Tried and Tested: Can Bio Regenerative Skincare really reverse ageing? LLM tried it out – Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

Posted: May 24, 2024 at 2:42 am

Words by Melissa Harvey

I might still be 25 in my head, but theres no avoiding the fact Im two decades older when I look in the mirror. In the last couple of years, things have definitely gone south (literally). The fine lines around my eyes are starting to look more like crevices, the wrinkles in my forehead dont soften however well rested I am and my skin seems permanently tired and dull. Though Ive always steered clear of Botox, Id started to wonder if I should bite the bullet and give it a go.

Then I heard about the space age-sounding epigenetic skincare. Epigenetics is the study of the way genes are controlled in the body including how lifestyle and environment can affect the way genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes can be stopped and even reversed and are thought to be responsible for 75% of the ageing process. Needless to say, beauty companies have been researching epigenetics for years in the hope of finally finding the ultimate anti-ageing holy grail.

Based in the US, ABG Lab has now developed the worlds first mesotherapy treatments that use this science to turn the clock back on ageing skin. Its launched four treatments at The Harley Street Skin Clinic in London which target mature skin cells with a range of intradermal injectables.

One (MesoEye C71) is designed to target dark circles and eye bags, another (MesoSculpt C71) breaks down fat cells to sculpt and define, smooth cellulite and tighten skin. A third (Meso-Xanthin F199) is best for polluted, damaged skin and photo-ageing and is aimed at those in their 20s and 30s.

Finally, Meso-Wharton P199 is best for those in their 40s and 50s like me. It uses ABG Labs Whartons Jelly Peptide containing synthetic embryonic peptides to target stem cells deep in the skin to keep them functioning well for as long as possible. Its even been claimed that it can reinvigorate the stem cell activity of someone in their 40s to levels of a 25-year-old which had me racing to book in with Dr Aamer Khan, founder of The Harley Street Skin Clinic.

Meso-Wharton speaks to the stem cells and regenerative cells and gets them to behave like when you were younger, he tells me. As we get into our 50s, were reaching the point where very few of our cells are producing collagen. It stimulates the stem cells to produce more collagen so you get younger looking skin.

The bad news is its likely not for you if you hate needles. Four to six treatments are recommended, around a week or two apart, and each treatment involves wait for it around 200 quick intradermal injections all over the face. Though Im told the needle is much smaller than the one used for Botox, its still a little painful even though a numbing cream is applied first. However, I did find each subsequent treatment hurt less, perhaps because I knew what to expect plus its all over in less than ten minutes.

Downtime takes a lot longer. Though some people look normal within 24 hours, it took my skin around six days to settle after each treatment. For the first couple of days, my entire face was covered with small bumps like mosquito bites and I had some bruising after that, though this could be covered with makeup. This would be significantly less obvious in someone without my pale skin however.

About a month after my final treatment, I start to notice small changes. I still look exactly like myself theres no ironed forehead effect but just a bit better and more refreshed. The shadows under my eyes are less obvious and my wrinkles are softer and shallower. My skin looks and feels more hydrated, particularly first thing in the morning. Suddenly, people start unexpectedly telling me I look well (aka less like an exhausted wreck than usual).

Amazingly, epigenetic skincare really has rewound the clock on my rapidly ageing face, although a top-up treatment is needed every three to six months to maintain the radiant, youthful and pleasingly natural effect.

Meso-Wharton P199 is available at The Harley Street Skin Clinic from 450 per session (a course of three to six is recommended). Visit or call 020 7436 4441.

Originally posted here:
Tried and Tested: Can Bio Regenerative Skincare really reverse ageing? LLM tried it out - Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

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