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Grant to Rice, UTHealth will push regenerative medicine – Video

Grant to Rice, UTHealth will push regenerative medicine
A $75 million Department of Defense grant to improve technologies to treat soldiers injured on the battlefield and advance care for the public will involve b...

By: RiceUniversity

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Grant to Rice, UTHealth will push regenerative medicine - Video

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Strata Rx 2013: August Calhoun, "Healthcare Analytics in the Age of Personalized Medicine" – Video

Strata Rx 2013: August Calhoun, "Healthcare Analytics in the Age of Personalized Medicine"
Strata Rx 2013: August Calhoun, "Healthcare Analytics in the Age of Personalized Medicine"

By: OreillyMedia

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Strata Rx 2013: August Calhoun, "Healthcare Analytics in the Age of Personalized Medicine" - Video

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Strata Rx 2013: Amit Sinha, "Addressing Big Data challenges for Real time Personalized Medicine" – Video

Strata Rx 2013: Amit Sinha, "Addressing Big Data challenges for Real time Personalized Medicine"
Strata Rx 2013: Amit Sinha, "Addressing Big Data challenges for Real time Personalized Medicine"

By: OreillyMedia

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Strata Rx 2013: Amit Sinha, "Addressing Big Data challenges for Real time Personalized Medicine" - Video

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Bladder Cancer and Personalized Medicine – Video

Bladder Cancer and Personalized Medicine
Carl Morrison, MD, DVM, of Roswell Park Cancer Institute #39;s Center for Personalized Medicine, discusses a gene found to be common to both Alzheimers Disease a...

By: RPCICancerTalk

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Bladder Cancer and Personalized Medicine - Video

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Spinal Cord Injury patient demonstrates progress after treatment at Stem Cell Institute Panama – Video

Spinal Cord Injury patient demonstrates progress after treatment at Stem Cell Institute Panama
Watch towards the end to see Daniel demonstrate something his doctors told him he would never do. Daniel W suffered a T-8 complete spinal cord injury about 6...


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Spinal Cord Injury patient demonstrates progress after treatment at Stem Cell Institute Panama - Video

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Healing Breakthrough For Spinal Cord Injury – Video

Healing Breakthrough For Spinal Cord Injury
Wheelchair bound, spinal-cord injured client who used to be paraplegic is now gaining mobility down her legs. She demonstrates side-to-side knee movement, so...

By: Lucile Palancher

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Healing Breakthrough For Spinal Cord Injury - Video

Recommendation and review posted by sam

Canadian Association For Research in Regenerative Medicine Promotional Video – Video

Canadian Association For Research in Regenerative Medicine Promotional Video
Fostering interests in the growing field of regenerative medicine as an innovative method of disease treatment. We #39;re an organization affiliated with Bethune...

By: CARRMregenmed

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Canadian Association For Research in Regenerative Medicine Promotional Video - Video

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Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy

By: Stemlogix, LLC

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Kilian Receives Stemlogix Stem Cell Therapy - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles – Video

Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles


Ben Moody of Evanescence talks HGH Stem Cell Therapy MetroMD Los Angeles - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Folic acid deficiency has multigenerational effects

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - Sep 27, 2013) - Researchers from the universities of Calgary and Cambridge, UK, have discovered that a mutation in a gene necessary for the metabolism of folic acid not only impacts immediate offspring but can also have detrimental health effects, such as spina bifida and heart abnormalities, on subsequent generations. The animal study, published this week in the journal Cell, also sheds light on the molecular mechanism of folic acid (also known as folate) during development.

About one in 1,200 children are born with spina bifida. The detrimental effects of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy on development are well known. As a result Canada, and many other countries, have implemented folate fortification programs which require folic acid to be added to cereal products. The aim has been to reduce the incidence of developmental problems, including spina bifida. However, until now, very little was known about how folic acid deficiency caused the diverse range of health problems in offspring.

"Fortification programs have reduced the risk of health effects but not eliminated them completely," says Dr. Jay Cross, with the faculties of medicine and veterinary medicine. "Based on our research, we now believe that it may take more than one generation to eliminate the health problems caused by folate deficiency. In addition, we need to be thinking not just about our own genes and how they impact our health and development, but also those of our descendents."

Cross, also a member of the Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute, co-authored the study with Dr. Erica Watson from the University of Cambridge. Watson is a University of Calgary alumna and started the work during her PhD studies with Cross before moving to Cambridge.

Researchers from the university used mice for the study because their folic acid metabolism is very similar to humans. This enabled the researchers to explore how the molecular mechanism of folic acid deficiency impacted development, thereby causing developmental problems.

Dr. Roy Gravel, also a co-author of the study and member of the Alberta Childrens' Hospital Research Institute says this study provides a tremendous opportunity to look at the prevention of diseases like spina bifida. "The work began as a study of a gene called Mtrr in mice. The goal was to shed light on how a mutation in Mtrr would affect folate metabolism. The multigeneral effect we observed was completely unexpected," says Gravel.

The Mtrr gene encodes an enzyme that is key to the metabolism of folic acid and, when mutated, causes similar effects to dietary folic acid deficiency. The researchers found that when either the maternal grandmother or the maternal grandfather had this Mtrr mutation, their genetically normal grandchildren were at risk of a wide spectrum of developmental abnormalities, even if the mutated gene was not inherited through to the next generations. These developmental abnormalities were also seen in the fourth and fifth generations of mice.

Through a series of experiments, researchers discovered that the developmental abnormalities were not passed down genetically. Instead, the defects were the result of "epigenetic" changes, which had been inherited. Epigenetics is a process which turns genes on and off through chemical modifications to DNA without changing the genetic code itself. Epigenetic inheritance refers to the passing along of these epigenetic marks as cells divide during development. It had been previously thought that epigenetic modifications were, for the most part, 'wiped clean' after each generation.

The researchers hypothesize that, for a yet unknown reason, some of these abnormal epigenetic marks caused by the Mtrr mutation escape this normal erasure and are inherited by the next generation. If the abnormal epigenetic marks that regulate genes important for development are inherited, then these generations may develop abnormalities as a result of the wrong genes being turned on or off.

"There have been several recent studies implicating folate in different types of human diseases, not just developmental abnormalities, and so our work provides insights into potential biochemical mechanism but also adds a layer of complexity in thinking about transgenerational effects of folate," says Cross.

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Folic acid deficiency has multigenerational effects

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Prof. Chris Shaw at MND Scotland 2013 Open Day/AGM: "Update on the Genetics of MND" – Video

Prof. Chris Shaw at MND Scotland 2013 Open Day/AGM: "Update on the Genetics of MND"
Our 2013 Open Day/AGM Keynote Speaker, Professor Chris Shaw, Professor of Neurology and Neurogenetics at the Institute of Psychiatry, King #39;s College London. ...

By: mndscot

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Prof. Chris Shaw at MND Scotland 2013 Open Day/AGM: "Update on the Genetics of MND" - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetics Plays Genesis: "More Fool Me" Teatro Coliseo. Bs.As.- 21-09-2013. – Video

Genetics Plays Genesis: "More Fool Me" Teatro Coliseo. Bs.As.- 21-09-2013.
Genetics Plays Genesis: 40° aniversario de "Selling England By The Pound". Canción: "More Fool Me". Teatro Coliseo. 21-09-2013. Bs.As.- GENETICS: Daniel Raws...


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Genetics Plays Genesis: "More Fool Me" Teatro Coliseo. Bs.As.- 21-09-2013. - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetics plays Genesis: "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight". Coliseo. 21-09-13. – Video

Genetics plays Genesis: "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight". Coliseo. 21-09-13.
Genetics Plays Genesis: 40° aniversario de "Selling England By The Pound". Canción: ""Dancing with the Moonlit Knight". Teatro Coliseo. 21-09-2013. Bs.As.- G...


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Genetics plays Genesis: "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight". Coliseo. 21-09-13. - Video

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Genetics – The Musical Box (Parte 2) @ Teatro Coliseo, Bs As, 21/09/13. – Video

Genetics - The Musical Box (Parte 2) @ Teatro Coliseo, Bs As, 21/09/13.
Genetics, la banda tributo que mejor reproduce la música de Genesis en la era Gabriel, interpretando en vivo la majestuosa #39;Musical Box #39; en el teatro Coliseo...

By: Gino Zolezzi

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Genetics - The Musical Box (Parte 2) @ Teatro Coliseo, Bs As, 21/09/13. - Video

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson's Proves Safe in Primates

In a step that brings stem cells closer to the clinic, researchers in Japan have found that transplanting reprogrammed stem cells into the brains of primates elicits little rejection by their immune systems.

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are created when skin cells, for example, are genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state. This kind of stem cells holds great potential for the treatment of disease, since the cells are genetically identical to the patient they are taken from.

However, studies in rodents have suggested that the immune system may still recognize cells derived from iPSCs as foreign, and mount an attack on them. This has cast doubt on the feasibility of similar cell therapy for humans.

To test this in an animal more closely related to humans, researchers studied macaques. Using cells taken from the monkeys mouths or from their bloodstream, the researchers created iPSCs which they then, in turn, transformed into neurons. These neurons were of a specific kind: dopamine-producing neurons, the type depleted by Parkinsons disease.

Each monkey got six injections of these neurons into its brainsome which had been made from their own cells and others which were from another individual and therefore mismatched. The team could then see what kind of immune response each type produced.

Over subsequent months of observation, the monkeys showed very little immune response to transplants of their own cells. Their immune response was much higher in response to cells from another monkey.

The team also tracked how well the neurons survived after transplantation. They found that even when there was an immune response from the primate, the dopamine-producing neurons survived. The study is published today in Stem Cell Reports.

Trials using iPSCs to treat people with Parkinsons disease could therefore be on the horizon. These findings give a rationale to start autologous transplantationat least of neural cellsin clinical situations, says senior author Jun Takahashi of Kyoto University.

Image by Oliver Sved / Shutterstock

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Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson's Proves Safe in Primates

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

No More Bad Flashbacks: Scientists Find Gene That Erases Memories

Paul Greenberg for Discovery News 2013-09-25 18:20:43 UTC

The war veteran who recoils at the sound of a car backfiring and the recovering drug addict who feels a sudden need for their drug of choice when visiting old haunts have one thing in common: Both are victims of their own memories. New research indicates those memories could actually be extinguished.

A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found a gene called Tet1 can facilitate the process of memory extinction. In the study, mice were put in a cage that delivered an electric shock. Once they learned to fear that cage, they were then put in the same cage but not shocked. Mice with the normal Tet1 levels no longer feared the cage once new memories were formed without the shock. Mice with the Tet1 gene eliminated continued to fear the cage even when there was no shock delivered.

We learned from this that the animals defective in the Tet1 gene are not capable of weakening the fear memory, Le-Huei Tsai, director of MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, told Discovery News. For more than a half century it has been documented that gene expression and protein synthesis are essential for learning and forming new memories. In this study we speculated that the Tet1 gene regulates chemical modifications to DNA.

SEE ALSO: Sleep Helps Reinforce Memory

The MIT researchers found that Tet1 changes levels of DNA methylation, the process of causing a chemical reaction. When methylation is prominent, the process of learning new memories is more efficient. When methylation is weaker, the opposite is true.

The results support the notion that once a fear memory is formed, to extinguish that memory a new memory has to form, Tsai said. The new memory competes with the old memory and eventually supersedes the old memory.

Experts in the study of memory and anxiety agree.

This is highly significant research in that it presents a completely new mechanism of memory regulation and behavior regulation, said Jelena Radulovic, a professor of bipolar disease at Northwestern University. The mechanism of manipulating DNA is likely to affect many other things. Now the question will be whether there will be patterns that emerge, whether there will be side effects on moods and emotions and other aspects. But the findings have real relevance.

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No More Bad Flashbacks: Scientists Find Gene That Erases Memories

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

A hidden genetic code for better designer genes

Javascript is currently disabled in your web browser. For full site functionality, it is necessary to enable Javascript. In order to enable it, please see these instructions. 22 hours ago When rare "words" (codons) are present near the start of bacterial genes, working copies of the gene don't as readily into structures that block protein production. To find out the rare words themselves or lack of roadblocks increased protein production, Wyss Institute researchers synthesized 14,000 snippets of DNA with rare codons, roadblocks, both, or neither (individual pixels in this diagram), inserted them into genes, and measured how much protein they produced. Those with rare codons and roadblocks no longer made more protein (green pixels). That showed that rare codons work by removing roadblocks. Credit: Wyss Institute

Scientists routinely seek to reprogram bacteria to produce proteins for drugs, biofuels and more, but they have struggled to get those bugs to follow orders. But a hidden feature of the genetic code, it turns out, could get bugs with the program. The feature controls how much of the desired protein bacteria produce, a team from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University reported in the September 26 online issue of Science.

The findings could be a boon for biotechnologists, and they could help synthetic biologists reprogram bacteria to make new drugs and biological devices.

By combining high-speed "next-generation" DNA sequencing and DNA synthesis technologies, Sri Kosuri, Ph.D., a Wyss Institute staff scientist, George Church, Ph.D., a core faculty member at the Wyss Institute and professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, and Daniel Goodman, a Wyss Institute graduate research fellow, found that using more rare words, or codons, near the start of a gene removes roadblocks to protein production.

"Now that we understand how rare codons control gene expression, we can better predict how to synthesize genes that make enzymes, drugs, or whatever you want to make in a cell," Kosuri said.

To produce a protein, a cell must first make working copies of the gene encoding it. These copies, called messenger RNA (mRNA), consist of a specific string of words, or codons. Each codon represents one of the 20 different amino acids that cells use to assemble proteins. But since the cell uses 61 codons to represent 20 amino acids, many codons have synonyms that represent the same amino acid.

In bacteria, as in books, some words are used more often than others, and molecular biologists have noticed over the last few years that rare codons appear more frequently near the start of a gene. What's more, genes whose opening sequences have more rare codons produce more protein than genes whose opening sequences do not.

No one knew for sure why rare codons had these effects, but many biologists suspected that they function as a highway on-ramp for ribosomes, the molecular machines that build proteins. According to this idea, called the codon ramp hypothesis, ribosomes wait on the on-ramp, then accelerate slowly along the mRNA highway, allowing the cell to make proteins with all deliberate speed. But without the on-ramp, the ribosomes gun it down the mRNA highway, then collide like bumper cars, causing traffic accidents that slow protein production. Other biologists suspected rare codons acted via different mechanisms. These include mRNA folding, which could create roadblocks for ribosomes that block the highway and slow protein production.

To see which ideas were correct, the three researchers used a high-speed, multiplexed method that they'd reported in August in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

First, they tested how well rare codons activated genes by mass-producing 14,000 snippets of DNA with either common or rare codons; splicing them near the start of a gene that makes cells glow green, and inserting each of those hybrid genes into different bacteria. Then they grew those bugs, sorted them into bins based on how intensely they glowed, and sequenced the snippets to look for rare codons.

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A hidden genetic code for better designer genes

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Biofeedstock Company Proterro Names Bioprocessing Expert Engineering VP


Proterro, Inc., the only biofeedstock company that actually makes sucrose instead of extracting it from crops or deconstructing cellulosic materials, has named Timothy Cooper, Ph.D., vice president of engineering.

Dr. Cooper joins Proterros executive team with more than two decades of deep experience in bioprocessing. Prior to joining Proterro, he was responsible for Eastman Chemical Companys biotechnology effort, managing genetic engineering and fermentation development programs, and driving generation of intellectual property.

Before Eastman Chemical, Dr. Cooper was fermentation research leader at Dow AgroSciences LLC, where he was responsible for development and scale-up of new fermentation processes and managing the fermentation development efforts of three laboratories.

At Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Dr. Cooper directed the companys fermentation and recovery development effort that solved key manufacturing obstacles of a complicated, multicomponent vaccine, successfully scaling the process to commercial volumes.

Dr. Coopers experience also includes:

A member of the American Chemical Society and the Society of Industrial Microbiology, Dr. Cooper earned a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from Tennessee Technological University and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin.

Other Proterro News

In a separate announcement today Proterro said it has reached new milestones in development. (See Proterro Meets Key Milestones)

About Proterro, Inc.

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Biofeedstock Company Proterro Names Bioprocessing Expert Engineering VP

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetic engineering course wins Science magazine prize

Public release date: 26-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Natasha Pinol 202-326-6440 American Association for the Advancement of Science

Biology students at the University of Minnesota take a course in their very first semester in which they propose their own gene-based solution to a problem. Among the projects they have worked on was a camouflage military suit that could change color through the use of a gene that allows an octopus to camouflage itselfa technology that happened to be developed by the U.S. military a few years later.

"We've got these undergrads who propose amazingly practical, valuable, doable and sophisticated projects," Sue Wick, director of biology major undergraduate studies at the University of Minnesota and one of four professors there who developed the course.

Because of its effectiveness at teaching undergraduates how to think like professional biologists, the Genetic Engineering Proposal curriculum module has been chosen to receive the Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction.

The Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction (IBI) was developed to showcase outstanding materials, usable in a wide range of schools and settings, for teaching introductory science courses at the college level. The materials must be designed to encourage students' natural curiosity about how the world works, rather than to deliver facts and principles about what scientists have already discovered. Organized as one free-standing "module," the materials should offer real understanding of the nature of science, as well as provide an experience in generating and evaluating scientific evidence. Each month, Science publishes an essay by a recipient of the award, which explains the winning project. The essay about the Genetic Engineering Proposal, written by course co-creators Wick, Mark Decker, David Matthes and Robin Wright, will be published on September 27.

"We want to recognize innovators in science education, as well as the institutions that support them," says Bruce Alberts, editor-in-chief emeritus of Science. "At the same time, this competition will promote those inquiry-based laboratory modules with the most potential to benefit science students and teachers. The publication of an essay in Science on each winning module will encourage more college teachers to use these outstanding resources, thereby promoting science literacy."

From its inception, the Genetic Engineering Proposal course module has applied one main principle: that students should do biology, rather than just read about it. This idea was familiar to Wick, even when she was taking high school biology at her Milwaukee, Wisc., all-girls high school. Her teacher, a former medical technologist, made sure her students' science education was inquiry-based.

"There was inquiry, the idea of exploring, that we didn't know everything, that there were still so many things to discover, to explore and find out about," Wick says.

With her teacher's encouragement, Wick participated in a National Science Foundation summer high school program, took Advanced Placement biology, and ultimately went on to earn a PhD in the biological sciences.

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Genetic engineering course wins Science magazine prize

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

From Steve Jobs to Google, tech leaders help drive personalized medicine

A type of DNA test the Apple CEO hoped might save his life is becoming widely available.

If you need proof of how information technology is influencing biotech, take a look at Foundation Medicine, the Boston-area diagnostics company that went public on Wednesday.

Its stock price quickly doubled after the IPO. And one reason is surely its links to stratospheric tech names from the West Coast. The company is backed by both Google and Bill Gates, and the core idea behind its technology was once tried out on Apple founder Steve Jobs.

Foundation sells a $5,800 test that looks in detail at the DNA of a person with cancer. The concept is that a comprehensive catalogue of genetic mutations in a persons tumor will show exactly whats driving the cancer and help doctors choose what drug will work best (see Foundation Medicine: Personalizing Cancer Drugs.)

It turns out that Jobs was one of the first peopleand certainly the best-knownto try this kind of all-in genetic strategy to beat cancer. As recounted in Walter Isaacsons biography of the Apple CEO, Jobs spent $100,000 to learn the DNA sequence of his genome and that of the tumors killing him. Jobs was jumping between treatments and hoped DNA would provide clues about where to turn next.

One of Jobss doctors I spoke to indicated that in the end DNA did not prove key to steering his treatment. But Jobs believed that medicine was taking strides. He famously said, Im either going to be one of the first to be able to outrun a cancer like this, or Im going to be one of the last to die from it.

According to Isaacson, some of the DNA analysis was done by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and his book tells how researchers travelled to California to brief Jobs five months before his death in 2011. While Broad wasnt able to confirm its role to me (events around Jobss illness are still closely guarded), by the time Jobs died four of the institute's top scientists were already deeply involved in setting up Foundation Medicine, which is based on their work studying cancer mutations.

The companys test, called FoundationOne, essentially offers the public the same type of DNA screening information that Jobs was among the first to get. Its a test that sequences 236 genes involved in cancer, detailing the dangerous mutations that are causing them to grow.

Google and Gates are two of the largest investors in Foundation Medicinethey own 9 percent and 4 percent of the company, respectively. One motive for their investment, I think, is that DNA is a profoundly digital molecule. And now that its become very cheap to decode, genetic data is piling up by the terabyte. Tech executives understand that and can see how to make a business out of it.

For a company like Foundation, which sprang out of genetics labs, having Google on board has been a big help. The search giant's venture arm, Google Ventures, which made the investment, has helped Foundation build software called the Interactive Cancer Explorer (see this promotional video) so doctors can access DNA reports on patients. Google also lends a hand recruiting technical personnel. And it sounds as if they may be helping Foundation launch a mobile app next year.

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From Steve Jobs to Google, tech leaders help drive personalized medicine

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Steve Jobs Left a Legacy on Personalized Medicine

A type of DNA test the Apple CEO hoped might save his life is becoming widely available.

Final slide: In 2011, Steve Jobs spent $100,000 to discover the genetic basis of the cancer that killed him.

If you need proof of how information technology is influencing biotech, take a look at Foundation Medicine, the Boston-area diagnostics company that went public on Wednesday.

Its stock price quickly doubled after the IPO. And one reason is surely its links to stratospheric tech names from the West Coast. The company is backed by both Google and Bill Gates, and the core idea behind its technology was once tried out on Apple founder Steve Jobs.

Foundation sells a $5,800 test that looks in detail at the DNA of a person with cancer. The concept is that a comprehensive catalogue of genetic mutations in a persons tumor will show exactly whats driving the cancer and help doctors choose what drug will work best (see Foundation Medicine: Personalizing Cancer Drugs.)

It turns out that Jobs was one of the first peopleand certainly the best-knownto try this kind of all-in genetic strategy to beat cancer. As recounted in Walter Isaacsons biography of the Apple CEO, Jobs spent $100,000 to learn the DNA sequence of his genome and that of the tumors killing him. Jobs was jumping between treatments and hoped DNA would provide clues about where to turn next.

One of Jobss doctors I spoke to indicated that in the end DNA did not prove key to steering his treatment. But Jobs believed that medicine was taking strides. He famously said, Im either going to be one of the first to be able to outrun a cancer like this, or Im going to be one of the last to die from it.

According to Isaacson, some of the DNA analysis was done by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and his book tells how researchers travelled to California to brief Jobs five months before his death in 2011. While Broad wasnt able to confirm its role to me (events around Jobss illness are still closely guarded), by the time Jobs died four of the institutes top scientists were already deeply involved in setting up Foundation Medicine, which is based on their work studying cancer mutations.

The companys test, called FoundationOne, essentially offers the public the same type of DNA screening information that Jobs was among the first to get. Its a test that sequences 236 genes involved in cancer, detailing the dangerous mutations that are causing them to grow.

Google and Gates are two of the largest investors in Foundation Medicinethey own 9 percent and 4 percent of the company, respectively. One motive for their investment, I think, is that DNA is a profoundly digital molecule. And now that its become very cheap to decode, genetic data is piling up by the terabyte. Tech executives understand that and can see how to make a business out of it.

View original post here:
Steve Jobs Left a Legacy on Personalized Medicine

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

A Genetic Matchmaking Movie Isn't So Far-Fetched

An upcoming film, The Perfect 46, is about a fictional genomics company with a not-so-fictional idea.

What if finding The One meant finding the person whose genome is most compatible with your own?

Thats the question raised by an upcoming movie called The Perfect 46. Writer/director Brett Ryan Bonowicz presented a near-final version of the film on Wednesday night at the Consumer Genetics Conference in Boston. Self-driving cars and disposable electronic package trackers set the film in an unspecified year in the future, but one that isnt so far away that you cant find a VCR or bulky television set.

The story centers around a genome-analysis company, The Perfect 46, that has developed an algorithm to determine the likelihood of prospective parents having a child with genetic disease. The promise is that future generations could be free of single-gene disorders like cystic fibrosis or even complex diseases like diabetes, if only everyone would work together to prevent these conditions in their children.

Sure, it sounds a bit like Gattaca, but unlike that 1997 film, The Perfect 46 does not feel like its happening in some distant era. In fact, I was struck by how unfuturistic it all seemed.

The real genetic analysis startup GenePeeks already says it can help sperm bank clients avoid donors whose genetic material may cause disease when combined with their own (see Genetic Screening Can Uncover Risky Matches at the Sperm Bank). And for couples planning to have a baby together, Counsyl and GoodStart Genetics can screen one or both partners to see whether they carry any DNA variants that could cause disease if combined with a similar genetic problem (see Better Screening for Deadly Genetic Diseases).

I met Bonowicz at the conference and he agreed that his science-fiction film is not that far outside the realm of possibility. Once I had the idea to write the film I realized I had to make it this year or not at all because a company is going to be doing this in four to five years, he says.

On a very small scale, genetic matchmaking is already happening, albeit not led by a company but by families affected by the disease and concerned medical groups. In the last few decades, the number of children born with Tay-Sachs diseasea neurodegenerative disorder that often takes a childs life by the age of fivehas been reduced by 90 percent in North American Ashkenazi Jews. Bulldozing that disease depended on gene-savvy matchmakers and in utero testing.

Another difference from Gattaca is the lack of a committed stance to whether genetic screening is a good or bad idea. The films protagonist heralds his matchmaking algorithm as a way to eliminate disease, but the film also touches on some of the fears surrounding genetic screening in reproductive medicine:What is a genetic defect and what is valuable human variation? Who decides what is healthy and what is not? When is it okay to intervene? And what if the screening doesnt go as planned? Bonowicz says he hopes that audiences will have conflicting opinions about the film. I wanted to start a conversation, he says. Thats the only way to push forward.

Bonowicz is looking to premiere a final version of the movie at a film festival next year.

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A Genetic Matchmaking Movie Isn't So Far-Fetched

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

Genetic map developed linking complex diseases

Sep. 26, 2013 Although heavily studied, the specific genetic causes of "complex diseases," a category of disorders which includes autism, diabetes and heart disease, are largely unknown due to byzantine genetic and environmental interactions.

Now, scientists from the University of Chicago have created one of the most expansive analyses to date of the genetic factors at play in complex diseases -- by using diseases with known genetic causes to guide them. Analyzing more than 120 million patient records and identifying trends of co-occurrence among hundreds of diseases, they created a unique genetic map that has the potential to guide researchers and clinicians in diagnosing, identifying risk factors for and someday developing therapies against complex diseases. The work was published Sept. 26 in Cell.

"For the first time we've found that almost every complex disease has a unique set of associations with single-gene diseases. This essentially gives us 'barcodes' of specific gene loci, which we can use to help untangle the complex genetics of complex diseases," said Andrey Rzhetsky, PhD, professor of genetic medicine and human genetics at the University of Chicago, who led the study.

The majority of human diseases are complex and caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. On the other end of the spectrum are Mendelian diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia, which are caused by abnormalities to a single gene. Some Mendelian disorders are known to predispose patients to certain complex diseases, but these co-occurrences have thus far only been studied on a small-scale basis.

To expose any underlying shared genetic structures between these disease categories, Rzhetsky and his team developed computational algorithms to parse more than 120 million patient billing records from hospitals systems across the U.S. and from nearly the entire population of Demark. They looked for trends in comorbidity, or the occurrence of both complex and Mendelian disease in the same patient, that were higher than expected from random chance. They studied these correlations in 65 complex diseases affecting almost every system in the body, including arthritis, depression and lung cancer, and in 95 Mendelian disease groups (representing 213 disorders).

The team uncovered 2,909 statistically significant associations, as well as corresponding levels of relative risk between every disease pair. Some comorbidities were well known, such as the strong link between lipoprotein deficiencies and heart attack, but the vast majority were previously unknown. For example, Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder, was found to have significant comorbidities with neuropsychiatric diseases such as autism, bipolar disorder and depression. Fragile X syndrome, an intellectual disability disorder, has significant associations with asthma, psoriasis and viral infection, highlighting a potential immune system dysfunction in these patients.

"Since the Mendelian diseases are associated with known genetic loci, we have essentially created a genetic map for complex disease using Mendelian disorders as markers," said David Blair, a graduate student at the University of Chicago and first author on the study. "These loci represent great candidates for uncovering subtle genetic variations, some which might not directly cause Mendelian disease but still impact the risk for developing complex diseases."

This genetic map is immediately useful for geneticists and clinicians as a gauge to the level of risk of developing complex disease among their patients with Mendelian diseases. But it also gives scientists a wealth of new data and a unique approach by which to better understand and develop therapeutics against complex diseases. The team also discovered that genetic insults underlying Mendelian diseases do not appear to independently contribute to complex diseases but likely interact in a combinatorial way to ultimately cause the disorders.

"Individuals with multiple Mendelian disease-causing genetic variants end up having a much higher risk for a complex disease than we would predict given that the variants act in isolation," Blair said.

The team hopes to expand their study to even more diseases and larger population data and to compare their predictions against the whole genome data of a broad population.

Genetic map developed linking complex diseases

Recommendation and review posted by Bethany Smith

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