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Cell-signaling pathway that plays key role in age-related muscle loss identified

Washington, Feb. 17 : A new study on why skeletal muscle stem cells stop dividing and renewing muscle mass during aging points up a unique therapeutic opportunity for managing muscle-wasting conditions in humans.

According to Bradley Olwin from University of Colorado Boulder, the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function as we age can lead to sarcopenia, a debilitating muscle-wasting condition that generally hits the elderly hardest.

The new study indicates that altering two particular cell-signaling pathways independently in aged mice enhances muscle stem cell renewal and improves muscle regeneration.

One cell-signaling pathway the team identified, known as p38 MAPK, appears to be a major player in making or breaking the skeletal muscle stem cell, or satellite cell, renewal process in adult mice, Olwin said.

Hyperactivation of the p38 MAPK cell-signaling pathway inhibits the renewal of muscle stem cells in aged mice, perhaps because of cellular stress and inflammatory responses acquired during the aging process.

"We showed that the level of signaling from this cellular pathway is very important to the renewal of the satellite cells in adult mice, which was a very big surprise," Olwin said.

The results could lead to the use of low-dose inhibitors, perhaps anti-inflammatory compounds, to calm the activity in the p38 MAPK cell-signaling pathway in human muscle stem cells, the researcher said.

The study was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

--ANI (Posted on 17-02-2014)

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Cell-signaling pathway that plays key role in age-related muscle loss identified

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Delivering Individual Care through Personalized Medicine – Video

Delivering Individual Care through Personalized Medicine
See how personalized medicine is creating a greater need for decision support in today #39;s medicine from Edward H. Shortliffe MD, PhD, MACP, FACMI of Arizona S...

By: ClinicalKey

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19. Spinal Cord Injury (C4/5)Taking Stem Cell Treatment (Before) – Video

19. Spinal Cord Injury (C4/5)Taking Stem Cell Treatment (Before)
Patient #39;s name is Mr. Liu, male, 45 years old. In 2000, he got C4/5 fracture falling down from twice floor. After emergency surgery, be become bed ridden. In Dec. 2010 he came to our stem cell...

By: Cells Center China

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19. Spinal Cord Injury (C4/5)Taking Stem Cell Treatment (Before) - Video

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Researchers rejuvenate stem cell population from elderly mice, enabling muscle recovery



Contact: Krista Conger 650-725-5371 Stanford University Medical Center

STANFORD, Calif. Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have pinpointed why normal aging is accompanied by a diminished ability to regain strength and mobility after muscle injury: Over time, stem cells within muscle tissues dedicated to repairing damage become less able to generate new muscle fibers and struggle to self-renew.

"In the past, it's been thought that muscle stem cells themselves don't change with age, and that any loss of function is primarily due to external factors in the cells' environment," said Helen Blau, PhD, the Donald and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Professor. "However, when we isolated stem cells from older mice, we found that they exhibit profound changes with age. In fact, two-thirds of the cells are dysfunctional when compared to those from younger mice, and the defect persists even when transplanted into young muscles."

Blau and her colleagues also identified for the first time a process by which the older muscle stem cell populations can be rejuvenated to function like younger cells. "Our findings identify a defect inherent to old muscle stem cells," she said. "Most exciting is that we also discovered a way to overcome the defect. As a result, we have a new therapeutic target that could one day be used to help elderly human patients repair muscle damage."

Blau, a professor of microbiology and immunology and director of Stanford's Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology, is the senior author of a paper describing the research, which will be published online Feb. 16 in Nature Medicine. Postdoctoral scholar Benjamin Cosgrove, PhD, and former postdoctoral scholar Penney Gilbert, PhD, now an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, are the lead authors.

The researchers found that many muscle stem cells isolated from mice that were 2 years old, equivalent to about 80 years of human life, exhibited elevated levels of activity in a biological cascade called the p38 MAP kinase pathway. This pathway impedes the proliferation of the stem cells and encourages them to instead become non-stem, muscle progenitor cells. As a result, although many of the old stem cells divide in a dish, the resulting colonies are very small and do not contain many stem cells.

Using a drug to block this p38 MAP kinase pathway in old stem cells (while also growing them on a specialized matrix called hydrogel) allowed them to divide rapidly in the laboratory and make a large number of potent new stem cells that can robustly repair muscle damage, Blau said.

"Aging is a stochastic but cumulative process," Cosgrove said. "We've now shown that muscle stem cells progressively lose their stem cell function during aging. This treatment does not turn the clock back on dysfunctional stem cells in the aged population. Rather, it stimulates stem cells from old muscle tissues that are still functional to begin dividing and self-renew."

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Researchers rejuvenate stem cell population from elderly mice, enabling muscle recovery

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Over 5,000 Cubans receive stem cell treatment: Expert

Havana, Feb 16 (IANS): More than 5,000 patients have received stem cell treatment in Cuba since its procedure was introduced in 2004, a medical expert said.

Porfirio Hernandez, researcher and vice director at the Hematology and Immunology Institute in Cuba, said the stem cell treatment method has been implemented in 13 of the 15 provinces in Cuba.

As a widely acknowledged pioneer of this practice, Hernandez said that more than 60 percent of patients receiving the treatment had suffered from severe ischemia at lower limbs and other blood vessel related ailments, reported Xinhua.

The therapy has also been used to reduce the sufferings of patients with severe orthopedic and cardiac problems, Hernandez added.

Stem cells are capable of self-renewing, regenerating tissues damaged by diverse disease, traumas, and ageing, and stimulating the creation of new blood vessels.

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Over 5,000 Cubans receive stem cell treatment: Expert

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Best Wrinkle Serum – Video

Best Wrinkle Serum The best wrinkle serum is Anti Aging Serum Advanced Formula, with 10% Photocelltec Malus Domestica -- Swiss Apple Stem Cell Extrac...

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Best Wrinkle Serum - Video

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stem cell research stem cell therapy marrow transplant and lung repair stem cell transplant
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stem cell research stem cell therapy marrow transplant and lung repair stem cell transplant - Video

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adult stem cell therapy blood bone marrow astragalus herb benefits for rheumatoid arthritis
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By: 3dbizez

adult stem cell therapy blood bone marrow astragalus herb benefits for rheumatoid arthritis - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Cancer Research UK launches Spaceship smartphone game to seek cancer cures

Cancer Research UK today unveils Play to Cure: Genes in Space - a world-first mobile phone game in which people across the globe will be able to help scientists unravel gene data to find the answers to some of cancers toughest questions. By Emma Rigby.

It is available to download now for free here for anyone with an Android or Apple Smartphone. When playing this fun and interactive spaceship game, people will simultaneously analyse Cancer Research UKs gene data, highlighting genetic faults which can cause cancer and ultimately help scientists develop new treatments.

Players must guide a fast-paced spaceship safely along a hazard-strewn intergalactic assault course to collect precious material called Element Alpha. Each time the player steers the spaceship to follow the Element Alpha path, this information is fed back to Cancer Research UK scientists cleverly providing analysis of variations in gene data. Scientists need this information to work out which genes are faulty in cancer patients so they can develop new drugs that target them, speeding our progress towards personalised medicine. Each section of gene data will be tracked by several different players to ensure accuracy.

Hannah Keartland, citizen science lead for Cancer Research UK, said: Our world-first Smartphone game is simply out of this world. Not only is it great fun to play but every single second gamers spend directly helps our work to bring forward the day all cancers are cured. Our scientists research produces colossal amounts of data, some of which can only be analysed by the human eye a process which can take years.

We hope thousands of people worldwide will play Play to Cure: Genes in Space as often as possible, to help our researchers get through this data. We urge people to give five minutes of their time wherever and whenever they can - whether theyre waiting for their bus to arrive or theyre in the hairdressers having a blow dry. Together, our free moments will help us beat cancer sooner.

Tony Selman age 72 from Middlesex was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March 2010 after a series of CT and MRI scans. Tony, who lost his wife to cancer of the oesophagus, was initially treated with Zoladex and Casodexhormone treatments, and later with radiotherapy and brachytherapy and is now having regular checks. He is Cancer Research UKs citizen science ambassador.

Ive watched this game develop from the start and Im delighted that it is now launching.

I know that this project wont be able to help me but it will be a fantastic boost to help scientists discover new clues to the development of cancer more quickly to provide effective new treatments for cancer to protect my grandchildren and future generations.

Ive played this game and think its marvellous. And Id urge everyone out there if youve got five minutes to spare, play it now and help beat cancer sooner.

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Cancer Research UK launches Spaceship smartphone game to seek cancer cures

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (3)

Feature Article of Monday, 17 February 2014

Columnist: Agorsor, Yafetto, Otwe, Galyuon

Israel D. K. Agorsor, Levi Yafetto, Emmanuel P. Otwe and Isaac K. A. Galyuon This is the concluding part of the articles Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (1) & (2)

6. Interfering in Nature As we indicated in the first part of this article, one of the moral arguments against GMOs is that the processes leading to them, that is, genetic engineering techniques, amount to gross interference in nature and the natural order. Here, we present scientific arguments that say that this may not be restricted to GMOs alone, as humankind has always interfered in nature, at times in ways unimaginable, all in an effort to make life better.

You may be surprised to hear that many of the food crops we eat today are not their original selves. They are products of years of conscious and systematic manipulation of nature, if you will call it that, representing a marked departure from what they were in the beginning of time. Humankind has always attempted to improve natural resources to meet the demands of a growing population in a changing climate. That is to say that conventional breeding itself relies on the transfer of genes, albeit via crosses. from one crop species to a related species in order to be able to develop new varieties.

Conventional plant breeding has its own problems. Unlike genetic engineering, conventional breeding in transferring a gene which conditions a specific trait also transfers a number of other genes on the same chromosome along with it. This means that the conventional breeder very often is not only transferring a specific trait to his elite cultivated variety (cultivar), but also other traits that may be undesirable. For example, two varieties of conventionally-bred potatoes, Lenape and Magnum Bonum, and conventionally-bred celery developed to be pest-resistant had to be withdrawn from the market after it was realized that the conventional breeding processes accidentally led to increased levels of naturally occurring toxins in them.

The foregoing explains why some scientists argue that the assumption that conventionally-bred crops are necessarily safer than GM crops is overly simplistic, especially when conventionally-bred crops are not subjected to the kind of pre-marketing safety analysis done for GM crops.

Then, we present another interference in nature: mutation breeding. Mutation breeding is a crop breeding technique where breeders subject seeds to doses of radiation and gene-altering chemicals in order to produce novel plant varieties. This technique has been in use since the dawn of the nuclear age in the 1950s, and has seen an escalated use in the last few years. The Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture programme of the United Nations reportedly received about 40 requests for radiation services from a number of countries across the world in 2013. Many of the multinational seed companies chided for promoting GMOs, like BASF and Monsanto, have all reportedly used this technique in developing new crop varieties, all without regulation.

In Ghana, the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI) of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, and research programmes in some of the nations universities, the University of Cape Coast for example, have been experimenting mutation breeding techniques for some time now.

In a 2004 report, the US National Academy of Sciences remarked that placing GM crops under tight regulations, while approving products of mutation breeding without any regulation, cannot be justified by science. Mutagenesis, the technique underpinning mutation breeding, has the capacity to rearrange or delete hundreds of genes randomly. It makes use of tools such as gamma radiation, which give rise to mutations (i.e., changes in an organisms genetic make-up) that sometimes are beneficial or hazardous to the organism. If you have ever had an X-ray image of any part of your body taken, then you have been exposed to radiation. And it is precisely because of the possibility of this process introducing mutations into your genetic make-up you are advised against taking X-ray images very frequently.

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Ghanas GMO debates: beyond the sticking points (3)

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

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By: Minecraft Adventures

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Minecraft Mody: Advenced Genetics cz.1 - Video

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Two Examples of Important Concepts of Molecular Genetics : Biology & DNA - Video

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Mendelian Genetics Pedigree Analysis tutorial - Video

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Feed The Beast Monster :: Advanced Genetics :: Episode 8 – Video

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Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

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By: untvweb

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Genetics: Mendel's experiment on pea plants - Video

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Gene therapy restores rare genetic blindness – Video

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Gene therapy restores rare genetic blindness - Video

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Gene therapy restores rare genetic blindnes – Video

Gene therapy restores rare genetic blindnes
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By: TomoNews US

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Gene therapy restores rare genetic blindnes - Video

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When people suffer a spinal cord injury, often times doctors aren #39;t sure when, or if, their patients will ever be able to walk again. Homestead freshman Nik ...

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Homestead wrestler recovering from severe spinal cord injury - Video

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YouBike is an ideal portable rehabilitation exerciser for physical therapists or as part of regular home exercise plan. Use seated from a wheelchair or on a...

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