missouri Kansas City, who specialises in bacteriology and personalised medicine, following his lecture entitled Big Data, Little Data and Personalised Medicine during the World of Health (WoHIT 2014) conference which took place in the French city of Nice on 2-4 April.

Mark Hoffman: When we use this term were usually talking about advanced biological testing such as genomics or proteomics (Editors note: study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions in cells and tissue). Personalised medicine basically means using as much information as possible on a patient in order to take the best clinical decision. The aim is to provide the patient with the most appropriate treatment, in accordance with his/her precise genetic information.

Well, the alternative to discrete genetic data is the approach thats in current use a number of written reports and scanned documents, i.e. formats which cannot be read by machines. Discrete genetic test results are stored electronically in a single file. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) pulls these different types of discrete genetic test resultstogether, which should be much more useful for practitioners. As Vice-President at Cerner, I approved an initiative to develop an information system for the laboratory which would generate discrete genetic test results. And this system is now being used in more than 25 genetic testing laboratories worldwide.

The most important innovation will be the use of these various types of genetic tests in clinical practice. We need results which prove how useful these tests are in a clinical situation. And when that happens, the use of the tests will grow and the demand for them from technology platforms will increase.

Well, digital systems protect patient confidentiality better than paper medical files. Access to them can be managed in a far more secure way. So I dont think there are any real issues around the confidentiality of genetic data in patients electronic clinical files. There might perhaps be an exception where the impact of the results of genetic tests goes beyond the individual patients situation. When you learn something about yourself, you realise all the effects this has or might have on those around you your wife, your brother, your aunt, and so on.

[WoHIT] Use of various types of genetic tests in clinical practice set to be a major innovation

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Penn study finds mechanism that regulates lung function in disease Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome



Contact: Lee-Ann Donegan 215-349-5660 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

(PHILADELPHIA) Researchers at Penn Medicine have discovered that the tumor suppressor gene folliculin (FLCN) is essential to normal lung function in patients with the rare disease Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, skin and kidneys. Folliculin's absence or mutated state has a cascading effect that leads to deteriorated lung integrity and an impairment of lung function, as reported in their findings in the current issue of Cell Reports.

"We discovered that without normal FLCN the alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) in these patients' lungs began to die, leading to holes in the lungs that grow as increasing numbers of cells disappear. These holes can fill with air and burst, causing the lungs to collapse," says Vera Krymskaya, PhD, MBA, associate professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and researcher in the Airway Biology Initiative of the department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care.

Between 80 and 100 percent of patients with BHD will develop multiple holes or cysts in the lung.

Healthy human alveoli, the terminal ends of the respiratory tree, are lined with type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), a renewable population of progenitors in these distal airspaces. AECs are known to maintain pulmonary alveolar homeostasis by regulating gas exchange and fluid transport in the lungs.

Previous studies have shown that there might be some crosstalk between FLCN and the master energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK maintains epithelial cell to cell interactions and is essential for epithelial cell survival. It is regulated through LKB1, a tumor suppressor gene associated with 30 percent of lung cancers. E-cadherin, the "zipper" molecule that connects epithelial cells, directs LKB1 to cell junctions and its loss impairs LKB1-mediated AMPK activation. This implies that a loss of or mutation in FLCN can trigger a reaction that can impair AMPK activation, epithelial cell to cell interaction and structure, and as a result, promotes cell death.

Penn researchers set out to examine this hypothesis to determine how and why this occurs.

Krymskaya and her team tested both deleted FLCN in mouse lung type II alveolar epithelial cells and mutated FLCN that lacked normal function in both humans with BHD and mouse epithelial cell systems, and compared them with normal human and mouse control cells.

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Penn study finds mechanism that regulates lung function in disease Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Penn Researchers Determine Mechanism by Which Lung Function is Regulated in Rare Disease Known As Birt-Hogg-Dube …

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Newswise (PHILADELPHIA) Researchers at Penn Medicine have discovered that the tumor suppressor gene folliculin (FLCN) is essential to normal lung function in patients with the rare disease Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, skin and kidneys. Folliculins absence or mutated state has a cascading effect that leads to deteriorated lung integrity and an impairment of lung function, as reported in their findings in the current issue of Cell Reports.

We discovered that without normal FLCN the alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) in these patients lungs began to die, leading to holes in the lungs that grow as increasing numbers of cells disappear. These holes can fill with air and burst, causing the lungs to collapse, says Vera Krymskaya, PhD, MBA, associate professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and researcher in the Airway Biology Initiative of the department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care.

Between 80 and 100 percent of patients with BHD will develop multiple holes or cysts in the lung.

Healthy human alveoli, the terminal ends of the respiratory tree, are lined with type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), a renewable population of progenitors in these distal airspaces. AECs are known to maintain pulmonary alveolar homeostasis by regulating gas exchange and fluid transport in the lungs.

Previous studies have shown that there might be some crosstalk between FLCN and the master energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK maintains epithelial cell to cell interactions and is essential for epithelial cell survival. It is regulated through LKB1, a tumor suppressor gene associated with 30 percent of lung cancers. E-cadherin, the zipper molecule that connects epithelial cells, directs LKB1 to cell junctions and its loss impairs LKB1-mediated AMPK activation. This implies that a loss of or mutation in FLCN can trigger a reaction that can impair AMPK activation, epithelial cell to cell interaction and structure, and as a result, promotes cell death.

Penn researchers set out to examine this hypothesis to determine how and why this occurs.

Krymskaya and her team tested both deleted FLCN in mouse lung type II alveolar epithelial cells and mutated FLCN that lacked normal function in both humans with BHD and mouse epithelial cell systems, and compared them with normal human and mouse control cells.

The control cells showed normal epithelial structure, while the mutated FLCN cells showed irregular and disrupted lung cell structure. In addition, the BHD lungs showed very little FLCN in the type II alveolar epithelial cells.

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Penn Researchers Determine Mechanism by Which Lung Function is Regulated in Rare Disease Known As Birt-Hogg-Dube ...

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Researchers Develop Bacterial FM Radio

April 10, 2014

Image Caption: Independent genetic circuits are linked within single cells, illustrated under the magnifying glass, then coupled via quorum sensing at the colony level. Credit: Arthur Prindle, UC San Diego

By Kim McDonald, UC San Diego

Programming living cells offers the prospect of harnessing sophisticated biological machinery for transformative applications in energy, agriculture, water remediation and medicine. Inspired by engineering, researchers in the emerging field of synthetic biology have designed a tool box of small genetic components that act as intracellular switches, logic gates, counters and oscillators.

But scientists have found it difficult to wire the components together to form larger circuits that can function as genetic programs. One of the biggest obstacles? Dealing with a small number of available wires.

A team of biologists and engineers at UC San Diego has taken a large step toward overcoming this obstacle. Their advance, detailed in a paper which appears in this weeks advance online publication of the journal Nature, describes their development of a rapid and tunable post-translational coupling for genetic circuits. This advance builds on their development of biopixel sensor arrays reported in Nature by the same group of scientists two years ago.

The problem the researchers solved arises from the noisy cellular environment that tends to lead to highly variable circuit performance. The components of a cell are intermixed, crowded and constantly bumping into each other. This makes it difficult to reuse parts in different parts of a program, limiting the total number of available parts and wires. These difficulties hindered the creation of genetic programs that can read the cellular environment and react with the execution of a sequence of instructions.

The teams breakthrough involves a form of frequency multiplexing inspired by FM radio.

This circuit lets us encode multiple independent environmental inputs into a single time series, said Arthur Prindle, a bioengineering graduate student at UC San Diego and the first author of the study. Multiple pieces of information are transferred using the same part. It works by using distinct frequencies to transmit different signals on a common channel.

The key that enabled this breakthrough is the use of frequency, rather than amplitude, to convey information. Combining two biological signals using amplitude is difficult because measurements of amplitude involve fluorescence and are usually relative. Its not easy to separate out the contribution of each signal, said Prindle. When we use frequency, these relative measurements are made with respect to time, and can be readily extracted by measuring the time between peaks using any one of several analytical methods.

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Researchers Develop Bacterial FM Radio

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Scientists develop bacterial FM Radio

Programming living cells offers the prospect of harnessing sophisticated biological machinery for transformative applications in energy, agriculture, water remediation and medicine. Inspired by engineering, researchers in the emerging field of synthetic biology have designed a tool box of small genetic components that act as intracellular switches, logic gates, counters and oscillators.

But scientists have found it difficult to wire the components together to form larger circuits that can function as genetic programs. One of the biggest obstacles? Dealing with a small number of available wires.

A team of biologists and engineers at UC San Diego has taken a large step toward overcoming this obstacle. Their advance, detailed in a paper which appears in this weeks advance online publication of the journal Nature, describes their development of a rapid and tunable post-translational coupling for genetic circuits. This advance builds on their development of biopixel sensor arrays reported in Nature by the same group of scientists two years ago.

The problem the researchers solved arises from the noisy cellular environment that tends to lead to highly variable circuit performance. The components of a cell are intermixed, crowded and constantly bumping into each other. This makes it difficult to reuse parts in different parts of a program, limiting the total number of available parts and wires. These difficulties hindered the creation of genetic programs that can read the cellular environment and react with the execution of a sequence of instructions.

The teams breakthrough involves a form of frequency multiplexing inspired by FM radio.

This circuit lets us encode multiple independent environmental inputs into a single time series, said Arthur Prindle, a bioengineering graduate student at UC San Diego and the first author of the study. Multiple pieces of information are transferred using the same part. It works by using distinct frequencies to transmit different signals on a common channel.

The key that enabled this breakthrough is the use of frequency, rather than amplitude, to convey information. Combining two biological signals using amplitude is difficult because measurements of amplitude involve fluorescence and are usually relative. Its not easy to separate out the contribution of each signal, said Prindle. When we use frequency, these relative measurements are made with respect to time, and can be readily extracted by measuring the time between peaks using any one of several analytical methods.

While their application may be inspired by electronics, the UC San Diego scientists caution in their paper against what they see as increasing metaphorization of engineering biology.

We explicitly make the point that since biology is often too intertwined to engineer in the way we are accustomed in electronics, we must deal directly with bidirectional coupling and quantitatively understand its effects using computational models, explained Prindle. Its important to find the right dose of inspiration from engineering concepts while making sure you arent being too reliant on your engineering metaphors.

Scientists develop bacterial FM Radio

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

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