Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation | BrainAndSpinalCord.org

Posted: September 7, 2015 at 9:42 pm

Treatment for spinal cord injuries can be divided into to two stages: acute and rehabilitation. The acute phase begins at the time of injury, and lasts until the person is stabilized. The rehabilitation phase begins as soon as the person has stabilized and is ready to begin working toward his or her independence.

During the acute phase, it is very important that the person receive prompt medical care. The faster the person accesses treatment, the better his or her chances are at having the least amount of impairment possible. In most cases, like in the all too common suv rollover, the injured person will be sent to the closest hospital or center equipped to deal with spinal cord injuries.

The first few days of the acute stage are accompanied by spinal shock, in which the persons reflexes dont work. During this stage, its very difficult to determine an exact prognosis, as some function beyond what is currently being seen may occur later. At this stage other complications from the accident or injury will also be present, such as brain injury, broken bones, or bruising.

Once the acute phase is over and the person has been stabilized, he or she enters the rehabilitation stage of treatment. Treatment during this phase has the goal of returning as much function as possible to the person. Because all spinal cord injuries are different, a unique plan designed to help the person function and succeed in everyday life is designed. The plan often includes:

In most cases, rehabilitation occurs at an approved and accredited spinal cord injury treatment center.

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Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation | BrainAndSpinalCord.org

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